Alabama State Standards for Social Studies: Kindergarten

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AL.1. Self and Family: In kindergarten, students view changes that occur in their lives, in the history of the school, and in the community with a perspective that provides a foundation for them to begin to understand events in the past, present, and future.

1.1. History: Use daily schedules and timelines from birth to present to relate self and family to changes over time. 6
Suggested Titles for Alabama Social Studies State Standard 1.1.

1.2. Economics/History: Compare families of today with families of the past in relation to work, home, and school. 4
Suggested Titles for Alabama Social Studies State Standard 1.2.

1.3. History: Identify historically significant events as they relate to self and family. 8
Suggested Titles for Alabama Social Studies State Standard 1.3.

1.4. Economics/Political Science: Identify personal use of goods and services. 11
Suggested Titles for Alabama Social Studies State Standard 1.4.

1.5. Economics: Identify personal wants and needs. 1
Suggested Titles for Alabama Social Studies State Standard 1.5.

1.6. Geography: Identify vocabulary related to location and direction. 3
Suggested Titles for Alabama Social Studies State Standard 1.6.

1.7. Geography: Identify representations of Earth using technology, maps, and globes. 7
Suggested Titles for Alabama Social Studies State Standard 1.7.

1.8. Economics/Geography: Describe the effects of different seasons on self and family. 33
Suggested Titles for Alabama Social Studies State Standard 1.8.

1.9. Geography/History: Describe ways people celebrate their diverse cultural heritages. 18
Suggested Titles for Alabama Social Studies State Standard 1.9.

1.10. Political Science: Discuss the rights and responsibilities of individuals in relation to different social groups, including family, peer group, and classmates. 15
Suggested Titles for Alabama Social Studies State Standard 1.10.

1.11. History/Political Science: Identify historic symbols of patriotism. 5
Suggested Titles for Alabama Social Studies State Standard 1.11.

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