Alabama State Standards for Mathematics: Grade 1

AL.1.1. Number and Operations: Students will demonstrate concepts of number sense by counting forward and backward by ones, twos, fives, and tens up to 100; counting forward and backward from an initial number other than 1; and using multiple representations for a given number.

1.1.1. Identifying position using the ordinal numbers 1st through 10th.

1.1.2. Using vocabulary, including the terms equal, all, and none, to identify sets of objects.

1.1.3. Recognizing that the quantity remains the same when the spatial arrangement changes.

1.1.4. Determining the value of the digit in the ones place and the value of the digit in the tens place in a numeral.

1.1.5. Determining the value of a number given the number of tens and ones.

1.1.6. Determining the value of a number that is 10 more or 10 less than a given number.

1.1.7. Determining the monetary value of individual coins and sets of like coins up to $1.00.

AL.1.2. Number and Operations: Students will demonstrate conceptual understanding of addition and subtraction by telling number stories; joining, separating, and comparing sets of objects; and applying signs (+ and -) to the actions of joining and separating sets.

1.2.1. Solving simple word problems using a variety of strategies and distinguishing between relevant and irrelevant information.

1.2.2. Solving problems requiring the addition and subtraction of one- or two-digit numerals without regrouping.

1.2.3. Using three or more addends.

AL.1.3. Number and Operations: Students will demonstrate computational fluency of basic addition and subtraction facts by identifying sums to 10 and differences with minuends of 10 or less.

AL.1.4. Number and Operations: Students will identify parts of a whole with two, three, or four equal parts.

1.4.1. Dividing an object into equal parts.

AL.1.5. Algebra: Students will create repeating patterns.

1.5.1. Describing characteristics of patterns.

1.5.2. Extending patterns including number patterns.

1.5.3. Identifying patterns in the environment.

AL.1.6. Algebra: Students will solve problems using the identity and commutative properties of addition.

AL.1.7. Algebra: Students will demonstrate relationships between operations.

AL.1.8. Geometry: Students will differentiate among plane shapes, including circles, squares, rectangles, and triangles.

1.8.1. Describing similarities and differences between plane and solid shapes.

1.8.2. Transferring shape combinations from one representation (dimension) to another.

1.8.3. Recognizing real-life examples of line symmetry.

1.8.4. Changing the position of objects or shapes by sliding (translation) and turning (rotation).

1.8.5. Combining shapes to fill in the area of a given shape.

AL.1.9. Geometry: Students will identify solid shapes in the environment, including cubes, rectangular prisms, cones, spheres, and cylinders.

AL.1.10. Measurement: Students will compare objects according to length, weight, and capacity.

1.10.1. Measuring the length of objects using a variety of nonstandard units.

1.10.2. Ordering according to attributes.

AL.1.11. Measurement: Students will identify the hour using analog and digital clocks.

1.11.1. Identifying the half hour using analog and digital clocks.

AL.1.12. Measurement: Students will locate days, dates, and months on a calendar.

1.12.1. Using vocabulary associated with a calendar.

AL.1.13. Data Analysis and Probability: Students will organize objects or information into predetermined and labeled data displays, including pictographs, tally charts, bar graphs, or double-loop Venn diagrams.

1.13.1. Generating simple questions for data collection.

1.13.2. Creating displays with appropriate labels.

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