Alabama State Standards for Science: Grade 2

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AL.1. Physical Science - Students will:

1.1. Identify states of matter as solids, liquids, and gases. 109
Suggested Titles for Alabama Science State Standard 1.1.

1.2. Identify vibration as the source of sound. 200
Suggested Titles for Alabama Science State Standard 1.2.

1.3. Recognize that light travels in a straight line until it strikes an object. 306
Suggested Titles for Alabama Science State Standard 1.3.

1.4. Describe observable effects of forces, including buoyancy, gravity, and magnetism. Examples: buoyancy - boat floating on water, gravity - apple falling from tree, magnetism - magnets adhering to metal 50
Suggested Titles for Alabama Science State Standard 1.4.

AL.2. Life Science - Students will:

2.5. Identify the relationship of structure to function in plants, including roots, stems, leaves, and flowers. 222
Suggested Titles for Alabama Science State Standard 2.5.

2.6. Identify characteristics of animals, including behavior, size, and body covering. 142
Suggested Titles for Alabama Science State Standard 2.6.

AL.3. Earth and Space Science - Students will:

3.7. Identify geological features as mountains, valleys, plains, deserts, lakes, rivers, and oceans. 94
Suggested Titles for Alabama Science State Standard 3.7.

3.8. Identify evidence of erosion and weathering of rocks. 22
Suggested Titles for Alabama Science State Standard 3.8.

3.9. Describe evaporation, condensation, and precipitation in the water cycle. 114
Suggested Titles for Alabama Science State Standard 3.9.

3.10. Identify the impact of weather on agriculture, recreation, the economy, and society. 549
Suggested Titles for Alabama Science State Standard 3.10.

3.11. Identify basic components of our solar system, including the sun, planets, and Earth's moon. 52
Suggested Titles for Alabama Science State Standard 3.11.

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