Florida State Standards for Social Studies: Grade 8

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FL.SS.A.1.3. Time, Continuity, and Change [History]: The student understands historical chronology and the historical perspective.

FL.SS.A.2.3. Time, Continuity, and Change [History]: The student understands the world from its beginnings to the time of the Renaissance.

FL.SS.A.3.3. Time, Continuity, and Change [History]: The student understands Western and Eastern civilization since the Renaissance.

FL.SS.A.4.3. Time, Continuity, and Change [History]: The student understands United States history to 1880.

FL.SS.A.5.3. Time, Continuity, and Change [History]: The student understands United States history from 1880 to the present day.

FL.SS.A.6.3. Time, Continuity, and Change [History]: The student understands the history of Florida and its people.

FL.SS.B.1.3. People, Places, and Environments [Geography]: The student understands the world in spatial terms.

SS.B.1.3.3. The student knows the social, political, and economic divisions on Earth's surface.

FL.SS.B.2.3. People, Places, and Environments [Geography]: The student understands the interactions of people and the physical environment.

FL.SS.C.1.3. Government and the Citizen [Civics and Government]: The student understands the structure, functions, and purpose of government and how the principles and values of American democracy are reflected in American constitutional government.

SS.C.1.3.2. The student understands major ideas about why government is necessary and the purposes government should serve.

FL.SS.C.2.3. Government and the Citizen [Civics and Government]: The student understands the role of the citizen in American democracy.

FL.SS.D.1.3. Production, Distribution, and Consumption [Economics]: The student understands ways scarcity requires individuals and institutions to make choices about how to use resources.

FL.SS.D.2.3. Production, Distribution, and Consumption [Economics]: The student understands the characteristics of different economic systems and institutions.

FL.SS.8.A. American History

SS.8.A.1. Use research and inquiry skills to analyze American History using primary and secondary sources.

SS.8.A.2. Examine the causes, course, and consequences of British settlement in the American colonies.

SS.8.A.2.1 Compare the relationships among the British, French, Spanish, and Dutch in their struggle for colonization of North America. 32
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.8.A.2.1

SS.8.A.2.2 Compare the characteristics of the New England, Middle, and Southern colonies. 32
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.8.A.2.2

SS.8.A.2.3 Differentiate economic systems of New England, Middle and Southern colonies including indentured servants and slaves as labor sources. 32
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.8.A.2.3

SS.8.A.2.4 Identify the impact of key colonial figures on the economic, political, and social development of the colonies. 17
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.8.A.2.4

SS.8.A.2.5 Discuss the impact of colonial settlement on Native American populations. 60
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.8.A.2.5

SS.8.A.2.6 Examine the causes, course, and consequences of the French and Indian War. 7
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.8.A.2.6

SS.8.A.2.7 Describe the contributions of key groups (Africans, Native Americans, women, and children) to the society and culture of colonial America. 32
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.8.A.2.7

SS.8.A.3. Demonstrate an understanding of the causes, course, and consequences of the American Revolution and the founding principles of our nation.

SS.8.A.3.1 Explain the consequences of the French and Indian War in British policies for the American colonies from 1763 - 1774. 20
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.8.A.3.1

SS.8.A.3.2 Explain American colonial reaction to British policy from 1763 - 1774. 30
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.8.A.3.2

SS.8.A.3.3 Recognize the contributions of the Founding Fathers (John Adams, Sam Adams, Benjamin Franklin, John Hancock, Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, George Mason, George Washington) during American Revolutionary efforts. 49
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.8.A.3.3

SS.8.A.3.4 Examine the contributions of influential groups to both the American and British war efforts during the American Revolutionary War and their effects on the outcome of the war. 24
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.8.A.3.4

SS.8.A.3.5 Describe the influence of individuals on social and political developments during the Revolutionary era. 24
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.8.A.3.5

SS.8.A.3.6 Examine the causes, course, and consequences of the American Revolution. 24
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.8.A.3.6

SS.8.A.3.7 Examine the structure, content, and consequences of the Declaration of Independence. 9
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.8.A.3.7

SS.8.A.3.8 Examine individuals and groups that affected political and social motivations during the American Revolution. 24
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.8.A.3.8

SS.8.A.3.9 Evaluate the structure, strengths, and weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation and its aspects that led to the Constitutional Convention. 7
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.8.A.3.9

SS.8.A.3.10 Examine the course and consequences of the Constitutional Convention (New Jersey Plan, Virginia Plan, Great Compromise, Three-Fifths Compromise, compromises regarding taxation and slave trade, Electoral College, state vs. federal power, empowering a president). 16
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.8.A.3.10

SS.8.A.3.11 Analyze support and opposition (Federalists, Federalist Papers, AntiFederalists, Bill of Rights) to ratification of the U.S. Constitution. 14
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.8.A.3.11

SS.8.A.3.12 Examine the influences of George Washington's presidency in the formation of the new nation. 7
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.8.A.3.12

SS.8.A.3.13 Explain major domestic and international economic, military, political, and socio-cultural events of John Adams's presidency. 5
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.8.A.3.13

SS.8.A.3.14 Explain major domestic and international economic, military, political, and socio-cultural events of Thomas Jefferson's presidency. 7
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.8.A.3.14

SS.8.A.3.15 Examine this time period (1763-1815) from the perspective of historically under-represented groups (children, indentured servants, Native Americans, slaves, women, working class). 34
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.8.A.3.15

SS.8.A.3.16 Examine key events in Florida history as each impacts this era of American history. 69
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.8.A.3.16

SS.8.A.4. Demonstrate an understanding of the domestic and international causes, course, and consequences of westward expansion.

SS.8.A.4.1 Examine the causes, course, and consequences of United States westward expansion and its growing diplomatic assertiveness (War of 1812, Convention of 1818, Adams-Onis Treaty, Missouri Compromise, Monroe Doctrine, Trail of Tears, Texas annexation, Manifest Destiny, Oregon Territory, Mexican American War/Mexican Cession, California Gold Rush, Compromise of 1850, Kansas Nebraska Act, Gadsden Purchase). 12
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.8.A.4.1

SS.8.A.4.2 Describe the debate surrounding the spread of slavery into western territories and Florida. 2
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.8.A.4.2

SS.8.A.4.3 Examine the experiences and perspectives of significant individuals and groups during this era of American History. 3
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.8.A.4.3

SS.8.A.4.4 Discuss the impact of westward expansion on cultural practices and migration patterns of Native American and African slave populations. 6
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.8.A.4.4

SS.8.A.4.5 Explain the causes, course, and consequences of the 19th century transportation revolution on the growth of the nation's economy. 2
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.8.A.4.5

SS.8.A.4.6 Identify technological improvements (inventions/inventors) that contributed to industrial growth. 3
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.8.A.4.6

SS.8.A.4.7 Explain the causes, course, and consequences (industrial growth, subsequent effect on children and women) of New England's textile industry. 2
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.8.A.4.7

SS.8.A.4.8 Describe the influence of individuals on social and political developments of this era in American History. 2
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.8.A.4.8

SS.8.A.4.9 Analyze the causes, course and consequences of the Second Great Awakening on social reform movements. 6
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.8.A.4.9

SS.8.A.4.10 Analyze the impact of technological advancements on the agricultural economy and slave labor. 5
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.8.A.4.10

SS.8.A.4.11 Examine the aspects of slave culture including plantation life, resistance efforts, and the role of the slaves' spiritual system. 18
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.8.A.4.11

SS.8.A.4.12 Examine the effects of the 1804 Haitian Revolution on the United States acquisition of the Louisiana Territory. 2
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.8.A.4.12

SS.8.A.4.13 Explain the consequences of landmark Supreme Court decisions (McCulloch v. Maryland [1819], Gibbons v. Odgen [1824], Cherokee Nation v. Georgia [1831], and Worcester v. Georgia [1832]) significant to this era of American history. 4
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.8.A.4.13

SS.8.A.4.14 Examine the causes, course, and consequences of the women's suffrage movement (1848 Seneca Falls Convention, Declaration of Sentiments). 7
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.8.A.4.14

SS.8.A.4.15 Examine the causes, course, and consequences of literature movements (Transcendentalism) significant to this era of American history. 4
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.8.A.4.15

SS.8.A.4.16 Identify key ideas and influences of Jacksonian democracy. 4
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.8.A.4.16

SS.8.A.4.17 Examine key events and peoples in Florida history as each impacts this era of American history. 2
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.8.A.4.17

SS.8.A.4.18 Examine the experiences and perspectives of different ethnic, national, and religious groups in Florida, explaining their contributions to Florida's and America's society and culture during the Territorial Period. 2
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.8.A.4.18

SS.8.A.5. Examine the causes, course, and consequence of the Civil War and Reconstruction including its effects on American peoples.

SS.8.A.5.1 Explain the causes, course, and consequence of the Civil War (sectionalism, slavery, states' rights, balance of power in the Senate). 21
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.8.A.5.1

SS.8.A.5.2 Analyze the role of slavery in the development of sectional conflict. 13
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.8.A.5.2

SS.8.A.5.3 Explain major domestic and international economic, military, political, and socio-cultural events of Abraham Lincoln's presidency. 6
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.8.A.5.3

SS.8.A.5.4 Identify the division (Confederate and Union States, Border states, western territories) of the United States at the outbreak of the Civil War. 12
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.8.A.5.4

SS.8.A.5.5 Compare Union and Confederate strengths and weaknesses. 19
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.8.A.5.5

SS.8.A.5.6 Compare significant Civil War battles and events and their effects on civilian populations. 8
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.8.A.5.6

SS.8.A.5.7 Examine key events and peoples in Florida history as each impacts this era of American history. 2
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.8.A.5.7

SS.8.A.5.8 Explain and evaluate the policies, practices, and consequences of Reconstruction (presidential and congressional reconstruction, Johnson's impeachment, Civil Rights Act of 1866, the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments, opposition of Southern whites to Reconstruction, accomplishments and failures of Radical Reconstruction, presidential election of 1876, end of Reconstruction, rise of Jim Crow laws, rise of Ku Klux Klan). 11
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.8.A.5.8

FL.SS.8.G. Geography

SS.8.G.1. Understand how to use maps and other geographic representations, tools, and technology to report information.

SS.8.G.1.1 Use maps to explain physical and cultural attributes of major regions throughout American history. 10
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.8.G.1.1

SS.8.G.1.2 Use appropriate geographic tools and terms to identify and describe significant places and regions in American history. 10
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.8.G.1.2

SS.8.G.2. Understand physical and cultural characteristics of places.

SS.8.G.2.1 Identify the physical elements and the human elements that define and differentiate regions as relevant to American history. 10
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.8.G.2.1

SS.8.G.2.2 Use geographic terms and tools to analyze case studies of regional issues in different parts of the United States that have had critical economic, physical, or political ramifications. 10
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.8.G.2.2

SS.8.G.2.3 Use geographic terms and tools to analyze case studies of how selected regions of the United States have changed over time. 10
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.8.G.2.3

SS.8.G.3. Understand the relationships between the Earth's ecosystems and the populations that dwell within them.

SS.8.G.3.1 Locate and describe in geographic terms the major ecosystems of the United States. 8
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.8.G.3.1

SS.8.G.3.2 Use geographic terms and tools to explain differing perspectives on the use of renewable and non-renewable resources in the United States and Florida over time. 40
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.8.G.3.2

SS.8.G.4. Understand the characteristics, distribution, and migration of human populations.

SS.8.G.4.1 Interpret population growth and other demographic data for any given place in the United States throughout its history. 8
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.8.G.4.1

SS.8.G.4.2 Use geographic terms and tools to analyze the effects throughout American history of migration to and within the United States, both on the place of origin and destination. 6
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.8.G.4.2

SS.8.G.4.3 Use geographic terms and tools to explain cultural diffusion throughout the United States as it expanded its territory. 5
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.8.G.4.3

SS.8.G.4.4 Interpret databases, case studies, and maps to describe the role that regions play in influencing trade, migration patterns, and cultural/political interaction in the United States throughout time. 14
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.8.G.4.4

SS.8.G.4.5 Use geographic terms and tools to analyze case studies of the development, growth, and changing nature of cities and urban centers in the United States over time. 6
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.8.G.4.5

SS.8.G.4.6 Use political maps to describe changes in boundaries and governance throughout American history. 10
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.8.G.4.6

SS.8.G.5. Understand how human actions can impact the environment.

SS.8.G.5.1 Describe human dependence on the physical environment and natural resources to satisfy basic needs in local environments in the United States. 66
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.8.G.5.1

SS.8.G.5.2 Describe the impact of human modifications on the physical environment and ecosystems of the United States throughout history. 21
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.8.G.5.2

SS.8.G.6. Understand how to apply geography to interpret the past and present and plan for the future.

SS.8.G.6.1 Use appropriate maps and other graphic representations to analyze geographic problems and changes over time throughout American history. 10
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.8.G.6.1

SS.8.G.6.2 Illustrate places and events in U.S. history through the use of narratives and graphic representations. 16
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.8.G.6.2

FL.SS.8.E. Economics

SS.8.E.1. Understand the fundamental concepts relevant to the development of a market economy.

SS.8.E.1.1 Examine motivating economic factors that influenced the development of the United States economy over time including scarcity, supply and demand, opportunity costs, incentives, profits, and entrepreneurial aspects. 5
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.8.E.1.1

SS.8.E.2. Understand the fundamental concepts relevant to the institutions, structure, and functions of a national economy.

SS.8.E.2.1 Analyze contributions of entrepreneurs, inventors, and other key individuals from various gender, social, and ethnic backgrounds in the development of the United States economy. 16
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.8.E.2.1

SS.8.E.2.2 Explain the economic impact of government policies. 6
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.8.E.2.2

SS.8.E.2.3 Assess the role of Africans and other minority groups in the economic development of the United States. 13
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.8.E.2.3

SS.8.E.3. Understand the fundamental concepts and interrelationships of the United States economy in the international marketplace.

SS.8.E.3.1 Evaluate domestic and international interdependence. 10
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.8.E.3.1

FL.SS.8.C. Civics and Government

SS.8.C.1. The student will evaluate the roles, rights, and responsibilities of United States citizens and determine methods of active participation in society, government, and the political system.

SS.8.C.1.1 Identify the constitutional provisions for establishing citizenship. 4
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.8.C.1.1

SS.8.C.1.2 Compare views of self-government and the rights and responsibilities of citizens held by Patriots, Loyalists, and other colonists. 2
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.8.C.1.2

SS.8.C.1.3 Recognize the role of civic virtue in the lives of citizens and leaders from the colonial period through Reconstruction. 22
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.8.C.1.3

SS.8.C.1.4 Identify the evolving forms of civic and political participation from the colonial period through Reconstruction. 1
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.8.C.1.4

SS.8.C.1.5 Apply the rights and principles contained in the Constitution and Bill of Rights to the lives of citizens today. 12
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.8.C.1.5

SS.8.C.1.6 Evaluate how amendments to the Constitution have expanded voting rights from our nation's early history to present day. 1
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.8.C.1.6

SS.8.C.2. he student will demonstrate an understanding of the principles, functions, and organization of government.

SS.8.C.2.1 Evaluate and compare the essential ideals and principles of American constitutional government expressed in primary sources from the colonial period to Reconstruction. 3
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.8.C.2.1

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