Hawaii State Standards for Social Studies: Kindergarten

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HI.1. Historical Understanding: Change, Continuity, and Causality: Understand change and/or continuity and cause and/or effect in history

SS.K.1.1. Chronological Thinking: Explain change and continuity over time, using calendars and simple timelines 11
Suggested Titles for Hawaii Social Studies State Standard SS.K.1.1.

HI.2. Historical Understanding: Inquiry, Empathy, and Perspective: Use the tools and methods of inquiry, perspective, and empathy to explain historical events with multiple interpretations and judge the past on its own terms

HI.3. History: Historical Content: Understand people now and then, here and now (learning, living, working together)

SS.K.3.1. Celebrations: Describe historically significant events and observances in American history 22
Suggested Titles for Hawaii Social Studies State Standard SS.K.3.1.

HI.4. Political Science/Civics: Governance, Democracy, and Interaction: Understand the purpose and historical impact of political institutions, the principles and values of American constitutional democracy, and the similarities and differences in government across cultural perspectives

SS.K.4.1. Governance, Power, and Authority: Identify rules that apply in different settings and the results from complying or not complying with these rules 7
Suggested Titles for Hawaii Social Studies State Standard SS.K.4.1.

HI.5. Political Science/Civics: Participation and Citizenship: Understand roles, rights (personal, economic, political), and responsibilities of American citizens and exercise them in civic action

SS.K.5.1. Rights and Responsibilities: Describe his or her rights and demonstrate responsibilities of self in classroom, school, and neighborhood settings 5
Suggested Titles for Hawaii Social Studies State Standard SS.K.5.1.

SS.K.5.2. Civic Participation: Demonstrate ways to improve the quality of life in own school or community 9
Suggested Titles for Hawaii Social Studies State Standard SS.K.5.2.

HI.6. Cultural Anthropology: Systems, Dynamics, and Inquiry: Understand culture as a system of beliefs, knowledge, and practices shared by a group and understand how cultural systems change over time

SS.K.6.1. Cultural Systems and Practices: Explain how and why people from different cultures observe different holidays/celebrations 15
Suggested Titles for Hawaii Social Studies State Standard SS.K.6.1.

HI.7. Geography: World In Spatial Terms: Use geographic representations to organize, analyze, and present information on people, places, and environments and understand the nature and interaction of geographic regions and societies around the world

SS.K.7.1. Physical characteristics in Spatial Terms: Identify location and physical characteristics represented on maps and globes (e.g., land, water, roads, cities) 7
Suggested Titles for Hawaii Social Studies State Standard SS.K.7.1.

SS.K.7.2. Physical characteristics in Spatial Terms: Use terms to describe relative location (i.e., above/below, near/far, left/right, and cardinal directions) 7
Suggested Titles for Hawaii Social Studies State Standard SS.K.7.2.

HI.8. Economics: Resources, Markets, and Government: Understand economic concepts and the characteristics of various economic systems

SS.K.8.1. Limited Resources and Choice: Explain people's basic needs and how they fulfill them 1
Suggested Titles for Hawaii Social Studies State Standard SS.K.8.1.

SS.K.8.2. Role and Function of Markets: Differentiate buyers (e.g., a parent or caregiver) and sellers (e.g., a storeowner or other producer) 2
Suggested Titles for Hawaii Social Studies State Standard SS.K.8.2.

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