Kentucky State Standards for Arts Education: Grade 8

Currently Perma-Bound only has suggested titles for grades K-8 in the Science and Social Studies areas. We are working on expanding this.

KY.PS. Program of Studies 2006

AH-8-SA. Big Idea: Structure in the Arts - Understanding of the various structural components of the arts is critical to the development of other larger concepts in the arts. Structures that artists use include elements and principles of each art form, tools, media, and subject matter that impact artistic products, and specific styles and genre that provide a context for creating works. It is the artist's choice of these structural components in the creative process that results in a distinctively expressive work. Students make choices about how to use structural organizers to create meaningful works of their own. The more students understand, the greater their ability to produce, interpret, or critique artworks from other artists, cultures, and historical periods. (Academic Expectations 1.12, 1.13, 1.14, 1.15, 2.23)

AH-8-SA-U-1. Program of Studies: Understandings (Music) - Students will understand that the elements of music, dance, and drama are intentionally applied in creating and performing.

AH-8-SA-U-3. Program of Studies: Understandings (Music) - Students will understand that responding to and critiquing works of art involves an understanding of elements, principles, and structures appropriate to each area of the arts.

AH-8-SA-U-4. Program of Studies: Understandings (Music) - Students will understand that existing and emerging technologies can inspire new applications of structural components.

AH-8-SA-S-Mu1. Program of Studies: Skills and Concepts (Music) - Students will use appropriate terminology to identify and analyze the use of elements in a variety of music (rhythm, tempo, melody, harmony, form, timbre, dynamics)

AH-8-SA-S-Mu2. Program of Studies: Skills and Concepts (Music) - Students will use the elements of music while performing, singing, playing instruments, moving, listening, reading music, writing music, and creating music independently and with others

AH-8-SA-S-Mu3. Program of Studies: Skills and Concepts (Music) - Students will listen to and explore how changing different elements results in different musical effects

AH-8-SA-S-Mu4. Program of Studies: Skills and Concepts (Music) - Students will recognize, describe, and compare various styles of music (gospel, Broadway musicals, blues, popular, marches, ballads)

AH-8-SA-S-Mu5. Program of Studies: Skills and Concepts (Music) - Students will identify and describe instruments according to classifications (family, voices, folk and orchestral instruments)

AH-8-SA-S-Da1. Program of Studies: Skills and Concepts (Dance) - Students will use appropriate terminology to identify and analyze the use of elements in a variety of dance (space, time, force)

AH-8-SA-S-Da2. Program of Studies: Skills and Concepts (Dance) - Students will observe, describe, and demonstrate choreographic forms in dance

AH-8-SA-S-Da3. Program of Studies: Skills and Concepts (Dance) - Students will apply elements of dance and principles of movement (e.g., balance, initiation of movement, weight shift) when observing, creating, and performing patterns of movement independently and with others

AH-8-SA-S-Da4. Program of Studies: Skills and Concepts (Dance) - Students will identify and describe themes and styles (including characteristics of styles) of dance

AH-8-SA-S-DT1. Program of Studies: Skills and Concepts (Drama/Theatre) - Students will use appropriate terminology to identify and analyze the use of elements of drama (literary, technical, performance) in a variety of dramatic works

AH-8-SA-S-DT2. Program of Studies: Skills and Concepts (Drama/Theatre) - Students will use the elements of drama in creating and performing dramatic works independently and with others

AH-8-SA-S-DT3. Program of Studies: Skills and Concepts (Drama/Theatre) - Students will observe, describe, and apply creative dramatics (improvisation, mimicry, pantomime, role playing and story telling) in a variety of situations

AH-8-SA-S-DT4. Program of Studies: Skills and Concepts (Drama/Theatre) - Students will identify and describe how technical elements (staging, scenery, props, costumes, make-up, lighting, sound) and performance elements (acting, speaking, nonverbal expression) create mood and believable characters

AH-8-SA-S-DT5. Program of Studies: Skills and Concepts (Drama/Theatre) - Students will describe and compare types of stages (arena, thrust, proscenium)

AH-8-SA-S-DT6. Program of Studies: Skills and Concepts (Drama/Theatre) - Students will explore a variety of dramatic works (e.g., theater and dramatic media - film, television, electronic media)

AH-8-SA-U-2. Program of Studies: Understandings (Visual Arts) - Students will understand that the principles of design and the elements of visual art are intentionally applied in creating works of art.

AH-8-SA-S-VA1. Program of Studies: Skills and Concepts (Visual Arts) - Students will use appropriate terminology to describe and analyze the use of elements of art (line, shape, form, texture, color) and principles of design (emphasis, pattern, balance, contrast) in a variety of visual artworks

AH-8-SA-S-VA2. Program of Studies: Skills and Concepts (Visual Arts) - Students will use the elements of art, principles of design and a variety of processes in creating artworks

AH-8-SA-S-VA3. Program of Studies: Skills and Concepts (Visual Arts) - Students will apply organizational structures and describe what makes them effective or not effective in communicating ideas

AH-8-SA-S-VA4. Program of Studies: Skills and Concepts (Visual Arts) - Students will identify and analyze the use of elements of art (e.g., line, shape, form, texture, primary and secondary colors, color schemes/groups) and principles of design (e.g., focal point, pattern, balance, contrast) in a variety of two and three dimensional artworks

AH-8-SA-S-VA5. Program of Studies: Skills and Concepts (Visual Arts) - Students will identify a variety of subject matter in visual artworks (representational - e.g., landscape, portrait, still life, nonrepresentational - e.g., abstract, non-objective)

AH-8-HA. Big Idea: Humanity in the Arts - The arts reflect the beliefs, feelings, and ideals of those who create them. Experiencing the arts allows one to experience time, place, and/or personality. By experiencing the arts of various cultures, students can actually gain insight into the beliefs, feelings, and ideas of those cultures. Students also have the opportunity to experience how the arts can influence society through analysis of arts in their own lives and the arts of other cultures and historical periods. Studying the historical and cultural stylistic periods in the arts offers students an opportunity to understand the world past and present, and to learn to appreciate their own cultural heritage. Looking at the interrelationships of multiple arts disciplines across cultures and historical periods is the focus of humanities in the arts. (Academic Expectations 2.24, 2.25, 2.26)

AH-8-HA-U-1. Program of Studies: Understandings (Music) - Students will understand that the arts are powerful tools for understanding human experiences both past and present.

AH-8-HA-U-2. Program of Studies: Understandings (Music) - Students will understand that the arts help us understand others' (often very different) ways of thinking, working, and expressing ourselves.

AH-8-HA-U-3. Program of Studies: Understandings (Music) - Students will understand that the arts play a major role in the creation and defining of cultures and building civilizations.

AH-8-HA-S-Mu1. Program of Studies: Skills and Concepts (Music) - Students will describe and analyze distinguishing characteristics of music representing a variety of world cultures and time periods (Early American through Civil War)

AH-8-HA-S-Mu2. Program of Studies: Skills and Concepts (Music) - Students will listen to, perform, and classify music representing a variety of world cultures and historical periods

AH-8-HA-S-Mu3. Program of Studies: Skills and Concepts (Music) - Students will examine music from various world cultures and explain how music reflects the culture, cultural beliefs, or blending of cultures; use examples to illustrate how music has directly influenced society or culture

AH-8-HA-S-Mu4. Program of Studies: Skills and Concepts (Music) - Students will examine music from various time periods and explain how the influence of time and place are reflected in the music (e.g., African influences in American music)

AH-8-HA-S-Da1. Program of Studies: Skills and Concepts (Dance) - Students will describe and analyze distinguishing characteristics of dance representing a variety of world cultures and time periods (Early American through Civil War)

AH-8-HA-S-Da2. Program of Studies: Skills and Concepts (Dance) - Students will observe, classify, and perform dance representing a variety of world cultures and historical periods

AH-8-HA-S-Da3. Program of Studies: Skills and Concepts (Dance) - Students will examine dance from various world cultures and explain how dance reflects the culture, cultural beliefs, or blending of cultures; use examples to illustrate how dance has directly influenced society or culture

AH-8-HA-S-Da4. Program of Studies: Skills and Concepts (Dance) - Students will examine dance from various time periods and explain how the influence of time and place are reflected in the dance

AH-8-HA-S-DT1. Program of Studies: Skills and Concepts (Drama/Theatre) - Students will describe and analyze distinguishing characteristics of dramatic work representing a variety of world cultures and time periods (Early American through Civil War)

AH-8-HA-S-DT2. Program of Studies: Skills and Concepts (Drama/Theatre) - Students will observe, classify, and perform dramatic works representing a variety of world cultures and historical periods

AH-8-HA-S-DT3. Program of Studies: Skills and Concepts (Drama/Theatre) - Students will examine dramatic works from various world cultures and explain how dramatic works reflect the culture, cultural beliefs, or blending of cultures; use examples to illustrate how dramatic works have directly influenced society or culture

AH-8-HA-S-DT4. Program of Studies: Skills and Concepts (Drama/Theatre) - Students will examine dramatic works from various time periods and explain how the influence of time and place are reflected in them

AH-8-HA-S-DT5. Program of Studies: Skills and Concepts (Drama/Theatre) - Students will use print and non-print sources to explore, describe, and compare themes, characters, and situations in dramas from different cultures or time periods

AH-8-HA-S-VA1. Program of Studies: Skills and Concepts (Visual Arts) - Students will describe and analyze distinguishing characteristics of visual art representing a variety of world cultures and time periods (Early American through Civil War)

AH-8-HA-S-VA2. Program of Studies: Skills and Concepts (Visual Arts) - Students will observe, classify, and create visual art according to styles and processes used in a variety of world cultures and historical periods

AH-8-HA-S-VA3. Program of Studies: Skills and Concepts (Visual Arts) - Students will examine visual artworks from various world cultures and explain how artworks reflect the culture, cultural beliefs, or blending of cultures; use examples to illustrate how artworks have directly influenced society or culture

AH-8-HA-S-VA4. Program of Studies: Skills and Concepts (Visual Arts) - Students will examine visual artworks from various time periods and explain the influence of time and place are reflected in them (e.g., European Neo-classical influences on architecture)

AH-8-HA-S-VA5. Program of Studies: Skills and Concepts (Visual Arts) - Students will use print and non-print sources to explore, describe, and compare themes, characters, and situations in artworks from different cultures or time periods

AH-8-PCA. Big Idea: Purposes for Creating the Arts - The arts have played a major role throughout the history of humans. As the result of the power of the arts to communicate on a basic human level, they continue to serve a variety of purposes in society. The arts are used for artistic expression to portray specific emotions or feelings, to tell stories in a narrative manner, to imitate nature, and to persuade others. The arts bring meaning to ceremonies, rituals, celebrations, and commemorations. Additionally, they are used for recreation and to support recreational activities. Students experience the arts in a variety of roles through their own creations and performances and through those of others. Through their activities and observations, students learn to create arts and use them for a variety of purposes in society. (Academic Expectations 1.12, 1.13, 1.14, 1.15, 2.22, 2.26)

AH-8-PCA-U-1. Program of Studies: Understandings (Music) - Students will understand that the arts fulfill a variety of purposes in society (e.g., to present issues and ideas, to entertain, to teach or persuade, to design, plan and beautify).

AH-8-PCA-U-2. Program of Studies: Understandings (Music) - Students will understand that the arts have value and significance for daily life. They provide personal fulfillment, whether in vocational settings, avocational pursuits, or leisure.

AH-8-PCA-U-3. Program of Studies: Understandings (Music) - Students will understand that the arts provide forms of nonverbal communication that can strengthen the presentation of ideas and emotions.

AH-8-PCA-S-Mu1. Program of Studies: Skills and Concepts (Music) - Students will compare and explain purposes for which music is created to fulfill (ceremonial, recreational, artistic expression)

AH-8-PCA-S-Mu2. Program of Studies: Skills and Concepts (Music) - Students will create new, listen to, choose and perform music to fulfill a variety of specific purposes

AH-8-PCA-S-Da1. Program of Studies: Skills and Concepts (Dance) - Students will compare and explain purposes for which dance is created (ceremonial, recreational, artistic expression)

AH-8-PCA-S-Da2. Program of Studies: Skills and Concepts (Dance) - Students will create new, observe, choose and perform dance to fulfill a variety of specific purposes

AH-8-PCA-S-DT1. Program of Studies: Skills and Concepts (Drama/Theatre) - Students will compare and explain purposes for which drama/theatre is created (sharing the human experience, passing on tradition and culture, recreational, artistic expression)

AH-8-PCA-S-DT2. Program of Studies: Skills and Concepts (Drama/Theatre) - Students will create or write new, observe, choose and perform dramatic works to fulfill a variety of specific purposes

AH-8-PCA-S-VA1. Program of Studies: Skills and Concepts (Visual Arts) - Students will compare and explain purposes for which visual art is created (ceremonial, artistic expression, narrative, functional, persuasive)

AH-8-PCA-S-VA2. Program of Studies: Skills and Concepts (Visual Arts) - Students will create new, choose and experience artworks created to fulfill a variety of specific purposes

AH-8-PA. Big Idea: Processes in the Arts - There are three distinctive processes involved in the arts. These processes are creating new works, performing works for expressive purposes, and responding to artworks. Each process is critical and relies on others for completion. Artists create works to express ideas, feelings, or beliefs. The visual arts capture a moment in time while the performing arts (music, dance, drama/theatre) are performed for a live audience. The audience responds to the artistic expressions emotionally and intellectually based on the meaning of the work. Each process enhances understanding, abilities, and appreciation of others. Students involved in these processes over time will gain a great appreciation for the arts, for artists past and present, and for the value of artistic expression. (Academic Expectations 1.12, 1.13, 1.14, 1.15, 2.22, 2.25)

AH-8-PA-U-1. Program of Studies: Understandings (Music) - Students will understand that there are three distinct processes for involvement in the arts; creating new artworks, performing works previously created, and responding to artworks and performances.

AH-8-PA-U-2. Program of Studies: Understandings (Music) - Students will understand that full understanding and appreciation of the arts requires some degree of involvement in all three processes.

AH-8-PA-U-3. Program of Studies: Understandings (Music) - Students will understand that openness, respect for work, and an understanding of how artists apply elements and principles of design in creating and performing are personal attitudes and skills that enhance enjoyment of the observer.

AH-8-PA-U-4. Program of Studies: Understandings (Music) - Students will understand that existing and emerging technologies can extend the reach of the art form to new audiences.

AH-8-PA-S-Mu1. Program of Studies: Skills and Concepts (Music) - Students will be actively involved in creating, notating, improvising, and performing music (e.g., similar style answers to musical phrases, variations on given melodies, demonstrating unity/variety, tension/release, and balance) alone and with others

AH-8-PA-S-Mu2. Program of Studies: Skills and Concepts (Music) - Students will use knowledge of musical elements to create and perform music in an expressive manner

AH-8-PA-S-Mu3. Program of Studies: Skills and Concepts (Music) - Students will sing or play alone, and sustain own part in an ensemble, a given piece of music with increasingly complex melodies and rhythmic patterns in treble and bass clef (with practice)

AH-8-PA-S-Mu4. Program of Studies: Skills and Concepts (Music) - Students will use knowledge of the elements of music and music terminology to describe and critique their own performances and the performances of others

AH-8-PA-S-Mu5. Program of Studies: Skills and Concepts (Music) - Students will identify and apply criteria for evaluating music (e.g., skill of performers, originality, emotional impact, variety, interest)

AH-8-PA-S-Mu6. Program of Studies: Skills and Concepts (Music) - Students will demonstrate behavior appropriate for observing the particular context and style of music being performed: discuss opinions with peers in a supportive and constructive way

AH-8-PA-S-Da1. Program of Studies: Skills and Concepts (Dance) - Students will be actively involved (individually and in small groups) in creating and performing dance (using the elements of dance: space, time and force) in a variety of compositional forms (AB, ABA, call and response, or narrative)

AH-8-PA-S-Da2. Program of Studies: Skills and Concepts (Dance) - Students will create an improvisational dance with complex movements (beginning, middle and end)

AH-8-PA-S-Da3. Program of Studies: Skills and Concepts (Dance) - Students will use knowledge of dance elements to create and perform dance in an expressive manner

AH-8-PA-S-Da4. Program of Studies: Skills and Concepts (Dance) - Students will use knowledge of the elements of dance and dance terminology to describe and critique their own performances and the performances of others

AH-8-PA-S-Da5. Program of Studies: Skills and Concepts (Dance) - Students will identify and apply criteria for evaluating dance (e.g., skill of performers, originality, emotional impact, variety, interest)

AH-8-PA-S-Da6. Program of Studies: Skills and Concepts (Dance) - Students will demonstrate behavior appropriate for observing the particular context and style of dance being performed; discuss opinions with peers in a supportive and constructive way

AH-8-PA-S-DT1. Program of Studies: Skills and Concepts (Drama/Theatre) - Students will be actively involved in creating, improvising, and performing dramatic works alone and with others, using elements of drama (Literary, Technical, Performance)

AH-8-PA-S-DT2. Program of Studies: Skills and Concepts (Drama/Theatre) - Students will use knowledge of elements of drama to: create and perform dramatic works in an expressive manner; describe and critique their own performances and the performances of others

AH-8-PA-S-DT3. Program of Studies: Skills and Concepts (Drama/Theatre) - Students will use a variety of resources (e.g., research, peers, technology) to: write, refine, and record dialogue, monologues, and action; explore jobs/careers and skills associated with dramatic arts (theater, media)

AH-8-PA-S-DT4. Program of Studies: Skills and Concepts (Drama/Theatre) - Students will identify and apply criteria for evaluating dramatic works (e.g., skill of performers, originality, emotional impact, variety, interest, technical requirements: lighting, sound, scenery, costumes)

AH-8-PA-S-DT5. Program of Studies: Skills and Concepts (Drama/Theatre) - Students will demonstrate behavior appropriate for observing the particular context and style of dramatic works being performed; discuss opinions with peers in a supportive and constructive way

AH-8-PA-S-VA1. Program of Studies: Skills and Concepts (Visual Arts) - Students will be actively involved in selecting media, techniques, and processes for creating artworks applying the elements of art and principles of design

AH-8-PA-S-VA2. Program of Studies: Skills and Concepts (Visual Arts) - Students will use knowledge of the elements and principles of art and art terminology to: create expressive artworks; describe and critique their own work and the work of others

AH-8-PA-S-VA3. Program of Studies: Skills and Concepts (Visual Arts) - Students will identify and apply criteria for evaluating visual arts (e.g., skill of artist, originality, emotional impact, variety, interest)

AH-8-PA-S-VA4. Program of Studies: Skills and Concepts (Visual Arts) - Students will demonstrate behavior appropriate for observing the particular context and style of the artwork being viewed; discuss opinions with peers in a supportive and constructive way

AH-8-PA-S-VA5. Program of Studies: Skills and Concepts (Visual Arts) - Students will describe personal responses to artwork; explain why there might be different responses to specific works of art (e.g., personal experience, interest, medium used, effectiveness of message)

AH-8-IAA. Big Idea: Interrelationships Among the Arts - The arts share commonalities in structures, purposes, creative processes, and their ability to express ideals, feelings and emotions. Studying interrelationships among the arts enables students to get a broad view of the expressiveness of the art forms as a whole, and helps to develop a full appreciation of the arts as a mirror of human kind. (Academic Expectations 1.12, 1.13, 1.14, 1.15, 2.22, 2.25, 2.26)

AH-8-IAA-U-1. Program of Studies: Understandings (Arts) - Students will understand that the arts are basic forms of human communication.

AH-8-IAA-U-2. Program of Studies: Understandings (Arts) - Students will understand that music, dance, drama, and visual art created in common cultures and/or common historical periods tend to reflect common attitudes, ideas, beliefs, and feelings.

AH-8-IAA-U-3. Program of Studies: Understandings (Arts) - Students will understand that the arts provide forms of non-verbal communication that can strengthen the presentation of ideas and emotions.

AH-8-IAA-U-4. Program of Studies: Understandings (Arts) - Students will understand that the modes of thinking and methods of the arts disciplines can be used to illuminate situations in other disciplines that require creative solutions.

AH-8-IAA-S-1. Program of Studies: Skills and Concepts (Arts) - Students will recognize common terms and concepts used in various arts (e.g., tempo in dance and music)

AH-8-IAA-S-2. Program of Studies: Skills and Concepts (Arts) - Students will identify communication of common themes or ideas across different art forms

AH-8-IAA-S-3. Program of Studies: Skills and Concepts (Arts) - Students will identify and explain connections between and among different art forms from the same culture or from the same time period

AH-8-IAA-S-4. Program of Studies: Skills and Concepts (Arts) - Students will describe commonalities between the arts and other subjects taught in the school (e.g., observation skills in visual arts and science, historical and cultural perspectives in the arts and social studies, shape in visual art and math, dance and a healthy lifestyle, fractions in music notation and math)

AH-8-IAA-S-5. Program of Studies: Skills and Concepts (Arts) - Students will communicate common meaning through creating and performing in the four art forms

KY.AE. Academic Expectation

AE.1. Students are able to use basic communication and mathematics skills for purposes and situations they will encounter throughout their lives.

1.1. Students use reference tools such as dictionaries, almanacs, encyclopedias, and computer reference programs and research tools such as interviews and surveys to find the information they need to meet specific demands, explore interests, or solve specific problems.

1.2. Students make sense of the variety of materials they read.

1.3. Students make sense of the various things they observe.

1.4. Students make sense of the various messages to which they listen.

1.5-1.9. Students use mathematical ideas and procedures to communicate, reason, and solve problems.

1.10. Students organize information through development and use of classification rules and systems.

1.11. Students write using appropriate forms, conventions, and styles to communicate ideas and information to different audiences for different purposes.

1.12. Students speak using appropriate forms, conventions, and styles to communicate ideas and information to different audiences for different purposes.

1.13. Students make sense of ideas and communicate ideas with the visual arts.

1.14. Students make sense of ideas and communicate ideas with music.

1.15. Students make sense of and communicate ideas with movement.

1.16. Students use computers and other kinds of technology to collect, organize, and communicate information and ideas.

AE.2. Students shall develop their abilities to apply core concepts and principles from mathematics, the sciences, the arts, the humanities, social studies, practical living studies, and vocational studies to what they will encounter throughout their lives.

2.22. Arts and Humanities: Students create works of art and make presentations to convey a point of view.

2.23. Arts and Humanities: Students analyze their own and others' artistic products and performances using accepted standards.

2.24. Arts and Humanities: Students have knowledge of major works of art, music, and literature and appreciate creativity and the contributions of the arts and humanities.

2.25. Arts and Humanities: In the products they make and the performances they present, students show that they understand how time, place, and society influence the arts and humanities such as languages, literature, and history.

2.26. Arts and Humanities: Through the arts and humanities, students recognize that although people are different, they share some common experiences and attitudes.

2.27. Arts and Humanities: Students recognize and understand the similarities and differences among languages.

2.28. Arts and Humanities: Students understand and communicate in a second language.

KY.CC. Core Content for Assessment v.4.1

AH-08-1. Structures in the Arts: Understanding of the various structural components of the arts is critical to the development of other larger concepts in the arts. Structures that artists use include elements and principles of each art form, tools, media and subject matter that impact artistic products and specific styles and genre that provide a context for creating works. It is the artist's choice of these in the creative process that results in a distinctively expressive work. Students make choices about how to use structural organizers to create meaningful works of their own. The more students understand, the greater their ability to produce, interpret or critique artworks from other artists, cultures and historical periods.

AH-08-1.1. Music

AH-08-1.1.1. Students will compare or evaluate the use of elements in a variety of music. DOK 3

AH-08-1.1.2. Students will identify instruments according to classifications (Family - brass, woodwind, string, percussion; Voices - soprano, alto, tenor, bass; Folk - instruments used in folk music; Orchestral - instruments used in contemporary orchestral settings).

AH-08-1.1.3. Students will identify or compare various styles of music (gospel, Broadway musicals, blues, jazz, popular, marches, ballads).

AH-08-1.2. Dance

AH-08-1.2.1. Students will compare or evaluate the use of elements in a variety of dances. DOK 3

AH-08-1.2.2. Students will compare and contrast dances by: comparing theme (story), dance styles (e.g., ballet, jazz, tap, modern), characteristics of the style (e.g., tap - feet as rhythmic instrument, ballroom - partnering), and the use of the elements of dance.

AH-08-1.3. Drama/Theatre

AH-08-1.3.1. Students will compare or evaluate the use of elements of drama in dramatic works. DOK 3

AH-08-1.3.2. Students will describe how the technical elements (scenery, props, costumes, make-up, lighting, sound) communicate setting and mood.

AH-08-1.3.3. Students will explain how performance elements (e.g., acting, speaking, movement) can create a believable character.

AH-08-1.3.4. Students will identify and describe the types of stages (arena, thrust, proscenium).

AH-08-1.4. Visual Arts

AH-08-1.4.1. Students will compare or evaluate works of art using elements of art and principles of design. DOK 3

AH-08-1.4.2. Students will compare or evaluate a variety of art media and art processes. DOK 3

AH-08-2. Humanity in the Arts: The arts reflect the beliefs, feelings and ideas of those who create them. Experiencing the arts allows one to experience time, place and/or personality. By experiencing the arts of various cultures, students can actually gain insight into the beliefs, feelings and ideas of those cultures. Students also have the opportunity to experience how the arts can influence society through analysis of arts in their own lives and the arts of other cultures and historical periods. Studying the historical and cultural stylistic periods in the arts offers students an opportunity to understand the world past and present and to learn to appreciate their own cultural heritage. Looking at the interrelationships of multiple arts disciplines across cultures and historical periods is the focus of humanities in the arts.

AH-08-2.1. Music

AH-08-2.1.1. Students will analyze or explain how diverse cultures and time periods are reflected in music. DOK 3

AH-08-2.2. Dance

AH-08-2.2.1. Students will analyze or explain how diverse cultures and time periods are reflected in dance. DOK 3

AH-08-2.3. Drama/Theatre

AH-08-2.3.1. Students will analyze or explain how diverse cultures and time periods are reflected in drama/theatre. DOK 3

AH-08-2.4. Visual Arts

AH-08-2.4.1. Students will analyze or explain how diverse cultures and time periods are reflected in visual arts. DOK 3

AH-08-3. Purposes for Creating the Arts: The arts have played a major role throughout the history of humans. As the result of the power of the arts to communicate on a basic human level, they continue to serve a variety of purposes in society. The arts are used for artistic expression to portray specific emotions or feelings, to tell stories in a narrative manner, to imitate nature and to persuade others. The arts bring meaning to ceremonies, rituals, celebrations and commemorations. Additionally, they are used for recreation and to support recreational activities. Students experience the arts in a variety of roles through their own creations and performances and through those of others. Through their activities and observations, students learn to create arts and use them for a variety of purposes in society.

AH-08-3.1. Music

AH-08-3.1.1. Students will compare or explain how music fulfills a variety of purposes. DOK 2

AH-08-3.2. Dance

AH-08-3.2.1. Students will compare or explain how dance fulfills a variety of purposes. DOK 2

AH-08-3.3. Drama/Theatre

AH-08-3.3.1. Students will compare or explain how drama/theatre fulfills a variety of purposes. DOK 2

AH-08-3.4. Visual Arts

AH-08-3.4.1. Students will compare or explain how art fulfills a variety of purposes. DOK 2

AH-08-4. Processes in the Arts: There are three distinctive processes involved in the arts. These processes are creating new works, performing works for expressive purposes and responding to artworks. Each process is critical and relies on others for completion. Artists create works to express ideas, feelings or beliefs. The visual arts capture a moment in time while the performing arts (music, dance, drama/theatre) are performed for a live audience. The audience responds to the artistic expressions emotionally and intellectually based on the meaning of the work. Each process enhances understanding, abilities and appreciation of others. Students involved in these processes over time will gain a great appreciation for the arts, for artists past and present and for the value of artistic expression.

AH-08-4.1. Music

AH-08-4.1.1. Students will create and notate in similar style answers to musical phrases.

AH-08-4.1.2. Students will improvise variations on given melodies.

AH-08-4.1.3. Students will compose and notate short pieces of music demonstrating unity/variety, tension/release and balance.

AH-08-4.1.4. Students will use a variety of sound sources to create and perform music.

AH-08-4.1.5. Students will sing or play alone and sustain own part in an ensemble, a given piece of music with increasingly complex melodies and rhythmic patterns in treble and bass clef (with practice).

AH-08-4.2. Dance

AH-08-4.2.1. Students will create an individual or a group dance with 2-3 other people using dance elements (space, time and force) that incorporates one of the following compositional forms: AB, ABA, call and response or narrative.

AH-08-4.2.2. Students will create an improvisational dance with complex movements (beginning, middle and end).

AH-08-4.3. Drama/Theatre

AH-08-4.3.1. Students will create and perform using elements of drama. (Literary, Technical, Performance)

AH-08-4.3.2. Students will improvise short dialogues and monologues.

AH-08-4.3.3. Students will engage in dramatic activities that reflect historical times and cultures.

AH-08-4.3.4. Students will identify the skills necessary for jobs associated with theatre (playwright, director, actor, actress, designers, scenery, props, lighting, sounds, costume, make-up)

AH-08-4.4. Visual Arts

AH-08-4.4.1. Students will create art for specific purposes using the elements of art and principles of design to communicate ideas.

AH-08-4.4.2. Students will use a variety of art media, processes and subject matter to communicate ideas, feelings and experiences.

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