Series Tracker Tool

The Perma-Bound Series Tracker is designed to help you monitor new titles released in the most popular fiction series. You can create a custom list of series that you wish to track. As new titles are published in any series you’ve selected, we’ll notify you by email and add the title to your Series Tracker search results.

denotes a series that is among the Top 25 most popular according to our internal rankings.

A bold Series Name indicates a series that has been added to the Series Tracker in the past 3 months.

Perma-Bound Books

An error occurred.

Alert: javax.el.ELException: /series-tracker/tool/index.xhtml @229,101 rendered="#{ not empty seriesTracker.allMySeriesIds and not empty si.collectionId }": Error reading 'allMySeriesIds' on type pb.beans.SeriesTracker

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