Alabama State Standards for Language Arts: Grade 11

AL.R. Reading - Students will:

R.1. Analyze authors' use of literary elements including characterization, theme, tone, setting, mood, plot, and literary point of view, in American short stories, drama, poetry, or essays and other nonfiction literature, predominantly from 1900 to the present.

R.1.1. Identifying major historical developments of language and literature in America from 1900 to the present

R.1.2. Evaluating author technique

R.2. Analyze use of figurative language and literary devices, including hyperbole, simile, metaphor, personification, and other imagery, to enhance specific literary passages.

R.2.1. Explaining use of allusions

R.2.2. Analyzing use of analogies for meaning

R.2.3. Interpreting irony

R.2.4. Analyzing poetry for rhythm and rhyme schemes

R.3. Read with comprehension a variety of informational and functional reading materials, including recognizing organizational patterns, evaluating strengths and weaknesses of argument, and identifying directions implied or embedded in a passage.

R.3.1. Recognizing fallacies in logic

R.3.2. Drawing conclusions to determine author intent

R.3.3. Applying advanced knowledge of context clues and structural analysis to determine word meaning

R.3.4. Evaluating quality of writing

AL.L. Literature - Students will:

L.4. Analyze twentieth and twenty-first century American literary selections for plot structure, cultural significance, and use of propaganda.

L.5. Evaluate twentieth and twenty-first century American authors' use of language, including length and complexity of sentences, diction, and Standard English versus dialect.

L.6. Determine word meaning in twentieth and twenty-first century American literature using word structure and context clues.

L.7. Compare the writing styles of two or more American authors or public figures.

AL.WL. Writing and Language - Students will:

WL.8. Write the text for an oral presentation with attention to word choice, organizational patterns, transitional devices, and tone.

WL.8.1. Using a variety of sentence patterns

WL.8.2. Developing an effective voice suitable for audience and purpose

WL.9. Analyze writing for parallelism in literary selections and student writing.

WL.10. Edit writings, including student papers, for correct parallel form in clauses in a series and with correlative conjunctions and for correct use of subject-verb agreement with subjects with intervening phrases; subjects with collective nouns; subjects with indefinite pronouns when the verb form depends on the rest of the sentence; and subjects in sentences with correlative conjunctions or in inverted order.

WL.10.1. Editing writings for mechanics, usage, grammar, and style

WL.10.2. Demonstrating appropriate use of ellipses, parentheses, hyphens and suspended hyphens, hyphenation of number-and-noun modifiers, slashes, and use of commas with subordinate clauses and nominative absolutes

WL.11. Differentiate between the use of active and passive voice.

AL.RI. Research and Inquiry - Students will:

RI.12. Use the research process to manage, document, organize, and present information to support a thesis on a literary topic.

RI.12.1. Using paraphrasing and documentation of sources to avoid plagiarism

AL.OVC. Oral and Visual Communication - Students will:

OVC.13. Compare the use of oral presentation skills of self and others.

OVC.14. Identify propaganda in nonprint media.

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