Maryland State Standards for Social Studies: Grade 3

Currently Perma-Bound only has suggested titles for grades K-8 in the Science and Social Studies areas. We are working on expanding this.

To view all matching titles click here.

MD.1.0. Political Science: Students will understand the historical development and current status of the democratic principles and the development of skills and attitudes necessary to become responsible citizens.

1.A. The foundations and function of government

1.A.1. Explain the role of individuals and groups in creating rules and laws to maintain order, protect citizens, and provide services

1.A.1.a. Identify local government leaders, such as the mayor, county council members or commissioners, and county executive and explain their role in protecting citizens and maintaining order 3
Suggested Titles for Maryland Social Studies State Standard 1.A.1.a.

1.A.1.b. Explain the consequences of violating rules and laws 5
Suggested Titles for Maryland Social Studies State Standard 1.A.1.b.

1.A.1.c. Describe the selection process and duties of local officials who make, apply, and enforce laws through government 7
Suggested Titles for Maryland Social Studies State Standard 1.A.1.c.

1.A.2. Explain how certain practices are connected with the democratic principles (skills, attitudes, and dispositions) of being a citizen 11
Suggested Titles for Maryland Social Studies State Standard 1.A.2.

1.A.2.a. Identify and explain democratic principles, such as individual rights and responsibilities, patriotism, common good, justice and equality 11
Suggested Titles for Maryland Social Studies State Standard 1.A.2.a.

1.A.2.b. Describe practices such as voting, following rules, volunteering, and recognizing national holidays associated with democratic principles 12
Suggested Titles for Maryland Social Studies State Standard 1.A.2.b.

1.B. Individual and group participation in the political system

1.B.1. Explain how people and events have contributed to the American political system.

1.B.1.a. Describe the contributions of local government leaders such as county executives, county council, mayor and city council 3
Suggested Titles for Maryland Social Studies State Standard 1.B.1.a.

1.B.1.b. Describe the contributions of people who contributed to the common good of society 23
Suggested Titles for Maryland Social Studies State Standard 1.B.1.b.

1.B.2. Analyze the role of individual and group participation in creating a supportive community

1.B.2.a. Explain the decision making process used to accomplish a community goal or solve a community problem 6
Suggested Titles for Maryland Social Studies State Standard 1.B.2.a.

1.B.2.b. Explain the roles and responsibilities of effective citizens in a political process 6
Suggested Titles for Maryland Social Studies State Standard 1.B.2.b.

1.B.2.c. Describe the actions of people who have made a positive difference in their community, such as community and civic leaders, and organizations 8
Suggested Titles for Maryland Social Studies State Standard 1.B.2.c.

1.C. Protecting rights and maintaining order

1.C.1. Explain the rights and responsibilities of being a member of the school and the community

1.C.1.a. Describe the responsibilities of being an effective citizen, such as cleaning up your neighborhood, being informed, obeying rules and laws, participating in class decisions, and volunteering 8
Suggested Titles for Maryland Social Studies State Standard 1.C.1.a.

MD.2.0. People of the Nations and World: Students will understand how people in Maryland, the United States and around the world are alike and different.

2.A. Elements of culture

2.A.1. Analyze and describe elements of a multicultural setting

2.A.1.a. Use fiction and non-fiction to compare the elements of several cultures and how they meet their human needs for clothing, food, shelter, recreation, education, stories, art, music, and language 7
Suggested Titles for Maryland Social Studies State Standard 2.A.1.a.

2.A.1.b. Explain how and why media, such as the internet, television, radio, and newspaper provide an opportunity to understand various perspectives about cultures 8
Suggested Titles for Maryland Social Studies State Standard 2.A.1.b.

2.B. Cultural diffusion

2.B.1. Identify and describe how individuals and groups share and borrow from other cultures

2.B.1.a. Use non-fiction texts to identify and discuss examples of how communities borrow and share from other cultures 7
Suggested Titles for Maryland Social Studies State Standard 2.B.1.a.

2.C. Conflict and compromise

2.C.1. Analyze how groups of people interact

2.C.1.a. Identify and demonstrate appropriate social skills necessary for working in a cooperative group such as sharing concern, compassion, and respect among group members 10
Suggested Titles for Maryland Social Studies State Standard 2.C.1.a.

2.C.1.b. Analyze how different points of view in school and community situations may result in compromise or conflict 5
Suggested Titles for Maryland Social Studies State Standard 2.C.1.b.

MD.3.0. Geography: Students will use geographic concepts and processes to understand location and its relationship to human activities.

3.A. Using geographic tools

3.A.1. Use geographic tools to locate and construct meaning about places on earth

3.A.1.a. Describe the purposes of a variety of maps and atlases, such as transportation maps, physical maps, and political maps 14
Suggested Titles for Maryland Social Studies State Standard 3.A.1.a.

3.A.1.b. Construct and interpret maps by using elements, such as title, compass rose, simple grid system, scale, legend/key, date, and author 15
Suggested Titles for Maryland Social Studies State Standard 3.A.1.b.

3.A.1.c. Identify the location of communities, major cities in Maryland, and United States using a globe, maps, and atlases 4
Suggested Titles for Maryland Social Studies State Standard 3.A.1.c.

3.B. Geographic characteristics of places and regions

3.B.1. Compare places and regions around the world using geographic characteristics

3.B.1.a. Compare places and regions using geographic features 16
Suggested Titles for Maryland Social Studies State Standard 3.B.1.a.

3.B.1.b. Identify natural/physical and human-made features of places and regions 15
Suggested Titles for Maryland Social Studies State Standard 3.B.1.b.

3.B.1.c. Describe population distribution of places and regions such as rural and urban 13
Suggested Titles for Maryland Social Studies State Standard 3.B.1.c.

3.B.1.d. Describe how geographic characteristics of places and regions change over time and influence the way people live and work 1
Suggested Titles for Maryland Social Studies State Standard 3.B.1.d.

3.C. Movement of people, goods and ideas

3.C.1. Describe how transportation and communication networks link places through the movement of people, goods, and ideas

3.C.1.a. Explain how transportation and communication networks connect places, people, and ideas 10
Suggested Titles for Maryland Social Studies State Standard 3.C.1.a.

3.C.1.b. Identify reasons for the movement of people from one community or region to another 1
Suggested Titles for Maryland Social Studies State Standard 3.C.1.b.

3.D. Modifying and adapting to the environment

3.D.1. Explain how people modify, protect, and adapt to their environment

3.D.1.a. Describe how people in a community modify their environment to meet changing needs for transportation, shelter, and making a living 10
Suggested Titles for Maryland Social Studies State Standard 3.D.1.a.

3.D.1.b. Describe why and how people make decisions about protecting the environment 15
Suggested Titles for Maryland Social Studies State Standard 3.D.1.b.

3.D.1.c. Compare ways that people adapt to the environment for food, clothing, and shelter 5
Suggested Titles for Maryland Social Studies State Standard 3.D.1.c.

MD.4.0. Economics: Students will identify the economic principles and processes that are helpful to producers and consumers when making good decisions.

4.A. Scarcity and economic decision-making

4.A.1. Explain that people must make choices because resources are limited relative to unlimited wants for goods and services

4.A.1.a. Explain why people must make economic choices 5
Suggested Titles for Maryland Social Studies State Standard 4.A.1.a.

4.A.1.b. Identify and apply the steps in the decision-making process 6
Suggested Titles for Maryland Social Studies State Standard 4.A.1.b.

4.A.1.c. Identify the opportunity cost of a choice or decision 6
Suggested Titles for Maryland Social Studies State Standard 4.A.1.c.

4.A.2. Examine the production process

4.A.2.a. Explain how producers make choices because of limited natural, human, and capital resources 22
Suggested Titles for Maryland Social Studies State Standard 4.A.2.a.

4.A.2.b. Give examples of when limited resources affect the decisions producers make 23
Suggested Titles for Maryland Social Studies State Standard 4.A.2.b.

4.A.2.c. Describe steps in the production process to produce a product 17
Suggested Titles for Maryland Social Studies State Standard 4.A.2.c.

4.A.2.d. Explain how specialized work results in increased production 17
Suggested Titles for Maryland Social Studies State Standard 4.A.2.d.

4.A.3. Examine how technology affects the way people live, work, and play

4.A.3.a. Describe how changes in technology have affected the lives of consumers, such as UPC bar codes and online shopping 1
Suggested Titles for Maryland Social Studies State Standard 4.A.3.a.

4.A.3.b. Describe how changes in technology have affected lives of producers, such as robot-powered assembly lines 17
Suggested Titles for Maryland Social Studies State Standard 4.A.3.b.

4.B. Economic systems and the role of government in the economy

4.B.1. Describe different types of markets

4.B.1.a. Identify markets that are not face-to-face meetings, such as internet shopping or catalog shopping 2
Suggested Titles for Maryland Social Studies State Standard 4.B.1.a.

4.B.1.b. Describe how countries around the world trade in the global market 7
Suggested Titles for Maryland Social Studies State Standard 4.B.1.b.

4.B.2. Identify goods and services provided by the government and paid for by taxes

4.B.2.a. Classify goods and services according to who produces them such as, the government, business, or both 17
Suggested Titles for Maryland Social Studies State Standard 4.B.2.a.

4.B.3. Describe how consumers acquire goods and services

4.B.3.a. Develop a budget indicating income and expenses 8
Suggested Titles for Maryland Social Studies State Standard 4.B.3.a.

4.B.3.b. Develop a plan that shows how money is obtained, such as selling things, getting a gift, and getting allowance 3
Suggested Titles for Maryland Social Studies State Standard 4.B.3.b.

MD.5.0. History: Students will use historical thinking skills to understand how individuals and events have changed society over time.

5.A. Individuals and societies change over time

5.A.1. Examine differences between past and present time

5.A.1.a. Develop a timeline of events in the community 28
Suggested Titles for Maryland Social Studies State Standard 5.A.1.a.

5.A.1.b. Explain the relationship among events in a variety of timelines 27
Suggested Titles for Maryland Social Studies State Standard 5.A.1.b.

5.A.2. Investigate how people lived in the past using a variety of primary and secondary sources

5.A.2.a. Collect and examine information about people, places, or events of the past using pictures, photographs, maps, audio or visual tapes, and or documents 20
Suggested Titles for Maryland Social Studies State Standard 5.A.2.a.

5.A.2.b. Compare family life in the local community by considering jobs, communication, and transportation 13
Suggested Titles for Maryland Social Studies State Standard 5.A.2.b.

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