Alabama State Standards for Language Arts: Grade 2

AL.R. Reading - Students will:

R.1. Demonstrate phonological skills, including manipulating sounds and words of the English language and identifying syllables in two- and three-syllable words.

R.2. Apply phonetic strategies to decode unfamiliar and multi-syllable words using graphophonemic clues and letter-sound correspondences, including diphthongs and digraphs.

R.2.1. Correcting word-recognition errors

R.2.2. Reading phonetically regular and irregular two-syllable words

R.3. Exhibit vocabulary skills, including explaining simple common antonyms and synonyms and using descriptive words.

R.3.1. Responding to questions

R.3.2. Using semantic cues to achieve meaning

R.3.3. Recognizing words in the environment

R.3.4. Using new words from independent reading of stories and texts

R.3.5. Recognizing possessive forms

R.3.6. Using correct spelling, including spelling of sight words, spelling of unfamiliar words using phonetic strategies, and checking spelling with a dictionary

R.3.7. Identifying multiple-meaning words

R.4. Demonstrate comprehension of second-grade reading materials across the curriculum, including drawing simple conclusions, classifying ideas and things, identifying sequence, and retelling directions and information from informational and functional reading materials.

R.4.1. Relating events and ideas to specific life experiences

R.4.2. Answering what if, why, and how questions

R.4.3. Identifying characters

R.5. Read with fluency passages containing complex sentences.

R.5.1. Reading 90-100 words per minute

R.5.2. Recognizing second-grade high-frequency words

R.5.3. Using punctuation to help phrase

R.5.4. Making self-corrections

R.5.5. Reading with expression

AL.L. Literature - Students will:

L.6. Differentiate among folktales, tall tales, fables, realistic fiction, and other narrative texts.

L.6.1. Recognizing the author's purpose or intent in a variety of texts

L.6.2. Inferring the main idea and supporting details in narrative texts

L.6.3. Summarizing the plot and characters' actions and motivations in narrative texts

L.6.4. Recognizing morals and lessons in narrative texts

L.7. Explain how authors use text features to identify key and supporting ideas in informational texts.

AL.WL. Writing and Language - Students will:

WL.8. Organize sentences into a paragraph to address a topic or tell a story.

WL.8.1. Sorting information using graphic organizers

WL.8.2. Generating a topic sentence and a concluding sentence in a paragraph

WL.8.3. Drafting a written piece, including an introductory paragraph and a concluding paragraph

WL.8.4. Editing for spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and sentence variety

WL.8.5. Publishing final draft

WL.8.6. Using descriptive, narrative, and expository modes of writing

WL.8.7. Writing free verse poetry to express ideas

WL.9. Demonstrate correct use of question marks and capitalization of names, months, days of the week, and holidays in written expression.

WL.9.1. Using abbreviations, apostrophes in contractions, and apostrophes in possessives in writing

WL.9.2. Using commas in writing

WL.9.3. Using exclamation points at the end of sentences to show emotion in writing

WL.10. Use concrete nouns and action verbs in written communication.

WL.10.1. Describing nouns using adjectives in writing

WL.10.2. Substituting nouns with pronouns in writing

WL.10.3. Using singular and plural nouns in writing

WL.11. Write words and sentences legibly with proper spacing in manuscript.

WL.11.1. Forming upper- and lower-case letters in cursive

AL.RI. Research and Inquiry - Students will:

RI.12. Utilize research skills to collect and record information on a specific topic.

RI.12.1. Listing key concepts from texts

RI.12.2. Locating boldface and italicized words to identify essential information

RI.12.3. Using captions, illustrations, and photographs to extend meaning of written text

RI.13. Locate information in reference material using alphabetical order.

RI.13.1. Generating oral and written questions before, during, and after research

RI.13.2. Using table of contents, glossary, and index to locate information

RI.13.3. Reporting on a specific topic with facts and details

AL.OVC. Oral and Visual Communication - Students will:

OVC.14. Respond to various types of literature read aloud.

OVC.14.1. Focusing attention on a speaker without interrupting

OVC.14.2. Following multi-step oral directions

OVC.14.3. Interpreting presented information

OVC.15. Select appropriate voice tone, gestures, and facial expression to enhance meaning.

OVC.15.1. Using active listening skills

OVC.15.2. Retelling stories and events in logical order

OVC.15.3. Remaining on topic when speaking

OVC.15.4. Using visual aids, props, and technology in oral presentations

OVC.15.5. Using appropriate grammar and word choice in oral presentations and in conversations

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