Washington State Standards for Social Studies: Grade 1

Currently Perma-Bound only has suggested titles for grades K-8 in the Science and Social Studies areas. We are working on expanding this.

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WA.2. ECONOMICS - The student applies understanding of economic concepts and systems to analyze decision-making and the interactions between individuals, households, businesses, governments, and societies.

2.1. Understands that people have to make choices between wants and needs and evaluate the outcomes of those choices.

2.1.1. ECONOMIC CHOICES: Understands that when individuals and families make choices about meeting their needs and wants, something is gained and something is given up. 5
Suggested Titles for Washington Social Studies State Standard 2.1.1.

WA.3. GEOGRAPHY - The student uses a spatial perspective to make reasoned decisions by applying the concepts of location, region, and movement and demonstrating knowledge of how geographic features and human cultures impact environments.

3.1. Understands the physical characteristics, cultural characteristics, and location of places, regions, and spatial patterns on the Earth's surface.

3.1.1. MAPS AND GEOGRAPHIC TOOLS: Understands and uses maps and globes to identify major bodies of water and continental land masses. 8
Suggested Titles for Washington Social Studies State Standard 3.1.1.

3.2. Understands human interaction with the environment.

3.2.1. HUMAN-ENVIRONMENTAL INTERACTION: Understands that the way families live is shaped by the environment. 4
Suggested Titles for Washington Social Studies State Standard 3.2.1.

3.2.3. HUMAN MIGRATION: Understands why families make decisions to move. 20
Suggested Titles for Washington Social Studies State Standard 3.2.3.

WA.4. HISTORY - The student understands and applies knowledge of historical thinking, chronology, eras, turning points, major ideas, individuals, and themes in local, Washington State, tribal, United States, and world history in order to evaluate how history shapes the present and future.

4.1. Understands historical chronology.

4.1.1. CHRONOLOGY: Understands and creates family timelines to show events in a sequential manner. 32
Suggested Titles for Washington Social Studies State Standard 4.1.1.

4.4. Uses history to understand the present and plan for the future.

4.4.1. HISTORICAL ANTECENDENTS: Understands how knowledge of family history can be used to make current choices. 31
Suggested Titles for Washington Social Studies State Standard 4.4.1.

WA.5. SOCIAL STUDIES SKILLS - The student understands and applies reasoning skills to conduct research, deliberate, form, and evaluate positions through the processes of reading, writing, and communicating.

5.2. Uses inquiry-based research.

5.2.1. FORMS QUESTIONS: Understands how questions are used to find out information. 3
Suggested Titles for Washington Social Studies State Standard 5.2.1.

5.2.2. ANALYZES SOURCES: Uses texts and visuals to identify the main ideas or key details to study family life. 20
Suggested Titles for Washington Social Studies State Standard 5.2.2.

5.3. Deliberates public issues.

5.3.1. DELIBERATION: Engages in discussions to learn about how families live around the world. 3
Suggested Titles for Washington Social Studies State Standard 5.3.1.

5.4. Creates a product that uses social studies content to support a thesis and presents the product in an appropriate manner to a meaningful audience.

5.4.1. CREATES POSITION AND PRODUCT: Describes how different people live using a graphic organizer. 9
Suggested Titles for Washington Social Studies State Standard 5.4.1.

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