Founding Mothers/Women Leaders

Celebrate Trailblazing Women With These Perma-Bound Titles!

The official theme for this year's Women's History Month observance is “Honoring Trailblazing Women in Labor and Business.” Here at Perma-Bound, we've expanded that theme to celebrate so-called “Founding Mothers” and their spiritual descendants--the women leaders in all walks of life who have forwarded the cause of equality and human rights throughout our history, whether through direct political and social action, or through major contributions in areas previously closed to women such as education, the arts, and science.

In the following book sets, you'll find both fiction and nonfiction titles celebrating the lives and achievements of these trailblazers: women such as pioneering abolitionist Harriet Tubman; nineteenth-century British mathematician and first computer programmer Ada Lovelace; human rights activist and former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt; twentieth-century trombone virtuoso and composer Melba Doretta Liston; first woman astronaut Sally Ride; contemporary African-American prima ballerina Misty Copeland; and many more.

Explore the rich history of women's achievement--and honor the legacy of our Founding Mothers and the achievements of female leaders of today--with these titles for elementary, middle school, and secondary-level readers. And, for more information about Women's History Month, go to