Delaware State Standards for Social Studies: Grade 3

Currently Perma-Bound only has suggested titles for grades K-8 in the Science and Social Studies areas. We are working on expanding this.

To view all matching titles click here.

DE.3.C1. Civics: Students will examine the structure and purposes of governments with specific emphasis on constitutional democracy.

3.C1.1. Students interpret the actions of elected officials in order to explain how the interests of the people who elected them are represented. 2
Suggested Titles for Delaware Social Studies State Standard 3.C1.1.

3.C1.2. Students understand that leaders are sometimes chosen by election, and that elected officials are expected to represent the interests of the people who elected them. 4
Suggested Titles for Delaware Social Studies State Standard 3.C1.2.

3.C1.3. Students understand that positions of authority, whether elected, appointed, or familial, carry responsibilities and should be respected. 6
Suggested Titles for Delaware Social Studies State Standard 3.C1.3.

DE.3.C2. Civics: Students will understand the principles and ideals underlying the American political system.

3.C2.1. Students explain the requirements of a healthy democracy. 1
Suggested Titles for Delaware Social Studies State Standard 3.C2.1.

3.C2.2. Students understand that respect for others, their opinions, and their property is a foundation of civil society in the United States. 6
Suggested Titles for Delaware Social Studies State Standard 3.C2.2.

DE.3.C3. Civics: Students will understand the responsibilities, rights, and privileges of United States citizens.

3.C3.1. Students explain the relationship between rights and responsibilities. 10
Suggested Titles for Delaware Social Studies State Standard 3.C3.1.

3.C3.2. Students understand that American citizens have distinct responsibilities (such as voting), rights (such as free speech and freedom of religion), and privileges (such as driving). 1
Suggested Titles for Delaware Social Studies State Standard 3.C3.2.

DE.3.C4. Civics: Students will develop and employ the civic skills necessary for effective, participatory citizenship.

3.C4.1. Students interpret how people work together to explain what makes an effective participant in a group. 10
Suggested Titles for Delaware Social Studies State Standard 3.C4.1.

3.C4.2. Students acquire the skills necessary for participating in a group, including defining an objective, dividing responsibilities, and working cooperatively. 11
Suggested Titles for Delaware Social Studies State Standard 3.C4.2.

DE.3.E1. Economics: Students will analyze the potential costs and benefits of personal economic choices in a market economy.

3.E1.1. Students interpret choices of consumers and producers to explain how people satisfy wants. 2
Suggested Titles for Delaware Social Studies State Standard 3.E1.1.

3.E1.2. Students understand that individuals and families with limited resources undertake a wide variety of activities to satisfy their wants. 9
Suggested Titles for Delaware Social Studies State Standard 3.E1.2.

3.E1.3. Students analyze a choice between two resources in order to explain how to make the best decision. 4
Suggested Titles for Delaware Social Studies State Standard 3.E1.3.

3.E1.4. Students apply the concept that economic choices require the balancing of costs incurred with benefits received. 1
Suggested Titles for Delaware Social Studies State Standard 3.E1.4.

DE.3.E2. Economics: Students will examine the interaction of individuals, families, communities, businesses, and governments in a market economy.

3.E2.1. Students explain why different forms of money are valued and how using a medium of exchange makes trade easier.

3.E2.2. Students understand how barter, money, and other media are employed to facilitate the exchange of resources, goods, and services. 6
Suggested Titles for Delaware Social Studies State Standard 3.E2.2.

DE.3.E3. Economics: Students will understand different types of economic systems and how they change.

3.E3.1. Students explain different ways that people allocate various resources. 9
Suggested Titles for Delaware Social Studies State Standard 3.E3.1.

3.E3.2. Students identify human wants and the various resources and strategies which have been used to satisfy them over time. 1
Suggested Titles for Delaware Social Studies State Standard 3.E3.2.

DE.3.E4. Economics: Students will examine the patterns and results of international trade.

3.E4.1. Students explain why specialization requires exchange between people. 6
Suggested Titles for Delaware Social Studies State Standard 3.E4.1.

3.E4.2. Students interpret the exchange of goods and services to explain interdependence between countries. 4
Suggested Titles for Delaware Social Studies State Standard 3.E4.2.

3.E4.3. Students understand that the exchange of goods and services around the world creates economic interdependence between people in different places. 11
Suggested Titles for Delaware Social Studies State Standard 3.E4.3.

DE.3.G1. Geography: Students will develop a personal geographic framework, or 'mental map', and understand the uses of maps and other geographics.

3.G1.1. Students construct and interpret maps to find and identify natural and human-made features. 17
Suggested Titles for Delaware Social Studies State Standard 3.G1.1.

3.G1.2. Students identify different types of maps that can be used to answer real-world questions. 16
Suggested Titles for Delaware Social Studies State Standard 3.G1.2.

3.G1.3. Students understand the nature and uses of maps, globes, and other geographics. 17
Suggested Titles for Delaware Social Studies State Standard 3.G1.3.

DE.3.G2. Geography: Students will develop a knowledge of the ways humans modify and respond to the natural environment.

3.G2.1. Students explain why climate and landform differs around the world. 2
Suggested Titles for Delaware Social Studies State Standard 3.G2.1.

3.G2.2. Students explain how different climates and landforms affect human activity. 2
Suggested Titles for Delaware Social Studies State Standard 3.G2.2.

3.G2.3. Students distinguish different types of climate and landforms and explain why they occur. 10
Suggested Titles for Delaware Social Studies State Standard 3.G2.3.

DE.3.G3. Geography: Students will develop an understanding of the diversity of human culture and the unique nature of places.

3.G3.1. Students explain why different places have similar or different cultures. 20
Suggested Titles for Delaware Social Studies State Standard 3.G3.1.

3.G3.2. Students explain how places may change. 6
Suggested Titles for Delaware Social Studies State Standard 3.G3.2.

3.G3.3. Students identify types of human settlement, connections between settlements, and the types of activities found in each. 13
Suggested Titles for Delaware Social Studies State Standard 3.G3.3.

DE.3.G4. Geography: Students will develop an understanding of the character and use of regions and the connections between and among them.

3.G4.1. Students identify types of human settlement, connections between settlements, and the types of activities found in each. 13
Suggested Titles for Delaware Social Studies State Standard 3.G4.1.

3.G4.2. Students use the concepts of place and region to explain simple patterns of connections between and among places across the country and the world. 15
Suggested Titles for Delaware Social Studies State Standard 3.G4.2.

DE.3.H1. History: Students will employ chronological concepts in analyzing historical phenomena.

3.H1.1. Students explain why a given sequence of events is in chronological order. 5
Suggested Titles for Delaware Social Studies State Standard 3.H1.1.

3.H1.2. Students analyze the order of events to arrange them chronologically. 19
Suggested Titles for Delaware Social Studies State Standard 3.H1.2.

3.H1.3. Students use clocks, calendars, schedules, and written records to record or locate events in time. 9
Suggested Titles for Delaware Social Studies State Standard 3.H1.3.

DE.3.H2. History: Students will gather, examine, and analyze historical data.

3.H2.1. Students explain how to learn about the past from physical evidence. 5
Suggested Titles for Delaware Social Studies State Standard 3.H2.1.

3.H2.2. Students use artifacts and documents to gather information about the past. 7
Suggested Titles for Delaware Social Studies State Standard 3.H2.2.

DE.3.H3. History: Students will interpret historical data.

3.H3.1. Students explain why an artifact or document can be used to learn something new. 3
Suggested Titles for Delaware Social Studies State Standard 3.H3.1.

3.H3.2. Students understand that historical accounts are constructed by drawing logical inferences from artifacts and documents. 6
Suggested Titles for Delaware Social Studies State Standard 3.H3.2.

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