South Carolina State Standards for Language Arts: Grade 6

Currently Perma-Bound only has suggested titles for grades K-8 in the Science and Social Studies areas. We are working on expanding this.

SC.6-1. Reading - Understanding and Using Literary Texts: The student will read and comprehend a variety of literary texts in print and nonprint formats.

6-1.1. Analyze literary texts to draw conclusions and make inferences.

6-1.2. Differentiate among the first-person, limited-omniscient (third person), and omniscient (third person) points of view.

6-1.3. Interpret devices of figurative language (including simile, metaphor, personification, and hyperbole) and sound devices (including onomatopoeia and alliteration).

6-1.4. Analyze an author's development of characters, setting, and conflict in a given literary text.

6-1.5. Interpret the effect of the author's craft (including tone and the use of flashback and foreshadowing) on the meaning of literary texts.

6-1.6. Compare/contrast main ideas within and across literary texts.

6-1.7. Create responses to literary texts through a variety of methods (for example, written works, oral and auditory presentations, discussions, media productions, and the visual and performing arts).

6-1.8. Understand the characteristics of poetry (including stanza, rhyme scheme, repetition, and refrain) and drama (including stage directions and the use of monologues).

6-1.9. Analyze works of fiction (including legends and myths) and works of nonfiction (including speeches and personal essays) by characteristics.

6-1.10. Predict events in literary texts on the basis of cause-and-effect relationships.

6-1.11. Read independently for extended periods of time for pleasure.

SC.6-2. Reading - Understanding and Using Informational Texts: The student will read and comprehend a variety of informational texts in print and nonprint formats.

6-2.1. Analyze central ideas within and across informational texts.

6-2.2. Analyze informational texts to draw conclusions and make inferences.

6-2.3. Summarize author bias based on the omission of relevant facts and statements of unsupported opinions.

6-2.4. Create responses to informational texts through a variety of methods (for example, drawings, written works, oral and auditory presentations, discussions, and media productions).

6-2.5. Interpret information that text elements (for example, print styles and chapter headings) provide to the reader.

6-2.6. Interpret information from graphic features (for example, illustrations, graphs, charts, maps, diagrams, and graphic organizers).

6-2.7. Interpret information from functional text features (for example, tables of contents and glossaries).

6-2.8. Predict events in informational texts on the basis of cause-and-effect relationships.

6-2.9. Identify propaganda techniques (including testimonials and bandwagon) in informational texts.

6-2.10. Read independently for extended periods of time to gain information.

SC.6-3. Reading - Building Vocabulary: The student will use word analysis and vocabulary strategies to read fluently.

6-3.1. Use context clues (for example, those that provide an example, a definition, or restatement) to generate the meanings of unfamiliar and multiple-meaning words.

6-3.2. Analyze the meaning of words by using Greek and Latin roots and affixes within texts.

6-3.3. Interpret the meaning of idioms and euphemisms encountered in texts.

6-3.4. Distinguish between the denotation and the connotation of a given word.

6-3.5. Spell new words using Greek and Latin roots and affixes

SC.6-4. Writing - Developing Written Communications: The student will create written work that has a clear focus, sufficient detail, coherent organization, effective use of voice, and correct use of the conventions of written Standard American English.

6-4.1. Organize written works using prewriting techniques, discussions, graphic organizers, models, and outlines.

6-4.2. Use complete sentences in a variety of types (including simple, compound, and complex sentences) in writing.

6-4.3. Create multiple-paragraph compositions that include a central idea with supporting details and use appropriate transitions between paragraphs.

6-4.4. Use grammatical conventions of written Standard American English, including

6-4.4.a. Main and subordinate clauses,

6-4.4.b. Indefinite pronouns,

6-4.4.c. Pronoun-antecedent

6-4.4.d. Agreement, and

6-4.4.e. Consistent verb tenses.

6-4.5. Revise writing to improve clarity, tone, voice, content, and the development of ideas.

6-4.6. Edit for the correct use of written Standard American English, including

6-4.6.a. Punctuation: semicolon, commas to enclose appositives, and commas to separate introductory clauses and phrases.

6-4.7. Spell correctly using Standard American English.

SC.6-5. Writing - Producing Written Communications in a Variety of Form: The student will write for a variety of purposes and audiences.

6-5.1. Create informational pieces (for example, brochures, pamphlets, and reports) that use language appropriate for the specific audience.

6-5.2. Create narratives that have a fully developed plot and a consistent point of view.

6-5.3. Create written descriptions using precise language and vivid details.

6-5.4. Create persuasive writings (for example, print advertisements and commercial scripts) that develop a central idea with supporting evidence and use language appropriate for the specific audience.

SC.6-6. Researching - Applying the Skills of Inquiry and Oral Communication: The student will access and use information from a variety of sources.

6-6.1. Clarify and refine a research topic.

6-6.2. Use direct quotations, paraphrasing, or summaries to incorporate into written, oral, auditory, or visual works the information gathered from a variety of research sources.

6-6.3. Use a standardized system of documentation (for example, a list of sources with full publication information and the use of in-text citations) to properly credit the work of others.

6-6.4. Use vocabulary (including Standard American English) that is appropriate for the particular audience or purpose.

6-6.5. Use appropriate organizational strategies to prepare written works, oral and auditory presentations, and visual presentations.

6-6.6. Select appropriate graphics, in print or electronic form, to support written works, oral presentations, and visual presentations.

6-6.7. Use a variety of print and electronic reference materials.

6-6.8. Design and carry out research projects by selecting a topic, constructing inquiry questions, accessing resources, and organizing information.

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