North Carolina State Standards for Social Studies: Grade 7

Currently Perma-Bound only has suggested titles for grades K-8 in the Science and Social Studies areas. We are working on expanding this.

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NC.1. Africa, Asia, and Australia: The learner will use the five themes of geography and geographic tools to answer geographic questions and analyze geographic concepts.

1.01. Create maps, charts, graphs, databases, and models as tools to illustrate information about different people, places and regions in Africa, Asia, and Australia. 87
Suggested Titles for North Carolina Social Studies State Standard 1.01.

1.02. Generate, interpret, and manipulate information from tools such as maps, globes, charts, graphs, databases, and models to pose and answer questions about space and place, environment and society, and spatial dynamics and connections. 51
Suggested Titles for North Carolina Social Studies State Standard 1.02.

1.03. Use tools such as maps, globes, graphs, charts, databases, models, and artifacts to compare data on different countries of Africa, Asia, and Australia and to identify patterns as well as similarities and differences. 90
Suggested Titles for North Carolina Social Studies State Standard 1.03.

NC.2. Africa, Asia, and Australia: The learner will assess the relationship between physical environment and cultural characteristics of selected societies and regions of Africa, Asia, and Australia.

2.01. Identify key physical characteristics such as landforms, water forms, and climate and evaluate their influence on the development of cultures in selected African, Asian and Australian regions. 50
Suggested Titles for North Carolina Social Studies State Standard 2.01.

2.02. Describe factors that influence changes in distribution patterns of population, resources, and climate in selected regions of Africa, Asia, and Australia and evaluate their impact on the environment. 55
Suggested Titles for North Carolina Social Studies State Standard 2.02.

2.03. Examine factors such as climate change, location of resources, and environmental challenges that influence human migration and assess their significance in the development of selected cultures in Africa, Asia, and Australia. 44
Suggested Titles for North Carolina Social Studies State Standard 2.03.

NC.3. Africa, Asia, and Australia: The learner will analyze the impact of interactions between humans and their physical environments in Africa, Asia, and Australia.

3.01. Identify ways in which people of selected areas in Africa, Asia, and Australia have used, altered, and adapted to their environments in order to meet their needs and evaluate the impact of their actions on the development of cultures and regions. 27
Suggested Titles for North Carolina Social Studies State Standard 3.01.

3.02. Describe the environmental impact of regional activities such as deforestation, urbanization, and industrialization and evaluate their significance to the global community. 75
Suggested Titles for North Carolina Social Studies State Standard 3.02.

3.03. Examine the development and use of tools and technologies and assess their influence on the human ability to use, modify, or adapt to their environment. 19
Suggested Titles for North Carolina Social Studies State Standard 3.03.

3.04. Describe how physical processes such as erosion, earthquakes, and volcanoes have resulted in physical patterns on the earth's surface and analyze the effects on human activities. 56
Suggested Titles for North Carolina Social Studies State Standard 3.04.

NC.4. Africa, Asia, and Australia: The learner will identify significant patterns in the movement of people, goods, and ideas over time and place in Africa, Asia, and Australia.

4.01. Describe the patterns of and motives for migrations of people, and evaluate the impact on the political, economic, and social development of selected societies and regions. 19
Suggested Titles for North Carolina Social Studies State Standard 4.01.

4.02. Identify the main commodities of trade over time in selected areas of Africa, Asia, and Australia and evaluate their significance for the economic, political, and social development of cultures and regions. 44
Suggested Titles for North Carolina Social Studies State Standard 4.02.

4.03. Examine key ethical ideas and values deriving from religious, artistic, political, economic, and educational traditions, as well as their diffusion over time, and assess their influence on the development of selected societies and regions in Africa, Asia, and Australia. 71
Suggested Titles for North Carolina Social Studies State Standard 4.03.

NC.5. Africa, Asia, and Australia: The learner will evaluate the varied ways people of Africa, Asia, and Australia make decisions about the allocation and use of economic resources.

5.01. Describe the relationship between the location of natural resources, and economic development, and analyze the impact on selected cultures, countries, and regions in Africa, Asia, and Australia. 78
Suggested Titles for North Carolina Social Studies State Standard 5.01.

5.02. Examine the different economic systems, (traditional, command, and market), developed in selected societies in Africa, Asia, and Australia, and assess their effectiveness in meeting basic needs. 34
Suggested Titles for North Carolina Social Studies State Standard 5.02.

5.03. Explain how the allocation of scarce resources requires economic systems to make basic decisions regarding the production and distribution of goods and services, and evaluate the impact on the standard of living in selected societies and regions of Africa, Asia, and Australia. 51
Suggested Titles for North Carolina Social Studies State Standard 5.03.

5.04. Describe the relationship between specialization and interdependence, and analyze its influence on the development of regional and global trade patterns. 50
Suggested Titles for North Carolina Social Studies State Standard 5.04.

NC.6. Africa, Asia, and Australia: The learner will recognize the relationship between economic activity and the quality of life in Africa, Asia, and Australia.

6.01. Describe different levels of economic development and assess their connections to standard of living indicators such as purchasing power, literacy rate, and life expectancy. 57
Suggested Titles for North Carolina Social Studies State Standard 6.01.

6.02. Examine the influence of education and technology on productivity and economic development in selected nations and regions of Africa, Asia, and Australia. 54
Suggested Titles for North Carolina Social Studies State Standard 6.02.

6.03. Describe the effects of over-specialization and evaluate their impact on the standard of living. 50
Suggested Titles for North Carolina Social Studies State Standard 6.03.

NC.7. Africa, Asia, and Australia: The learner will assess the connections between historical events and contemporary issues in Africa, Asia, and Australia.

7.01. Identify historical events such as invasions, conquests, and migrations and evaluate their relationship to current issues. 64
Suggested Titles for North Carolina Social Studies State Standard 7.01.

7.02. Examine the causes of key historical events in selected areas of Africa, Asia, and Australia and analyze the short- and long-range effects on political, economic, and social institutions. 43
Suggested Titles for North Carolina Social Studies State Standard 7.02.

NC.8. Africa, Asia, and Australia: The learner will assess the influence and contributions of individuals and cultural groups in Africa, Asia, and Australia.

8.01. Describe the role of key historical figures and evaluate their impact on past and present societies in Africa, Asia, and Australia. 89
Suggested Titles for North Carolina Social Studies State Standard 8.01.

8.02. Describe the role of key groups such as Mongols, Arabs, and Bantu and evaluate their impact on historical and contemporary societies of Africa, Asia, and Australia. 60
Suggested Titles for North Carolina Social Studies State Standard 8.02.

8.03. Identify major discoveries, innovations, and inventions and assess their influence on societies past and present. 73
Suggested Titles for North Carolina Social Studies State Standard 8.03.

NC.9. Africa, Asia, and Australia: The learner will analyze the different forms of government developed in Africa, Asia, and Australia.

9.01. Trace the historical development of governments, including traditional, colonial, and national in selected societies, and assess their effects on the respective contemporary political systems. 86
Suggested Titles for North Carolina Social Studies State Standard 9.01.

9.02. Describe how different types of governments such as democracies, dictatorships, monarchies, and oligarchies in Africa, Asia, and Australia carry out legislative, executive, and judicial functions and evaluate the effectiveness of each. 105
Suggested Titles for North Carolina Social Studies State Standard 9.02.

9.03. Identify the ways in which governments in selected areas of Africa, Asia, and Australia deal with issues of justice and injustice, and assess the influence of cultural values on their practices and expectations. 91
Suggested Titles for North Carolina Social Studies State Standard 9.03.

9.04. Describe how different governments in Africa, Asia, and Australia select leaders and establish laws in comparison to the United States and analyze the strengths and weaknesses of each. 112
Suggested Titles for North Carolina Social Studies State Standard 9.04.

NC.10. Africa, Asia, and Australia: The learner will compare the rights and civic responsibilities of individuals in political structures in Africa, Asia, and Australia.

10.01. Trace the development of relationships between individuals and their governments in selected cultures of Africa, Asia, and Australia, and evaluate the changes that have evolved over time. 86
Suggested Titles for North Carolina Social Studies State Standard 10.01.

10.02. Identify various sources of citizens' rights and responsibilities, such as constitutions, traditions, and religious law, and analyze how they are incorporated into different government structures. 91
Suggested Titles for North Carolina Social Studies State Standard 10.02.

10.03. Describe rights and responsibilities of citizens in selected contemporary societies in Africa, Asia, and Australia, comparing them to each other and to the United States. 134
Suggested Titles for North Carolina Social Studies State Standard 10.03.

10.04. Examine the rights, roles, and status of individuals in selected cultures of Africa, Asia, and Australia, and assess their importance in relation to the general welfare. 85
Suggested Titles for North Carolina Social Studies State Standard 10.04.

NC.11. Africa, Asia, and Australia: The learner will recognize the common characteristics of different cultures in Africa, Asia, and Australia.

11.01. Identify the concepts associated with culture such as language, religion, family, and ethnic identity, and analyze how they can link and separate societies. 86
Suggested Titles for North Carolina Social Studies State Standard 11.01.

11.02. Examine the basic needs and wants of all human beings and assess the influence of factors such as environment, values, and beliefs in creating different cultural responses. 86
Suggested Titles for North Carolina Social Studies State Standard 11.02.

11.03. Compare characteristics of political, economic, religious, and social institutions of selected cultures and evaluate their similarities and differences. 106
Suggested Titles for North Carolina Social Studies State Standard 11.03.

11.04. Identify examples of economic, political, and social changes, such as agrarian to industrial economies, monarchical to democratic governments, and the roles of women and minorities, and analyze their impact on culture. 106
Suggested Titles for North Carolina Social Studies State Standard 11.04.

NC.12. Africa, Asia, and Australia: The learner will assess the influence of major religions, ethical beliefs, and values on cultures in Africa, Asia, and Australia.

12.01. Examine the major belief systems in selected regions of Africa, Asia, and Australia, and analyze their impact on cultural values, practices, and institutions. 87
Suggested Titles for North Carolina Social Studies State Standard 12.01.

12.02. Describe the relationship between and cultural values of selected societies of Africa, Asia, and Australia and their art, architecture, music, and literature, and assess their significance in contemporary culture. 101
Suggested Titles for North Carolina Social Studies State Standard 12.02.

12.03. Identify examples of cultural borrowing, such as language, traditions, and technology, and evaluate their importance in the development of selected societies in Africa, Asia, and Australia. 27
Suggested Titles for North Carolina Social Studies State Standard 12.03.

NC.13. Africa, Asia, and Australia: The learner will describe the historic, economic, and cultural connections among North Carolina, the United States, Africa, Asia, and Australia.

13.01. Identify historical movements such as colonization, revolution, emerging democracies, migration, and immigration that link North Carolina and the United States to selected societies of Africa, Asia, and Australia, and evaluate their influence on local, state, regional, national, and international communities. 85
Suggested Titles for North Carolina Social Studies State Standard 13.01.

13.02. Describe the diverse cultural connections that have influenced the development of language, art, music, and belief systems in North Carolina and the United States and analyze their role in creating a changing cultural mosaic. 140
Suggested Titles for North Carolina Social Studies State Standard 13.02.

13.03. Examine the role and importance of foreign-owned businesses and trade between North Carolina and the nations of Africa, Asia, and Australia, and assess the effects on local, state, regional, and national economies and cultures. 86
Suggested Titles for North Carolina Social Studies State Standard 13.03.

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