Oklahoma State Standards for Social Studies: Grade 1

Currently Perma-Bound only has suggested titles for grades K-8 in the Science and Social Studies areas. We are working on expanding this.

To view all matching titles click here.

OK.1. Social Studies: The student will develop and practice the process skills of social studies.

1.1. Use information located in resources such as encyclopedias, timelines, visual images, atlases, maps, globes, and computer-based technologies. 11
Suggested Titles for Oklahoma Social Studies State Standard 1.1.

1.2. Use children's literature to compare and contrast one's own neighborhood/ community to others. 28
Suggested Titles for Oklahoma Social Studies State Standard 1.2.

OK.2. Social Studies: The student will examine neighborhoods/communities from a spatial perspective.

2.1. Name, identify pictorial examples, and describe distinguishing features of the two basic areas in which people live: cities (urban) and the country (rural). 24
Suggested Titles for Oklahoma Social Studies State Standard 2.1.

2.2. Place objects (e.g., on a map, on the wall, or in the classroom) and describe their locations using near/far, up/down, left/right, above/below and in front of/behind. 3
Suggested Titles for Oklahoma Social Studies State Standard 2.2.

2.3. Construct individually and with other students maps with the cardinal directions (north = N, south = S, east = E, west = W) indicated, and identify locations on the map (e.g., school, playground, and classroom). 9
Suggested Titles for Oklahoma Social Studies State Standard 2.3.

2.4. Locate the local neighborhood, community, the United States, bodies of water, and land masses (e.g., the four oceans and seven continents) using maps and globes. 17
Suggested Titles for Oklahoma Social Studies State Standard 2.4.

2.5. Describe events and tell whether they belong in the past, present or future (e.g., place representations of events such as pictures, words, or phrases on a simple past, present, future timeline). 8
Suggested Titles for Oklahoma Social Studies State Standard 2.5.

OK.3. Social Studies: The student will analyze the human characteristics of communities.

3.1. Identify how choices in behavior and action are related to consequences and have an impact upon the student himself/herself and others. 8
Suggested Titles for Oklahoma Social Studies State Standard 3.1.

3.2. Recognize and learn about patriotic traditions and activities (e.g., the reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance and the singing of the Star-Spangled Banner). 5
Suggested Titles for Oklahoma Social Studies State Standard 3.2.

3.3. Identify traditionally patriotic symbols associated with the United States (e.g., the flag, the bald eagle, and monuments). 5
Suggested Titles for Oklahoma Social Studies State Standard 3.3.

3.4. Identify and write the names of the school, town/city, state, and nation. 2
Suggested Titles for Oklahoma Social Studies State Standard 3.4.

3.5. Identify the events and people associated with commemorative holidays, such as Flag Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans' Day, and Thanksgiving. 29
Suggested Titles for Oklahoma Social Studies State Standard 3.5.

OK.4. Social Studies: The student will examine the interaction of the environment and the people of a community.

4.1. Identify the three basic needs of all people: food, clothing, shelter. 6
Suggested Titles for Oklahoma Social Studies State Standard 4.1.

4.2. Recognize that people in different parts of the world eat different foods, dress differently, speak different languages, and live in different kinds of houses (e.g., read and discuss children's literature that has characters and settings in other countries). 11
Suggested Titles for Oklahoma Social Studies State Standard 4.2.

4.3. Describe the impact of physical changes, such as seasons, on people in the neighborhood /community (e.g., how seasons affect what people eat and wear). 44
Suggested Titles for Oklahoma Social Studies State Standard 4.3.

OK.5. Social Studies: The student will understand basic economic elements found in communities.

5.1. Describe how people get their basic needs of food, clothing, and shelter (e.g., make/grow their own, trade with others for what they need, and earn money to buy the things they need). 14
Suggested Titles for Oklahoma Social Studies State Standard 5.1.

5.2. Identify ways people in the neighborhood / community earn money (e.g., match pictures or simple descriptions of work people do with the names of the jobs). 10
Suggested Titles for Oklahoma Social Studies State Standard 5.2.

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