Nevada State Standards for Social Studies: Grade 3

Currently Perma-Bound only has suggested titles for grades K-8 in the Science and Social Studies areas. We are working on expanding this.

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NV.1.0. Economics: The Economic Way of Thinking: Students will use fundamental economic concepts, including scarcity, choice, cost, incentives, and costs versus benefits to describe and analyze problems and opportunities, both individual and social.

1.3.1 Scarcity, Choice, and Cost: Categorize wants as goods, services, or leisure activities. (E 6.3.2; G 4.3.5; G 4.2.5; G 4.3.7) 94
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 1.3.1

1.3.2 Incentives and Preferences: Give examples of incentives and determine whether they are positive or negative.

1.3.3 Cost versus Benefits: Identify the benefits and the costs of an all-or-nothing choice such as choosing to have music on or off. 21
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 1.3.3

NV.2.0. Economics: Measuring U.S. Economic Performance: Students will demonstrate a knowledge of past and present U.S. economic performance, identify the economic indicators used to measure that performance, and use this knowledge to make individual decisions and discuss social issues.

2.3.2 Measuring Economic Growth: Identify and use per capita measures in the classroom (such as the number of pencils per student). 24
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 2.3.2

2.3.6 Measuring Unemployment: Discuss why people seek work. 7
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 2.3.6

NV.3.0. Economics: Functioning of Markets: Students will demonstrate an understanding of how markets work, including an understanding of why markets form, how supply and demand interact to determine market prices and interest rates, and how changes in prices act as signals to coordinate trade.

3.3.1 Trade Is Beneficial: Differentiate between barter and monetary trade. 6
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 3.3.1

3.3.2 Markets Determine Prices: Give examples of prices received by a business for selling goods and services. 31
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 3.3.2

3.3.3 Prices as Signals: Give reasons why producers choose to sell more of a good or service (including when a price is high) and when they choose to sell less (including when its price is low). 23
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 3.3.3

NV.4.0. Economics: Private U.S. Economic Institutions: Students will describe the roles played by U.S. economic institutions including financial institutions, labor unions, corporations, and not-for-profit organizations.

4.3.1 Financial Institutions: Demonstrate an understanding of key banking terms, including saving, interest, and borrowing. 6
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 4.3.1

4.3.3 For-profit Business Organizations: Identify a for-profit organization in the community and a service it provides. 25
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 4.3.3

4.3.4 Not-for-profit Organizations: Identify a not-for-profit organization in the community and a service it provides. 12
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 4.3.4

4.3.5 Personal Economics: Identify reasons for saving money. 6
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 4.3.5

NV.5.0. Economics: Money: Students demonstrate an understanding of forms of money, how money makes it easier to trade, borrow, save, invest, and compare the value of goods and services; and how the Federal Reserve System and its policies affect the U.S. money supply.

5.3.1 Functions of Money: Identify forms of money. 6
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 5.3.1

5.3.5 Personal Economics: Demonstrate an understanding that each family has a limited amount of money regardless of how it is accessed (through cash, check writing, or ATM). 6
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 5.3.5

NV.6.0. Economics: The U.S. Economy as a Whole: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the U.S. economic system as a whole in terms of how it allocates resources; determines the nation's production, income, unemployment, and price levels; and leads to variations in individual income levels.

6.3.2 Resource Allocation: Explain what a producer does. (G 4.3.5) 25
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 6.3.2

6.3.4 The Nation's Income Level: Demonstrate an understanding of and give examples of income. 5
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 6.3.4

6.3.6 Differences in Individual Incomes: Demonstrate an understanding that different jobs require different skills and people receive different levels of income. 14
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 6.3.6

NV.7.0. Economics: An Evolving Economy: Students will demonstrate an understanding of how investment, entrepreneurship, competition, and specialization lead to changes in an economy's structure and performance.

7.3.1 Investment: Explain how skill training and education can enhance the ability to produce goods and services. 28
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 7.3.1

7.3.4 Entrepreneurship: List examples of entrepreneurs. 54
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 7.3.4

7.3.5 Competition: Describe what it means to compete. 1
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 7.3.5

NV.8.0. Economics: The Role of Government in a Market Economy: Students will explain the role of government in a market economy.

NV.9.0. Economics: The International Economy: Students explore the characteristics of non-U.S. economic systems in order to demonstrate an understanding of how they are connected, through trade, to peoples and cultures throughout the world.

9.3.1 International Trade: Give examples of goods the U.S. imports and exports. (E 6.3.2; G 4.3.6; G 5.3.7) 20
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 9.3.1

9.3.2 Interdependence: Identify the countries of origin of commonly used products. (G 4.3.6) 19
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 9.3.2

9.3.4 Exchange Rates: Identify the currencies of other countries. 4
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 9.3.4

NV.1.0. Geography: The World in Spatial Terms: Students use maps, globes, and other geographic tools and technologies to locate and derive information about people, places, and environments.

1.3.1 Map Use: Identify and use the cardinal directions (N,S,E,W) on a compass rose to locate places on a map. 16
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 1.3.1

1.3.2 Map Section: Compare uses of maps and globes. 16
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 1.3.2

1.3.3 Geographic Tools and Technologies: Use maps, globes, photographs, and graphs to collect geographic information. 20
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 1.3.3

1.3.4 Map Construction: Construct a simple map, including title, symbols, and directions. 16
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 1.3.4

1.3.5 Map Applications: Recognize different types of maps. 16
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 1.3.5

1.3.6 Map Analysis: Recognize different types of maps. 16
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 1.3.6

1.3.7 Map Concepts: Explain the difference between a city and a state, using appropriate examples. 124
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 1.3.7

1.3.8 Map Locations: Locate and name states that border Nevada and countries that border the United States. 69
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 1.3.8

NV.2.0. Geography: Places and Regions-Students understand the physical and human features and cultural characteristics of places and use this information to define and study regions and their patterns of changes.

2.3.1 Characteristics of Places and Regions: Identify differences between physical and human features. 52
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 2.3.1

2.3.2 Cultural Identity: Identify how language, music, stories, art, and customs express culture. (E 3.3.3) 195
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 2.3.2

2.3.3 Cultural Perspectives: Discuss how people view their own communities. 32
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 2.3.3

2.3.4 Impact of Technology: List examples of technology in their community. 6
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 2.3.4

2.3.5 History and Region: Identify an historical landmark and describe the event that took place there. 34
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 2.3.5

2.3.6 Patterns of Change: Compare visual images of the same place over time. (H 1.3.2) 17
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 2.3.6

2.3.7 Applying Concepts of Regions: Identify neighborhoods and communities as places where people live, work, and play. 23
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 2.3.7

NV.3.0. Geography: Physical Systems-Students understand how physical processes shape Earth's surface patterns and ecosystems.

3.3.1 Physical Systems: Recognize that plants and animals have habitats on both land and in water. 54
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 3.3.1

3.3.2 Natural Hazards: Identify various natural hazards such as floods, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions. 46
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 3.3.2

3.3.3 Characteristics of Ecosystems: Identify different types of simple ecosystems, such as ponds, streams, or fields. 14
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 3.3.3

3.3.4 Distribution of Ecosystems: Locate different ecosystems in their community. 14
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 3.3.4

3.3.5 Analysis of Ecosystems: Identify the living and nonliving elements of an ecosystem. 14
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 3.3.5

NV.4.0. Geography: Human Systems - Students understand how economic, political, and cultural processes interact to shape patterns of human migration and settlement, influence and interdependence, and conflict and cooperation.

4.3.1 Demographic Concepts: Construct a graph or chart to compare population distribution in different areas. (Ec 2.3.2) 11
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 4.3.1

4.3.2 Migration and Settlement: Draw a simple map that illustrates how to get from one location to another. 29
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 4.3.2

4.3.3 Historical Movement of People, Goods, and Ideas: Identify transportation and communication networks in daily life. 27
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 4.3.3

4.3.4 Patterns of Human Settlement: Describe the characteristics of rural, suburban, and urban communities. 30
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 4.3.4

4.3.5 Economic Systems and Interdependence: Locate sources of goods and services found in the community. (Ec 6.3.2) 43
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 4.3.5

4.3.6 Analysis of Economic Issues: Investigate an economic product by asking and answering questions about location. (Ec 9.3.1; Ec 9.3.2) 42
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 4.3.6

4.3.7 Patterns of Human Development: Compare the wants and needs of people in different communities and the means used to fulfill those wants and needs. 19
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 4.3.7

4.3.8 Human Organizations: Describe the different purposes of various organizations such as Scouts, organized sports, 4-H. (C 4.3.3; Ec 4.3.3; Ec 4.3.4) 1
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 4.3.8

4.3.9 Cooperation and Conflict: Describe how cooperation and conflict affect people and places. (C 5.3.6) 28
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 4.3.9

NV.5.0. Geography: Environment and Society-Students understand the effects of interactions between human and physical systems and the changes in use, distribution, and importance of resources.

5.3.3 Technology and the Physical Environment: List tools, machines, or technologies that have changed the physical environment. 59
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 5.3.3

5.3.4 Human Modification: Compare different ways in which people modify the physical environment. (H 5.3.6; H 6.3.17) 40
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 5.3.4

5.3.6 Earth's Resources: Describe ways humans depend on natural resources. (H 5.3.6; H 6.3.17) 19
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 5.3.6

5.3.7 Management of Earth's Resources: List examples of how people use and manage natural resources within their communities. (Ec 9.3.1, H 5.3.6; H 6.3.17) 57
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 5.3.7

NV.6.0. Geography: Geographic Applications-Students apply geographic knowledge of people, places, and environments to interpret the past, understand the present, and plan for the future.

6.3.1 Applying Geography in History: Use visual clues to determine when and where an event took place in the past. (H 1.3.2; H 2.3.1) 17
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 6.3.1

6.3.2 Applying Geography in Current Events: Identify the location of current events on a map. (H 1.3.1) 17
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 6.3.2

6.3.3 Applying Geography to Contemporary Issues: Recognize a geographic issue or theme that affects home, school, or community. 57
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 6.3.3

6.3.4 Applying Geography to the Future: Predict possible geographic changes that could take place in their neighborhood or community. 56
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 6.3.4

NV.7.0. Geography: Geographic Skills: Students ask and answer geographic questions by acquiring, organizing, and analyzing geographic information.

7.3.1 Ask Geographic Questions: Ask questions about why things are located where they are. (E 4.3.3; E 10.3.2; E 11.3.1; Ec 9.3.1; Ec 9.3.2) 17
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 7.3.1

7.3.2 Acquire Geographic Information: Gather geographic information from maps, globes, and atlases. (E 4.3.1; E 11.3.2) 17
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 7.3.2

7.3.3 Organize Geographic Information: Construct simple maps and graphs to display geographic information. (E 6.3.2) 21
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 7.3.3

7.3.4 Analyze Geographic Information: Select and explain information from several geographic sources. 17
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 7.3.4

7.3.5 Present Geographic Information: Create a visual model to illustrate the results of a geographic inquiry. (E 11.3.5) 21
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 7.3.5

NV.1.0. Civics: Rules and Law: Students know why society needs rules, laws, and governments.

1.3.1 Rules and Law: Identify examples of rules, laws, and authorities that keep people safe and property secure. 11
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 1.3.1

1.3.4 Democratic Participation: Explain that democracy involves voting, majority rule, and setting rules. (M 1.3.6) 9
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 1.3.4

NV.2.0. Civics: The U.S. Government: Students know the United States Constitution and the government it creates.

2.3.4 The Executive Branch: Name the current President of the United States. 5
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 2.3.4

NV.3.0. Civics: National and State Government: Students can explain the relationship between the states and national government.

NV.4.0. Civics: The Political Process: Students describe the roles of political parties, interest groups, and public opinion in the democratic process.

4.3.3 Interest Groups: Discuss why people form groups. (G 4.3.8) 16
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 4.3.3

NV.5.0. Civics: Citizenship: Students know the roles, rights, and responsibilities of United States citizens and the symbols of our country.

5.3.1 Citizenship: Recognize the Pledge of Allegiance. 4
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 5.3.1

5.3.3 Symbols: Explain why we have patriotic holidays. (H 6.3.4; H 7.3.17) 26
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 5.3.3

5.3.4 Individual Rights: Identify an individual's rights within the classroom. 23
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 5.3.4

5.3.6 Conflict and Resolution: Identify conflicts in the school and discuss peaceful resolution. (G 4.3.9) 22
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 5.3.6

NV.6.0. Civics: State and Local Government: Students know the structure and functions of state and local governments.

6.3.1 Structure of State, Local, and Tribal Government: Name the current governor of Nevada. 105
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 6.3.1

NV.7.0. Civics: Political and Economic Systems: Students explain the different political and economic systems in the world.

NV.8.0. Civics: International Relations: Students know the political and economic relationship of the United States and its citizens to other nations.

8.3.1 From Individual to the World: Identify their county, state, and country. 115
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 8.3.1

NV.1.0. History: Chronology: Students use chronology to organize and understand the sequence and relationship of events.

1.3.1 Current Events: Identify the source of information for a current event. 20
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 1.3.1

1.3.2 Chronology: Read a time line. (E 6.3.2; G 2.3.6; G 6.3.1; G 7.3.5) 22
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 1.3.2

NV.2.0. History: History Skills: Students will use social studies vocabulary and concepts to engage in inquiry, in research, in analysis, and in decision making.

2.3.1 Inquiry: Ask history-related questions. (E 4.3.3; E 10.3.2; E 11.3.1) 15
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 2.3.1

NV.3.0. History: Prehistory to 400 CE: Students understand the development of human societies, civilizations, and empires through 400 CE.

NV.4.0. History: 1 CE to 1400: Students understand the characteristics, ideas, and significance of civilizations and religions from 1 CE to 1400.

NV.5.0. History: 1200 to 1750: Students understand the impact of the interaction of peoples, cultures, and ideas from 1200 to 1750.

5.3.6 United States and Nevada: Identify Native North American life prior to European contact, such as: food; clothing; shelter. (Ec 3.3.1; Ec 5.3.1) 16
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 5.3.6

NV.6.0. History: 1700 to 1865: Students understand the people, events, ideas, and conflicts that led to the creation of new nations and distinctive cultures.

6.3.4 United States: Identify the Declaration of Independence. (C 5.3.3) 5
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 6.3.4

6.3.5 United States: Identify patriotic symbols, including: eagle; flag; Liberty Bell. 21
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 6.3.5

6.3.14 United States: Identify The Star Spangled Banner as the national anthem. 32
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 6.3.14

6.3.17 United States and Nevada: Describe the life of pioneers. 112
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 6.3.17

NV.7.0. History: 1860 to 1920: Students understand the importance and impact of political, economic, and social ideas.

7.3.9 Nevada and United States: Identify the Statue of Liberty as a patriotic symbol. 21
Suggested Titles for Nevada Social Studies State Standard 7.3.9

NV.8.0. History: The Twentieth Century, a Changing World: 1920 to 1945: Students understand the importance and effect of political, economic, technological, and social changes in the world from 1920 to 1945.

NV.9.0. History: The Twentieth Century, a Changing World: 1945 to 1990: Students understand the shift of international relationships and power as well as the significant developments in American culture.

NV.10.0. History: New Challenges, 1990 to the Present: Students understand the political, economic, social, and technological issues challenging the world as it approaches and enters the new millennium.

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