Iowa State Standards for Mathematics: Grade 10

IA.1. Students can understand and apply a variety of math concepts.

1.1. Students can understand and apply number properties and operations.

1.1.1. Understand and apply number properties and operations

1.2. Students can understand and apply concepts and procedures of algebra.

1.2.1. Understand and apply concepts and procedures of algebra

1.3. Students can understand and apply concepts of geometry and measurement.

1.3.1. Understand and apply concepts of geometry and measurement.

1.4. Students can understand and apply concepts in probability and statistics.

1.4.1. Understand and apply concepts in probability and statistics

IA.2. Students can understand and apply methods of estimation.

2.1. Students can understand and apply concepts and procedures of standard rounding, order of magnitude, and number sense

2.1.1. Understand and apply concepts and procedures of standard rounding, order of magnitude, and number sense

2.1.2. Evaluate reasonableness of solutions

IA.3. Students can solve a variety of math problems.

3.1. Students can solve math problems requiring multiple steps and operations

3.1.1. Solve math problems requiring multiple steps and operations

3.2. Students can reason quantitatively

3.2.1. Reason quantitatively

IA.4. Students can interpret data presented in a variety of ways.

4.1. Students can make inferences based on data presented in a variety of ways

4.1.1. Make inferences based on data presented in a variety of ways

4.2. Students can interpret data from a variety of sources

4.2.1. Interpret data from a variety of sources

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