Pennsylvania State Standards for Language Arts: Grade 5

Currently Perma-Bound only has suggested titles for grades K-8 in the Science and Social Studies areas. We are working on expanding this.

PA.1.1.5.A. Learning to Read Independently: Establish the purpose for reading a type of text (literature, information) before reading.

PA.1.1.5.B. Learning to Read Independently: Select texts for a particular purpose using the format of the text as a guide.

PA.1.1.5.C. Learning to Read Independently: Use knowledge of phonics, syllabication, prefixes, suffixes, the dictionary or context clues to decode and understand new words during reading Use these words accurately in writing and speaking.

PA.1.1.5.D. Learning to Read Independently: Identify the basic ideas and facts in text using strategies (e.g., prior knowledge, illustrations and headings) and information from other sources to make predictions about text.

PA.1.1.5.E. Learning to Read Independently: Acquire a reading vocabulary by correctly identifying and using words (e.g., synonyms, homophones, homographs, words with roots, suffixes, prefixes). Use a dictionary or related reference.

PA.1.1.5.F. Learning to Read Independently: Identify, understand the meaning of and use correctly key vocabulary from various subject areas.

PA.1.1.5.G. Learning to Read Independently: Demonstrate after reading understanding and interpretation of both fiction and nonfiction text.

1.1.5.G.1. Summarize the major ideas, themes or procedures of the text.

1.1.5.G.2. Relate new information or ideas from the text to that learned through additional reading and media (e.g., film, audiotape).

1.1.5.G.3. Clarify ideas and understandings through rereading and discussion.

1.1.5.G.4. Make responsible assertions about the ideas from the text by citing evidence.

1.1.5.G.5. Extend ideas found in the text.

PA.1.1.5.H. Learning to Read Independently: Demonstrate fluency and comprehension in reading.

1.1.5.H.1. Read familiar materials aloud with accuracy.

1.1.5.H.2. Self-correct mistakes.

1.1.5.H.3. Use appropriate rhythm, flow, meter and pronunciation.

1.1.5.H.4. Read a variety of genres and types of text.

1.1.5.H.5. Demonstrate comprehension (Standard 1.1.5.G.) (Recommend: 25 books/year).

PA.1.2.5.A. Reading Critically in All Content Areas: Read and understand essential content of informational texts and documents in all academic areas.

1.2.5.A.1. Differentiate fact from opinion across texts.

1.2.5.A.2. Distinguish between essential and nonessential information across a variety of texts, identifying stereotypes and exaggeration where present.

1.2.5.A.3. Make inferences about similar concepts in multiple texts and draw conclusions.

1.2.5.A.4. Evaluate text organization and content to determine the author's purpose and effectiveness.

PA.1.2.5.B. Reading Critically in All Content Areas: Use and understand a variety of media and evaluate the quality of material produced.

1.2.5.B.1. Use a variety of media (e.g., computerized card catalogues, encyclopedias) for research.

1.2.5.B.2. Evaluate the role of media as a source of both entertainment and information.

1.2.5.B.3. Use established criteria to design and develop a media project (e.g., script, play, audiotape) for a targeted audience.

PA.1.2.5.C. Reading Critically in All Content Areas: Produce work in at least one literary genre that follows the conventions of the genre.

PA.1.3.5.A. Reading, Analyzing and Interpreting Literature: Read and understand works of literature.

PA.1.3.5.B. Reading, Analyzing and Interpreting Literature: Compare the use of literary elements within and among texts including characters, setting, plot, theme and point of view.

PA.1.3.5.C. Reading, Analyzing and Interpreting Literature: Describe how the author uses literary devices to convey meaning.

1.3.5.C.1. Sound techniques (e.g., rhyme, rhythm, meter, alliteration).

1.3.5.C.2. Figurative language (e.g., personification, simile, metaphor, hyperbole).

PA.1.3.5.D. Reading, Analyzing and Interpreting Literature: Identify and respond to the effects of sound and structure in poetry (e.g., alliteration, rhyme, verse form).

PA.1.3.5.E. Reading, Analyzing and Interpreting Literature: Analyze drama as information source, entertainment, persuasion or transmitter of culture.

PA.1.3.5.F. Reading, Analyzing and Interpreting Literature: Read and respond to nonfiction and fiction including poetry and drama.

PA.1.4.5.A. Types of Writing: Write poems, plays and multi-paragraph stories.

1.4.5.A.1. Include detailed descriptions of people, places and things.

1.4.5.A.2. Use relevant illustrations.

1.4.5.A.3. Utilize dialogue.

1.4.5.A.4. Apply literary conflict.

1.4.5.A.5. Include literary elements (Standard 1.3.5.B.).

1.4.5.A.6. Use literary devices (Standard 1.3.5.C.).

PA.1.4.5.B. Types of Writing: Write multi-paragraph informational pieces (e.g., essays, descriptions, letters, reports, instructions).

1.4.5.B.1. Include cause and effect.

1.4.5.B.2. Develop a problem and solution when appropriate to the topic.

1.4.5.B.3. Use relevant graphics (e.g., maps, charts, graphs, tables, illustrations, photographs).

PA.1.4.5.C. Types of Writing: Write persuasive pieces with a clearly stated position or opinion and supporting detail, citing sources when needed.

PA.1.5.5.A. Quality of Writing: Write with a sharp, distinct focus identifying topic, task and audience.

PA.1.5.5.B. Quality of Writing: Write using well-developed content appropriate for the topic.

1.5.5.B.1. Gather, organize and select the most effective information appropriate for the topic, task and audience.

1.5.5.B.2. Write paragraphs that have a topic sentence and supporting details.

PA.1.5.5.C. Quality of Writing: Write with controlled and/or subtle organization.

1.5.5.C.1. Sustain a logical order within sentences and between paragraphs using meaningful transitions.

1.5.5.C.2. Include an identifiable introduction, body and conclusion.

PA.1.5.5.D. Quality of Writing: Write with an understanding of the stylistic aspects of composition.

1.5.5.D.1. Use different types and lengths of sentences.

1.5.5.D.2. Use precise language including adjectives, adverbs, action verbs and specific details that convey the writer's meaning.

1.5.5.D.3. Develop and maintain a consistent voice.

PA.1.5.5.E. Quality of Writing: Revise writing to improve organization and word choice; check the logic, order of ideas and precision of vocabulary.

PA.1.5.5.F. Quality of Writing: Edit writing using the conventions of language.

1.5.5.F.1. Spell common, frequently used words correctly.

1.5.5.F.2. Use capital letters correctly.

1.5.5.F.3. Punctuate correctly (periods, exclamation points, question marks, commas, quotation marks, apostrophes).

1.5.5.F.4. Use nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, conjunctions, prepositions and interjections properly.

1.5.5.F.5. Use complete sentences (simple, compound, declarative, interrogative, exclamatory and imperative).

PA.1.5.5.G. Quality of Writing: Present and/or defend written work for publication when appropriate.

PA.1.6.5.A. Speaking and Listening: Listen to others.

1.6.5.A.1. Ask pertinent questions.

1.6.5.A.2. Distinguish relevant information, ideas and opinions from those that are irrelevant.

1.6.5.A.3. Take notes when prompted.

PA.1.6.5.B. Speaking and Listening: Listen to a selection of literature (fiction and/or nonfiction).

1.6.5.B.1. Relate it to what is known.

1.6.5.B.2. Predict the result of the story actions.

1.6.5.B.3. Retell actions of the story in sequence, explain the theme and describe the characters and setting.

1.6.5.B.4. Identify and define new words and concepts.

1.6.5.B.5. Summarize the selection.

PA.1.6.5.C. Speaking and Listening: Speak using skills appropriate to formal speech situations.

1.6.5.C.1. Use complete sentences.

1.6.5.C.2. Pronounce words correctly.

1.6.5.C.3. Use appropriate volume.

1.6.5.C.4. Pace speech so that it is understandable.

1.6.5.C.5. Adjust content for different audiences (e.g., fellow classmates, parents).

1.6.5.C.6. Speak with a purpose in mind.

PA.1.6.5.D. Speaking and Listening: Contribute to discussions.

1.6.5.D.1. Ask relevant questions.

1.6.5.D.2. Respond with relevant information or opinions to questions asked.

1.6.5.D.3. Listen to and acknowledge the contributions of others.

1.6.5.D.4. Adjust involvement to encourage equitable participation.

1.6.5.D.5. Give reasons for opinions.

1.6.5.D.6. Summarize, when prompted.

PA.1.6.5.E. Speaking and Listening: Participate in small and large group discussions and presentations.

1.6.5.E.1. Participate in everyday conversation.

1.6.5.E.2. Present an oral reading.

1.6.5.E.3. Deliver research reports.

1.6.5.E.4. Conduct interviews.

1.6.5.E.5. Plan and participate in group presentations.

1.6.5.E.6. Contribute to informal debates.

PA.1.6.5.F. Speaking and Listening: Use media for learning purposes.

1.6.5.F.1. Compare information received on television with that received on radio or in newspapers.

1.6.5.F.2. Access information on Internet.

1.6.5.F.3. Discuss the reliability of information received on Internet sources.

1.6.5.F.4. Explain how film can represent either accurate versions or fictional versions of the same event.

1.6.5.F.5. Explain the role of advertisers in the media.

1.6.5.F.6. Use a variety of images and sounds to create an effective presentation on a topic.

PA.1.7.5.A. Characteristics and Functions of the English Language: Identify words from other languages that are commonly used English words. Use a dictionary to find the meanings and origins of these words.

PA.1.7.5.B. Characteristics and Functions of the English Language: Identify differences in formal and informal speech (e.g., dialect, slang, jargon).

PA.1.7.5.C. Characteristics and Functions of the English Language: Identify word meanings that have changed over time (e.g., cool, mouse).

PA.1.8.5.A. Research: Select and refine a topic for research.

PA.1.8.5.B. Research: Locate information using appropriate sources and strategies.

1.8.5.B.1. Evaluate the usefulness and qualities of the sources.

1.8.5.B.2. Select appropriate sources (e.g., dictionaries, encyclopedias, other reference materials, interviews, observations, computer databases).

1.8.5.B.3. Use tables of contents, indices, key words, cross-references and appendices.

1.8.5.B.4. Use traditional and electronic search tools.

PA.1.8.5.C. Research: Organize and present the main ideas from research.

1.8.5.C.1. Take notes from sources using a structured format.

1.8.5.C.2. Present the topic using relevant information.

1.8.5.C.3. Credit sources using a structured format (e.g., author, title).

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