New Jersey State Standards for Social Studies: Grade 4

Currently Perma-Bound only has suggested titles for grades K-8 in the Science and Social Studies areas. We are working on expanding this.

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NJ.6.1. Social Studies Skills: All students will utilize historical thinking, problem solving, and research skills to maximize their understanding of civics, history, geography, and economics.

6.1.A. Social Studies Skills

6.1.A.1. Explain how present events are connected to the past. 9
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Social Studies State Standard 6.1.A.1.

6.1.A.2. Apply terms related to time including years, decades, centuries, and generations. 3
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Social Studies State Standard 6.1.A.2.

6.1.A.3. Locate sources for the same information (e.g., weather forecast on TV, the Internet or in a newspaper). 2
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Social Studies State Standard 6.1.A.3.

6.1.A.4. Organize events in a time line. 22
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Social Studies State Standard 6.1.A.4.

6.1.A.5. Distinguish between an eyewitness account and a secondary account of an event. 29
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Social Studies State Standard 6.1.A.5.

6.1.A.6. Distinguish fact from fiction. 54
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Social Studies State Standard 6.1.A.6.

NJ.6.2. Civics: All students will know, understand and appreciate the values and principles of American democracy and the rights, responsibilities, and roles of a citizen in the nation and the world.

6.2.A. Life, Politics, and Government

6.2.A.1. Describe the characteristics of an effective rule or law (e.g., achieves purpose, clear, fair, protects rights and the common good). 5
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Social Studies State Standard 6.2.A.1.

6.2.A.2. Differentiate between power and authority. 5
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Social Studies State Standard 6.2.A.2.

6.2.A.3. Recognize that government exists at the community, county, state, and federal levels. 16
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Social Studies State Standard 6.2.A.3.

6.2.A.4. Recognize national, state, and local legislators and government officials and explain how to contact them for help or to express an opinion. 15
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Social Studies State Standard 6.2.A.4.

6.2.A.5. Describe the contributions of voluntary associations and organizations in helping government provide for its citizens. 8
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Social Studies State Standard 6.2.A.5.

6.2.B. American Values and Principles

6.2.B.1. Identify the fundamental values and principles of American democracy expressed in the Pledge of Allegiance, the Declaration of Independence, the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights, and the first New Jersey Constitution. 15
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Social Studies State Standard 6.2.B.1.

6.2.B.2. Explain the significance of symbols of American values and beliefs, including the Statue of Liberty, the Statue of Justice, the American Flag, and the national anthem. 14
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Social Studies State Standard 6.2.B.2.

6.2.B.3. Describe how American values and beliefs, such as equality of opportunity, fairness to all, equal justice, separation of church and state, and the rights guaranteed by the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights, contribute to the continuation and improvement of American democracy. 6
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Social Studies State Standard 6.2.B.3.

6.2.B.4. Evaluate the importance of traditions, values, and beliefs which form a common American heritage in an increasingly diverse American society. 19
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Social Studies State Standard 6.2.B.4.

6.2.C. The Constitution and American Democracy

6.2.C.1. Discuss how the Constitution describes how the United States government is organized and how it defines and limits the power of government. 16
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Social Studies State Standard 6.2.C.1.

6.2.C.2. Discuss how governmental bodies make decisions and explain the impact of those decisions on school and community life. 17
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Social Studies State Standard 6.2.C.2.

6.2.C.3. Identify major services provided by state and local government. 19
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Social Studies State Standard 6.2.C.3.

6.2.C.4. Delineate the respective roles of the three branches of the federal and state governments. 10
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Social Studies State Standard 6.2.C.4.

6.2.D. Citizenship

6.2.D.1. Explain that a citizen is a legally recognized member of the United States with rights and responsibilities, such as voting in elections and serving on juries. 7
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Social Studies State Standard 6.2.D.1.

6.2.D.2. Describe the significant characteristics of an effective citizen and discuss ways to influence public policy (e.g., serving in elected office, working on a campaign). 12
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Social Studies State Standard 6.2.D.2.

6.2.D.3. Describe the process by which immigrants can become United States citizens. 7
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Social Studies State Standard 6.2.D.3.

6.2.E. International Education: Global Challenges, Cultures, and Connections

6.2.E.1. Explain that the world is divided into many nations consisting of territory and people, with their own government, languages, customs, and laws. 44
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Social Studies State Standard 6.2.E.1.

6.2.E.2. Discuss how the United States interacts with other nations of the world through trade, treaties and agreements, diplomacy, cultural contacts, and sometimes through the use of military force. 7
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Social Studies State Standard 6.2.E.2.

6.2.E.3. Explain why it is important for nations to communicate and resolve disagreements through peaceful means. 8
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Social Studies State Standard 6.2.E.3.

6.2.E.4. Outline the purposes of the United Nations. 9
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Social Studies State Standard 6.2.E.4.

6.2.E.5. Identify current issues that may have a global impact (e.g., pollution, diseases) and discuss ways to address them. 59
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Social Studies State Standard 6.2.E.5.

6.2.E.6. Explain why it is important to understand diverse peoples, ideas, and cultures. 25
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Social Studies State Standard 6.2.E.6.

6.2.E.7. Explain that even within a culture, diversity may be affected by race, religion, or class. 40
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Social Studies State Standard 6.2.E.7.

6.2.E.8. Identify aspects of culture and heritage presented in literature, art, music, sport, or the media. 41
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Social Studies State Standard 6.2.E.8.

6.2.E.9. Examine common and diverse traits of other cultures and compare to their own culture. 41
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Social Studies State Standard 6.2.E.9.

6.2.E.10. Use technology to learn about students and their families in other countries through classroom links, email, and Internet research. 66
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Social Studies State Standard 6.2.E.10.

6.2.E.11. Define stereotyping and discuss how it impacts self-image and interpersonal relationships. 9
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Social Studies State Standard 6.2.E.11.

NJ.6.3. World History: All students will demonstrate knowledge of world history in order to understand life and events in the past and how they relate to the present and the future.

6.3.A. The Birth of Civilization to 1000 BCE

NJ.6.4. United States and New Jersey History: All students will demonstrate knowledge of United States and New Jersey history in order to understand life and events in the past and how they relate to the present and future.

6.4.A. Family and Community Life

6.4.A.1. Discuss how families long ago expressed and transmitted their beliefs and values through oral tradition, literature, songs, and celebrations. 3
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Social Studies State Standard 6.4.A.1.

6.4.A.2. Compare family life in a community of the past to life in a community of the present. 5
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Social Studies State Standard 6.4.A.2.

6.4.A.3. Discuss the reasons why various groups, voluntarily and involuntarily, immigrated to America and New Jersey and describe the problems they encountered.

6.4.A.4. Discuss the history of their community, including the origins of its name, groups and individuals who lived there, and access to important places and buildings in the community. 20
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Social Studies State Standard 6.4.A.4.

6.4.A.5. Explain that Americans have come from different parts of the world and have a common American heritage, in addition to the heritage of the countries of origin. 2
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Social Studies State Standard 6.4.A.5.

6.4.A.6. Describe situations in which people from diverse backgrounds work together to solve common problems. 7
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Social Studies State Standard 6.4.A.6.

6.4.B. State and Nation

6.4.B.1. Compare the major early culture of the Lenape that existed in the region that became New Jersey prior to contact with the Europeans. 7
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Social Studies State Standard 6.4.B.1.

6.4.B.2. Discuss the reasons why revolutionary leaders, including George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, and Governor William Livingston fought for independence from England. 16
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Social Studies State Standard 6.4.B.2.

6.4.B.3. Discuss New Jersey's role during the American Revolution. 8
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Social Studies State Standard 6.4.B.3.

6.4.B.4. Identify major documents and symbols in New Jersey and American history, including the Mayflower Compact, the Declaration of Independence, the United States Constitution, the New Jersey State Seal, and Martin Luther King Jr.'s 'I Have a Dream' speech. 34
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Social Studies State Standard 6.4.B.4.

6.4.B.5. Identify and discuss major scientific discoveries and inventions, the scientists and inventors who developed them (e.g., Thomas Edison), and their impact on life today. 68
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Social Studies State Standard 6.4.B.5.

6.4.B.6. Discuss the experiences of immigrants who came to the United States and New Jersey, including reasons for immigrating, experiences at Ellis Island, and working and living conditions in America. 3
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Social Studies State Standard 6.4.B.6.

6.4.B.7. Describe the population shift from the farm to the city in New Jersey. 12
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Social Studies State Standard 6.4.B.7.

6.4.B.8. Discuss the value of the American national heritage. 19
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Social Studies State Standard 6.4.B.8.

NJ.6.5. Economics: All students will acquire an understanding of key economic principles.

6.5.A. Economic Literacy

6.5.A.1. Distinguish between goods (e.g., objects) and services (e.g., activities). 3
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Social Studies State Standard 6.5.A.1.

6.5.A.2. Distinguish between a want and a need and explain how to choose needed goods and services. 4
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Social Studies State Standard 6.5.A.2.

6.5.A.3. Explain the three functions of money in the economy. 9
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Social Studies State Standard 6.5.A.3.

6.5.A.4. Discuss how natural, human, and capital resources are used to produce goods and to provide services. 11
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Social Studies State Standard 6.5.A.4.

6.5.A.5. Explain that prices are the money value of goods and services and that prices change as a result of supply and demand. 16
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Social Studies State Standard 6.5.A.5.

6.5.A.6. Define consumers as buyers and producers as workers and sellers. 15
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Social Studies State Standard 6.5.A.6.

6.5.A.7. Explain that people can improve their ability to earn income by gaining new knowledge, skills, and experiences. 1
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Social Studies State Standard 6.5.A.7.

6.5.A.8. Describe how to earn and save money in order to purchase a needed or desired item. 10
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Social Studies State Standard 6.5.A.8.

6.5.B. Economics and Society

6.5.B.1. Explain that some essential goods and services are provided by the government, such as roads, schools, parks, police, and fire protection. 14
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Social Studies State Standard 6.5.B.1.

6.5.B.2. Describe products and services that are developed, manufactured, or grown in New Jersey. 4
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Social Studies State Standard 6.5.B.2.

NJ.6.6. Geography: All students will apply knowledge of spatial relationships and other geographic skills to understand human behavior in relation to the physical and cultural environment.

6.6.A. The World in Spatial Terms

6.6.A.1. Use physical and political maps to identify locations and spatial relationships of places within local and nearby communities. 18
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Social Studies State Standard 6.6.A.1.

6.6.A.2. Describe and demonstrate different ways to measure distance (e.g., miles, kilometers, time). 23
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Social Studies State Standard 6.6.A.2.

6.6.A.3. Estimate distances between two places on a map using a scale of miles. 12
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Social Studies State Standard 6.6.A.3.

6.6.A.4. Identify the major cities of New Jersey, the United States, and the world. 15
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Social Studies State Standard 6.6.A.4.

6.6.A.5. Identify the major countries, continents, bodies of water, and mountain ranges of the world. 38
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Social Studies State Standard 6.6.A.5.

6.6.A.6. Locate time zones, latitude, longitude, and the global grid. 21
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Social Studies State Standard 6.6.A.6.

6.6.B. Places and Regions

6.6.B.1. Identify the physical and human characteristics of places and regions in New Jersey and the United States (e.g., landforms, climate, vegetation, housing). 5
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Social Studies State Standard 6.6.B.1.

6.6.B.2. Explain changes in places and regions over time and the consequences of those changes. 6
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Social Studies State Standard 6.6.B.2.

6.6.B.3. Describe the geography of New Jersey. 5
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Social Studies State Standard 6.6.B.3.

6.6.B.4. Discuss factors involved in the development of cities (e.g., transportation, food, marketplace, religion, military protection). 9
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Social Studies State Standard 6.6.B.4.

6.6.C. Physical Systems

6.6.C.1. Describe the basic components of the Earth's physical systems, including landforms, water, erosion, weather, and climate and discuss their impact on human development. 42
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Social Studies State Standard 6.6.C.1.

6.6.D. Human Systems

6.6.D.1. Describe the development of transportation and communication networks in New Jersey and the United States. 30
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Social Studies State Standard 6.6.D.1.

6.6.D.2. Identify the distribution and characteristics of populations for different regions of New Jersey and the United States. 6
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Social Studies State Standard 6.6.D.2.

6.6.E. Environment and Society

6.6.E.1. Differentiate between living and non-living natural resources. 26
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Social Studies State Standard 6.6.E.1.

6.6.E.2. Explain the nature, characteristics, and distribution of renewable and non-renewable resources. 26
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Social Studies State Standard 6.6.E.2.

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