Florida State Standards for Mathematics: Grade 5

FL.MA.5.A. Algebra

MA.5.A.1. Develop an understanding of and fluency with division of whole numbers.

MA.5.A.1.1. Describe the process of finding quotients involving multi-digit dividends using models, place value, properties and the relationship of division to multiplication.

MA.5.A.1.2. Estimate quotients or calculate them mentally depending on the context and numbers involved.

MA.5.A.1.3. Interpret solutions to division situations including those with remainders depending on the context of the problem.

MA.5.A.1.4. Divide multi-digit whole numbers fluently, including solving real-world problems, demonstrating understanding of the standard algorithm and checking the reasonableness of results.

MA.5.A.2. Develop an understanding of and fluency with addition and subtraction of fractions and decimals.

MA.5.A.2.1. Represent addition and subtraction of decimals and fractions with like and unlike denominators using models, place value or properties.

MA.5.A.2.2. Add and subtract fractions and decimals fluently and verify the reasonableness of results, including in problem situations.

MA.5.A.2.3. Make reasonable estimates of fraction and decimal sums and differences, and use techniques for rounding.

MA.5.A.2.4. Determine the prime factorization of numbers.

FL.MA.5.G. Geometry

MA.5.G.3. Describe three-dimensional shapes and analyze their properties, including volume and surface area.

MA.5.G.3.1. Analyze and compare the properties of two-dimensional figures and three-dimensional solids (polyhedra), including the number of edges, faces, vertices, and types of faces.

MA.5.G.3.2. Describe, define and determine surface area and volume of prisms by using appropriate units and selecting strategies and tools.

FL.MA.5. Supporting Ideas

MA.5.A.4. Algebra

MA.5.A.4.1. Use the properties of equality to solve numerical and real world situations.

MA.5.A.4.2. Construct and describe a graph showing continuous data, such as a graph of a quantity that changes over time.

MA.5.G.5. Geometry and Measurement

MA.5.G.5.1. Identify and plot ordered pairs on the first quadrant of the coordinate plane.

MA.5.G.5.2. Compare, contrast, and convert units of measure within the same dimension (length, mass, or time) to solve problems.

MA.5.G.5.3. Solve problems requiring attention to approximation, selection of appropriate measuring tools, and precision of measurement.

MA.5.G.5.4. Derive and apply formulas for areas of parallelograms, triangles, and trapezoids from the area of a rectangle.

MA.5.A.6. Number and Operations

MA.5.A.6.1. Identify and relate prime and composite numbers, factors and multiples within the context of fractions.

MA.5.A.6.2. Use the order of operations to simplify expressions which include exponents and parentheses.

MA.5.A.6.3. Describe real-world situations using positive and negative numbers.

MA.5.A.6.4. Compare, order, and graph integers, including integers shown on a number line.

MA.5.A.6.5. Solve non-routine problems using various strategies including ''solving a simpler problem'' and ''guess, check, and revise.''

MA.5.S.7. Data Analysis

MA.5.S.7.1. Construct and analyze line graphs and double bar graphs.

MA.5.S.7.2. Differentiate between continuous and discrete data and determine ways to represent those using graphs and diagrams.

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