Alabama State Standards for Mathematics: Grade 8

AL.1.1. Number and Operations: Students will use various strategies and operations to solve problems involving real numbers.

1.1.1. Using alternative representations of rational numbers.

1.1.2. Applying GCF, LCM, and prime and composite numbers, including justification for the reasonableness of results, when working with rational numbers.

1.1.3. Applying proportional reasoning.

1.1.4. Using vocabulary associated with sets, including union and intersection.

1.1.5. Determining whether a number is rational or irrational.

1.1.6. Demonstrating computational fluency with operations on rational numbers.

AL.1.2. Number and Operations: Students will simplify expressions containing natural number exponents by applying one or more of the laws of exponents.

1.2.1. Writing numbers using scientific notation.

AL.1.3. Number and Operations: Students will use order of operations to evaluate and simplify algebraic expressions.

1.3.1. Applying the substitution principle.

1.3.2. Applying the properties of operations on rational numbers to evaluate and simplify algebraic expressions.

AL.1.4. Algebra: Students will graph linear relations by plotting points or by using the slope and y-intercept.

1.4.1. Determining slopes and y-intercepts of lines.

1.4.2. Calculating the slope of a linear relation given as a table or graph.

1.4.3. Exhibiting conceptual understanding of various uses of variables.

AL.1.5. Algebra: Students will solve problems involving linear functions.

1.5.1. Identifying functions from information in tables, sets of ordered pairs, equations, graphs, and mappings.

1.5.2. Determining the rule that defines a function.

1.5.3. Classifying variables in a function as independent or dependent.

1.5.4. Classifying relations as linear or nonlinear by examining tables, graphs, or simple equations.

AL.1.6. Algebra: Students will solve multistep linear equations, including equations requiring the use of the distributive property.

AL.1.7. Geometry: Students will solve problems using the Pythagorean Theorem.

1.7.1. Applying the Triangle Inequality Theorem.

1.7.2. Verifying the Pythagorean Theorem.

1.7.3. Applying the Pythagorean Theorem to determine if a triangle is a right triangle.

1.7.4. Applying the Pythagorean Theorem to find the missing length of a side of a right triangle.

1.7.5. Calculating distances on the coordinate plane using the Pythagorean Theorem.

AL.1.8. Geometry: Students will compare quadrilaterals, triangles, and solids, using their properties and characteristics.

1.8.1. Developing mathematical arguments about the relationships among types of quadrilaterals and triangles.

1.8.2. Identifying angle bisectors, perpendicular bisectors, congruent angles, and congruent figures.

1.8.3. Constructing congruent and similar polygons, congruent angles, congruent segments, and parallel and perpendicular lines.

AL.1.9. Measurement: Students will determine the measures of special angle pairs, including adjacent, vertical, supplementary, and complementary angles, and angles formed by parallel lines cut by a transversal.

AL.1.10. Measurement: Students will find the perimeter and area of regular and irregular plane figures.

AL.1.11. Measurement: Students will determine the surface area and volume of rectangular prisms, cylinders, and pyramids.

1.11.1. Estimating surface area and volume of solid figures.

1.11.2. Determining the appropriate units of measure to describe surface area and volume.

1.11.3. Developing formulas for determining surface area and volume of rectangular prisms, cylinders, and pyramids.

AL.1.12. Measurement: Students will determine the lengths of missing sides and measures of angles in similar and congruent figures.

1.12.1. Applying proportional reasoning.

1.12.2. Using dilations on the coordinate plane to determine measures of similar figures.

1.12.3. Finding the ratios of the perimeters and areas of similar triangles, trapezoids, and parallelograms.

AL.1.13. Data Analysis and Probability: Students will interpret data from populations, using given and collected data.

1.13.1. Representing the data with the most appropriate graph, including box-and-whisker plot, circle graph, and scatterplot.

1.13.2. Making predictions by estimating the line of best fit from a scatterplot.

1.13.3. Comparing data sets involving two populations.

1.13.4. Determining the measure of center that is the most appropriate for a given situation.

AL.1.14. Data Analysis and Probability: Students will determine the theoretical probability of an event.

1.14.1. Calculating the probability of complementary events and mutually exclusive events.

1.14.2. Comparing experimental and theoretical probability.

1.14.3. Computing the probability of two independent events and two dependent events.

1.14.4. Determining the probability of an event through simulation.

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