New York State Standards for Language Arts: Kindergarten

Currently Perma-Bound only has suggested titles for grades K-8 in the Science and Social Studies areas. We are working on expanding this.

NY.1. Reading: Students will read, write, listen, and speak for information and understanding.

1.1. Locate and use classroom and library media center resources to acquire information, with assistance

1.2. Read familiar informational texts to begin to collect data, facts, and ideas, with assistance

1.3. Interpret information represented in simple charts and webs

1.4. Draw on a prior experience to understand new data, facts, and ideas

NY.2. Reading: Students will read, write, listen, and speak for literary response and expression.

2.1. Comprehend and respond to literary texts and performances

2.2. Engage in pre-reading and reading activities to select books, tapes, and poems on the basis of personal choice/interest or teacher-selected criteria, such as a theme/topic

2.3. Engage in pre-reading and reading activities to make connections between personal experiences and stories read

2.4. Engage in pre-reading and reading activities to predict what might happen next in a story read aloud

2.5. Engage in pre-reading and reading activities to retell a story, with assistance

2.6. Dramatize or retell stories, using puppets, toys, and other props

NY.3. Reading: Students will read, write, listen, and speak for critical analysis and evaluation.

3.1. Identify and explain ideas and experiences from texts and performances

3.2. Engage in pre-reading and reading activities to identify what they know and have learned about a specific story or topic

3.3. Engage in pre-reading and reading activities to use illustrations to assist in understanding the content of a text and to anticipate what will happen next

3.4. Engage in pre-reading and reading activities to predict what could happen next or the outcome of a story or article read aloud

3.5. Engage in pre-reading and reading activities to change the sequence of events in a story to create a different ending, with assistance

3.6. Engage in pre-reading and reading activities to form an opinion about the differences between events in a story and events in own life

3.7. Engage in pre-reading and reading activities to evaluate and select books, poems, or tapes on the basis of personal choice or teacher-selected criteria, such as topic, author, and illustrations

3.8. Engage in pre-reading and reading activities to distinguish between real and imaginary stories

NY.4. Reading: Students will read, write, listen, and speak for social interaction.

4.1. Share reading experience to establish, maintain, and enhance personal relationships

4.2. Respect the age, gender, and cultural traditions of the writer, with assistance

4.3. Recognize the vocabulary and writing conventions (e.g., greetings and closings) of social communication, with assistance

1.5. Maintain a portfolio of informational writings and drawings, with assistance

1.6. Draw pictures to record facts from a lesson, with assistance

1.7. Use resources such as a picture dictionary or word wall to find and write words, with assistance

2.7. Maintain a portfolio of writings and drawings in response to literature, with assistance

4.4. Maintain a portfolio of writings and drawings for social interaction, with assistance

1.8. Share information, using appropriate visual aids, such as, puppets, toys, and pictures, to illustrate a word or concept, with assistance

1.9. Dramatize an experience or event

2.8. Express the mood of a story by using a variety of words, with assistance

2.9. Describe the actions of characters in a story

2.10. Tell real or imaginative stories on the basis of response to illustrations

2.11. Retell familiar stories

2.12. Describe familiar persons, places, or objects

2.13. Recite short poems, nursery rhymes, and finger plays

3.9. Explain why two different characters view an event differently

3.10. Compare events or characters in a story with their lives, with assistance

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