Arizona State Standards for Arts Education: Kindergarten

Currently Perma-Bound only has suggested titles for grades K-8 in the Science and Social Studies areas. We are working on expanding this.

AZ.1. Music (Readiness): Creating Art: Students know and apply the arts disciplines, techniques and processes to communicate in original or interpretive work.

1AM-R1. Students know and are able to sing/play a variety of songs.

PO 1. Identify singing/speaking voice.

PO 2. Identify sounds as high and low.

PO 3. Demonstrate singing/speaking voice.

1AM-R2. Students know and are able to maintain a steady beat.

PO 1. Move to music.

PO 2. Demonstrate a steady beat while music is playing.

PO 3. Demonstrate a steady beat independent of music.

1AM-R3. Students know and are able to identify variation in tempo and dynamics.

PO 1. Identify music as fast or slow (tempo).

PO 2. Identify music as loud or soft (dynamics).

PO 3. Perform music that is loud or soft, fast or slow.

1AM-R4. Students know and are able to echo short rhythms and melodic patterns.

PO 1. Identify difference between beat and rhythm.

PO 2. Identify melodic shape.

1AM-R5. Students know and are able to improvise simple rhythmic and melodic ostinato accompaniments on a variety of classroom instruments and materials.

PO 1. Identify an ostinato.

PO 2. Perform an ostinato.

PO 3. Create an ostinato.

1AM-R6. Students know and are able to identify the sound of a variety of band, orchestra and classroom instruments.

PO 1. Identify classroom instruments.

PO 2. Categorize instruments as band, orchestra and classroom instruments.

PO 3. Identify instruments by family (woodwind, percussion, brass, strings).

1AM-R7. Students know and are able to show respect for personal work and the work of others.

PO 1. Listen attentively while others perform.

PO 2. Acknowledge the efforts of self and others.

AZ.2. Music (Readiness): Art in Context: Students demonstrate how interrelated conditions (social, economic, political, time and place) influence and give meaning to the development and reception of thought, ideas and concepts in the arts.

2AM-R1. Students know and are able to describe various musical styles from diverse cultures.

2AM-R2. Students know and are able to identify and describe various moods achieved while playing classroom instruments.

PO 1. Demonstrate various moods through facial expression, body posture and/or movement.

PO 2. Use classroom instruments to create moods through various tempos and dynamics.

2AM-R3. Students know and are able to identify music which creates changes in mood through listening.

PO 1. Demonstrate changes in mood through facial expression, body posture and/or movement.

2AM-R4. Students know and are able to demonstrate audience behavior appropriate for the context and style of music performed.

PO 1. Identify a variety of musical settings.

PO 2. Discuss appropriate audience behavior.

PO 3. Demonstrate appropriate audience behavior.

AZ.3. Music (Readiness): Art as Inquiry: Students demonstrate how the arts reveal universal concepts and themes. Students reflect upon and assess the characteristics and merits of their work and the work of others.

3AM-R1. Students know and are able to identify simple music forms when presented aurally.

PO 1. Identify AB, ABA forms in familiar songs and recorded music.

PO 2. Identify round and canon forms.

3AM-R2. Students know and are able to express personal reactions to music through media such as movement, words, painting and sculpture.

3AM-R3. Students know and are able to indicate points of musical interest (e.g., use of dynamics, pitch, tempo, form) in stories, plays and other performances.

PO 1. Discuss elements of music and how they are applied in other performing and visualarts.

AZ.1. Visual Arts (Readiness): Creating Art: Students know and apply the arts, disciplines, techniques and processes to communicate in original or interpretive work.

1AV-R1. Students know and are able to identify and use a variety of art media (e.g., papermaking, tempera paint, film, computer, fiber, clay) and techniques (e.g., crayon resist, collage, wet-on-wet, computer graphics, coil/slab construction) to communicate ideas, experiences and stories.

PO 1. Create a variety of artworks using various art media.

PO 2. Create artworks using a variety of techniques in one medium (e.g. clay balls, slabs,coils and pinched forms).

PO 3. Produce a variety of artworks to communicate ideas, experiences and stories.

1AV-R2. Students know and are able to recognize that the visual arts are a form of communication.

PO 1. Identify art forms such as painting, drawing, sculpture, and collage as a form ofcommunicating thoughts and ideas.

PO 2. Use the elements of art in various art forms to communicate feelings and ideas.

1AV-R3. Students know and are able to identify various subject matter, ideas, and symbols (e.g., lion representing courage, heart symbolizing love, road conveying journey) used in one's own work and work of others to convey meaning.

PO 1. Identify a variety of subject matter used in works of art (e.g., landscapes, portraits).

PO 2. Identify a variety of ideas used in works of art (e.g., families, friends, experiences).

PO 3. Identify a variety of symbols used in works of art (e.g., heart for love, lion forcourage).

PO 4. Use a variety of subject matter to convey meaning in one's own works of art (e.g.,landscapes, portraits).

PO 5. Use a variety of ideas to convey meaning in one's own works of art (e.g., families, friends, experiences).

PO 6. Use a variety of symbols to convey meaning in one's own works of art (e.g., heart for love, lion for courage).

1AV-R4. Students know and are able to begin to look at, and talk about, art.

PO 1. Describe what is seen in an artwork (e.g., subject matter, elements of art and/orexpressive qualities).

PO 2. Describe what is seen in one's own artwork.

1AV-R5. Students know and are able to identify and describe safe and responsible use of tools and materials.

PO 1. Identify tools used in art (e.g., paintbrush, pencil).

PO 2. Identify materials used in art (e.g., paper, paint).

PO 3. Use tools safely.

PO 4. Use materials safely and responsibly.

1AV-R6. Students know and are able to show respect for personal work and the work of others.

PO 1. Show ways to respect one's own work and the works of others.

AZ.2. Visual Arts (Readiness): Art in Context: Students demonstrate how interrelated conditions (social, economic, political, time, and place) influence and give meaning to the development and reception of thought, ideas and concepts in the arts.

2AV-R1. Students know and are able to identify art objects from different times, places and cultures through reproductions and/or original works of art.

PO 1. Group similar art images/objects from past and present time periods.

PO 2. Match art images/objects with their location and/or cultural group.

PO 3. Identify if an art image/object is an original work or a reproduction of the original.

2AV-R2. Students know and are able to recognize and articulate how visual arts represent many cultures, times and places (e.g., from paintings on the walls of caves to contemporary murals on neighborhood walls).

PO 1. Group art images/objects by cultural groups.

PO 2. Group art images/objects by place.

PO 3. Group art images/objects by time.

PO 4. Describe why the art images/objects belong in a particular culture, place and time.

PO 5. Sequence art images/objects chronologically.

2AV-R3. Students know and are able to identify various sources (e.g., nature, the constructed environment, imagination) for creative work.

PO 1. Name inspirational influences of an art image/object (e.g., landscape, still life).

AZ.3. Visual Arts (Readiness): Art as Inquiry: Students demonstrate how the arts reveal universal concepts and themes. Students reflect upon and assess the characteristics and merits of their work and the work of others.

3AV-R1. Students know and are able to identify design elements (e.g., line, color, shapes, texture) and design principles (e.g., balance, repetition, emphasis, perspective) and how they are used by visual artists to communicate meaning.

PO 1. Locate the elements of art in an artwork.

PO 2. Locate the principles of design in an artwork.

PO 3. Locate the elements and principles used by the visual artist to communicate meaning.

3AV-R2. Students know and are able to know that art is a visual language and is a form of expression and communication.

PO 1. Use elements and principles to identify meaning within a work of art.

PO 2. Name symbols that communicate as a visual language.

3AV-R3. Students know and are able to recognize and describe the many ways to create, value and respond to art.

PO 1. Identify various visual art forms.

PO 2. Explain why an artwork is valued by the student.

PO 3. List various ways to respond to art (e.g., likes, dislikes, from different personal pointsof view).

3AV-R4. Students know and are able to recognize and respect that there are many valid responses to works of art that may be different from their own.

PO 1. State different opinions about an artwork.

PO 2. Show respect for responses of others to works of art.

AZ.1. Theatre (Readiness): Creating Art: Students know and apply the arts disciplines, techniques and processes to communicate in original or interpretive work.

1AT-Rl. Students know and are able to use natural language patterns (e.g., from literature or school and home experiences) with familiar phrases as they play out a story.

PO 1. After listening to an account and class discussion of characters, retell the story including setting, time, plot, and physical descriptions of the characters.

PO 2. After listening to an account and class discussion of characters, use dialogue and movement as a character while responding to teacher and/or peers.

1AT-R2. Students know and are able to develop sensory perception and the ability to describe mental pictures by recalling objects and/or events (e.g., use words, movement, or drawings in a variety of ways to illustrate things seen, heard, felt, tasted, or smelled in class or home experiences or created after listening to stories told or read).

PO 1. After a discussion about mental imaging on specific sensory stimuli, describe a recalled sensory experience.

PO 2. After a discussion about mental imaging on specific sensory stimuli, use a variety of art media to create a picture about a sensory experience.

PO 3. After a discussion about mental imaging on specific sensory stimuli, create a movement-based image or story to communicate a sensory experience.

1AT-R3. Students know and are able to sustain a pretend scene (e.g., from literature or students' personal experiences), using appropriate language or movement with the teacher role-playing or giving cues.

PO 1. Sustain concentration within a given role throughout a scene.

PO 2. Use language that is appropriate to one's character throughout the scene.

PO 3. Use a range of movement that is appropriate to one's character.

PO 4. Respond in character to cues given within a scene.

1AT-R4. Students know and are able to describe (e.g., through words, drawings, technology) the setting of a story to be dramatized and, with teacher guidance, establish spaces for the dramatization, and select materials that suggest the furniture and objects needed.

PO 1. Describe/draw/depict the environment (e.g., time, place).

PO 2. Choose props that will enhance the playing and meaning of the story.

PO 3. Arrange a space for playing out the story.

1AT-R5. Students know and are able to show respect for personal work and the work of others.

PO 1. Listen to others and follow suggestions.

PO 2. Share and take turns.

PO 3. Participate in a process for self-evaluation, feedback about the process, and feedback about the dramatization.

AZ.2. Theatre (Readiness): Art in Context: Students demonstrate how interrelated conditions (social, economic, political, time and place) influence and give meaning to the development and reception of thought, ideas and concepts in the arts.

2AT-R1. Students know and are able to share personal cultural traditions which they have also seen while viewing a play, a film or a television show.

PO 1. Retell the story of the show and identify the main characters.

PO 2. Identify similarities and differences between institutions (e.g., family, school, neighborhoods) that are important to them and the characters in the play.

2AT-R2. Students know and are able to demonstrate audience behavior appropriate for the context and genre of theatre performed.

PO 1. Discuss how and why audience behaviors differ when watching a television show, movie, or theatre production.

PO 2. Discuss how audiences respond when the show is serious or funny.

PO 3. Demonstrate how an audience member should behave so everyone can enjoy a show.

2AT-R3. Students know and are able to identify various sources (e.g., books, family stories, nature, imagination, paintings, poetry) for theatrical work.

2AT-R4. Students know and are able to discuss the jobs (e.g., playwright, actor, designer/technician) of those who 'make' theatre.

PO 1. Discuss the people involved in creating the story, character and setting for a production.

PO 2. Discuss the difference between actor and the character he/she performs.

AZ.3. Theatre (Readiness): Art as Inquiry: Students demonstrate how the arts reveal universal concepts and themes. Students reflect upon and assess the characteristics and merits of their work and the work of others.

3AT-R1. Students know and are able to describe (e.g., words, drawing, movement) what they saw and heard at a theatre, film, or television performance and what interested or surprised them.

PO 1. Identify the characters in a play and recall their story.

PO 2. Use a variety of art media (e.g. crayons, tempera, clay) to illustrate interesting orsurprising elements of the production.

PO 3. Move as a character or environmental element (e.g., wind, tree, leaves, flowers, snow).

3AT-R2. Students know and are able to discuss their role as an audience and how they affect the performers.

PO 1. Identify various audience reactions to a performance.

PO 2. Discuss the effect an audience has on a performer.

3AT-R3. Students know and are able to share their responses (e.g., what they liked, didn't like; what seemed 'real'; what helped them understand the event) to a dramatic performance.

PO 1. Share with the class what seemed 'real-believable' in the performance.

PO 2. Discuss what one did and didn't understand about the performance.

PO 3. List what elements made the performance clear (e.g., what the characters said, whatthey did, the costumes they wore).

3AT-R4. Students know and are able to understand and respect opinions of others in discussions of classroom dramatizations.

AZ.1. Dance (Readiness): Creating Art: Students know and apply the arts disciplines, techniques and processes to communicate in original or interpretive work.

1AD-R1. Students know and are able to use appropriate terminology and demonstrate locomotor and nonlocomotor/axial movement while moving to a beat and changes in tempo.

PO 1. Identify and execute nonlocomotor movements (i.e., stretch, twist, and turn) using various rhythm patterns and various tempos.

PO 2. Identify and execute locomotor movements (e.g., leap, hop, jump, skip) using various rhythm patterns, and various tempos.

1AD-R2. Students know and are able to recognize and perform basic warm-up sequences (e.g., stretching, bending).

PO 1. Identify and execute isolations of various body parts.

PO 2. Execute gross muscle stretches (e.g., major body parts).

1AD-R3. Students know and are able to imitate and mirror basic body movements and shapes.

PO 1. Follow movements and shapes of a designated leader.

PO 2. Improvise with a partner or group as if looking into a mirror.

1AD-R4. Students know and are able to demonstrate use of time and space elements by following movement changes in tempo, directions and levels.

PO 1. Change direction of movement at a given signal (e.g., forward, backward, to the side).

PO 2. Change levels (high, middle, low) of shapes and or movements at a given signal.

PO 3. Change tempo (e.g., fast, slow) of movements at a given signal.

1AD-R5. Students know and are able to identify and demonstrate knowledge of moving as an individual and as part of a group.

PO 1. Improvise movement individually.

PO 2. Improvise movement as a member of a group.

PO 3. Demonstrate unison movement.

1AD-R6. Students know and are able to identify and demonstrate the range and types of movement abilities of one's own body.

PO 1. Execute a preferred style of moving.

PO 2. Select and share personal movements.

PO 3. Demonstrate the ability to move in front of a group, through space and in one's own personal space.

1AD-R7. Students know and are able to show respect for personal work and the work of others.

PO 1. Move in a delineated personal space without interfering with the personal space of others.

PO 2. Identify proper audience behavior (e.g., attentive, appropriate applause).

PO 3. Demonstrate proper audience behavior.

AZ.2. Dance (Readiness): Art in Context: Students demonstrate how interrelated conditions (social, economic, political, time and place) influence and give meaning to the development and reception of thought, ideas and concepts in the arts.

2AD-R1. Students know and are able to create a dance and revise it over time, identifying the reasons for the change.

PO 1. Create movements that can be repeated.

PO 2. Create revisions to selected movements.

2AD-R2. Students know and are able to describe how dance and dancers are portrayed in contemporary media.

PO 1. State where dance is seen in contemporary media.

PO 2. Describe the role and actions of the dancers.

PO 3. Identify the function of the dance.

AZ.3. Dance (Readiness): Art as Inquiry: Students demonstrate how the arts reveal universal concepts and themes. Students reflect upon and assess the characteristics and merits of their work and the work of others.

3AD-R1. Students know and are able to respond verbally to creative works of others.

PO 1. Describe the elements of movement in the creative works of others.

PO 2. State positive comments regarding the work of peers.

3AD-R2. Students know and are able to discuss how dances of various cultures have their own meanings.

PO 1. Identify the reasons people dance.

PO 2. Identify how the dances of various cultures differ.

PO 3. Identify when the people of the various cultures dance.

3AD-R3. Students know and are able to identify elements on which to base aesthetic judgment (e.g., mood, projection, technique).

PO 1. Identify the emotional qualities (e.g., joy, fear) demonstrated through movement.

PO 2. Identify the performance energy.

PO 3. Identify the technical proficiency (skills).

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