Connecticut State Standards for Social Studies: Grade 3

Currently Perma-Bound only has suggested titles for grades K-8 in the Science and Social Studies areas. We are working on expanding this.

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CT.1. History: Historical Thinking: Students will develop historical thinking skills, including chronological thinking and recognizing change over time; contextualizing, comprehending and analyzing historical literature; researching historical sources; understanding the concept of historical causation; understanding competing narratives and interpretation; and constructing narratives and interpretation.

1.1. Gather historical data from multiple sources. 36
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 1.1.

1.2. Engage in reading challenging primary and secondary historical source materials, some of which is contradictory and requires questioning of validity. 11
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 1.2.

1.3. Describe sources of historical information. 11
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 1.3.

1.4. Identify the main idea in a source of historical information. 12
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 1.4.

1.5. Identify ways different cultures record their histories, compare past and present. 15
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 1.5.

1.6. Situations and events, and present findings in appropriate oral, written and visual ways. 22
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 1.6.

1.7. Create timelines which sequence events and peoples, using days, weeks, months, years, decades and centuries. 9
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 1.7.

1.8. Write short narratives and statements of historical ideas and create other. 18
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 1.8.

1.9. Appropriate presentations from investigations of source materials. 18
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 1.9.

CT.2. History: Local, United States and World History: Students will use historical thinking skills to develop an understanding of the major historical periods, issues and trends in United States history, world history, and Connecticut and local history.

2.1. Demonstrate a familiarity with peoples, events and places from a broad spectrum of human experience through selected study from historical periods and from the various regions (e.g., East Asia, Europe, the Americas, Africa, South Asia, and West Asia). 4
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 2.1.

2.2. Locate the events, peoples and places they have studied in time and place (e.g., on a time line and map) relative to their own location. 29
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 2.2.

2.3. Demonstrate knowledge of major trends in state and local history, including history of original peoples, early settlements and selected changes over the past two centuries. 23
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 2.3.

2.4. Place the history of their own families in the context of local, state, national and world history. 16
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 2.4.

CT.3. History: Historical Themes: Students will apply their understanding of historical periods, issues and trends to examine such historical themes as ideals, beliefs and institutions; conflict and conflict resolution; human movement and interaction; and science and technology in order to understand how the world came to be the way it is.

3.1. Recognize that people develop traditions that transmit their beliefs and ideals. 7
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 3.1.

3.2. Examine family life and cultures of different peoples at different times in history. 25
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 3.2.

3.3. Explain different types of conflict, different ways in which conflicts have been resolved, and different ways that conflicts and their resolutions have affected people. 10
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 3.3.

3.4. Describe and explain some of the reasons people have moved and relate these reasons to some historic movements of large groups of people. 16
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 3.4.

3.5. Describe some goods, products and ideas which were exchanged as the result of movement. 10
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 3.5.

3.6. Describe the impact of various technological developments on the local community and on the nation. 12
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 3.6.

3.7. Identify individual achievements of scientists and inventors from many cultures and different historical periods and describe their achievements. 19
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 3.7.

CT.4. History: Applying History: Students will recognize the continuing importance of historical thinking and historical knowledge in their own lives and in the world in which they live.

4.1. Exhibit curiosity and pose questions about the past when presented with artifacts, records or other evidence of the past. 7
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 4.1.

4.2. Seek historical back-ground when confronted with problems and issues of the past, as well as of today's world and their own lives. 8
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 4.2.

4.3. Be active learners at cultural institutions, such as museums and historical exhibitions. 1
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 4.3.

4.4. Display empathy for people who have lived in the past. 1
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 4.4.

4.5. Recognize relationships between events and people of the past and present circumstances, concerns and developments. 15
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 4.5.

CT.1. Civics and Government: United States Constitution and Government: Students will apply knowledge of the U.S. Constitution, how the U.S. system of government works and how the rule of law and the value of liberty and equality have an impact on individual, local, state and national decisions.

1.1. Explain the purposes of laws and the ideas and principles that make just laws. 13
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 1.1.

1.2. Explain that individuals have rights and responsibilities to follow the law. 19
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 1.2.

1.3. Recognize the Constitution, including the Bill of Rights, as an important document that guides our country and limits the power of the government. 4
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 1.3.

1.4. Identify services provided by national, state and local governments and how we pay for them through taxation. 16
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 1.4.

1.5. Apply the process of how leaders are selected and how people monitor and influence decisions of their government. 5
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 1.5.

1.6. Identify the location of seats of government at the local, state and national levels. 13
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 1.6.

1.7. Apply the concepts of liberty, tolerance and majority rule and how they relate to individual rights. 11
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 1.7.

CT.2. Civics and Government: Rights and Responsibilities of Citizens: Students will demonstrate knowledge of the rights and responsibilities of citizens to participate in and shape public policy, and contribute to the maintenance of our democratic way of life.

2.1. Explain the meaning and important characteristics of citizenship in the United States. 10
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 2.1.

2.2. Identify the rights of citizens in a democratic society and explain why certain responsibilities are important to themselves, their families, community, state and nation. 12
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 2.2.

2.3. Establish, explain and apply criteria useful in evaluating rules and laws for solving problems and resolving conflicts between people. 6
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 2.3.

2.4. Explain the importance of taking an active role in political leadership and public service in their school and community. 13
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 2.4.

2.5. Exercise political participation by discussing public issues, building consensus and becoming involved in politics. 16
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 2.5.

CT.3. Civics and Government: Political Systems: Students will explain that political systems emanate from the need of humans for order, leading to compromise and the establishment of authority.

3.1. Define power and authority and how they evolve into government. 11
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 3.1.

3.2. Describe the need for a limited government so that people can be treated fairly. 12
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 3.2.

3.3. Define and describe government in terms of people and groups who apply and enforce rules and laws. 18
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 3.3.

3.4. Identify protection of individual rights and promotion of the common good. 7
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 3.4.

3.5. Identify what governments can and cannot do. 13
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 3.5.

3.6. Explain that it is important to limit government so that individual rights can be protected. 15
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 3.6.

CT.4. Civics and Government: International Relations: Students will demonstrate an understanding of how the major elements of international relations and world affairs affect their lives and the security and well-being of their community, state and nation.

4.1. Explain how communities and nations interact with one another. 24
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 4.1.

4.2. Describe ways in which communities and nations influence each other. 26
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 4.2.

CT.1. Geography: Places and Regions: Students will use spatial perspective to identify and analyze the significance of physical and cultural characteristics of places and world regions.

1.1. Define and identify natural and human characteristics of places. 24
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 1.1.

1.2. Explain how human and natural processes shape places. 44
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 1.2.

1.3. Provide reasons why and describe how places and regions change and are connected. 40
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 1.3.

1.4. Observe and describe how places and regions are identified, defined and bounded. 23
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 1.4.

1.5. Locate places within their own and nearby communities in Connecticut. 12
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 1.5.

1.6. Locate major physical and human features in the New England region and the United States. 13
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 1.6.

CT.2. Geography: Physical Systems: Students will use spatial perspective to explain the physical processes that shape the Earth's surface and its ecosystems.

2.1. Identify the types of physical systems and their characteristics that affect the Earth's surface Demonstrate how Earth-sun relationships shape climate and vegetation patterns. 16
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 2.1.

2.2. Explain the factors that affect the location, distribution and associations of features of the physical environment. 8
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 2.2.

2.3. Define local environmental features. 13
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 2.3.

2.4. Draw a simple map of continents and oceans. 24
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 2.4.

2.5. Locate Earth's major physical and human features (including cities, countries, bodies of water, etc.). 13
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 2.5.

CT.3. Geography: Human Systems: Students will interpret spatial patterns of human migration, economic activities and political units in Connecticut, the nation and the world.

3.1. Explain the patterns, distributions and relocations of people. 25
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 3.1.

3.2. Identify the political, social and economic units of an area. 25
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 3.2.

3.3. Understand the elements of culture and how they change. 19
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 3.3.

3.4. Locate Earth's major physical and human features (including cities, countries, bodies of water, etc.). 43
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 3.4.

3.5. Explain locations and characteristics of human settlements and how they have changed over time. 28
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 3.5.

3.6. Describe the characteristics of a physical and a human system. 26
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 3.6.

3.7. Locate places within their own and nearby communities in Connecticut. 12
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 3.7.

3.8. Locate major physical and human features in the New England region and the United States. 14
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 3.8.

CT.4. Geography: Human and Environmental Interaction: Students will use geographic tools and technology to explain the interactions of humans and the larger environment, and the evolving consequences of those interactions.

4.1. Explain the characteristics and purposes of maps, globes and other geographical tools and technologies. 25
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 4.1.

4.2. Create information from maps, globes and geographic models in graphs, diagrams and charts. 14
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 4.2.

4.3. Use maps, globes, graphs, models, computer programs and texts, as appropriate. 20
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 4.3.

4.4. Explain how human and natural processes shape places. 41
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 4.4.

4.5. Explain ways in which humans use and interact with environments. 44
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 4.5.

4.6. Identify locations of various economic activities and understand how physical and human factors influence them. 7
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 4.6.

4.7. Describe how and why physical and human systems function and interact and the consequences of these interactions. 26
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 4.7.

CT.1. Economics: Limited Resources: Students will demonstrate that because human, natural and capital resources are limited, individuals, households, businesses and governments must make choices.

1.1. Define scarcity and abundance. 1
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 1.1.

1.2. Identify goods and services and give an example of each. 17
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 1.2.

1.3. Identify and give examples of resources: human, natural and capital, and explain how they are used. 23
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 1.3.

1.4. Explain why some countries are richer than others. 13
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 1.4.

1.5. Identify alternative uses of resources found in their home, school or neighborhood. 12
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 1.5.

CT.2. Economics: Economic Systems: Students will demonstrate that various economic systems coexist, and that economic decisions are made by individuals and/or governments, influenced by markets, cultural traditions, individuals and governments in the allocation of goods and services.

2.1. Identify the three basic questions all economic systems must answer: a) What will be produced? b) How will it be produced? c) For whom will it be produced? 11
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 2.1.

2.2. Explain that there are different economic systems in the world and that these systems use different means to produce, distribute and exchange goods and services. 13
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 2.2.

2.3. Explain that a market exists whenever buyers and sellers exchange goods and services. 15
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 2.3.

2.4. Define a consumer and a producer and their roles in a market system. 18
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 2.4.

2.5. Describe how the price of a good or service in a market is related to how much of it there is and how many people want it. 1
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 2.5.

2.6. Explain that some goods and services are provided by the government. 3
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 2.6.

2.7. Explain that government raises money by taxing and borrowing to pay for the goods and services it provides. 2
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 2.7.

CT.3. Economics: Economic Interdependence: Students will demonstrate how the exchange of goods and services by individuals, groups and nations create economic interdependence and change.

3.1. Describe how voluntary exchange benefits all parties involved in the exchange of goods and services. 2
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 3.1.

3.2. Describe how the ex-change of goods and services around the world creates interdependence among people in different places. 14
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 3.2.

3.3. Recognize that money is a generally accepted medium of exchange and that different countries use different currencies. 6
Suggested Titles for Connecticut Social Studies State Standard 3.3.

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