West Virginia State Standards for Science: Grade 12

Currently Perma-Bound only has suggested titles for grades K-8 in the Science and Social Studies areas. We are working on expanding this.

WV.SC.S.1. Advanced Biology: History and the Nature of Science: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the history of science and the evolvement of scientific knowledge; demonstrate an understanding of science as a human endeavor encompassing the contributions of diverse cultures and scientists; and demonstrate an understanding of the nature of science.

AB.1.1. Students will formulate scientific explanations based on the student's observational and experimental evidence, accounting for variability in experimental results.

AB.1.2. Students will recognize that science has practical and theoretical limitations.

AB.1.3. Students will recognize that science is based on a set of observations in a testable framework that demonstrate basic laws that are consistent.

AB.1.4. Students will conclude that science is a blend of creativity, logic and mathematics.

AB.1.5. Students will trace the development of key historical concepts and principles describing their impact on modern thought and life by identifying the scientist's contributions.

AB.1.6. Students will integrate the history of science with cultural history to demonstrate that scientists work within their historical surroundings and are affected by them.

WV.SC.S.2. Advanced Biology: Science as Inquiry: Students will demonstrate the abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry; demonstrate understanding about scientific inquiry; and demonstrate the ability to think and act as scientists by engaging in active inquiries, investigations and hands-on activities a minimum of 50% of the instructional time.

AB.2.1. Students will model and exhibit the skills, attitudes and-or values of scientific inquiry (e.g., curiosity, logic, objectivity, openness, skepticism, appreciation, diligence, integrity, ethical practice, fairness, creativity).

AB.2.2. Students will demonstrate ethical practices for science (e.g., established research protocol, accurate record keeping, replication of results and peer review).

AB.2.3. Students will apply scientific approaches to seek solutions for personal and societal issues.

AB.2.4. Students will properly and safely manipulate equipment, materials, chemicals, organisms and models.

AB.2.5. Students will conduct explorations in a variety of environments (e.g., laboratories, museums, libraries, parks and other outdoors locations).

AB.2.6. Students will use computers and other electronic technologies (e.g., computer, CBL, probe interfaces, laser discs) to collect, analyze and-or report data, interact with simulations, and conduct research.

AB.2.7. Students will demonstrate science processes within a problem solving setting (e.g., observing, measuring, calculating, communicating, comparing, ordering, categorizing, classifying, relating, hypothesizing, predicting, inferring, considering alternatives, applying).

AB.2.8. Students will design, conduct, evaluate and revise experiments (e.g., identify questions and concepts that guide investigations; design investigations; identify independent and dependent variables in experimental investigations; manipulate variables to extend experimental activities; use technology and mathematics to improve investigations and communications; formulate and revise scientific explanations and models using logic and evidence; recognize alternative explanations; communicate and defend a scientific argument.).

WV.SC.S.3. Advanced Biology: Unifying Themes: Students will demonstrate an understanding of interdependent themes present in the natural and designed world (e.g., systems, order and organization; evidence, models and explanation; constancy, change, and measurement; equilibrium and evolution; form and function); demonstrate the ability to identify, construct, test, analyze and evaluate systems, models and changes; and demonstrate the ability to draw conclusions about and predict changes in natural and designed systems.

AB.3.1. Students will analyze systems to understand the natural and designed world; use systems analysis to make predictions about behaviors in systems; recognize order in units of matter, objects or events.

AB.3.2. Students will apply evidence from models to make predictions about interactions and changes in systems.

AB.3.3. Students will measure changes in systems using graphs and equations relating these to rate, scale, patterns, trends and cycles.

AB.3.4. Students will understand that different characteristics, properties or relationships within a system might change as its dimensions are increased or decreased (e.g., scale up, scale down).

WV.SC.S.4. Advanced Biology: Science Subject Matter-Concepts: Students will demonstrate knowledge, understanding and applications of scientific facts, concepts, principles, theories and models as delineated in the objectives; demonstrate an understanding of the interrelationships among physics, chemistry, biology and the earth and space sciences; and apply knowledge, understanding and skills of science subject matter-concepts to daily life experiences.

AB.4.1. Chemical Foundations: Students will review foundational chemical concepts including atomic structure, bonding, chemical reactions, water and pH as they relate to living systems.

AB.4.2. Chemical Foundations: Students will investigate the molecules of life and their function in the living systems.

AB.4.3. Cell Function and Genetics: Students will identify the structure, functions, and interactions of eukaryotic cell organelles and their products.

AB.4.4. Cell Function and Genetics: Students will analyze the chemistry and structure of the cell membrane as it relates to import and export of molecules necessary for life, exploring osmosis, diffusion, active and passive transport and dialysis.

AB.4.5. Cell Function and Genetics: Students will research the diversity-uniqueness of cell types (compare differences in prokaryotic-eukaryotic, plant-animal cells; explore nerve cells, blood cells, gametes, etc.).

AB.4.6. Cell Function and Genetics: Students will explore capture and release of energy as demonstrated by photosynthesis, cellular respiration, fermentation, and the role of coenzymes and vitamins.

AB.4.7. Cell Function and Genetics: Students will investigate and discuss homeostasis.

AB.4.8. Cell Function and Genetics: Students will recognize and describe the phases of eukaryotic and prokaryotic cell cycles.

AB.4.9. Cell Function and Genetics: Students will identify the stages of mitotic and meiotic eukaryotic cell division and explain significance of the stages.

AB.4.10. Cell Function and Genetics: Students will investigate and discuss DNA as the agent of heredity.

AB.4.11. Cell Function and Genetics: Students will investigate and discuss the importance of replication and mutation in the diversity of life.

AB.4.12. Cell Function and Genetics: Students will evaluate the advantages of asexual and sexual reproduction.

AB.4.13. Cell Function and Genetics: Students will identify Mendel's 1st Law and 2nd Law of Genetics and apply these laws to predict phenotypic and genotypic ratios from mono and dihybrid crosses.

AB.4.14. Cell Function and Genetics: Students will explore basic phenotypic and genotypic genetics beyond Mendel including such things as incomplete dominance, gene interaction, codominance, multi-alleles, crossing over, genetic recombination; and influences of environment, development, sex and age.

AB.4.15. Cell Function and Genetics: Students will identify the function of DNA in replication and transfer of the genetic code.

AB.4.16. Cell Function and Genetics: Students will identify the function of the RNAs; messenger, transfer and ribosomal in the transcription and translation process of protein formation.

AB.4.17. Cell Function and Genetics: Students will recognize that differentiation is regulated through the expression of different genes.

AB.4.18. Cell Function and Genetics: Students will discuss the regulatory process in controlling gene function.

AB.4.19. Cell Function and Genetics: Students will introduce genetic engineering through current DNA technology practices and the social issues that it raises.

AB.4.20. Cell Function and Genetics: Students will discuss gene mutations.

AB.4.21. Evolution: Students will discuss evidence of evolution and natural selection, including examples such as peppered moth, fossil records, biogeography, molecular biology and comparative anatomy.

AB.4.22. Evolution: Students will investigate and discuss that behavioral response is a set of actions determined in part by heredity and in part from experience.

AB.4.23. Evolution: Students will research pioneers and current authors of evolutionary ideas.

AB.4.24. Classification of Organisms: Students will present overview of the taxonomy and systematics of living organisms comparing DNA as the modern basis of classification to older methods based on morphology.

AB.4.25. Classification of Organisms: Students will discuss reasons why viruses are not included in the modern classification system.

AB.4.26. Human Systems: Students will explore the various systems of the human organism and their interactions.

AB.4.27. Environment and Ecosystems: Students will investigate and discuss responses of organisms to internal and environmental stimuli.

AB.4.28. Environment and Ecosystems: Students will investigate and discuss that extinction of a species occurs when the environment changes and the adaptive characteristics of a species are insufficient to allow its survival.

AB.4.29. Environment and Ecosystems: Students will investigate and discuss ecology as the interaction of living organisms and their nonliving environment.

AB.4.30. Environment and Ecosystems: Students will trace the energy flow through an ecosystem.

AB.4.31. Environment and Ecosystems: Students will investigate and discuss that the number of organisms any environment can support depends on the resources available.

WV.SC.S.5. Advanced Biology: Scientific Design and Application: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the interdependence between science and technology; demonstrate the ability to distinguish between natural and man-made objects; demonstrate abilities of technological design; and demonstrate the ability to utilize technology to gather data and communicate designs, results and conclusions.

AB.5.1. Students will summarize technological advances in the biological sciences.

AB.5.2. Students will investigate and analyze the interdependence of science and technology.

AB.5.3. Students will apply scientific skills and technological tools to design solutions that address personal and societal needs.

AB.5.4. Students will describe the scientific concepts underlying technological innovations.

AB.5.5. Students will use appropriate technology solutions to measure and gather data; interpret data; analyze data, and to present and communicate conclusions.

WV.SC.S.6. Advanced Biology: Science in Personal and Social Perspectives: Students will demonstrate the ability to evaluate personal and societal benefits when examining health, population, resource and environmental issues; demonstrate the ability to evaluate the impact of different points of view on health, population, resource and environmental practices; predict the long-term societal impact of specific health, population, resource and environmental practices; and demonstrate an understanding of public policy decisions as related to health, population, resource and environmental issues.

AB.6.1. Students will investigate and discuss the impact that humans may have on the quality of the biosphere such as depletion of the rainforest, pollution of estuaries, strip mining, depletion of fossil fuels and deterioration of ozone layer.

AB.6.2. Students will investigate the effects of natural phenomena on the environment (e.g., oceanographic, meteorologic).

AB.6.3. Students will research current environmental issues (e.g., depletion of fossil fuels, global warming, destruction of rainforest pollution).

AB.6.4. Students will describe the impact of cultural, technological, and economic influences on the evolving nature of scientific thought and knowledge.

AB.6.5. Students will explore occupational opportunities in science and technology including the academic preparation necessary.

AB.6.6. Students will engage in decision-making activities and actions to resolve science-technology-society issues.

WV.SC.S.1. Biology-Technical Conceptual: History and the Nature of Science: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the history of science and the evolvement of scientific knowledge; demonstrate an understanding of science as a human endeavor encompassing the contributions of diverse cultures and scientists; and demonstrate an understanding of the nature of science.

BTC.1.1. Students will formulate scientific explanations based on the student's observational and experimental evidence, accounting for variability in experimental results.

BTC.1.2. Students will recognize that science has practical and theoretical limitations.

BTC.1.3. Students will recognize that science is based on a set of observations in a testable framework that demonstrate basic laws that are consistent.

BTC.1.4. Students will conclude that science is a blend of creativity, logic and mathematics.

BTC.1.5. Students will trace the development of key historical concepts and principles describing their impact on modern thought and life by identifying the scientist's contributions.

BTC.1.6. Students will integrate the history of science with cultural history to demonstrate that scientists work within their historical surroundings and are affected by them.

WV.SC.S.2. Biology-Technical Conceptual: Science as Inquiry: Students will demonstrate the abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry; demonstrate understanding about scientific inquiry; and demonstrate the ability to think and act as scientists by engaging in active inquiries, investigations and hands-on activities a minimum of 50% of the instructional time.

BTC.2.1. Students will model and exhibit the skills, attitudes and-or values of scientific inquiry (e.g., curiosity, logic, objectivity, openness, skepticism, appreciation, diligence, integrity, ethical practice, fairness, creativity).

BTC.2.2. Students will demonstrate ethical practices for science (e.g., established research protocol, accurate record keeping, replication of results and peer review).

BTC.2.3. Students will apply scientific approaches to seek solutions for personal and societal issues.

BTC.2.4. Students will properly and safely manipulate equipment, materials, chemicals, organisms and models.

BTC.2.5. Students will conduct explorations in a variety of environments (e.g., laboratories, museums, libraries, parks and other outdoors locations).

BTC.2.6. Students will use appropriate technology solutions (e.g., computer, CBL, probe interfaces, software) to measure and collect data; interpret data; analyze and-or report data; interact with simulations; conduct research; and to present and communicate conclusions.

BTC.2.7. Students will demonstrate science processes within a problem solving setting (e.g., observing, measuring, calculating, communicating, comparing, ordering, categorizing, classifying, relating, hypothesizing, predicting, inferring, considering alternatives, applying).

BTC.2.8. Students will design, conduct, evaluate and revise experiments (e.g., identify questions and concepts that guide investigations; design investigations; identify independent and dependent variables in experimental investigations; manipulate variables to extend experimental activities; use technology and mathematics to improve investigations and communications; formulate and revise scientific explanations and models using logic and evidence; recognize alternative explanations; communicate and defend a scientific argument).

WV.SC.S.3. Biology-Technical Conceptual: Unifying Themes: Students will demonstrate an understanding of interdependent themes present in the natural and designed world (e.g., systems, order and organization; evidence, models and explanation; constancy, change, and measurement; equilibrium and evolution; form and function); demonstrate the ability to identify, construct, test, analyze and evaluate systems, models and changes; and demonstrate the ability to draw conclusions about and predict changes in natural and designed systems.

BTC.3.1. Students will analyze systems to understand the natural and designed world; use systems analysis to make predictions about behaviors in systems; recognize order in units of matter, objects or events.

BTC.3.2. Students will apply evidence from models to make predictions about interactions and changes in systems.

BTC.3.3. Students will measure changes in systems using graphs and equations relating these to rate, scale, patterns, trends and cycles.

BTC.3.4. Students will understand that different characteristics, properties or relationships within a system might change as its dimensions are increased or decreased (e.g., scale up, scale down).

WV.SC.S.4. Biology-Technical Conceptual: Science Subject Matter-Concepts: Students will demonstrate knowledge, understanding and applications of scientific facts, concepts, principles, theories and models as delineated in the objectives; demonstrate an understanding of the interrelationships among physics, chemistry, biology and the earth and space sciences; and apply knowledge, understanding and skills of science subject matter-concepts to daily life experiences.

BTC.4.1. Matter and Energy: Students will trace matter and energy transfers occurring during photosynthesis, cell respiration, and fermentation.

BTC.4.2. Matter and Energy: Students will explore material transport in and out of cells (e.g., diffusion and osmosis).

BTC.4.3. Matter and Energy: Students will investigate the nature of light in relation to energy transformation in photosynthesis.

BTC.4.4. Matter and Energy: Students will compare and describe the properties of sound waves and how they affect organisms (e.g. sound pollution, sonography, echolocation and animal vocalization).

BTC.4.5. Matter and Energy: Students will investigate how electric and magnetic forces affect life.

BTC.4.6. Chemical Foundations: Students will review of foundational chemical concepts including atomic structure, bonding, chemical reactions, water and pH as they relate to living systems.

BTC.4.7. Chemical Foundations: Students will investigate the molecules of life and their function in the living systems.

BTC.4.8. Chemical Foundations: Students will estimate molecular weight through the diffusion of biological stains.

BTC.4.9. Conservation and Human Impact on the Environment: Students will explain common problems related to conservation, use, supply and quality of water.

BTC.4.10. Conservation and Human Impact on the Environment: Students will investigate recycling in relation to human consumption of natural resources.

BTC.4.11. Conservation and Human Impact on the Environment: Students will describe landfills and sewage treatment facilities and how they work.

BTC.4.12. Conservation and Human Impact on the Environment: Students will investigate and analyze the impact that humans have on the quality of the biosphere (e.g. locally, regionally, and globally).

BTC.4.13. Conservation and Human Impact on the Environment: Students will use topographic maps and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to investigate biological systems and patterns (e.g. land use).

BTC.4.14. Conservation and Human Impact on the Environment: Students will examine global change over time (e.g. climatic trends, fossil fuel depletion, global warming, ozone depletion).

BTC.4.15. Populations and Ecosystems: Students will investigate interspecific and intraspecific competition.

BTC.4.16. Populations and Ecosystems: Students will apply sampling techniques to the study of ecosystems.

BTC.4.17. Populations and Ecosystems: Students will investigate variations in ecosystem productivity.

BTC.4.18. Populations and Ecosystems: Students will investigate population biology.

BTC.4.19. Populations and Ecosystems: Students will investigate soil and soil organisms.

BTC.4.20. Populations and Ecosystems: Students will explain the mechanics of composting.

BTC.4.21. Populations and Ecosystems: Students will evaluate the effects of large-scale use of fungicides and pesticides on the diversity of organisms.

BTC.4.22. Populations and Ecosystems: Students will discuss and categorize chemical hazards and how they impact life (e.g. flammable, reactive, poisons, corrosive).

BTC.4.23. Cell Function and Genetics: Students will review the structure and function of cell membranes.

BTC.4.24. Cell Function and Genetics: Students will review DNA as it relates to mitosis, meiosis and protein synthesis.

BTC.4.25. Cell Function and Genetics: Students will review basic genetics including incomplete dominance, gene interactions, co-dominance, multiple-alleles, crossing over, genetic recombinations, environmental influences, development, sex and age.

BTC.4.26. Cell Function and Genetics: Students will analyze karyotypes and pedigrees as diagnostic tools.

BTC.4.27. Cell Function and Genetics: Students will research genetic engineering through current DNA technology and the social and ethical issues that it raises (e.g. bacterial production of human insulin, DNA, cloning, fingerprinting, etc.).

BTC.4.28. Cell Function and Genetics: Students will analyze gene expression and embryonic development.

BTC.4.29. Plants: Students will compare and contrast hydrophytic, mesophytic and xerophytic plants.

BTC.4.30. Plants: Students will investigate the diversity of plants, their habitat, transport system, reproduction and life cycle.

BTC.4.31. Plants: Students will investigate methods of plant propagation (e.g. culturing techniques, hydroponics, cloning, grafting, vegetative propagation).

BTC.4.32. Plants: Students will research forest-management practices (e.g. clear cutting, selective cutting, pruning, fire ecology).

BTC.4.33. Plants: Students will research and evaluate the importance of cultivated and wild plants to human society, economics and the environment.

BTC.4.34. Animals: Students will investigate and analyze animal distribution.

BTC.4.35. Animals: Students will research variations in animal reproductive strategies.

BTC.4.36. Animals: Students will explain animal behavior.

BTC.4.37. Application of Biotechnology Techniques: Students will apply techniques of biotechnology to phylogenetics, forensics, paleontology, and human genetics.

WV.SC.S.5. Biology-Technical Conceptual: Scientific Design and Application: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the interdependence between science and technology; demonstrate the ability to distinguish between natural and man-made objects; demonstrate abilities of technological design; and demonstrate the ability to utilize technology to gather data and communicate designs, results and conclusions.

BTC.5.1. Students will summarize technological advances in the biological sciences.

BTC.5.2. Students will investigate and analyze the interdependence of science and technology.

BTC.5.3. Students will apply scientific skills and technological tools to design solutions that address personal and societal needs.

BTC.5.4. Students will describe the scientific concepts underlying technological innovations.

BTC.5.5. Students will use appropriate technology solutions to measure and gather data; interpret data; analyze data; and to present and communicate conclusions.

WV.SC.S.6. Biology-Technical Conceptual: Science in Personal and Social Perspectives: Students will demonstrate the ability to evaluate personal and societal benefits when examining health, population, resource and environmental issues; demonstrate the ability to evaluate the impact of different points of view on health, population, resource and environmental practices; predict the long-term societal impact of specific health, population, resource and environmental practices; and demonstrate an understanding of public policy decisions as related to health, population, resource and environmental issues.

BTC.6.1. Students will research current environmental issues pertaining to biology.

BTC.6.2. Students will describe the impact of cultural, technological and economic influences on the evolving nature of scientific thought and knowledge.

BTC.6.3. Students will explore occupational opportunities in science and technology including the academic preparation necessary.

BTC.6.4. Students will engage in decision-making activities and actions to resolve science-technology-society issues.

WV.SC.S.1. Human Anatomy and Physiology: History and the Nature of Science: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the history of science and the evolvement of scientific knowledge; demonstrate an understanding of science as a human endeavor encompassing the contributions of diverse cultures and scientists; and demonstrate an understanding of the nature of science.

HAP.1.1. Students will formulate scientific explanations based on the student's observational and experimental evidence, accounting for variability in experimental results.

HAP.1.2. Students will recognize that science has practical and theoretical limitations.

HAP.1.3. Students will recognize that science is based on a set of observations in a testable framework that demonstrate basic laws that are consistent.

HAP.1.4. Students will conclude that science is a blend of creativity, logic and mathematics.

HAP.1.5. Students will trace the development of key historical concepts and principles describing their impact on modern thought and life by identifying the scientist's contributions.

HAP.1.6. Students will integrate the history of science with cultural history to demonstrate that scientists work within their historical surroundings and are affected by them.

WV.SC.S.2. Human Anatomy and Physiology: Science as Inquiry: Students will demonstrate the abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry; demonstrate understanding about scientific inquiry; and demonstrate the ability to think and act as scientists by engaging in active inquiries, investigations and hands-on activities a minimum of 50% of the instructional time.

HAP.2.1. Students will model and exhibit the skills, attitudes and-or values of scientific inquiry (e.g., curiosity, logic, objectivity, openness, skepticism, appreciation, diligence, integrity, ethical practice, fairness, creativity).

HAP.2.2. Students will demonstrate ethical practices for science (e.g., established research protocol, accurate record keeping, replication of results and peer review).

HAP.2.3. Students will apply scientific approaches to seek solutions for personal and societal issues.

HAP.2.4. Students will properly and safely manipulate equipment, materials, chemicals, organisms and models.

HAP.2.5. Students will conduct explorations in a variety of environments (e.g., laboratories, museums, libraries, parks and other outdoors locations).

HAP.2.6. Students will use appropriate technology solutions (e.g., computer, CBL, probe interfaces, software) to measure and collect data; interpret data; analyze and-or report data; interact with simulations; conduct research; and to present and communicate conclusions.

HAP.2.7. Students will demonstrate science processes within a problem solving setting (e.g., observing, measuring, calculating, communicating, comparing, ordering, categorizing, classifying, relating, hypothesizing, predicting, inferring, considering alternatives, applying).

HAP.2.8. Students will design, conduct, evaluate and revise experiments (e.g., identify questions and concepts that guide investigations; design investigations; identify independent and dependent variables in experimental investigations; manipulate variables to extend experimental activities; use technology and mathematics to improve investigations and communications; formulate and revise scientific explanations and models using logic and evidence; recognize alternative explanations; communicate and defend a scientific argument).

WV.SC.S.3. Human Anatomy and Physiology: Unifying Themes: Students will demonstrate an understanding of interdependent themes present in the natural and designed world (e.g., systems, order and organization; evidence, models and explanation; constancy, change, and measurement; equilibrium and evolution; form and function); demonstrate the ability to identify, construct, test, analyze and evaluate systems, models and changes; and demonstrate the ability to draw conclusions about and predict changes in natural and designed systems.

HAP.3.1. Students will analyze systems to understand the natural and designed world; use systems analysis to make predictions about behaviors in systems; recognize order in units of matter, objects or events.

HAP.3.2. Students will apply evidence from models to make predictions about interactions and changes in systems.

HAP.3.3. Students will measure changes in systems using graphs and equations relating these to rate, scale, patterns, trends and cycles.

HAP.3.4. Students will understand that different characteristics, properties or relationships within a system might change as its dimensions are increased or decreased (e.g., scale up, scale down).

WV.SC.S.4. Human Anatomy and Physiology: Science Subject Matter-Concepts: Students will demonstrate knowledge, understanding and applications of scientific facts, concepts, principles, theories and models as delineated in the objectives; demonstrate an understanding of the interrelationships among physics, chemistry, biology and the earth and space sciences; and apply knowledge, understanding and skills of science subject matter-concepts to daily life experiences.

HAP.4.1. Frame of Reference for Anatomical Studies: Students will demonstrate knowledge of directional terminology necessary for anatomical location such as proximal, dorsal, medial, lateral, visceral, superficial and deep.

HAP.4.2. Frame of Reference for Anatomical Studies: Students will explore current literature and research related to human anatomy and physiology.

HAP.4.3. Chemical Level of Organization: Students will review of foundational chemical concepts including atomic structure, bonding, chemical reactions, water and pH as they relate to living systems.

HAP.4.4. Chemical Level of Organization: Students will trace the transfer of energy in chemical molecular processes in the human body (e.g., glycolysis, Krebs cycle, electron transport system).

HAP.4.5. Cellular -Tissue-System Levels of Organization: Students will identify the role of DNA in transcription and relate to types of RNA and protein synthesis.

HAP.4.6. Cellular -Tissue-System Levels of Organization: Students will identify the structure, functions and interactions of eukaryotic cell organelles and their products.

HAP.4.7. Cellular -Tissue-System Levels of Organization: Students will describe the organizational levels, interdependency and the interaction of cells, tissues, organs, organ systems.

HAP.4.8. categorize, by structure and function, the various types of human tissue (e.g. muscle Cellular -Tissue-System Levels of Organization: Students will, epithelial, connective, nervous).

HAP.4.9. Systems Level of Organization: Students will relate the structure of the integumentary system to its function as a sensory organ, environmental barrier and temperature regulator.

HAP.4.10. Systems Level of Organization: Students will relate how bone tissue is important to the development of the human skeleton.

HAP.4.11. Systems Level of Organization: Students will investigate the structure and function of the skeletal system, including identification of bones, markings on bones and articulations.

HAP.4.12. Systems Level of Organization: Students will show the mechanism of muscle contraction on micro and macro levels.

HAP.4.13. Systems Level of Organization: Students will recognize the relationship between the skeletal, neural and muscular systems.

HAP.4.14. Systems Level of Organization: Students will research the musculature system including locations, origins, insertions, muscle groups and types of muscles.

HAP.4.15. Systems Level of Organization: Students will classify, describe and investigate the various types of neurons emphasizing structure and function.

HAP.4.16. Systems Level of Organization: Students will trace and describe a nervous impulse including a discussion of the sodium-potassium pump.

HAP.4.17. Systems Level of Organization: Students will locate, identify and discuss the structure and function of the parts of the central nervous system.

HAP.4.18. Systems Level of Organization: Students will illustrate the nerves and functions of the peripheral nervous system including the autonomic portions.

HAP.4.19. Systems Level of Organization: Students will apply the knowledge of the structure of the ear and eye to their function-dysfunction in relationship to environmental perception.

HAP.4.20. Systems Level of Organization: Students will discuss the specific role of enzymes and hormones to bodily functions.

HAP.4.21. Systems Level of Organization: Students will explore the endocrine system emphasizing glands, hormonal control and problems in hormone production.

HAP.4.22. Systems Level of Organization: Students will investigate the male and female reproductive systems including identification of structures and their functions.

HAP.4.23. Systems Level of Organization: Students will relate the male and female reproductive systems to human growth and development.

HAP.4.24. Systems Level of Organization: Students will compare and contrast the purposes, processes and outcomes of cellular meiosis and mitosis.

HAP.4.25. Systems Level of Organization: Students will research the formation of gametes, fertilization and embryonic development.

HAP.4.26. Systems Level of Organization: Students will analyze the change in DNA activity and how it affects the control of protein synthesis and human inheritance.

HAP.4.27. Systems Level of Organization: Students will relate Mendel's laws of inheritance and DNA to genetic diseases such as sickle-cell anemia, chromosomal abnormalities, Tay-Sachs disease, Huntington's disease, etc.

HAP.4.28. Systems Level of Organization: Students will identify the cellular processes and the energy and nutritional requirements needed to maintain human metabolism.

HAP.4.29. Systems Level of Organization: Students will illustrate how transport mechanisms in cells, tissues and-or organs depend on osmosis and mixture gradients.

HAP.4.30. Systems Level of Organization: Students will examine the role of the digestive system in supplying nutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, vitamins, minerals, water).

HAP.4.31. Systems Level of Organization: Students will explain how structures of the respiratory system are significant to communication, gas exchange and cellular respiration.

HAP.4.32. Systems Level of Organization: Students will illustrate the structure of the circulatory and lymphatic systems and the function of blood to the role of transportation, cellular support and defense.

HAP.4.33. Systems Level of Organization: Students will investigate the composition of blood and compatibility of blood types.

HAP.4.34. Systems Level of Organization: Students will describe the relationship of the excretory system to other organs and systems.

HAP.4.35. Human Immune Systems and Health: Students will describe potential system failures in the human body due to genetic, nutritional, operational, disease, or environmental influences.

HAP.4.36. Human Immune Systems and Health: Students will investigate the immunological system emphasizing its role in defense of the human organism.

HAP.4.37. Human Immune Systems and Health: Students will investigate and research the causative factors, symptoms, prevention and treatment of diseases.

HAP.4.38. Human Immune Systems and Health: Students will identify disorders related to each major system.

WV.SC.S.5. Human Anatomy and Physiology: Scientific Design and Application: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the interdependence between science and technology; demonstrate the ability to distinguish between natural and man-made objects; demonstrate abilities of technological design; and demonstrate the ability to utilize technology to gather data and communicate designs, results and conclusions.

HAP.5.1. Students will summarize technological advances in medicine and health.

HAP.5.2. Students will investigate and analyze the interdependence of science and technology.

HAP.5.3. Students will apply scientific skills and technological tools to design solutions that address personal and societal needs.

HAP.5.4. Students will describe the scientific concepts underlying technological innovations.

HAP.5.5. Students will use appropriate technology solutions to measure and gather data; interpret data; analyze data; and to present and communicate conclusions.

WV.SC.S.6. Human Anatomy and Physiology: Science in Personal and Social Perspectives: Students will demonstrate the ability to evaluate personal and societal benefits when examining health, population, resource and environmental issues; demonstrate the ability to evaluate the impact of different points of view on health, population, resource and environmental practices; predict the long-term societal impact of specific health, population, resource and environmental practices; and demonstrate an understanding of public policy decisions as related to health, population, resource and environmental issues.

HAP.6.1. Students will describe the impact of cultural, technological, and economic influences on the evolving nature of scientific thought and knowledge.

HAP.6.2. Students will explore occupational opportunities in science and technology including the academic preparation necessary.

HAP.6.3. Students will engage in decision-making activities and actions to resolve science-technology-society issues.

WV.SC.S.1. Advanced Chemistry: History and the Nature of Science: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the history of science and the evolvement of scientific knowledge; demonstrate an understanding of science as a human endeavor encompassing the contributions of diverse cultures and scientists; and demonstrate an understanding of the nature of science.

AC.1.1. Students will formulate scientific explanations based on the student's observational and experimental evidence, accounting for variability in experimental results.

AC.1.2. Students will recognize that science has practical and theoretical limitations.

AC.1.3. Students will recognize that science is based on a set of observations in a testable framework that demonstrate basic laws that are consistent.

AC.1.4. Students will conclude that science is a blend of creativity, logic and mathematics.

AC.1.5. Students will trace the development of key historical concepts and principles describing their impact on modern thought and life by identifying the scientist's contributions.

AC.1.6. Students will integrate the history of science with cultural history to demonstrate that scientists work within their historical surroundings and are affected by them.

WV.SC.S.2. Advanced Chemistry: Science as Inquiry: Students will demonstrate the abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry; demonstrate understanding about scientific inquiry; and demonstrate the ability to think and act as scientists by engaging in active inquiries, investigations and hands-on activities a minimum of 50% of the instructional time.

AC.2.1. Students will model and exhibit the skills, attitudes and-or values of scientific inquiry (e.g., curiosity, logic, objectivity, openness, skepticism, appreciation, diligence, integrity, ethical practice, fairness, creativity).

AC.2.2. Students will demonstrate ethical practices for science (e.g., established research protocol, accurate record keeping, replication of results and peer review).

AC.2.3. Students will apply scientific approaches to seek solutions for personal and societal issues.

AC.2.4. Students will properly and safely manipulate equipment, materials, chemicals, organisms and models.

AC.2.5. Students will conduct explorations in a variety of environments (e.g., laboratories, museums, libraries, parks and other outdoors locations).

AC.2.6. Students will use appropriate technology solutions (e.g., computer, CBL, probe interfaces, software) to measure and collect data; interpret data; analyze and-or report data, interact with simulations; conduct research; and to present and communicate conclusions.

AC.2.7. Students will demonstrate science processes within a problem solving setting (e.g., observing, measuring, calculating, communicating, comparing, ordering, categorizing, classifying, relating, hypothesizing, predicting, inferring, considering alternatives, applying).

AC.2.8. Students will design, conduct, evaluate and revise experiments (e.g., identify questions and concepts that guide investigations; design investigations; identify independent and dependent variables in experimental investigations; manipulate variables to extend experimental activities; use technology and mathematics to improve investigations and communications; formulate and revise scientific explanations and models using logic and evidence; recognize alternative explanations; communicate and defend a scientific argument.).

WV.SC.S.3. Advanced Chemistry: Unifying Themes: Students will demonstrate an understanding of interdependent themes present in the natural and designed world (e.g., systems, order and organization; evidence, models and explanation; constancy, change, and measurement; equilibrium and evolution; form and function); demonstrate the ability to identify, construct, test, analyze and evaluate systems, models and changes; and demonstrate the ability to draw conclusions about and predict changes in natural and designed systems.

AC.3.1. Students will analyze systems to understand the natural and designed world; use systems analysis to make predictions about behaviors in systems; recognize order in units of matter, objects or events.

AC.3.2. Students will apply evidence from models to make predictions about interactions and changes in systems.

AC.3.3. Students will measure changes in systems using graphs and equations relating these to rate, scale, patterns, trends and cycles.

AC.3.4. Students will understand that different characteristics, properties or relationships within a system might change as its dimensions are increased or decreased (e.g., scale up, scale down).

WV.SC.S.4. Advanced Chemistry: Science Subject Matter-Concepts: Students will demonstrate knowledge, understanding and applications of scientific facts, concepts, principles, theories and models as delineated in the objectives; demonstrate an understanding of the interrelationships among physics, chemistry, biology and the earth and space sciences; and apply knowledge, understanding and skills of science subject matter-concepts to daily life experiences.

AC.4.1. Properties of Matter: Students will review the classification of matter using the periodic table; the use the kinetic molecular theory to explain physical states of matter; physical and chemical properties; and physical and chemical changes.

AC.4.2. Atomic Structure: Students will review Bohr model of the atom and calculation of subatomic particles - protons, neutrons, and electrons.

AC.4.3. Atomic Structure: Students will research and evaluate the contributions of Dalton, Planck, Bohr, Einstein, and de Broglie, Heisenberg, and Schrodinger to the evolution of the atomic theory.

AC.4.4. Atomic Structure: Students will identify four types of electron clouds (s, p, d, f) and describe the quantum number (n, l, m, s) for electrons.

AC.4.5. Atomic Structure: Students will write electron configurations and associate electron configuration of elements with element location on periodic table.

AC.4.6. Atomic Structure: Students will write electron dot structures for representative elements.

AC.4.7. Bonding: Students will predict the formulas of ionic compounds and molecular compounds.

AC.4.8. Bonding: Students will analyze the periodic table to predict trends in atomic size, ionic size, electronegativity, ionization energy and electron affinity.

AC.4.9. Bonding: Students will using the periodic table, predict the type of bonding that occurs between atoms and differentiate among properties of ionic, covalent and metallic bonds.

AC.4.10. Bonding: Students will construct models to explain the structure and geometry of organic and inorganic molecules and the lattice structures of crystals.

AC.4.11. Bonding: Students will recognize simple organic functional groups and name simple organic compounds.

AC.4.12. Stoichiometry: Students will predict the products and write balanced equations for the general types of chemical reactions.

AC.4.13. Stoichiometry: Students will use dimensional analysis to perform unit conversions and to verify experimental calculations.

AC.4.14. Stoichiometry: Students will use the Avogadro constant to define the mole and to calculate molecular and molar mass as well as a molar volume.

AC.4.15. Stoichiometry: Students will perform calculations using the combined and ideal gas laws.

AC.4.16. Stoichiometry: Students will use molar mass to calculate the molarity of solutions, percentage composition, empirical formulas and formulas of hydrates.

AC.4.17. Stoichiometry: Students will experimentally determine the empirical formulas of hydrates.

AC.4.18. Stoichiometry: Students will perform stoichiometric calculations including mass-mass, mass-volume, volume-volume including problems to determine theoretical yield and to identify the limiting reactant.

AC.4.19. Equilibrium: Students will experimentally determine the factors that influence the rate of reaction.

AC.4.20. Equilibrium: Students will apply LeChatelier's principle to explain the effect of changes in concentration, pressure, volume, and temperature on an equilibrium system.

AC.4.21. Solution Chemistry: Students will review colligative properties.

AC.4.22. Solution Chemistry: Students will name and define acids and bases using Arrhenius, Bronsted-Lowry and Lewis definitions.

AC.4.23. Solution Chemistry: Students will predict the products upon adding water to both acidic and basic anhydrides.

AC.4.24. Solution Chemistry: Students will write and balance net ionic equations.

AC.4.25. Solution Chemistry: Students will solve problems using the solubility product constants.

AC.4.26. Solution Chemistry: Students will calculate the pH and-or pOH for various solutions and relate to the pH scale.

AC.4.27. Solution Chemistry: Students will conduct titrations and perform calculations for both acid-base and oxidation-reduction reactions.

AC.4.28. Electrochemistry: Students will define oxidation and reduction in terms of electron transfer within reactions.

AC.4.29. Electrochemistry: Students will construct electrolytic cells, write and balance the half-cell reactions and calculate cell voltage.

AC.4.30. Reaction Dynamics: Students will calculate the enthalpy change in reactions using the heat of formation.

AC.4.31. Reaction Dynamics: Students will evaluate the factors driving chemical reactions including enthalpy and entropy and their interrelationship.

AC.4.32. Nuclear Chemistry: Students will write balanced nuclear equations and make predications using half-life values.

AC.4.33. Nuclear Chemistry: Students will list the biological effects of radiation and the units used to measure radiation.

AC.4.34. Nuclear Chemistry: Students will compare and contrast fusion and fission reactions.

AC.4.35. Nuclear Chemistry: Students will research the application of nuclear technology.

WV.SC.S.5. Advanced Chemistry: Scientific Design and Application: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the interdependence between science and technology; demonstrate the ability to distinguish between natural and man-made objects; demonstrate abilities of technological design; and demonstrate the ability to utilize technology to gather data and communicate designs, results and conclusions.

AC.5.1. Students will summarize technological advances in chemistry.

AC.5.2. Students will investigate and analyze the interdependence of science and technology.

AC.5.3. Students will apply scientific skills and technological tools to design solutions that address personal and societal needs.

AC.5.4. Students will describe the scientific concepts underlying technological innovations.

AC.5.5. Students will use appropriate technology solutions to measure and gather data; interpret data; analyze data; and to present and communicate conclusions.

WV.SC.S.6. Advanced Chemistry: Science in Personal and Social Perspectives: Students will demonstrate the ability to evaluate personal and societal benefits when examining health, population, resource and environmental issues; demonstrate the ability to evaluate the impact of different points of view on health, population, resource and environmental practices; predict the long-term societal impact of specific health, population, resource and environmental practices; and demonstrate an understanding of public policy decisions as related to health, population, resource and environmental issues.

AC.6.1. Students will research current environmental issues pertaining to chemistry.

AC.6.2. Students will describe the impact of cultural, technological and economic influences on the evolving nature of scientific thought and knowledge.

AC.6.3. Students will explore occupational opportunities in science and technology including the academic preparation necessary.

AC.6.4. Students will engage in decision-making activities and actions to resolve science-technology-society issues.

WV.SC.S.1. Chemistry-Technical Conceptual: History and the Nature of Science: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the history of science and the evolvement of scientific knowledge; demonstrate an understanding of science as a human endeavor encompassing the contributions of diverse cultures and scientists; and demonstrate an understanding of the nature of science.

CTC.1.1. Students will formulate scientific explanations based on the student's observational and experimental evidence, accounting for variability in experimental results.

CTC.1.2. Students will recognize that science has practical and theoretical limitations.

CTC.1.3. Students will recognize that science is based on a set of observations in a testable framework that demonstrate basic laws that are consistent.

CTC.1.4. Students will conclude that science is a blend of creativity, logic and mathematics.

CTC.1.5. Students will trace the development of key historical concepts and principles describing their impact on modern thought and life by identifying the scientist's contributions.

CTC.1.6. Students will integrate the history of science with cultural history to demonstrate that scientists work within their historical surroundings and are affected by them.

WV.SC.S.2. Chemistry-Technical Conceptual: Science as Inquiry: Students will demonstrate the abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry; demonstrate understanding about scientific inquiry; and demonstrate the ability to think and act as scientists by engaging in active inquiries, investigations and hands-on activities a minimum of 50% of the instructional time.

CTC.2.1. Students will model and exhibit the skills, attitudes and-or values of scientific inquiry (e.g., curiosity, logic, objectivity, openness, skepticism, appreciation, diligence, integrity, ethical practice, fairness, creativity).

CTC.2.2. Students will demonstrate ethical practices for science (e.g., established research protocol, accurate record keeping, replication of results and peer review).

CTC.2.3. Students will apply scientific approaches to seek solutions for personal and societal issues.

CTC.2.4. Students will properly and safely manipulate equipment, materials, chemicals, organisms and models.

CTC.2.5. Students will conduct explorations in a variety of environments (e.g., laboratories, museums, libraries, parks and other outdoors locations).

CTC.2.6. Students will use appropriate technology solutions (e.g., computer, CBL, probe interfaces, software) to measure and collect data; interpret data; analyze and-or report data; interact with simulations; conduct research; and to present and communicate conclusions.

CTC.2.7. Students will demonstrate science processes within a problem solving setting (e.g., observing, measuring, calculating, communicating, comparing, ordering, categorizing, classifying, relating, hypothesizing, predicting, inferring, considering alternatives, and applying).

CTC.2.8. Students will design, conduct, evaluate and revise experiments (e.g., identify questions and concepts that guide investigations; design investigations; identify independent and dependent variables in experimental investigations; manipulate variables to extend experimental activities; use technology and mathematics to improve investigations and communications; formulate and revise scientific explanations and models using logic and evidence; recognize alternative explanations; communicate and defend a scientific argument).

WV.SC.S.3. Chemistry-Technical Conceptual: Unifying Themes: Students will demonstrate an understanding of interdependent themes present in the natural and designed world (e.g., systems, order and organization; evidence, models and explanation; constancy, change, and measurement; equilibrium and evolution; form and function); demonstrate the ability to identify, construct, test, analyze and evaluate systems, models and changes; and demonstrate the ability to draw conclusions about and predict changes in natural and designed systems.

CTC.3.1. Students will analyze systems to understand the natural and designed world; use systems analysis to make predictions about behaviors in systems; recognize order in units of matter, objects or events.

CTC.3.2. Students will apply evidence from models to make predictions about interactions and changes in systems.

CTC.3.3. Students will measure changes in systems using graphs and equations relating these to rate, scale, patterns, trends and cycles.

CTC.3.4. Students will understand that different characteristics, properties or relationships within a system might change as its dimensions are increased or decreased (e.g., scale up, scale down).

WV.SC.S.4. Chemistry-Technical Conceptual: Science Subject Matter-Concepts: Students will demonstrate knowledge, understanding and applications of scientific facts, concepts, principles, theories and models as delineated in the objectives; demonstrate an understanding of the interrelationships among physics, chemistry, biology and the earth and space sciences; and apply knowledge, understanding and skills of science subject matter-concepts to daily life experiences.

CTC.4.1. Properties of Matter: Students will review the classification of matter and the properties of metals and nonmetals.

CTC.4.2. Properties of Matter: Students will identify sources and uses of elements.

CTC.4.3. Properties of Matter: Students will use the kinetic molecular theory to explain physical states of matter.

CTC.4.4. Properties of Matter: Students will perform calculations using the gas laws.

CTC.4.5. Properties of Matter: Students will apply the principle of distillation to the separation of liquids (e.g., petroleum or water purification).

CTC.4.6. Atomic Structure: Students will review the parts of the atom.

CTC.4.7. Atomic Structure: Students will review the relationship of an element's group and period position with its properties.

CTC.4.8. Atomic Structure: Students will compare atomic and ionic electronic structures.

CTC.4.9. Bonding: Students will review formula writing and ionic and covalent bonding.

CTC.4.10. Bonding: Students will recognize the impact of water's unusual physical properties.

CTC.4.11. Bonding: Students will predict solute solubility based on molecular polarity.

CTC.4.12. Stoichiometry: Students will review balancing equations.

CTC.4.13. Stoichiometry: Students will use dimensional analysis to perform unit conversions and to verify experimental calculations.

CTC.4.14. Stoichiometry: Students will relate the mole concept to chemical formulas.

CTC.4.15. Stoichiometry: Students will use moles to measure chemical quantities.

CTC.4.16. Stoichiometry: Students will determine the percent composition by mass of the elements in a compound.

CTC.4.17. Stoichiometry: Students will make connections between resource conservation and the Law of Conservation of Matter.

CTC.4.18. Stoichiometry: Students will illustrate the concept of a limiting reagent.

CTC.4.19. Solution chemistry: Students will review solution properties (e.g., solubility, conductivity, density, pH and colligative).

CTC.4.20. Solution chemistry: Students will define solutions in terms of saturation.

CTC.4.21. Solution chemistry: Students will perform solutions concentration calculations (e.g. molarity, ppm).

CTC.4.22. Solution chemistry: Students will compare and contrast the properties of strong and weak acids and bases.

CTC.4.23. Solution chemistry: Students will perform an acid-base neutralization reaction.

CTC.4.24. Electrochemistry: Students will construct electrolytic cells to observe the reduction of ions into free metals and write the half reactions that occur.

CTC.4.25. Electrochemistry: Students will predict reactions of metals with aqueous solutions using the Metal Activity Series.

CTC.4.26. Reaction Dynamics: Students will review temperature and heat.

CTC.4.27. Reaction Dynamics: Students will measure the flow of energy into or out of chemical reactions.

CTC.4.28. Reaction Dynamics: Students will predict the effect of temperature and catalysts on reaction rates.

CTC.4.29. Reaction Dynamics: Students will apply LeChatelier's Principle in determining equilibrium.

CTC.4.30. Carbon and Petroleum: Students will draw and construct models for the first ten alkanes.

CTC.4.31. Carbon and Petroleum: Students will relate the properties of organic compounds to their functional groups (e.g., alcohol and esters).

CTC.4.32. Carbon and Petroleum: Students will demonstrate the formation of polymers from smaller molecules.

CTC.4.33. Carbon and Petroleum: Students will compare and contrast the use of petroleum as either a source of energy or as a fundamental ingredient of synthetic materials.

CTC.4.34. Nuclear Chemistry: Students will review nuclear fusion and fission, isotopes and half-lives.

CTC.4.35. Nuclear Chemistry: Students will compare the penetrating energies of nuclear radiation.

CTC.4.36. Nuclear Chemistry: Students will balance simple nuclear equations.

CTC.4.37. Nuclear Chemistry: Students will explain practical applications of nuclear technology (e.g., radioactive dating, radioisotopes in medicine).

WV.SC.S.5. Chemistry-Technical Conceptual: Scientific Design and Application: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the interdependence between science and technology; demonstrate the ability to distinguish between natural and man-made objects; demonstrate abilities of technological design; and demonstrate the ability to utilize technology to gather data and communicate designs, results and conclusions.

CTC.5.1. Students will summarize technological advances in chemistry.

CTC.5.2. Students will investigate and analyze the interdependence of science and technology.

CTC.5.3. Students will apply scientific skills and technological tools to design solutions that address personal and societal needs.

CTC.5.4. Students will describe the scientific concepts underlying technological innovations.

CTC.5.5. Students will use appropriate technology solutions to measure and gather data; interpret data; analyze data; and to present and communicate conclusions.

WV.SC.S.6. Chemistry-Technical Conceptual: Science in Personal and Social Perspectives: Students will demonstrate the ability to evaluate personal and societal benefits when examining health, population, resource and environmental issues; demonstrate the ability to evaluate the impact of different points of view on health, population, resource and environmental practices; predict the long-term societal impact of specific health, population, resource and environmental practices; and demonstrate an understanding of public policy decisions as related to health, population, resource and environmental issues.

CTC.6.1. Students will research current environmental issues pertaining to chemistry.

CTC.6.2. Students will describe the impact of cultural, technological, and economic influences on the evolving nature of scientific thought and knowledge.

CTC.6.3. Students will explore occupational opportunities in science and technology including the academic preparation necessary.

CTC.6.4. Students will engage in decision-making activities and actions to resolve science-technology-society issues.

WV.SC.S.1. Advanced Environmental Earth Science: History and the Nature of Science: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the history of science and the evolvement of scientific knowledge; demonstrate an understanding of science as a human endeavor encompassing the contributions of diverse cultures and scientists; and demonstrate an understanding of the nature of science.

AES.1.1. Students will formulate scientific explanations based on the student's observational and experimental evidence, accounting for variability in experimental results.

AES.1.2. Students will recognize that science has practical and theoretical limitations.

AES.1.3. Students will recognize that science is based on a set of observations in a testable framework that demonstrate basic laws that are consistent.

AES.1.4. Students will conclude that science is a blend of creativity, logic and mathematics.

AES.1.5. Students will trace the development of key historical concepts and principles describing their impact on modern thought and life by identifying the scientist's contributions.

AES.1.6. Students will integrate the history of science with cultural history to demonstrate that scientists work within their historical surroundings and are affected by them.

WV.SC.S.2. Advanced Environmental Earth Science: Science as Inquiry: Students will demonstrate the abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry; demonstrate understanding about scientific inquiry; and demonstrate the ability to think and act as scientists by engaging in active inquiries, investigations and hands-on activities a minimum of 50% of the instructional time.

AES.2.1. Students will model and exhibit the skills, attitudes and-or values of scientific inquiry (e.g., curiosity, logic, objectivity, openness, skepticism, appreciation, diligence, integrity, ethical practice, fairness, creativity).

AES.2.2. Students will demonstrate ethical practices for science (e.g., established research protocol, accurate record keeping, replication of results and peer review).

AES.2.3. Students will apply scientific approaches to seek solutions for personal and societal issues.

AES.2.4. Students will properly and safely manipulate equipment, materials, chemicals, organisms and models.

AES.2.5. Students will conduct explorations in a variety of environments (e.g., laboratories, museums, libraries, parks and other outdoors locations).

AES.2.6. Students will use appropriate technology solutions (e.g., computer, CBL, probe interfaces, software) to measure and collect data; interpret data; analyze and-or report data; interact with simulations; conduct research; and to present and communicate conclusions.

AES.2.7. Students will demonstrate science processes within a problem solving setting (e.g., observing, measuring, calculating, communicating, comparing, ordering, categorizing, classifying, relating, hypothesizing, predicting, inferring, considering alternatives, and applying).

AES.2.8. Students will design, conduct, evaluate and revise experiments (e.g., identify questions and concepts that guide investigations; design investigations; identify independent and dependent variables in experimental investigations; manipulate variables to extend experimental activities; use technology and mathematics to improve investigations and communications; formulate and revise scientific explanations and models using logic and evidence; recognize alternative explanations; communicate and defend a scientific argument).

WV.SC.S.3. Advanced Environmental Earth Science: Unifying Themes: Students will demonstrate an understanding of interdependent themes present in the natural and designed world (e.g., systems, order and organization; evidence, models and explanation; constancy, change, and measurement; equilibrium and evolution; form and function); demonstrate the ability to identify, construct, test, analyze and evaluate systems, models and changes; and demonstrate the ability to draw conclusions about and predict changes in natural and designed systems.

AES.3.1. Students will analyze systems to understand the natural and designed world; use systems analysis to make predictions about behaviors in systems; recognize order in units of matter, objects or events.

AES.3.2. Students will apply evidence from models to make predictions about interactions and changes in systems.

AES.3.3. Students will measure changes in systems using graph and equations relating these to rate, scale, patterns, trends and cycles.

AES.3.4. Students will understand that different characteristics, properties or relationships within a system might change as its dimensions are increased or decreased (e.g., scale up, scale down).

WV.SC.S.4. Advanced Environmental Earth Science: Science Subject Matter-Concepts: Students will demonstrate knowledge, understanding and applications of scientific facts, concepts, principles, theories and models as delineated in the objectives; demonstrate an understanding of the interrelationships among physics, chemistry, biology and the earth and space sciences; and apply knowledge, understanding and skills of science subject matter-concepts to daily life experiences.

AES.4.1. Dynamic Earth: Students will review foundational earth science concepts including rocks and minerals, properties of waves, constructing and interpreting weather maps, surface features found on maps, climatic relationships to biomes, use of data gathering instruments, temperature-phase change relationships.

AES.4.2. Dynamic Earth: Students will identify and describe the structure, origin, and evolution of the lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and biosphere.

AES.4.3. Geology: Students will identify components of the solid earth and the natural processes relating to its development.

AES.4.4. Geology: Students will list, identify, and sequence eras, epochs and periods in relation to earth history and geologic development.

AES.4.5. Geology: Students will utilize fossil evidence to estimate the relative and absolute ages of rock layers (time-stratographic and biostratographic).

AES.4.6. Geology: Students will estimate the absolute age of materials using existing radioisotopic data.

AES.4.7. Geology: Students will identify the type and composition of various minerals.

AES.4.8. Geology: Students will investigate and explain the processes of the rock cycle.

AES.4.9. Geology: Students will explain the relationship between pressure and temperature to the formation and reformation of rocks.

AES.4.10. Geology: Students will identify and describe agents and processes of degradation (e.g., weathering by gravity, wind, water, and ice).

AES.4.11. Geology: Students will identify and describe tectonic forces relating to internal energy production and convection currents.

AES.4.12. Geology: Students will understand the cause and effect relationships of degradational and tectonic forces with respect to the dynamic earth and its surface (e.g., volcanoes, earthquakes).

AES.4.13. Geology: Students will construct and-or interpret information on topographic maps.

AES.4.14. Oceanography: Students will identify and describe properties of our oceans (e.g., composition, physical features of the ocean floor, and life within the oceans).

AES.4.15. Oceanography: Students will compare and contrast characteristics of the oceans, including their lateral and vertical motions.

AES.4.16. Oceanography: Students will investigate the evolution of the ocean floor that results in the creation of new materials and features.

AES.4.17. Oceanography: Students will investigate the stratification of the ocean (colligative properties and biological zonation).

AES.4.18. Meteorology: Students will investigate and explain, heat transfer in the atmosphere and its relationship to meteorological processes (e.g., pressure, winds, evaporation, condensation, and precipitation).

AES.4.19. Meteorology: Students will predict the effects of ocean currents on climate.

AES.4.20. Meteorology: Students will compare and contrast meteorological processes related to air masses, weather systems, and forecasting.

AES.4.21. Meteorology: Students will examine global change over time (e.g., climatic trends, fossil fuel depletion, global warming, ozone depletion).

AES.4.22. Astronomy: Students will research theories concerning origins of the universe.

AES.4.23. Astronomy: Students will apply Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation to the motion of celestial objects.

AES.4.24. Astronomy: Students will investigate the solar system including origin theories, comparing and contrasting the planets, planetary motions, and other celestial bodies.

AES.4.25. Astronomy: Students will investigate celestial bodies and their evolution.

AES.4.26. Astronomy: Students will explain the relationships between location, navigation and time.

AES.4.27. Astronomy: Students will compare ancient and modern methods and tools used to study astronomy.

AES.4.28. Astronomy: Students will investigate the electromagnetic spectrum as related to observable phenomena in the universe.

AES.4.29. Environment: Students will describe the relationship between earth processes and natural disasters and draw conclusions concerning their human impact.

AES.4.30. Environment: Students will explore the relationships between human consumption of natural resources and the stewardship responsibility for reclamations including disposal of hazardous and non-hazardous waste.

AES.4.31. Environment: Students will investigate and describe in detail the physical and chemical properties of water.

AES.4.32. Environment: Students will explain common problems related to the conservation, use, supply and the quality of water.

AES.4.33. Environment: Students will explore the relationships between the extraction and use of natural resources and the impact on the environment.

AES.4.34. Environment: Students will research alternative energy sources.

AES.4.35. Environment: Students will understand the fragile nature of the Earth.

AES.4.36. Environment: Students will research and explain how the political system influences environmental decisions.

AES.4.37. Environment: Students will investigate which federal and state agencies have responsibility for environmental monitoring and actions.

AES.4.38. Environment: Students will develop decision-making skills with respect to addressing environmental problems.

WV.SC.S.5. Advanced Environmental Earth Science: Scientific Design and Application: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the interdependence between science and technology; demonstrate the ability to distinguish between natural and man-made objects; demonstrate abilities of technological design; and demonstrate the ability to utilize technology to gather data and communicate designs, results and conclusions.

AES.5.1. Students will summarize technological advances in the earth sciences.

AES.5.2. Students will investigate and analyze the interdependence of science and technology.

AES.5.3. Students will apply scientific skills and technological tools to design solutions that address personal and societal needs.

AES.5.4. Students will describe the scientific concepts underlying technological innovations.

AES.5.5. Students will use appropriate technology solutions to measure and gather data; interpret data; analyze data; and to present and communicate conclusions.

WV.SC.S.6. Advanced Environmental Earth Science: Science in Personal and Social Perspectives: Students will demonstrate the ability to evaluate personal and societal benefits when examining health, population, resource and environmental issues; demonstrate the ability to evaluate the impact of different points of view on health, population, resource and environmental practices; predict the long-term societal impact of specific health, population, resource and environmental practices; and demonstrate an understanding of public policy decisions as related to health, population, resource and environmental issues.

AES.6.1. Students will research and explain how the political system influences environmental decisions.

AES.6.2. Students will investigate the effects of natural phenomena on the environment (e.g., oceanographic, meteorologic).

AES.6.3. Students will research current environmental issues (e.g., depletion of fossil fuels, global warming, destruction of rainforest pollution).

AES.6.4. Students will describe the impact of cultural, technological and economic influences on the evolving nature of scientific thought and knowledge.

AES.6.5. Students will explore occupational opportunities in science and technology including the academic preparation necessary.

AES.6.6. Students will engage in decision-making activities and actions to resolve science-technology-society issues.

WV.SC.S.1. Advanced Physics: History and the Nature of Science: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the history of science and the evolvement of scientific knowledge; demonstrate an understanding of science as a human endeavor encompassing the contributions of diverse cultures and scientists; and demonstrate an understanding of the nature of science.

AP.1.1. Students will formulate scientific explanations based on the student's observational and experimental evidence, accounting for variability in experimental results.

AP.1.2. Students will recognize that science has practical and theoretical limitations.

AP.1.3. Students will recognize that science is based on a set of observations in a testable framework that demonstrate basic laws that are consistent.

AP.1.4. Students will conclude that science is a blend of creativity, logic and mathematics.

AP.1.5. Students will trace the development of key historical concepts and principles describing their impact on modern thought and life by identifying the scientist's contributions.

AP.1.6. Students will integrate the history of science with cultural history to demonstrate that scientists work within their historical surroundings and are affected by them.

WV.SC.S.2. Advanced Physics: Science as Inquiry: Students will demonstrate the abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry; demonstrate understanding about scientific inquiry; and demonstrate the ability to think and act as scientists by engaging in active inquiries, investigations and hands-on activities a minimum of 50% of the instructional time.

AP.2.1. Students will model and exhibit the skills, attitudes and-or values of scientific inquiry (e.g., curiosity, logic, objectivity, openness, skepticism, appreciation, diligence, integrity, ethical practice, fairness, creativity).

AP.2.2. Students will demonstrate ethical practices for science (e.g., established research protocol, accurate record keeping, replication of results and peer review).

AP.2.3. Students will apply scientific approaches to seek solutions for personal and societal issues.

AP.2.4. Students will properly and safely manipulate equipment, materials, chemicals, organisms and models.

AP.2.5. Students will conduct explorations in a variety of environments (e.g., laboratories, museums, libraries, parks and other outdoors locations).

AP.2.6. Students will use appropriate technology solutions (e.g., computer, CBL, probe interfaces, software) to measure and collect data; interpret data; analyze and-or report data; interact with simulations; conduct research; and to present and communicate conclusions.

AP.2.7. Students will demonstrate science processes within a problem solving setting (e.g., observing, measuring, calculating, communicating, comparing, ordering, categorizing, classifying, relating, hypothesizing, predicting, inferring, considering alternatives, and applying).

AP.2.8. Students will design, conduct, evaluate and revise experiments (e.g., identify questions and concepts that guide investigations; design investigations; identify independent and dependent variables in experimental investigations; manipulate variables to extend experimental activities; use technology and mathematics to improve investigations and communications; formulate and revise scientific explanations and models using logic and evidence; recognize alternative explanations; communicate and defend a scientific argument).

WV.SC.S.3. Advanced Physics: Unifying Themes: Students will demonstrate an understanding of interdependent themes present in the natural and designed world (e.g., systems, order and organization; evidence, models and explanation; constancy, change, and measurement; equilibrium and evolution; form and function); demonstrate the ability to identify, construct, test, analyze and evaluate systems, models and changes; and demonstrate the ability to draw conclusions about and predict changes in natural and designed systems.

AP.3.1. Students will analyze systems to understand the natural and designed world; use systems analysis to make predictions about behaviors in systems; recognize order in units of matter, objects or events.

AP.3.2. Students will apply evidence from models to make predictions about interactions and changes in systems.

AP.3.3. Students will measure changes in systems using graphs and equations relating these to rate, scale, patterns, trends and cycles.

AP.3.4. Students will understand that different characteristics, properties or relationships within a system might change as its dimensions are increased or decreased (e.g., scale up, scale down).

WV.SC.S.4. Advanced Physics: Science Subject Matter-Concepts: Students will demonstrate knowledge, understanding and applications of scientific facts, concepts, principles, theories and models as delineated in the objectives; demonstrate an understanding of the interrelationships among physics, chemistry, biology and the earth and space sciences; and apply knowledge, understanding and skills of science subject matter-concepts to daily life experiences.

AP.4.1. Mechanics: Students will review Newton's Laws of Motion.

AP.4.2. Mechanics: Students will using both given information and laboratory collected data, calculate velocity and acceleration along linear and circular paths.

AP.4.3. Mechanics: Students will solve multi-step problems involving velocity, acceleration and net force.

AP.4.4. Mechanics: Students will apply both graphical, algebraic, and trigonometric solutions to vector, problems involving two or more vectors; calculate both vector components and resultants including projectile motion in both one and two dimensions.

AP.4.5. Mechanics: Students will apply the concepts of potential and kinetic energy to final velocity of an object-independent of path; evaluate the conservation of energy and momentum in simple harmonic motion.

AP.4.6. Mechanics: Students will investigate and calculate the work, energy, power, mechanical advantage, and efficiency using simple machines involving linear and rotational motion.

AP.4.7. Fluids: Students will define fluids and determine the magnitude of buoyant force exerted on floating and submerged objects; explain why some objects float or sink.

AP.4.8. Fluids: Students will relate the pressure exerted by a fluid to its depth; calculate the pressure exerted by a fluid.

AP.4.9. Fluids: Students will examine the motion of a fluid; apply Bernoulli's equation to solve fluid problems; recognize the effects of Bernoulli's principle on fluid motion.

AP.4.10. Fluids: Students will define the general properties of an ideal gas; apply the Ideal Gas Law to predict the properties of an ideal gas under different conditions.

AP.4.11. Thermodynamics: Students will distinguish between temperature and heat; relate these to kinetic energy and internal energy of matter; apply the principle of conservation of energy to calculate changes in potential, kinetic and internal energy.

AP.4.12. Thermodynamics: Students will investigate and apply concepts of specific heat, heat of fusion and vaporization to calculate phase changes of materials, and perform calculations using the specific heat equation; interpret phase diagrams.

AP.4.13. Waves, Sound and Optics: Students will investigate and apply the reflective, refractive and diffractive properties of waves to study mechanical and electromagnetic waves.

AP.4.14. Waves, Sound and Optics: Students will relate the wavelength, velocity and frequency of waves with the equation velocity=frequency x wavelength and use it to perform calculations.

AP.4.15. Waves, Sound and Optics: Students will analyze the properties of sound waves and perform appropriate calculations; relate the physical properties of sound waves to the way sound is perceived.

AP.4.16. Waves, Sound and Optics: Students will define Doppler shift and identify applications.

AP.4.17. Waves, Sound and Optics: Students will apply ray optics diagrams to lenses and mirrors, use the lens-mirror equation and the magnification equation to solve optics problems.

AP.4.18. Waves, Sound and Optics: Students will investigate and analyze optical applications in technology.

AP.4.19. Electricity and Magnetism: Students will measure and draw electrical and magnetic fields; describe applications of electrical and magnetic fields.

AP.4.20. Electricity and Magnetism: Students will recognize the basic properties of electrical charge, charging by conduction and induction, and differentiate between conductors and insulators; calculate electrical force using Coulomb's law.

AP.4.21. Electricity and Magnetism: Students will recognize that circuits are closed loops; define units of electrical measure.

AP.4.22. Electricity and Magnetism: Students will construct and analyze electrical circuits and calculate Ohm's law problems for series, parallel and complex circuits including voltage drops; calculate power and energy in electrical systems.

AP.4.23. Astronomy and Modern Physics: Students will describe the orbital relationships within the solar system; apply Kepler's Laws to calculate orbital periods.

AP.4.24. Astronomy and Modern Physics: Students will apply Newton's law of Universal Gravitation to derive relationships to calculate acceleration of gravity on other planets and orbital velocities.

AP.4.25. Astronomy and Modern Physics: Students will research and evaluate evidence of the Big Bang model of the universe.

AP.4.26. Astronomy and Modern Physics: Students will describe Einstein's special theory of relativity and its basic development through assumptions and logical consequences.

AP.4.27. Astronomy and Modern Physics: Students will describe nuclear reactions and discuss applications of nuclear energy.

WV.SC.S.5. Advanced Physics: Scientific Design and Application: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the interdependence between science and technology; demonstrate the ability to distinguish between natural and man-made objects; demonstrate abilities of technological design; and demonstrate the ability to utilize technology to gather data and communicate designs, results and conclusions.

AP.5.1. Students will investigate, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate those devices in the home that were developed from the understanding of science and technology.

AP.5.2. Students will investigate and analyze the interdependence of science and technology.

AP.5.3. Students will apply scientific skills and technological tools to design solutions that address personal and societal needs.

AP.5.4. Students will describe the scientific concepts underlying technological innovations.

AP.5.5. Students will use appropriate technology solutions to measure and gather data; interpret data; analyze data; and to present and communicate conclusions.

WV.SC.S.6. Advanced Physics: Science in Personal and Social Perspectives: Students will demonstrate the ability to evaluate personal and societal benefits when examining health, population, resource and environmental issues; demonstrate the ability to evaluate the impact of different points of view on health, population, resource and environmental practices; predict the long-term societal impact of specific health, population, resource and environmental practices; and demonstrate an understanding of public policy decisions as related to health, population, resource and environmental issues.

AP.6.1. Students will describe the impact of cultural, technological, and economic influences on the evolving nature of scientific thought and knowledge.

AP.6.2. Students will explore occupational opportunities in science and technology including the academic preparation necessary.

AP.6.3. Students will engage in decision-making activities and actions to resolve science-technology-society issues.

WV.SC.S.1. Physics-Technical Conceptual: History and the Nature of Science: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the history of science and the evolvement of scientific knowledge; demonstrate an understanding of science as a human endeavor encompassing the contributions of diverse cultures and scientists; and demonstrate an understanding of the nature of science.

PTC.1.1. Students will formulate scientific explanations based on the student's observational and experimental evidence, accounting for variability in experimental results.

PTC.1.2. Students will recognize that science has practical and theoretical limitations.

PTC.1.3. Students will recognize that science is based on a set of observations in a testable framework that demonstrate basic laws that are consistent.

PTC.1.4. Students will conclude that science is a blend of creativity, logic and mathematics.

PTC.1.5. Students will trace the development of key historical concepts and principles describing their impact on modern thought and life by identifying the scientist's contributions.

PTC.1.6. Students will integrate the history of science with cultural history to demonstrate that scientists work within their historical surroundings and are affected by them.

WV.SC.S.2. Physics-Technical Conceptual: Science as Inquiry: Students will demonstrate the abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry; demonstrate understanding about scientific inquiry; and demonstrate the ability to think and act as scientists by engaging in active inquiries, investigations and hands-on activities a minimum of 50% of the instructional time.

PTC.2.1. Students will model and exhibit the skills, attitudes and-or values of scientific inquiry (e.g., curiosity, logic, objectivity, openness, skepticism, appreciation, diligence, integrity, ethical practice, fairness, creativity).

PTC.2.2. Students will demonstrate ethical practices for science (e.g., established research protocol, accurate record keeping, replication of results and peer review).

PTC.2.3. Students will apply scientific approaches to seek solutions for personal and societal issues.

PTC.2.4. Students will properly and safely manipulate equipment, materials, chemicals, organisms and models.

PTC.2.5. Students will conduct explorations in a variety of environments (e.g., laboratories, museums, libraries, parks and other outdoors locations).

PTC.2.6. Students will use appropriate technology solutions (e.g., computer, CBL, probe interfaces, software) to measure and collect data; interpret data; analyze and-or report data; interact with simulations; conduct research; and to present and communicate conclusions.

PTC.2.7. Students will demonstrate science processes within a problem solving setting (e.g., observing, measuring, calculating, communicating, comparing, ordering, categorizing, classifying, relating, hypothesizing, predicting, inferring, considering alternatives, and applying).

PTC.2.8. Students will design, conduct, evaluate and revise experiments (e.g., identify questions and concepts that guide investigations; design investigations; identify independent and dependent variables in experimental investigations; manipulate variables to extend experimental activities; use technology and mathematics to improve investigations and communications; formulate and revise scientific explanations and models using logic and evidence; recognize alternative explanations; communicate and defend a scientific argument).

WV.SC.S.3. Physics-Technical Conceptual: Unifying Themes: Students will demonstrate an understanding of interdependent themes present in the natural and designed world (e.g., systems, order and organization; evidence, models and explanation; constancy, change, and measurement; equilibrium and evolution; form and function); demonstrate the ability to identify, construct, test, analyze and evaluate systems, models and changes; and demonstrate the ability to draw conclusions about and predict changes in natural and designed systems.

PTC.3.1. Students will analyze systems to understand the natural and designed world; use systems analysis to make predictions about behaviors in systems; recognize order in units of matter, objects or events.

PTC.3.2. Students will apply evidence from models to make predictions about interactions and changes in systems.

PTC.3.3. Students will measure changes in systems using graphs and equations relating these to rate, scale, patterns, trends and cycles.

PTC.3.4. Students will understand that different characteristics, properties or relationships within a system might change as its dimensions are increased or decreased (e.g., scale up, scale down).

WV.SC.S.4. Physics-Technical Conceptual: Science Subject Matter-Concepts: Students will demonstrate knowledge, understanding and applications of scientific facts, concepts, principles, theories and models as delineated in the objectives; demonstrate an understanding of the interrelationships among physics, chemistry, biology and the earth and space sciences; and apply knowledge, understanding and skills of science subject matter-concepts to daily life experiences.

PTC.4.1. Mechanics: Students will qualitatively and quantitatively analyze mechanical systems (e.g., force, work, rate, resistance, energy, power, force transformations).

PTC.4.2. Mechanics: Students will use both given information and lab collected data to calculate velocity and acceleration along linear and circular paths.

PTC.4.3. Mechanics: Students will draw free body diagrams to illustrate the forces acting on objects and perform simple calculations involving velocity, acceleration and net force; research the applications of force and acceleration in modern design and technology.

PTC.4.4. Mechanics: Students will apply graphical and algebraic solutions to vector problems.

PTC.4.5. Mechanics: Students will identify the relationship between potential energy and kinetic energy in gravitational and elastic potential-kinetic energy systems; recognize the conservation of energy in simple harmonic motion.

PTC.4.6. Mechanics: Students will calculate work, energy, power and efficiency in mechanical systems.

PTC.4.7. Mechanics: Students will construct models and-or working systems that show applications of technology to solve problems involving mechanical systems.

PTC.4.8. Fluids: Students will qualitatively and quantitatively analyze fluid systems (e.g., pressure, work, rate, resistance, energy, power, force transformations).

PTC.4.9. Fluids: Students will identify and apply the properties of solids, liquids and gases to explain their behavior at different pressures and temperatures.

PTC.4.10. Fluids: Students will identify and apply Bernoulli's principle to floating objects; identify the buoyant force acting on floating and submerged objects.

PTC.4.11. Fluids: Students will calculate the pressure of a solid object on a surface and the pressure exerted by a fluid at a given depth; relate the measure of pressure in kPapressure in N-m2.

PTC.4.12. Fluids: Students will construct models and-or working systems that show applications of technology to solve problems involving fluid systems.

PTC.4.13. Thermodynamics: Students will qualitatively and quantitatively analyze thermal systems (e.g., temperature, rate, resistance, energy).

PTC.4.14. Thermodynamics: Students will perform conversions between Fahrenheit, Celsius, and Kelvin temperature scales.

PTC.4.15. Thermodynamics: Students will define specific heat capacity; use the specific heat equation to calculate heat gained or lost during phase changes and heat lost when objects cool.

PTC.4.16. Thermodynamics: Students will investigate and analyze the different rates of heat transfer by different materials.

PTC.4.17. Thermodynamics: Students will construct models and-or working systems that show applications of technology to solve problems involving heat flow and heat exchange.

PTC.4.18. Waves, Sound and Optics: Students will investigate and apply the reflective, refractive and diffractive properties of waves to study mechanical and electromagnetic waves.

PTC.4.19. Waves, Sound and Optics: Students will use the relationship between wavelength, velocity and frequency to calculate the speed of waves; recognize that the speed of light is a constant.

PTC.4.20. Waves, Sound and Optics: Students will construct models and-or working systems that show applications of technology to solve problems involving energy transfer by wave motion.

PTC.4.21. Waves, Sound and Optics: Students will research and describe new developments in optical technology.

PTC.4.22. Electricity and Magnetism: Students will qualitatively and quantitatively analyze electrical systems (e.g., voltage, work, rate, resistance, energy, power, force transformations).

PTC.4.23. Electricity and Magnetism: Students will investigate the nature of electrical and magnetic fields; recognize the basic properties of electrical charge and differentiate between conductors and insulators.

PTC.4.24. Electricity and Magnetism: Students will draw and construct electrical circuits; apply Ohm's law to calculate voltage drops in series and parallel circuits.

PTC.4.25. Electricity and Magnetism: Students will construct models and-or working systems that show applications of technology to solve problems involving use of electricity.

PTC.4.26. Modern Physics: Students will recognize and distinguish between Einstein's General and Special Theories of Relativity and research evidences to support these theories.

PTC.4.27. Modern Physics: Students will recognize the products of nuclear decay and write decay chain equations.

WV.SC.S.5. Physics-Technical Conceptual: Scientific Design and Application: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the interdependence between science and technology; demonstrate the ability to distinguish between natural and man-made objects; demonstrate abilities of technological design; and demonstrate the ability to utilize technology to gather data and communicate designs, results and conclusions.

PTC.5.1. Students will investigate, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate those devices in the home that were developed from the understanding of science and technology.

PTC.5.2. Students will investigate and analyze the interdependence of science and technology.

PTC.5.3. Students will apply scientific skills and technological tools to design solutions that address personal and societal needs.

PTC.5.4. Students will describe the scientific concepts underlying technological innovations.

PTC.5.5. Students will use appropriate technology solutions to measure and gather data; interpret data; analyze data; and to present and communicate conclusions.

WV.SC.S.6. Physics-Technical Conceptual: Science in Personal and Social Perspectives: Students will demonstrate the ability to evaluate personal and societal benefits when examining health, population, resource and environmental issues; demonstrate the ability to evaluate the impact of different points of view on health, population, resource and environmental practices; predict the long-term societal impact of specific health, population, resource and environmental practices; and demonstrate an understanding of public policy decisions as related to health, population, resource and environmental issues.

PTC.6.1. Students will describe the impact of cultural, technological, and economic influences on the evolving nature of scientific thought and knowledge.

PTC.6.2. Students will explore occupational opportunities in science and technology including the academic preparation necessary.

PTC.6.3. Students will engage in decision-making activities and actions to resolve science-technology-society issues.

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