Alabama State Standards for Language Arts: Grade 1

AL.R. Reading - Students will:

R.1. Demonstrate phonemic awareness, including isolating, deleting, and adding phonemes; using onsets and rimes; and identifying initial, medial, and final sounds in one-syllable words.

R.1.1. Blending phonemes to produce sounds

R.2. Utilize predictable letter-sound relationships to decode printed words, including words with consonant blends that require blending 3-4 phonemes into a whole word.

R.2.1. Blending sounds to form words

R.2.2. Identifying sound-spelling relationships of consonants and vowels

R.2.3. Segmenting printed words into phonemes

R.3. Demonstrate vocabulary skills, including sorting words into categories and deriving word meaning from context within sentences and paragraphs.

R.3.1. Using new words from reading when writing and speaking

R.3.2. Recognizing words in the environment

R.3.3. Asking questions for clarification

R.3.4. Spelling correctly sight words and single-syllable, phonetically regular words

R.4. Read with comprehension a variety of first-grade narrative and informational texts, including recalling information and retelling a story with beginning, middle, and end.

R.4.1. Recognizing cues provided by print

R.4.2. Making predictions from text clues

R.4.3. Stating main ideas about a topic in informational text

R.4.4. Connecting events in a story to specific life experiences

R.4.5. Monitoring comprehension during reading

R.4.6. Drawing simple conclusions

R.5. Read with fluency simple passages containing simple sentences.

R.5.1. Reading 40-60 words per minute

R.5.2. Recognizing first-grade high frequency words by sight

R.5.3. Attending to end punctuation in phrasing

AL.L. Literature - Students will:

L.6. Recognize a variety of narrative text forms, including fairy tales, adventure stories, and poetry.

L.6.1. Identifying characters, settings, problems, and solutions in a variety of texts

L.6.2. Comparing story elements through text-to-text connections

L.7. Use the basic features of informational text to distinguish fact from fiction.

AL.WL. Writing and Language - Students will:

WL.8. Use complete sentences to address a topic or tell a story.

WL.8.1. Using graphic organizers to outline content

WL.8.2. Rereading to make revisions

WL.8.3. Editing for spelling, punctuation, and capitalization

WL.8.4. Publishing final draft

WL.8.5. Using descriptive, narrative, and expository modes of writing

WL.8.6. Writing simple poems addressing a topic

WL.9. Use periods at the end of sentences and capitalization at the beginning of sentences and with the pronoun I.

WL.9.1. Using question marks at the end of asking sentences

WL.10. Use a word that names a person, place, thing, or animal as the subject of a sentence.

WL.10.1. Using verbs to show action

WL.10.2. Using adjectives to describe

WL.10.3. Identifying singular and plural nouns

WL.11. Exhibit proper letter formation, spacing, and letter-line placement in words and sentences.

AL.RI. Research and Inquiry - Students will:

RI.12. Collect information from print and nonprint resources to investigate a teacher- or student-selected topic.

RI.12.1. Generating oral and written questions to gather information

RI.12.2. Using parts of a book to locate information

RI.12.3. Using alphabetical order to the first letter to access information

RI.12.4. Interpreting information from simple charts, maps, graphs, and directions

AL.OVC. Oral and Visual Communication - Students will:

OVC.13. Listen for meaning in conversations and discussions, including looking at the speaker without interrupting.

OVC.13.1. Following two- and three-part oral directions

OVC.13.2. Making connections to literature read aloud

OVC.14. Use appropriate intonation when speaking and interacting with others.

OVC.14.1. Using grammar and word choice appropriate for a specific audience

OVC.14.2. Reciting poems, rhymes, songs, and stories

OVC.14.3. Demonstrating the ability to take turns in a conversation

OVC.14.4. Expanding vocabulary reflective of a growing range of interests and knowledge

OVC.14.5. Using pictures, objects, music, and computer resources to present information

OVC.14.6. Using the writing process to prepare oral presentations

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