Alabama State Standards for Social Studies: Grade 8

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AL.1. World History to 1500: The study of world history in Grade 8 addresses the time period from prehistoric man to the 1500s. Content standards for this grade incorporate the strands of economics, geography, history, and political science, with an emphasis on the history and geography strands.

1.1. Geography/History: Explain how artifacts and other archaeological findings provide evidence of the nature and movement of prehistoric groups of people. 3
Suggested Titles for Alabama Social Studies State Standard 1.1.

1.2. Economics/Geography/History/Political Science: Analyze the characteristics of early civilizations in respect to technology, division of labor, government, calendar, and writings. 46
Suggested Titles for Alabama Social Studies State Standard 1.2.

1.3. History: Compare the development of early world religions, philosophies, and their key tenets. 66
Suggested Titles for Alabama Social Studies State Standard 1.3.

1.4. History/Political Science: Identify the cultural contributions of Classical Greece, including politics, intellectual life, arts, literature, architecture, and science. 9
Suggested Titles for Alabama Social Studies State Standard 1.4.

1.5. Economics/Geography/History/Political Science: Describe the role of Alexander the Great in the Hellenistic world. 1
Suggested Titles for Alabama Social Studies State Standard 1.5.

1.6. Economics/Geography/History/Political Science: Trace the expansion of the Roman Republic and its transformation into an empire, including key geographic, political, and economic elements. 10
Suggested Titles for Alabama Social Studies State Standard 1.6.

1.7. Economics/Geography/History/Political Science: Describe the widespread impact of the Roman Empire. 10
Suggested Titles for Alabama Social Studies State Standard 1.7.

1.8. Geography/History: Describe the development of a classical civilization in India and China. 8
Suggested Titles for Alabama Social Studies State Standard 1.8.

1.9. History/Political Science: Describe the rise of the Byzantine Empire, its institutions, and its legacy, including the influence of the Emperors Constantine and Justinian, and the effect of the Byzantine Empire upon art, religion, architecture, and law. 6
Suggested Titles for Alabama Social Studies State Standard 1.9.

1.10. Economics/Geography/History/Political Science: Trace the development of the early Russian state and the expansion of its trade systems. 3
Suggested Titles for Alabama Social Studies State Standard 1.10.

1.11. Geography/History/Political Science: Describe early Islamic civilizations, including the development of religious, social, and political systems. 29
Suggested Titles for Alabama Social Studies State Standard 1.11.

1.12. Economics/History/Political Science: Describe China's influence on culture, politics, and economics in Japan, Korea, and Southeast Asia. 14
Suggested Titles for Alabama Social Studies State Standard 1.12.

1.13. Economics/Geography/History/ Political Science: Compare the African civilizations of Ghana, Mali, and Songhai to include their geography, religions, slave trade, economic systems, empires, and cultures. 9
Suggested Titles for Alabama Social Studies State Standard 1.13.

1.14. Geography/History: Describe key aspects of pre-Columbian cultures in the Americas including the Olmecs, Mayans, Aztecs, Incas, and North American tribes. 7
Suggested Titles for Alabama Social Studies State Standard 1.14.

1.15. Economics/History/Political Science: Describe the military and governmental events that shaped Europe in the early Middle Ages (600-1000). 42
Suggested Titles for Alabama Social Studies State Standard 1.15.

1.16. Economics/History/Political Science: Describe the major cultural changes in Western Europe in the High Middle Ages (1000-1350). 9
Suggested Titles for Alabama Social Studies State Standard 1.16.

1.17. Economics/History/Political Science: Explain how events and conditions fostered political and economic changes in the late Middle Ages and led to the origins of the Renaissance. 24
Suggested Titles for Alabama Social Studies State Standard 1.17.

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