Hawaii State Standards for Social Studies: Grade 5

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HI.1. Historical Understanding: Change, Continuity, and Causality: Understand change and/or continuity and cause and/or effect in history

SS.5.1.1. Chronological Thinking: Use chronological order to explain causal relationships between and among people and events 15
Suggested Titles for Hawaii Social Studies State Standard SS.5.1.1.

HI.2. Historical Understanding: Inquiry, Empathy and Perspective: Use the tools and methods of inquiry, perspective, and empathy to explain historical events with multiple interpretations and judge the past on its own terms

SS.5.2.1. Historical Perspectives and Interpretations: Analyze how beliefs and education and/or the society in which a person resides shape his/her 'point of view' 16
Suggested Titles for Hawaii Social Studies State Standard SS.5.2.1.

SS.5.2.2. Historical Empathy: Judge the past in the context of the time instead of imposing present norms and values on historical events 6
Suggested Titles for Hawaii Social Studies State Standard SS.5.2.2.

HI.3. History: Early American History: Understand important historical events through the Revolution

SS. Exploration, Migration, and Settlement: Identify what Europeans sought (e.g., route to Asia) and what they found (e.g., new crops) during the Age of Exploration 39
Suggested Titles for Hawaii Social Studies State Standard SS.

SS.5.3.2. Exploration, Migration, and Settlement: Examine the interactions between Europeans and Native Americans in North America 7
Suggested Titles for Hawaii Social Studies State Standard SS.5.3.2.

SS.5.3.3. Exploration, Migration, and Settlement: Describe the hardships experienced by European settlers in colonial America 6
Suggested Titles for Hawaii Social Studies State Standard SS.5.3.3.

SS.5.3.4. Colonial American Society: Describe how religion and economics influenced the settling of New England and the southern regions of British North America 10
Suggested Titles for Hawaii Social Studies State Standard SS.5.3.4.

SS.5.3.5. Colonial American Society: Describe the major features of the economies of New England (i.e., manufacturing), the mid-Atlantic colonies (i.e., trade), and southern regions (i.e., farming) of British North America and explain their relationship to geographic features 8
Suggested Titles for Hawaii Social Studies State Standard SS.5.3.5.

SS.5.3.6. Colonial American Society: Explain how colonial America solved its labor shortage problem with indentured servants and African slaves 3
Suggested Titles for Hawaii Social Studies State Standard SS.5.3.6.

SS.5.3.7. Colonial American Society: Illustrate the movement of African slaves to the Americas and their role in the Triangular Trade 5
Suggested Titles for Hawaii Social Studies State Standard SS.5.3.7.

SS.5.3.8. Colonial American Society: Describe conflicts between Europeans and Native Americans (i.e., King Philips War), among colonists, (i.e., Bacon's Rebellion), and between European powers (i.e., the French and Indian War) 5
Suggested Titles for Hawaii Social Studies State Standard SS.5.3.8.

SS.5.3.9. Colonial American Society: Describe the role of Puritans and Quakers in shaping colonial society 4
Suggested Titles for Hawaii Social Studies State Standard SS.5.3.9.

SS.5.3.10. Colonial American Society: Explain how conflict between the English government and the English colonies led to the outbreak of the American Revolution 12
Suggested Titles for Hawaii Social Studies State Standard SS.5.3.10.

SS.5.3.11. Revolutionary War: Define the major ideas (i.e., natural rights, government by the consent of the governed, and 'all men are created equal') stated in the Declaration of Independence and explain why they were included 12
Suggested Titles for Hawaii Social Studies State Standard SS.5.3.11.

SS.5.3.12. Revolutionary War: Describe the major events of the Revolutionary War, including key battles, key alliances, and the roles played by key figures 22
Suggested Titles for Hawaii Social Studies State Standard SS.5.3.12.

HI.4. Political Science/Civics: Governance, Democracy, and Interaction: Understand the purpose and historical impact of political institutions, the principles and values of American constitutional democracy, and the similarities and differences in government across cultural perspectives

SS.5.4.1. American Democracy: Explain how colonial governments were based on key principles underlying American democracy (including social contract, majority rule, and equality of opportunity) 12
Suggested Titles for Hawaii Social Studies State Standard SS.5.4.1.

SS.5.4.2. American Democracy: Explain how participation in American democracy has changed since the 18th century 12
Suggested Titles for Hawaii Social Studies State Standard SS.5.4.2.

HI.5. Political Science/Civics: Participation and Citizenship: Understand roles, rights (personal, economic, political), and responsibilities of American citizens and exercise them in civic action 25
Suggested Titles for Hawaii Social Studies State Standard HI.5.

HI.6. Cultural Anthropology: Systems, Dynamics, and Inquiry: Understand culture as a system of beliefs, knowledge, and practices shared by a group and understand how cultural systems change over time

SS.5.6.1. Cultural Inquiry: Compare the views of Native Americans and Europeans regarding the relationship between humans and the land 6
Suggested Titles for Hawaii Social Studies State Standard SS.5.6.1.

HI.7. Geography: World In Spatial Terms: Use geographic representations to organize, analyze, and present information on people, places, and environments and understand the nature and interaction of geographic regions and societies around the world

SS.5.7.1. Human Systems: Explain how the Revolutionary War caused the movement of people 11
Suggested Titles for Hawaii Social Studies State Standard SS.5.7.1.

HI.8. Economics: Resources, Markets, and Government: Understand economic concepts and the characteristics of various economic systems

SS.5.8.1. Limited Resources and Choice: Explain the opportunity costs considered by the settlers before moving to the colonies 11
Suggested Titles for Hawaii Social Studies State Standard SS.5.8.1.

SS.5.8.2. Role of Government: Recognize that governments raise money to pay for goods and services (i.e., taxes) and describe why the American colonists were dissatisfied with the colonial system of taxation 14
Suggested Titles for Hawaii Social Studies State Standard SS.5.8.2.

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