Virginia State Standards for Arts Education: Grade 11

VA.T.M. Theater (Middle School Exploratory Dramatics)

TI.M. Performance and Production

T1.M.3. The student will demonstrate acting skills by

T1.M.3.1. Vocal production-projection and articulation;

VA.TI. Theatre Arts I (Introduction to Theatre)

T1.TI. Performance and Production

T1.TI.4. The student will understand and apply principles of technical theatre by

T1.TI.4.3. Identifying the responsibilities of technical personnel, including designers, builders, and operators;

T3.TI Judgment and Criticism

T3.TI.11. The student will view and analyze live performances and make informed responses by

T3.TI.11.1. Identifying the elements of production-directing, design, and acting;

VA.TII. Theatre Arts II (Dramatic Literature and Theatre History)

T1.TII. Performance and Production

T1.TII.3. The student will apply the creative process to the skills of storytelling, acting, and playwriting by:

T1.TII.3.2. Making vocal and physical choices that represent characterization, conflict, and production style;

T1.TII.5. The student will apply principles of directing by

T1.TII.5.3. Communicating directorial choices, including pacing, mood, concept, and style;

T1.TII.5.5. Evaluating choices made in the directorial process.

T1.TII.6. The student will explore and demonstrate skills and principles of technical theatre by

T1.TII.6.2. Applying the components, functions, and operations of technical theatre elements, including lighting, scenery, costuming, makeup, properties, and sound;

T1.TII.8. The student will demonstrate skill in communicating concepts and information through the study of theatre arts by

T1.TII.8.1. Generating a variety of theatre experiences, using various resources, media materials, and available technology; and

T1.TII.8.2. Researching current theatrical institutions and opportunities available in the community, commonwealth, and world.

VA.TIII. Theatre Arts III (Intermediate Acting and Playwriting)

T1.TIII. Performance and Production

T1.TIII.2. The student will exhibit independence, discipline, and commitment to the theatre process through work on assigned projects and productions.

T1.TIII.6. The student will explore playwriting by writing monologues, dialogues, scenes, and short plays that

T1.TIII.6.1. Exhibit unique character voices;

T1.TIII.7. The student will demonstrate the principles of design by

T1.TIII.7.4. Rendering lighting plots and costume plates for a stage or film/video;

VA.AI. Visual Arts (Art I: Art Foundations)

V1.AI. Visual Communication and Production

V1.AI.6. The student will produce works of art that demonstrate an understanding of two-dimensional and three-dimensional art media, with emphases on drawing, painting, and sculpture.

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