Arkansas State Standards for Social Studies: Kindergarten

Currently Perma-Bound only has suggested titles for grades K-8 in the Science and Social Studies areas. We are working on expanding this.

To view all matching titles click here.

AR.G. Geography

G.1. Physical and Spatial: Students shall develop an understanding of the physical and spatial characteristics and applications of geography.

G.1.K.1. Location, Place, and Region: Identify home address.

G.1.K.2. Location, Place, and Region: Identify the school attended and the city in which the school is located. 800
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard G.1.K.2.

G.1.K.3. Location, Place, and Region: Identify the state of Arkansas on a map of the United States. 3
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard G.1.K.3.

G.1.K.4. Location, Place, and Region: Recognize the United States on a world map or globe. 3
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard G.1.K.4.

G.1.K.5. Location, Place, and Region: Identify land on maps and globes. 7
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard G.1.K.5.

G.1.K.6. Location, Place, and Region: Identify water on maps and globes. 7
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard G.1.K.6.

G.1.K.7. Location, Place, and Region: Identify different types of weather. 41
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard G.1.K.7.

G.1.K.8. Map and Globe Skills: Recognize the difference between maps and globes. 7
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard G.1.K.8.

G.1.K.9. Map and Globe Skills: Recognize that maps and globes represent models of the Earth. 7
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard G.1.K.9.

G.1.K.10. Map and Globe Skills: Use words related to location, direction, and distance: here/there, near/far, over/under, left/right, up/down, top/bottom, and between. 3
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard G.1.K.10.

G.1.K.11. Map and Globe Skills: Illustrate a map of a familiar place (e.g. bedroom, playground, school). 7
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard G.1.K.11.

G.2. Culture and Diversity: Students shall develop an understanding of how cultures around the world develop and change.

G.2.K.1. Culture and Diversity: Discuss similarities and differences in families. 134
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard G.2.K.1.

G.2.K.2. Culture and Diversity: Discuss the location of a community and the ways that location affects the people of a community. 32
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard G.2.K.2.

G.3. Interaction of People and the Environment: Students shall develop an understanding of the interactions between people and their environment.

G.3.K.1. Movement: Identify different types of transportation. 61
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard G.3.K.1.

G.3.K.2. Human Environment Interaction: Recognize the importance of protecting the air, water, and land. 23
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard G.3.K.2.

G.3.K.3. Human Environment Interaction: Define physical environment. 4
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard G.3.K.3.

AR.C. Civics

C.4. Government: Students shall develop an understanding of the forms and roles of government.

C.4.K.1. Forms and Roles of Government: Recognize the need for rules and the consequences of violating rules. 7
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard C.4.K.1.

C.4.K.2. Forms and Roles of Government: Identify people in the family and school who hold positions of authority. 114
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard C.4.K.2.

C.4.K.3. Forms and Roles of Government: Identify the name and picture of the current president of the United States and current governor of Arkansas. 6
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard C.4.K.3.

C.5. Citizenship: Students shall develop an understanding of how to participate, develop, and use the skills necessary for effective citizenship.

C.5.K.1. Roots of Democracy: Recognize national symbols that represent American democracy: American flag, Bald Eagle, Statue of Liberty, White House, and United States Constitution. 4
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard C.5.K.1.

C.5.K.2. Rights and Responsibilities of Citizens: Discuss the rights and responsibilities of being a good citizen (e.g., respect others, cooperate, share). 27
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard C.5.K.2.

C.5.K.3. Rights and Responsibilities of Citizens: Identify voting procedures by participating in a classroom voting process (e.g., which book to read, what game to play). 7
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard C.5.K.3.

C.5.K.4. Rights and Responsibilities of Citizens: Identify the appropriate procedures for the daily recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance: standing up straight, placing the right hand over heart, removing hats, and observing location of the flag. 2
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard C.5.K.4.

AR.H. History

H.6. History: Students shall analyze significant ideas, events, and people in world, national, state, and local history and how they affect change over time.

H.6.K.1. Regionalism/ Nationalism: Recognize celebrations and holidays as a way of remembering and honoring events and people of the past: Labor Day, Veteran's Day, Thanksgiving, Columbus Day, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, President's Day, Independence Day, and Memorial Day 28
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard H.6.K.1.

H.6.K.2. Regionalism/ Nationalism: Identify state symbols of Arkansas: flag, tree, insect, and beverage. 3
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard H.6.K.2.

H.6.K.3. Regionalism and Nationalism: Identify famous Arkansans. 3
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard H.6.K.3.

H.6.K.4. Continuity and Change: Discuss how things change over time using chronological terms: before/after, first/next/last, now/long ago, and yesterday/ today/tomorrow. 19
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard H.6.K.4.

H.6.K.5. Continuity and Change: Identify events that take place in sequential order (e.g., family photos, pictures from magazines). 12
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard H.6.K.5.

H.6.K.6. Continuity and Change: Discuss how historical events relate to the present day (e.g., stories of George Washington Carver, Wright Brothers). 5
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard H.6.K.6.

H.6.K.7. Continuity and Change: Recognize that family activities have changed over time. 106
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard H.6.K.7.

H.6.K.8. Continuity and Change: Understand that Pilgrims came to America from another part of the world. 5
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard H.6.K.8.

H.6.K.9. Continuity and Change: Recognize examples of current and early transportation. 74
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard H.6.K.9.

H.6.K.10. Movement: Discuss Christopher Columbus and his discovery of America. 3
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard H.6.K.10.

H.6.K.11. Cultural Diversity and Uniformity: Recognize the relationship between the American Indians and the Pilgrims (e.g., story, song). 3
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard H.6.K.11.

AR.E. Economics

E.7. Choices: Students shall analyze the costs and benefits of making economic choices.

E.7.K.1. Costs and Benefits: Recognize that all people have economic wants and needs. 2
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard E.7.K.1.

E.7.K.2. Costs and Benefits: Discuss the concept of making choices related to wants and needs. 2
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard E.7.K.2.

E.7.K.3. Costs and Benefits: Identify the concept of scarcity (e.g., not enough items available). 1
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard E.7.K.3.

E.8. Resources: Students shall evaluate the use and allocation of human, natural, and capital resources.

E.8.K.1. Factors of Production: Identify human resources (e.g., community workers). 20
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard E.8.K.1.

E.8.K.2. Factors of Production: Discuss the roles of producers and consumers. 9
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard E.8.K.2.

E.8.K.3. Factors of Production: Discuss how people earn a living in the community and the places they work. 31
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard E.8.K.3.

E.8.K.4. Factors of Production: Discuss natural resources. 37
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard E.8.K.4.

E.8.K.5. Factors of Production: Discuss capital resources. 10
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard E.8.K.5.

E.9. Markets: Students shall analyze the exchange of goods and services and the roles of governments, businesses, and individuals in the market place.

E.9.K.1. Financial Markets: Recognize that money is used to purchase items. 24
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard E.9.K.1.

E.9.K.2. Goods and Services: Identify goods that people use. 9
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard E.9.K.2.

E.9.K.3. Goods and Services: Identify services people do for each other. 28
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard E.9.K.3.

E.9.K.4. Goods and Services: Recognize that people choose among a variety of goods and services. 11
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard E.9.K.4.

E.9.K.5. Goods and Services: Recognize that people work to earn money to purchase items. 10
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard E.9.K.5.

E.9.K.6. Goods and Services: Understand that markets exist in a community. 10
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard E.9.K.6.

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