Washington State Standards for Language Arts: Grade 8

Currently Perma-Bound only has suggested titles for grades K-8 in the Science and Social Studies areas. We are working on expanding this.

WA.1. Reading: The student understands and uses different skills and strategies to read.

1.2. Use vocabulary (word meaning) strategies to comprehend text.

1.2.2. Apply strategies to comprehend words and ideas.

1.2.2.a. Use word origins to determine the meaning of unknown words.

1.2.2.b. Use abstract, derived root words, prefixes, and suffixes from Greek and Latin to analyze the meaning of complex words (e.g., statistic, statistician).

1.2.2.c. Use vocabulary strategies to understand new words and concepts in informational/expository text and literary/narrative text.

1.2.2.d. Use graphic features to clarify and extend meaning (e.g., science processes, diagrams).

1.3. Build vocabulary through wide reading.

1.3.2. Understand and apply content/academic vocabulary critical to the meaning of the text, including vocabularies relevant to different contexts, cultures, and communities. W

1.3.2.a. Integrate new vocabulary from informational/expository text and literary/narrative text (including text from a variety of cultures and communities; (e.g., lift as used in England compared to the U.S.A.) into written and oral communication.

1.3.2.b. Explain the meaning of content-specific vocabulary words (e.g., photosynthesis, democracy, algorithms).

1.3.2.c. Select, from multiple choices, the meaning of a word identified in the text.

1.3.2.d. Transfer knowledge of vocabulary learned in content areas to comprehend other grade-level informational/expository text and literary/narrative text (e.g., definition of solar in science transferred to understanding science fiction text).

1.4. Apply word recognition skills and strategies to read fluently.

1.4.2. Apply fluency to enhance comprehension.

1.4.2.a. Read grade-level and informational/expository text and literary/narrative text orally with accuracy, using appropriate pacing, phrasing, and expression.

1.4.2.b. Read aloud unpracticed grade-level text with fluency in a range of 145-155+ words correct per minute.

1.4.3. Apply different reading rates to match text.

1.4.3.a. Adjust reading rate by speeding up or slowing down based on purpose (e.g., pleasure, informational reading, task-oriented reading), text level of difficulty, form, and style.

WA.2. Reading: The student understands the meaning of what is read.

2.1. Demonstrate evidence of reading comprehension.

2.1.3. Apply comprehension monitoring strategies during and after reading: determine importance using theme, main idea, and supporting details in grade-level informational/expository text and/or literary/narrative text. W

2.1.3.a. State both literal and/or inferred main ideas and provide supporting text-based details.

2.1.3.b. State the theme/message and supporting details in culturally relevant literary/narrative text.

2.1.3.c. Choose, from multiple choices, a title that best fits the selection and provide details from the text to support the choice.

2.1.3.d. Select, from multiple choices, a sentence that best states the theme or main idea of a story, poem, or selection.

2.1.3.e. Organize theme, main idea and supporting details into a self-created graphic organizer to enhance text comprehension.

2.1.4. Apply comprehension monitoring strategies for informational and technical materials, complex narratives, and exposition: use prior knowledge.

2.1.4.a. Use previous experience, knowledge of current issues, information previously learned to make connections, draw conclusions, and generalize about what is read (e.g., relate what is learned in chemistry to new learning in biology; connect the author's perspective and/or the historical context to text).

2.1.5. Apply comprehension monitoring strategies for informational and technical materials, complex narratives, and expositions: predict and infer. W

2.1.5.a. Make inferences based on implicit and explicit information drawn from text and provide justification for those inferences.

2.1.5.b. Make, confirm, and revise predictions based on prior knowledge and evidence from the text (e.g., using main idea statements, predict what kind of information the author will present next).

2.1.5.c. Select, from multiple choices, a prediction , inference, or assumption that could be made from the text.

2.1.5.d. Organize information to support a prediction or inference in a self-created graphic organizer.

2.1.6. Apply comprehension monitoring strategies for informational and technical materials, complex narratives, and expositions: monitor for meaning, create mental images, and generate and answer questions.

2.1.6.a. Monitor for meaning by identifying where and why comprehension was lost and use comprehension-repair strategies to regain meaning.

2.1.6.b. Develop questions before, during, and after reading and use knowledge of questioning strategies to locate answers.

2.1.6.c. Use mental imagery while reading.

2.1.6.d. Organize images and information into a self-created graphic organizer to enhance text comprehension.

2.1.7. Apply comprehension monitoring strategies for informational and technical materials, complex narratives, and expositions: determine importance and summarize text. W

2.1.7.a. Create an informational summary that includes an introductory statement, main ideas, and supporting text-based details; make connections among the key ideas from the entire text; use own words in an objective voice; is accurate to the original text; and avoids interpretation or judgment.

2.1.7.b. Create a literary summary that includes an introduction stating the theme and/or author's message supported by text-based evidence; use own words in an objective voice; is accurate to the original text.

2.1.7.c. Select, from multiple choices, a sentence that best summarizes the text.

2.1.7.d. Organize summary information for informational/expository, technical materials, and complex narratives into a self-created graphic organizer to enhance text comprehension.

2.2. Understand and apply knowledge of text components to comprehend text.

2.2.1. Analyze an author's use of time, order, and/or sequence to extend comprehension of text.

2.2.1.a. Analyze an author's development of time and sequence through the use of literary devices such as foreshadowing, flashbacks, dream sequences, parallel episodes and the use of traditional and/or cultural-based organizational patterns.

2.2.1.b. Explain the use of order or steps in a process to convey meaning in an informational/expository text (e.g., scientific experiments, legislative processes, mathematical procedures, Native American talking circles and ceremonies).

2.2.2. Apply understanding of complex organizational features of printed text and electronic sources. W

2.2.2.a. Use text features to verify, support, or clarify meaning.

2.2.2.b. Select, from multiple choices, the purpose of a specific text feature and/or information learned from a text feature.

2.2.2.c. Use the features of electronic information to communicate, gain information, or research a topic.

2.2.3. Understand and analyze story elements. W

2.2.3.a. Interpret how situations, actions, and other characters influence a character's personality and development.

2.2.3.b. Explain how a story's plots and subplots contribute to (or don't advance) the conflict and resolution.

2.2.3.c. Explain the influence of setting on mood, character, and plot.

2.2.3.d. Explain the author's point of view and interpret how it influences the text.

2.2.3.e. Compare/contrast common recurring themes in books by the same or different authors.

2.2.4. Apply understanding of text organizational structures.

2.2.4.a. Recognize and use knowledge of previously taught text organizational structures (description, comparison and contrast, sequential order, chronological order, cause and effect, order of importance, process/procedural, concept/definition, and problem/solution) to aid comprehension.

2.2.4.b. Identify text written in episodic and generalization/principle organizational structure to find and/or organize information and comprehend text.

2.3. Expand comprehension by analyzing, interpreting, and synthesizing information and ideas in literary and informational text.

2.3.1. Analyze informational/expository text and literary/narrative text for similarities and differences and cause and effect relationships. W

2.3.1.a. Compare and contrast information from multiple sources to gain a broader understanding of a topic (e.g., compare and contrast a variety of ecosystems using text-based evidence).

2.3.1.b. Compare and contrast how characters react to the same event using text-based evidence.

2.3.1.c. Select, from multiple choices, a sentence that tells how two text elements are alike or different (e.g., characters, events, information/facts).

2.3.1.d. Explain how certain actions cause certain effects (e.g., how the women's suffrage movement changed the face of politics today or how Indian boarding schools contributed to the loss of Native American languages and culture; how the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II affected traditional Japanese family structure).

2.3.2. Analyze and evaluate informational materials for relevance in meeting a specific purpose.

2.3.2.a. Examine information from a variety of sources, select appropriate information based on purpose, and defend selection citing evidence from text.

2.3.3. Evaluate the author's use of literary devices to enhance comprehension. W

2.3.3.a. Judge the effectiveness of the author's use of literary devices and explain their use to convey meaning.

2.3.3.b. Select, from multiple choices, a sentence from the story/poem/selection that is an example of a specific literary device.

2.3.4. Synthesize information from a variety of sources.

2.3.4.a. Integrate information from different sources (e.g., newspaper article, biographical sketch, poem, oral records) to draw conclusions about character traits and/or author's assumptions.

2.4. Think critically and analyze author's use of language, style, purpose, and perspective in literary and informational text.

2.4.1. Analyze informational/expository text and literary/narrative text to draw conclusions and develop insights. W

2.4.1.a. Draw conclusions from grade-level text (e.g., the most important idea the author is trying to make in the story/poem/selection, what inspiration might be drawn from the story/poem/selection, who might benefit from reading the story/poem/selection).

2.4.1.b. Select, from multiple choices, a statement that best represents the most important conclusion that may be drawn from the selection.

2.4.2. Analyze author's purpose and evaluate an author's style of writing to influence different audiences. W

2.4.2.a. Identify and discuss different authors' use of sentence structure, literary devices, and word choice to impact tone, message, and/or reader's reaction.

2.4.2.b. Explain and provide examples of how an author uses a wide variety of language structures to create an intended effect (e.g., words or phrases from another language, dialect, simile, and metaphor).

2.4.2.c. Examine the author's use of language registry (e.g., frozen, formal, consultative, casual, intimate) and how this influences meaning and different audiences.

2.4.2.d. Select, from multiple choices, a sentence that explains why an author includes a specific technique.

2.4.3. Analyze and evaluate text for validity and accuracy. W

2.4.3.a. Examine and critique the logic (reasoning, assumptions, and beliefs) and use of evidence (existing and missing information; primary and secondary sources) in an author's argument or defense of a claim.

2.4.4. Analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of the author's use of persuasive devices to influence an audience. W

2.4.4.a. Examine and explain the intended effects of persuasive vocabulary (e.g., loaded words, exaggeration, emotional words, euphemisms) that the author uses to influence reader's opinions or actions.

2.4.4.b. Examine and explain the intended effects of propaganda techniques the author uses to influence readers' perspectives.

2.4.4.c. Judge the author's effectiveness in the use of persuasive devices to influence an audience.

2.4.5. Analyze text to generalize, express insight, or respond by connecting to other texts or situations. W

2.4.5.a. Generalize about universal themes, human nature, cultural and historical perspectives, etc., from reading multiple texts.

2.4.5.b. Select, from multiple choices, a sentence that describes the most important idea, concept, or conclusion that can be drawn from the selection.

2.4.5.c. Provide a response to text that expresses an insight (e.g., author's perspective, the nature of conflict) or use text-based information to solve a problem not identified in the text (e.g., use information in an article about fitness to design an exercise routine).

2.4.6. Analyze treatment of concepts within, among, and beyond multiple texts. W

2.4.6.a. Compare and contrast treatments of similar concepts and themes within multiple texts (e.g., how the idea of coming of age is presented in multiple texts representing a variety of cultures).

2.4.6.b. Select, from multiple choices, a sentence that tells how two pieces of information are alike or different.

2.4.7. Analyze and evaluate the reasoning and ideas underlying an author's beliefs and assumptions within multiple texts.

2.4.7.a. Examine informational/expository text and literary/narrative text to show how they reflect the heritage, traditions, and beliefs of the author.

2.4.7.b. Compare and critique two author's beliefs and assumptions about a single topic or issue, citing text-based evidence and decide which author presents the stronger argument.

2.4.7.c. Make judgments about how effectively an author has supported his/her belief and/or assumptions, citing text-based evidence.

2.4.7.d. Select, from multiple choices, a sentence that identifies the author's opinions, assumptions, and beliefs.

2.4.7.e. Select, from multiple choices, a sentence that describes the faulty reasoning of the author or character.

WA.3. Reading: The student reads different materials for a variety of purposes.

3.1. Read to learn new information.

3.1.1. Analyze web-based and other resource materials (including primary sources and secondary sources) for relevance in answering research questions.

3.1.1.a. Examine resource materials to determine appropriate primary sources and secondary sources to use for investigating a question, topic, or issue (e.g., encyclopedia and other reference materials, pamphlets, book excerpts, newspaper and magazine articles, letters to an editor).

3.2. Read to perform a task.

3.2.2. Apply understanding of complex information, including functional documents, to perform a task.

3.2.2.a. Use functional documents to perform a task (e.g., read applications, legal documents, and use that information to perform everyday life functions).

3.3. Read for career applications.

3.3.1. Understand and apply appropriate reading strategies for interpreting technical and non-technical documents used in job-related settings.

3.3.1.a. Select, use, monitor, and adjust appropriate strategies for different reading purposes (e.g., skim/scan for big ideas, close reading for details, inferring information from graphs and charts).

3.3.1.b. Use professional-level materials, including electronic information, that match career or academic interests to make decisions.

3.3.1.c. Select and use appropriate skills for reading a variety of documents (e.g., maps, graphs, blueprints, computer manuals).

3.4. Read for literary experience in a variety of genres.

3.4.2. Analyze traditional and contemporary literature written in a variety of genres.

3.4.2.a. Respond to literature written in a variety of genres (e.g., explain why certain genres are best suited to convey a specific message or invoke a particular response from the reader).

3.4.2.b. Analyze the characteristics and structural elements/essential attributes in a variety of poetic forms (e.g., epic, sonnet, ballad, haiku, free verse).

3.4.3. Understand and analyze recurring themes in literature.

3.4.3.a. Identify motivations and reactions of literary characters from different cultures or historical periods when confronting similar conflicts.

3.4.3.b. Identify and analyze recurring themes in literature across literary genres (e.g., themes of good vs. evil or heroism as expressed in plays, poetry, short stories).

3.4.4. Analyze how great literary works from a variety of cultures contribute to the understanding of self, others, and the world.

3.4.4.a. Compare and contrast traditional, classic, and/or contemporary works of literature that deal with similar topics and problems (e.g., uses of power, family and community structures; meaning of loyalty, freedom, and responsibility).

3.4.4.b. Relate literary works to the traditions, themes, and issues of the era they represent (e.g., the generation gap, women and children in the workforce).

WA.4. Reading: The student sets goals and evaluates progress to improve reading.

4.1. Assess reading strengths and need for improvement.

4.1.2. Evaluate reading progress and apply goal setting strategies and monitor progress toward meeting reading goals.

4.1.2.a. Set goals for reading and develop a reading improvement plan.

4.1.2.b. Track reading progress through the use of such tools as portfolios, learning logs, self-scoring rubrics, or strategy charts.

4.2. Develop interests and share reading experiences.

4.2.1. Evaluate books and authors to share reading experiences with others.

4.2.1.a. Discuss responses to literary experiences and/or ideas gleaned from informational/expository text with others.

1.1. Prewrites to generate ideas and plan writing. (W)

1.1.1. Analyzes and selects effective strategies for generating ideas and planning writing.

1.1.1.a. Generates ideas prior to organizing them and adjusts prewriting strategies accordingly (e.g., free write, outline, list, T-chart for comparing).

1.1.1.b. Maintains a log or journal (electronic or handwritten) to collect and explore ideas; records observations, dialogues, and/or descriptions for later use as a basis for informational, persuasive, or literary writing.

1.1.1.c. Gathers information (e.g., takes notes) from a variety of sources (e.g., Internet, interviews, multimedia, books, periodicals) and chooses an organizer to analyze, synthesize, and evaluate information to plan writing.

1.1.1.d. Uses prewriting stage to determine purpose, analyze audience, select form, research background information, formulate theme (for narrative writing) or a thesis, and/or organize text.

1.2.1. Analyzes task and composes multiple drafts when appropriate.

1.2.1.a. Refers to prewriting plan.

1.2.1.b. Drafts according to audience, purpose, and time.

1.2.1.c. Drafts by hand and/or electronically.

1.2.1.d. Assesses draft and/or feedback, decides if multiple drafts are necessary, and explains decision.

1.3.1. Revises text, including changing words, sentences, paragraphs, and ideas.

1.3.1.a. Selects and uses effective revision tools or strategies based on project (e.g., referring to prewriting, checking sentence beginnings, combining sentences, using ''cut and paste'' word processing functions).

1.3.1.b. Rereads work several times and has a different focus for each reading (e.g., first reading -- looking for variety of sentence structure and length; second reading -- checking for clarity and specific word choice; third reading -- checking for layers of el

1.3.1.c. Decides if revision is warranted.

1.3.1.d. Seeks and considers feedback from a variety of sources (e.g., adults, peers, community members, response groups).

1.3.1.e. Records feedback using writing group procedure (e.g., partner reads writer's work aloud, and writer notes possible revision).

1.3.1.f. Evaluates and justifies the choice to use feedback in revisions (e.g., ''I don't want to change this because ...'').

1.3.1.g. Revises typographic devices (e.g., bullets, numbered lists) to clarify text and to meet requirements of technical writing forms (e.g., lab reports, graphs).

1.3.1.h. Uses multiple resources to improve text (e.g., writing guide, assignment criteria, peer, adult, electronic or other thesaurus).

1.4.1. Edits for conventions (see 3.3).

1.4.1.a. Identifies and corrects errors in conventions.

1.4.1.b. Uses appropriate references and resources (e.g., dictionary, writing/style guide, electronic spelling and grammar check, adult, peer).

1.4.1.c. Edits with a critical eye, often using a self-initiated checklist or editing guide (e.g., conventions or format guidelines).

1.4.1.d. Proofreads final draft for errors.

1.5. Publishes text to share with an audience. (W)

1.5.1. Publishes in formats that are appropriate for specific audiences and purposes.

1.5.1.a. Selects from a variety of publishing options keeping in mind audience and purpose (e.g., e-portfolio, newsletter, contest, school announcement, yearbook).

1.5.1.b. Publishes using a range of graphics and illustrative material (e.g., photos, charts, graphs, tables, time lines, diagrams, cartoons).

1.5.1.c. Publishes material in appropriate form (e.g., multimedia presentation) and format (e.g., photos, graphs, text features).

1.5.1.d. Publishes using visual and dramatic presentations (e.g., skits, interviews).

1.5.1.e. Uses available technological resources to produce, design, and publish a professional-looking final product (e.g., charts, overheads, word processor, photo software, presentation software, publishing software).

1.6. Adjusts writing process as necessary.

1.6.1. Applies understanding of the recursive nature of writing process.

1.6.1.a. Revises at any stage of process.

1.6.1.b. Edits as needed at any stage.

1.6.2. Uses collaborative skills to adapt writing process.

1.6.2.a. Delegates parts of process to team members (e.g., one team member publishes, one edits, and another presents).

1.6.2.b. Collaborates on drafting, revising, and editing.

1.6.2.c. Collaborates on final layout and publishing/presenting (e.g., presentation with slideshow).

1.6.3. Uses knowledge of time constraints to adjust writing process.

1.6.3.a. Adapts time allotted for data gathering and number of drafts for shorter projects.

1.6.3.b. Writes to meet a deadline.

1.6.3.c. Creates a management timeline/flow chart for multi-week written projects (e.g., portfolios, research papers, I-Search papers).

1.6.3.d. Decreases time for prewriting, drafting, revising, and editing when writing on-demand, in-class pieces.

1.6.3.e. Increases time for prewriting, drafting, revising, and editing when working on longer written projects (e.g., research papers, I-Search papers).

2.1.1. Applies understanding of multiple and varied audiences to write effectively.

2.1.1.a. Identifies an intended audience.

2.1.1.b. Analyzes the audience to meet its needs (e.g., uses tone appropriate to culture, age, and gender of audience).

2.1.1.c. Respects the cultural backgrounds of potential audiences (e.g., through word choice, topics).

2.1.1.d. Describes how a particular audience may interpret a text (e.g., by defining terms, using formal language).

2.1.1.e. Anticipates readers' questions and writes accordingly.

2.2.1.c. Writes to analyze informational and literary texts.

2.2.1.d. Writes to learn (e.g., KWL Plus; summary; double-entry journal in math, science, social studies).

2.2.1.e. Writes for more than one purpose using the same form (e.g., a newspaper article used to persuade, to entertain, or to inform).

2.2.1.f. Includes more than one mode within a piece to address purpose (e.g., narrative anecdote to support a position in expository research paper).

2.2.1.g. Writes to examine opposing perspectives (e.g., an argumentative paper examining how white settlement in the Pacific Northwest has had both positive and negative effects).

2.4.1.c. Selects and synthesizes information from technical and career documents for inclusion in writing (e.g., lab report that includes data recorded on graphs).

3.1.1.b. Selects specific details relevant to the topic to extend ideas or develop elaboration (e.g., quotations, data, reasons, multiple examples that build on each other).

3.1.1.c. Uses personal experiences, observations, and/or research to support opinions and ideas (e.g., relevant data to support conclusions in math, science, social studies; appropriate anecdotes to explain or persuade; information synthesized from a variety of so

3.1.1.d. Develops convincing characters (e.g., using details of thoughts, actions, appearance, and speech) and convincing settings (e.g., through the character's point of view or described during action) within a range of plots (e.g., suspense, flashback) in narra

3.1.2. Analyzes and selects effective organizational structures.

3.1.2.a. Writes unified, cohesive paragraphs (e.g., inverted pyramid: broad topic, narrowing focus, specific details).

3.1.2.b. Develops a compelling introduction (e.g., startling statement, setting/description, quotation).

3.1.2.c. Composes an effective ending/ conclusion that is more than a repetition of the introduction (e.g., response to a ''so what'' question, connection to bigger picture).

3.1.2.d. Uses transitional words and phrases between paragraphs to show logical relationships among ideas (e.g., moreover ... , because of this issue ... , equally important ... , as opposed to ... ).

3.1.2.e. Selects and uses effective organizational patterns as determined by purpose: explanations (e.g., process description); comparison (e.g., all similarities grouped together and all differences grouped together); persuasion (e.g., vary sequence of arguments)

3.1.2.f. Emphasizes key ideas through appropriate use of text features (e.g., headings, charts, diagrams, graphs, bullets).

3.2.1. Applies understanding that different audiences and purposes affect writer's voice.

3.2.1.a. Writes with a clearly defined voice appropriate to audience.

3.2.1.b. Writes in an individual, informed voice in expository, technical, and persuasive writing.

3.2.1.c. Writes from more than one point of view or perspective (e.g., cultural perspective for a character's viewpoint in history or literature, first person for I-Search papers, third person for mathematical communication, first or third person for persuasive wr

3.2.2.b. Selects and uses precise language in poetic and narrative writing.

3.2.2.c. Uses the vernacular appropriately.

3.2.2.d. Selects and uses specialized vocabulary relevant to a specific content area (e.g., meteorologist, climatology).

3.2.2.e. Selects and uses persuasive techniques (e.g., powerful and emotional imagery).

3.2.2.f. Selects and uses literary devices (e.g., metaphor, symbols, analogies).

3.2.2.g. Selects and uses sound devices in prose and poetry (e.g., two-syllable rhyme, repetition, rhythm, rhyme schemes).

3.2.2.h. Considers connotation and denotation when selecting works (plump vs. fat, shack vs. house).

3.2.3. Uses a variety of sentences consistent with audience, purpose, and form.

3.2.3.a. Writes a variety of sentence structures and lengths to create a cadence appropriate for audience, purpose, and form.

3.2.3.b. Writes a variety of sentence structures (e.g., inverts sentence to draw attention to the point being made in an essay: ''Down the stream swam the salmon fingerlings.'').

3.2.3.c. Uses a variety of line lengths and rhythms for effect in narrative poems.

3.3.2. Spells accurately in final draft.

3.3.2.a. Uses spelling rules and patterns from previous grades.

3.3.2.b. Uses multiple strategies to spell. Examples: homophones (e.g., capital and capitol); affixes (e.g., dis-, ir-, -ist -ism); Greek and Latin roots (e.g., circus, spiral, vision); words from other languages (e.g., arena, buffet, souffle, lariat); frequently

3.3.2.c. Uses resources to correct own spelling.

3.3.3. Applies capitalization rules.

3.3.3.a. Uses capitalization rules from previous grades.

3.3.3.b. Capitalizes the title of a specific course (e.g., History 9A as opposed to history).

3.3.3.c. Uses resources to check capitalization.

3.3.4. Applies punctuation rules.

3.3.4.a. Uses punctuation rules from previous grades.

3.3.4.b. Uses commas to enclose titles (e.g., Mohammed Abdul, M.D., is a pediatrician.).

3.3.4.c. Uses commas for emphasis or clarity (e.g., What the cook does, does affect the meal.).

3.3.4.d. Places commas and periods inside quotation marks.

3.3.4.e. Uses apostrophes to form plurals of letters or numbers (e.g., Know your ABC's.).

3.3.4.f. Uses apostrophes in possessive compound nouns (e.g., the mother-in-law's birthday).

3.3.4.g. Uses a colon between title and subtitle (e.g., Write Source 2000: A Guide to Thinking, Writing and Learning).

3.3.4.h. Uses diagonal slash (/) correctly: in a fraction; to show choice

3.3.4.i. Uses resources to check punctuation.

3.3.5. Applies usage rules.

3.3.5.a. Applies usage rules from previous grades.

3.3.5.b. Identifies and corrects past grammar and usage issues.

3.3.5.c. Uses fewer vs. less correctly.

3.3.5.d. Uses parallel construction when listing infinitive phrases. Parallel: Jamillah likes to hike, swim, and ride a bicycle. Not parallel: Jamillah likes to hike, to swim, and rides a bicycle.

3.3.5.e. Uses resources to check usage.

3.3.6. Uses complete sentences in writing.

3.3.6.a. May use fragments in dialogue as appropriate.

3.3.7. Applies paragraph conventions.

3.3.7.a. Uses paragraph conventions (e.g., designated by indentation or block format, skipping lines between paragraphs).

3.3.7.b. Uses textual markers (e.g., rows, columns, tables).

3.3.8. Applies conventional forms for citations.

3.3.8.a. Cites sources according to prescribed format (e.g., MLA, APA).

4.1.1. Analyzes and evaluates writing using established criteria.

4.1.1.a. Critiques work, independently and in groups, according to detailed scoring guide, sometimes developed collaboratively (e.g., checklist, rubric, continuum).

4.1.1.b. Identifies persuasive elements in a peers' writing and critiques the effectiveness (e.g., preponderance of evidence, rhetorical questions).

4.1.1.c. Explains accuracy of content and vocabulary for specific curricular areas (e.g., math-specific words when justifying a strategy used during estimation involving integers).

4.1.2.c. Uses criteria to choose and defend choices for a writing portfolio.

4.1.2.d. Provides evidence that goals have been met (e.g., selects piece that shows complex organizational structure).

4.2.1.b. Analyzes progress (e.g., ''I have been supporting my claims with evidence.'').

4.2.1.c. Evaluates goals (e.g., ''I should find more relevant evidence to support my claim.'').

4.2.1.d. Adjusts goals (e.g., ''I will change my goal from supporting claims with more evidence to supporting claims with better evidence.'').

4.2.1.e. Maintains a written log of long-term goals (e.g., ''I will write to multiple audiences, improve and vary my introductions and conclusions, and try a new persuasive technique.'') and a portfolio of work.

1.1.2. Applies a variety of listening and observation skills/strategies to interpret information.

1.1.2.a. Monitors and adjusts strategies to interpret information (e.g., attends and listens carefully, asks clarifying/probing questions, responds with elaboration or paraphrases information, makes connections both within and beyond presentation).

2.3.2.b. Uses understanding of one's communication style to enhance or improve intercultural communication.

3.3.1.d. Uses standard adult grammar to enhance message.

3.3.1.e. Speaks using an extemporaneous style of delivery (e.g., uses notes and outlines rather than a script).

4.1.1.d. Critiques one's own role in the preparation and delivery of small group presentation and/or interviews.

4.1.1.e. Weighs effect of presentation on audience (e.g., uses verbal and nonverbal audience response and feedback to determine effect).

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