Alabama State Standards for Mathematics: Grade 7

AL.1.1. Number and Operations: Students will demonstrate computational fluency with addition, subtraction, and multiplication of integers.

1.1.1. Developing algorithms for performing operations on integers.

1.1.2. Using inverse properties of addition and of multiplication.

AL.1.2. Number and Operations: Students will use order of operations to evaluate numerical expressions.

1.2.1. Computing absolute values.

1.2.2. Finding square roots of perfect squares through 225.

1.2.3. Evaluating powers.

1.2.4. Applying properties of operations to compute with integers, fractions, and decimals.

AL.1.3. Number and Operations: Students will solve problems requiring the use of operations on rational numbers.

1.3.1. Describing the method used.

1.3.2. Determining the reasonableness of results.

1.3.3. Using percents to solve problems, including problems involving discounts, taxes, commissions, and simple interest.

AL.1.4. Algebra: Students will express a pattern shown in a table, graph, or chart as an algebraic equation.

1.4.1. Recognizing the relationships between numerical patterns in tables and their respective graphs in the coordinate plane.

1.4.2. Determining if a constant rate of change exists in a pattern.

AL.1.5. Algebra: Students will translate verbal phrases into algebraic expressions and algebraic expressions into verbal phrases.

1.5.1. Exhibiting understanding of a variable as an unknown quantity.

AL.1.6. Algebra: Students will solve one- and two-step equations.

1.6.1. Solving inequalities in one variable.

1.6.2. Graphing solution sets of inequalities on a number line.

1.6.3. Recognizing properties of equality.

AL.1.7. Geometry: Students will determine the transformation(s), including translations, reflections, or rotations, used to alter the position of a polygon on the coordinate plane.

1.7.1. Determining the type of symmetry (rotational or line) found in a reflection or rotation.

1.7.2. Graphing transformations of quadrilaterals on the Cartesian plane by plotting the vertices.

1.7.3. Graphing figures which are similar to other figures using dilations.

AL.1.8. Geometry: Students will recognize geometric relationships among two-dimensional and three-dimensional objects.

1.8.1. Drawing geometric figures when given specified components, including base and height.

1.8.2. Investigating properties and relationships among congruent figures.

1.8.3. Identifying geometric ideas in settings outside the mathematics classroom.

1.8.4. Using networks to represent and solve problems.

AL.1.9. Measurement: Students will solve problems involving circumference and area of circles.

1.9.1. Estimating circumference, diameter, and area.

1.9.2. Determining appropriate units of measure to describe circumference, diameter, and area.

1.9.3. Measuring circumference and diameter using customary and metric units.

1.9.4. Using circumference and diameter to approximate the value of the product of pi.

1.9.5. Identifying the product of pi as an irrational number.

1.9.6. Developing formulas for determining circumference and area.

AL.1.10. Measurement: Students will find the perimeter of polygons and the area of triangles and trapezoids.

1.10.1. Developing formulas for determining perimeter and area of triangles and trapezoids.

AL.1.11. Measurement: Students will solve problems involving ratios or rates, using proportional reasoning.

1.11.1. Determining the unit rate.

1.11.2. Converting rates from one unit to another.

1.11.3. Converting units of length, weight, or capacity from metric to customary and from customary to metric.

AL.1.12. Data Analysis and Probability: Students will determine measures of central tendency (mean, median, and mode) and the range using a given set of data or graphs, including histograms, frequency tables, and stem-and-leaf plots.

1.12.1. Creating histograms.

AL.1.13. Data Analysis and Probability: Students will determine the probability of a compound event.

1.13.1. Representing outcomes as a list, chart, picture, or tree diagram.

1.13.2. Determining the number of possible outcomes by using the fundamental counting principle or other techniques.

1.13.3. Modeling the probability of events through simulations with random numbers.

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