West Virginia State Standards for Social Studies: Grade 11

Currently Perma-Bound only has suggested titles for grades K-8 in the Science and Social Studies areas. We are working on expanding this.

WV.SS.S.1. Twentieth/Twenty-First Centuries Studies: Citizenship: Students will describe, demonstrate and employ the civic dispositions of good citizenship (Civic Dispositions); develop a respect for symbols, ideas and concepts of the United States and describe the roles of significant individuals (Respect For People, Events, and Symbols); develop and employ the civic skills necessary for effective citizenship by using criteria to make judgments, arrive at and defend positions and evaluate the validity of the positions or data (Evaluation Skills); demonstrate and employ the participatory skills of interacting, monitoring and influencing that are essential for informed, effective and responsible citizenship, including participation in civic life to shape public policy (Participatory Skills); and explain and practice the responsibilities, privileges and rights of United States citizens (Civic Life).

SS.11.1.1. Students will discuss ways citizens can work cooperatively to resolve personal, local, regional, and world conflicts peacefully.

SS.11.1.2. Students will analyze and evaluate the influence of citizen action on public policy and law making.

SS.11.1.3. Students will analyze the changing nature of civic responsibility.

SS.11.1.4. Students will develop positions and formulate actions on the problems of today and predict challenges of the future (e.g., terrorism, religious conflict, weapons of mass destruction, population growth).

SS.11.1.5. Students will evaluate historical and contemporary political communication using such criteria as logical validity, factual accuracy and emotional appeal.

SS.11.1.6. Students will participate in a project of volunteer service.

SS.11.1.7. Students will identify and explain the importance of the personal and political responsibilities, privileges and rights of citizens.

SS.11.1.8. Students will explain the concept of civil disobedience, provide examples and evaluate its use.

WV.SS.S.2. Twentieth/Twenty-First Centuries Studies: Civics/Government: Students will identify, examine and analyze the purposes and basic principles of the United States government (Purposes of Government); explain, evaluate and analyze the origins and meaning of the principles, ideals and core democratic values expressed in the foundational documents of the United States (Ideals of United States Democracy); identify, examine and explain the structure, function and responsibilities of governments and the allocation of power at the local, state and national levels (United States Government and Politics); and analyze how the world is organized politically and describe the role and relationship of the United States to other nations and to world affairs (United States Government and World Affairs).

SS.11.2.1. Students will explain the reasons for amendments ratified since 1900 and analyze their effects on American society.

SS.11.2.2. Students will explain the role of the president in the formation of national and foreign policy.

SS.11.2.3. Students will critique the interaction of the three branches of the federal government in an increasingly complex society.

SS.11.2.4. Students will analyze the election process and the role of political parties and special interest groups.

SS.11.2.5. Students will evaluate the formation, role and impact of third parties in the United States.

SS.11.2.6. Students will examine historical and current conflicts and crises and compare resolutions within the framework of constitutional and totalitarian systems of government.

SS.11.2.7. Students will analyze judicial review and the procedure used to render decisions.

SS.11.2.8. Students will analyze the changing nature of federalism and the growth of national government.

SS.11.2.9. Students will critique the purposes and performance of international governmental and non-governmental organizations.

WV.SS.S.3. Twentieth/Twenty-First Centuries Studies: Economics: Students will analyze the role of economic choices in scarcity, supply and demand, resource allocation, decision making, voluntary exchange and trade-offs (Choices); research, critique and evaluate the roles of private and public institutions in the economy (Institutions); compare and contrast various economic systems and analyze their impact on individual citizens (Economic Systems); describe and demonstrate how the factors of production apply to the United States economic system (Factors of Production); analyze the elements of competition and how they impact the economy (Competition); and examine and evaluate the interdependence of global economies (Global Economies).

SS.11.3.1. Students will evaluate the lifestyle changes brought on by industrialization, technology and transportation (e.g., debate industrialization vs. maintaining natural environment and the implications for tourism).

SS.11.3.2. Students will compare/contrast the provision of services in developed and developing nations (e.g., health care, education, military).

SS.11.3.3. Students will explain monetary policy and its effect on society.

SS.11.3.4. Students will explain the business cycle and how different political systems formulate policy.

SS.11.3.5. Students will analyze the causes and consequences of the United States' national debt and its effect on the world economic system.

SS.11.3.6. Students will apply Gross Domestic Product and per capita income calculations to compare the economies of different nations.

SS.11.3.7. Students will analyze how basic economic systems deal with supply/demand, investment/capital, savings, and labor/labor unions.

SS.11.3.8. Students will analyze and evaluate the economies of developing nations.

SS.11.3.9. Students will explain the impact of technology and industrialization on the development of mass production and mass consumption.

SS.11.3.10. Students will assess national and international economic interdependence.

SS.11.3.11. Students will predict the outcomes of changes in all types of taxation (e.g., property, income, sales).

WV.SS.S.4. Twentieth/Twenty-First Centuries Studies: Geography: Students will interpret, use and construct maps, globes and other geographic tools to locate and derive information about personal directions, people, places and environments (The World in Spatial Terms); describe the physical and human characteristics of place and explain how the lives of people are rooted in places and regions (Places and Regions); describe and explain the physical processes that shape the earth's surface and create, sustain and modify the cultural and natural environment (Physical Systems); identify, explain and analyze how the earth is shaped by the movement of people and their activities (Human Systems); analyze the interaction of society with the environment (Environment and Society); and explain geographic perspective and the tools and techniques available for geographic study (Uses of Geography).

SS.11.4.1. Students will read and interpret maps, graphs, charts, cartoons and timelines.

SS.11.4.2. Students will identify and locate the places significant to each period of study.

SS.11.4.3. Students will transform primary data into maps, graphs and charts.

SS.11.4.4. Students will relate and interpret the importance of geographic factors to social, political, economic and technological change (e.g., describe how West Virginia's geography has influenced laws that impact business, including tourism, as well as the quality of life in the state).

SS.11.4.5. Students will identify United States settlement patterns after 1900 and draw conclusions about causes and effects.

SS.11.4.6. Students will analyze and assess the impact of human decision-making and technology on the environment.

SS.11.4.7. Students will interpret and assess the impact of predictable annual climate change (e.g., monsoon, flooding).

SS.11.4.8. Students will interpret and assess the impact of unpredictable environmental changes (e.g., earthquakes, El Nino, drought, flooding).

SS.11.4.9. Students will apply geographic factors/features in relationship to development of civilizations.

SS.11.4.10. Students will relate and interpret the importance of geographic resources to international conflicts and cooperation since 1900 (e.g., discuss how United States dependence on Middle Eastern oil resulted in geo-political consequences).

SS.11.4.11. Students will predict how physical and human geographic features influence the evolution of significant historic events and movements.

WV.SS.S.5. Twentieth/Twenty-First Centuries Studies: History: Students will examine, analyze and explain historical relationships using chronology to sequence and organize events and people in history (Chronology); use the processes and resources of historical inquiry to gather, examine, compare, analyze and interpret historical data (Skills and Application); examine, analyze and synthesize historical knowledge of major events, individuals, cultures and the humanities in West Virginia, the United States and the world (Culture and Humanities); use historical knowledge to analyze local, state, national and global interdependence (Interpretation and Evaluation); and examine political institutions and theories that have developed and changed over time (Political Institutions).

SS.11.5.1. Students will analyze and explain the response of the United States and the world to industrialization and urbanization.

SS.11.5.2. Students will assess the impact of United States foreign policy on different world regions (e.g., Open Door Policy, Good Neighbor Policy, Lend-Lease).

SS.11.5.3. Students will critique United States immigration policies and assess the contributions of immigrant groups and individuals.

SS.11.5.4. Students will analyze and explain the political, social and economic importance of World War I.

SS.11.5.5. Students will analyze and explain the effects of the Great Depression on worldwide economic conditions.

SS.11.5.6. Students will identify the major goals and analyze the impact of the New Deal.

SS.11.5.7. Students will analyze and evaluate the major causes, events, personalities and effects of World War II.

SS.11.5.8. Students will explain and assess the economic, social and political transformation of the United States since World War II.

SS.11.5.9. Students will analyze and explain United States and world foreign policy since World War II.

SS.11.5.10. Students will describe the development and impact of the United States' labor movement.

SS.11.5.11. Students will trace and analyze the world labor movement and its political, social and economic effects.

SS.11.5.12. Students will investigate concerns, issues and conflicts related to universal human rights (e.g., Holocaust, diversity, tolerance, genocide).

SS.11.5.13. Students will compare and contrast worldwide de-colonization and independence movements in the twentieth century (e.g., Israel, India, Indo-China, third world countries).

SS.11.5.14. Students will sequence and assess the development of civil rights in the United States and the world and describe the contributions of significant civil rights leaders.

SS.11.5.15. Students will research the origins and implications of the nuclear age and the Cold War.

SS.11.5.16. Students will explain the rise of Communism and describe its current status, including the breakup of the Soviet Union.

SS.11.5.17. Students will identify and analyze the causes and consequences of regional conflicts (e.g., Middle East, Latin America, Africa, Europe).

SS.11.5.18. Students will identify and analyze the effects of extremists and terrorists within and among nations, and predict their future effects.

SS.11.5.19. Students will describe the effect of technology and its impact in creating a global community (e.g., computers, space exploration, medicine).

SS.11.5.20. Students will explain how emerging nations influence world events.

SS.11.5.21. Students will compare and evaluate the impact of stereotyping, conformity, acts of altruism and other behaviors on individuals and groups.

SS.11.5.22. Students will explain how language, art, music and other cultural elements can facilitate global understanding.

SS.11.5.23. Students will evaluate the role of technology in communications, transportation, information processing, weapons development and other areas as it contributes to or helps resolve conflicts.

SS.11.5.24. Students will evaluate, take and defend positions on foreign policy issues in light of American national interests, values and principles.

SS.11.5.25. Students will compare and contrast Fascism, Nazism and Communism.

SS.11.5.26. Students will identify and analyze world conflicts, including causes and consequences (e.g., World War I, World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Gulf War, Operation Enduring Freedom/Afghanistan Military Crisis).

SS.11.5.27. Students will analyze the goals and actions of reformers and reform movements (e.g., social, economic, political).

SS.11.5.28. Students will develop skills in discussion, debate and persuasive writing by evaluating different assessments of the causes, costs and benefits of major events in the twentieth century.

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