Alabama State Standards for Mathematics: Grade 6

AL.1.1. Number and Operations: Students will demonstrate computational fluency with addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of decimals and fractions.

1.1.1. Comparing rational numbers written as fractions, decimals, mixed numbers, and percents.

1.1.2. Converting fractions and mixed numbers to decimals and percents.

1.1.3. Converting terminating decimals and percents to fractions and mixed numbers.

1.1.4. Writing decimal numbers in expanded notation.

1.1.5. Using prime factorizations.

1.1.6. Identifying prime and composite numbers.

1.1.7. Using greatest common factor (GCF) to simplify fractions.

1.1.8. Formulating algorithms using basic operations on fractions and decimals.

1.1.9. Applying the distributive property to compute with fractions and decimals.

1.1.10. Using least common multiple (LCM) to add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators.

AL.1.2. Number and Operations: Students will solve problems involving decimals, percents, fractions, and proportions.

1.2.1. Estimating with fractions and decimals.

AL.1.3. Algebra: Students wills solve problems using numeric and geometric patterns.

1.3.1. Determining a verbal rule for a function given the input and output.

AL.1.4. Geometry: Students will identify two-dimensional and three-dimensional figures based on attributes, properties, and component parts.

1.4.1. Classifying quadrilaterals based on their attributes.

1.4.2. Identifying line and rotational symmetries of polygons.

1.4.3. Classifying triangles as right, obtuse, or acute.

AL.1.5. Geometry: Students will plot coordinates on grids, graphs, and maps.

1.5.1. Identifying the coordinates of a point on the Cartesian plane.

1.5.2. Comparing parallel and perpendicular lines.

AL.1.6. Measurement: Students will classify angles as acute, obtuse, right, or straight.

1.6.1. Estimating angle measures using 45 degrees, 90 degrees, 180 degrees, 270 degrees, or 360 degrees as referents.

1.6.2. Measuring angles.

AL.1.7. Measurement: Students will solve problems involving perimeter and area of parallelograms and rectangles.

1.7.1. Estimating perimeter and area.

1.7.2. Developing formulas to determine perimeter and area of parallelograms and rectangles.

AL.1.8. Measurement: Students will determine the distance between two points on a scale drawing or a map using proportional reasoning.

1.8.1. Using different forms of notation to symbolize ratios and rates.

AL.1.9. Measurement: Students will convert units of length, weight, or capacity within the same system (customary or metric).

AL.1.10. Data Analysis and Probability: Students will interpret information from bar graphs, line graphs, and circle graphs.

AL.1.11. Data Analysis and Probability: Students will find the probability of a simple event.

1.11.1. Expressing probabilities as ratios, percents, and decimals.

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