Michigan State Standards for Language Arts: Kindergarten

Currently Perma-Bound only has suggested titles for grades K-8 in the Science and Social Studies areas. We are working on expanding this.

MI.R. Reading

R.1. Word Recognition and Word Study - Phonemic Awareness

R.WS.00.01. Students will demonstrate phonemic awareness by the wide range of sound manipulation competencies including sound blending and deletion.

R.WS.00.02. Students will recognize that words are composed of sounds blended together and carry meaning.

R.2. Word Recognition and Word Study - Phonics

R.WS.00.03. Students will understand the alphabetic principle, that sounds in words are expressed by the letters of the alphabet.

R.WS.00.04. Students will use grapho-phonemic (letter-sound) cues to recognize a few one-syllable words when presented completely out of context. Begin to associate letters and sounds, particularly initial and final consonants.

R.3. Word Recognition and Word Study - Word Recognition

R.WS.00.05. Students will automatically recognize a small number (about 18) of frequently encountered, personally meaningful words in print.

R.WS.00.06. Students will make progress in automatically recognizing a few of the 220 Dolch basic sight words.

R.WS.00.07. Students will follow familiar written text while pointing to matching words.

R.WS.00.08. Students will narrow possibilities in predicting words using initial letters/sounds (phonics), patterns of language (syntactic), and picture clues (semantic).

R.WS.00.09. Students will know the meanings of words encountered frequently in grade-level reading and oral language contexts.

R.4. Word Recognition and Word Study - Vocabulary

R.WS.00.10. Students will in context, determine the meaning of a few words, familiar and repeated phrases including objects, actions, concepts, content vocabulary, and literary terms, using strategies and resources including picture clues, prediction, and other people.

R.5. Fluency

R.FL.00.01. Students will automatically apply the following aspects of fluency: naming of letters, association of letters and their sounds, recognition of a few words both when encountered in context and isolation, and demonstrating understanding of concepts of print.

R.6. Narrative Text

R.NT.00.01. Students will become familiar with classic, multicultural, and contemporary literature recognized for quality and literary merit that represents our common heritage as well as cultures from around the world.

R.NT.00.02. Students will identify the basic form and purpose of a variety of narrative genre including stories, nursery rhymes, poetry, and songs.

R.NT.00.03. Students will discuss setting, characters, and events in narrative text.

R.NT.00.04. Students will identify how authors/illustrators use literary devices including pictures and illustrations to support the understanding of settings and characters.

R.NT.00.05. Students will respond to individual and multiple texts by finding evidence, discussing, illustrating, and/or writing to reflect, make meaning, and make connections.

R.7. Informational Text

R.IT.00.01. Students will identify and describe the basic form and purpose of a variety of informational genre including environmental text, concept books, and picture books.

R.IT.00.02. Students will with teacher guidance, discuss informational text patterns including descriptive and sequential.

R.IT.00.03. Students will explain how authors use text features including pictures, illustrations, and icons to enhance the understanding of key ideas presented in descriptive (definitions, enumeration) and sequential (directions, steps, procedures) organizational patterns.

R.IT.00.04. Students will respond to individual and multiple texts by finding evidence, discussing, illustrating, and/or writing to reflect, make meaning, and make connections.

R.8. Comprehension

R.CM.00.01. Students will begin to make text-to-self and text-to-text connections and comparisons by activating prior knowledge and connecting personal knowledge and experience to ideas in text through oral and written responses.

R.CM.00.02. Students will retell up to three events from familiar text using their own words or phrasing.

R.CM.00.03. Students will begin to make connections across texts by making meaningful predictions based on illustrations or portions of texts.

R.CM.00.04. Students will apply significant knowledge from grade-level science, social studies, and mathematics texts.

R.9. Metacognition

R.MT.00.01. Students will self-monitor comprehension when reading or listening to familiar text by using simple strategies to increase comprehension including making credible predictions based on illustrations.

R.MT.00.02. Students will construct and convey meaning using strategies including story grammar to identify the author's perspective (e.g., first, second, and third person) and sorting and ordering information.

R.10. Critical Standards

R.CS.00.01. Students will recognize how to assess personal writing and the writing of others with teacher supervision.

R.11. Reading Attitude

R.AT.00.01. Students will become enthusiastic about reading and learning how to read.

R.AT.00.02. Students will choose books, book activities, word play, and writing on their own during free time in school and at home.

MI.W. Writing

W.1. Writing Genre

W.GN.00.01. Students will write a brief personal narrative using pictures, words, word-like clusters, and/or sentences as support.

W.GN.00.02. Students will approximate poetry, using copy change and teacher guidance, based on reading a wide variety of grade-appropriate poetry.

W.GN.00.03. Students will write a brief informational piece such as a page for a class book using drawings, words, word-like clusters, and/or sentences.

W.GN.00.04. Students will contribute to a class research project by adding relevant information to a class book including gathering information from teacher-selected resources and using the writing process to develop the project.

W.2. Writing Process

W.PR.00.01. Students will with teacher assistance, consider the audience's reaction as they plan narrative or informational writing.

W.PR.00.02. Students will brainstorm to generate and structure ideas for narrative or informational writing.

W.PR.00.03. Students will draft focused ideas using semi-phonetic spelling to represent narrative and informational text when writing, incorporating pictures, and drawings.

W.PR.00.04. Students will attempt to revise writing based on reading it aloud, requesting suggestions and clarifications that support meaning.

W.3. Personal Style

W.PS.00.01. Students will develop originality in oral, written, and visual messages in both narrative (e.g., natural language, expressed sentiment, original ideas) and informational writing (e.g., listing, naming, describing).

W.4. Spelling

W.SP.00.01. Students will in the context of writing, correctly spell a small number (about 18) of frequently encountered and personally meaningful words.

W.SP.00.02. Students will in the context of writing, correctly spell less frequently encountered words, relying on structural cues (beginning and simpler ending sounds) and environmental sources (word wall, word lists).

W.5. Handwriting

W.HW.00.01. Students will form upper and lowercase manuscript letters.

W.HW.00.02. Students will leave space between words and word-like clusters of letters.

W.HW.00.03. Students will write from left to right and top to bottom.

W.6. Writing Attitude

W.AT.00.01. Students will be enthusiastic about writing and learning to write.

MI.S. Speaking

S.1. Conventions

S.CN.00.01. Students will explore and use language to communicate with a variety of audiences and for different purposes including problem-solving, explaining, looking for solutions, constructing relationships, and expressing courtesies.

S.CN.00.02. Students will speak clearly and audibly in complete, coherent sentences and use sound effects or illustrations for dramatic effect in narrative and informational presentations.

S.CN.00.03. Students will present in standard American English if it is their first language. (Students whose first language is not English will present in their developing version of standard American English.)

S.CN.00.04. Students will understand, providing examples of how language differs from playground and classroom as a function of linguistic and cultural group membership.

S.2. Discourse

S.DS.00.01. Students will engage in substantive conversations, remaining focused on subject matter, with interchanges beginning to build on prior responses in literature discussions, paired conversations, or other interactions.

S.DS.00.02. Students will briefly tell or retell about familiar experiences or interests focusing on basic story grammar or main ideas and key details.

S.DS.00.03. Students will respond to multiple text types by reflecting, making meaning, and making connections.

S.DS.00.04. Students will plan and deliver presentations using a descriptive informational organizational pattern providing several facts and details to make their point clearly and audibly.

MI.L. Listening and Viewing

L.1. Conventions

L.CN.00.01. Students will understand and follow one- and two-step directions.

L.CN.00.02. Students will ask appropriate questions during a presentation or report.

L.CN.00.03. Students will listen to or view knowledgeably while demonstrating appropriate social skills of audience behaviors (e.g., eye contact, attentive, supportive) in small and large group settings; listen to each other, interact, and respond appropriately.

L.CN.00.04. Students will begin to evaluate messages they experience, learning to differentiate between sender and receiver.

L.2. Response

L.RP.00.01. Students will listen to or view knowledgeably and discuss a variety of genre.

L.RP.00.02. Students will listen to or view knowledgeably, and respond thoughtfully to both classic and contemporary texts recognized for quality and literary merit.

L.RP.00.03. Students will respond to multiple text types listened to or viewed knowledgeably, by discussing, drawing, and/or writing in order to reflect, make meaning, and make connections.

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