West Virginia State Standards for Language Arts: Grade 9

Currently Perma-Bound only has suggested titles for grades K-8 in the Science and Social Studies areas. We are working on expanding this.

WV.RLA.S.9.1. Reading: Students will apply reading skills and strategies to inform, to perform a task and to read for literacy experience by identifying and using grade appropriate essential reading components (phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, comprehension, and written application) and selecting a wide variety of literature and diverse media to develop independence as readers.

RLA.O.9.1.1. Examine the social, historical, cultural and biographical influences on literary and informational texts.

RLA.O.9.1.2. Recognize literary styles according to genre.

RLA.O.9.1.3. Increase the amount of independent reading with emphasis on fiction and nonfiction.

RLA.O.9.1.4. Use various pre-reading skills and comprehension strategies for activating prior knowledge or generating questions during reading and post reading, literary experience, information and/or performing a task.

RLA.O.9.1.5. Locate and analyze the author's use of specific information in text (e.g., author's purpose/perspective, main and supporting details, specific facts, statistics, definition).

RLA.O.9.1.6. Formulate supportable predictions, generalizations, opinions, inferences and conclusions based upon text.

RLA.O.9.1.7. Explain the literary devices used to construct meaning and define the author's/reader's purpose:

RLA.O.9.1.7.a. Symbolism

RLA.O.9.1.7.b. Imagery

RLA.O.9.1.7.c. Simile

RLA.O.9.1.7.d. Humor

RLA.O.9.1.7.e. Rhythm

RLA.O.9.1.7.f. Meter

RLA.O.9.1.7.g. Assonance

RLA.O.9.1.8. Recognize the relationships of the literary elements (e.g., setting, plot, narrative perspective, point of view, theme, conflict, characterization, voice, tone, structures) within specific genres.

RLA.O.9.1.9. Recognize and examine the purpose of organizational patterns (e.g. problem-solution, cause-and-effect, textual features including table of contents, headings, sidebars, marginal notes, graphical representations such as tables, timelines, captions, maps, photographs) and ideas in informational and literary texts.

RLA.O.9.1.10. Extend vocabulary by developing and using new terms through various literary and informational texts through various strategies:

RLA.O.9.1.10.a. Context clues

RLA.O.9.1.10.b. Affixes

RLA.O.9.1.10.c. Prefixes

RLA.O.9.1.10.d. Multiple meanings

RLA.O.9.1.10.e. Origin

RLA.O.9.1.10.f. History

RLA.O.9.1.10.g. Evolution

WV.RLA.S.9.2. Writing: Students will apply writing skills and strategies to communicate effectively for different purposes by using the writing process, applying grammatical and mechanical properties in writing and selecting and evaluating information for research purposes.

RLA.O.9.2.1. Compose narrative, informative, descriptive, persuasive writing from a promptusing the five-step writing process (pre-writing, drafting, revising, editing, publishing).

RLA.O.9.2.2. Develop research topics, select approaches, create, and publish (e.g., word processing and desktop publishing) a well developed paper with documented and cited sources and computer-generated graphics, following a specified format:

RLA.O.9.2.2.a. APA

RLA.O.9.2.2.b. MLA

RLA.O.9.2.3. Construct a clearly worded and correctly placed thesis statement to develop a composition that addresses the assigned topic.

RLA.O.9.2.4. Identify, evaluate, and analyze a variety of informational media using primary and secondary sources.

RLA.O.9.2.5. Formulate a working research question and identify, organize and consider the relevance of known information from print and electronic media (e.g., Internet research, electronic databases for magazines and newspaper articles) to guide further research.

RLA.O.9.2.6. Incorporate varied note taking skills to process and organize information into an outline for a composition (introduction, main points, supporting details, conclusion).

RLA.O.9.2.7. Examine and prioritize different drafting strategies for specific writing tasks to structure a clear, logical progression of ideas in argumentative writing, research writing, literary analysis, and creative and reflective writing.

RLA.O.9.2.8. Summarize, paraphrase, and use direct quotations correctly and effectively in writing in order to avoid plagiarism; recognize media copyright laws and public/private domain.

RLA.O.9.2.9. Create and apply transition sentences to signal progression of ideas between paragraphs as well as appropriate words and phrases to signal organizational patterns.

RLA.O.9.2.10. Use pre-writing, editing and revision techniques to construct complete and varied sentences, eliminate organizational errors and use more precise and concise language.

WV.RLA.S.9.3. Listening, Speaking and Media Literacy: Students will apply listening, speaking and media literacy skills and strategies to communicate with a variety of audiences and for different purposes.

RLA.O.9.3.1. Plan, prepare appropriate background information on a specified topic and communicate effectively in different settings (e.g. interpersonal, small group, whole group) and for different purposes to

RLA.O.9.3.1.a. Inform

RLA.O.9.3.1.b. Persuade

RLA.O.9.3.1.c. Relate

RLA.O.9.3.1.d. Entertain

RLA.O.9.3.2. Formulate and deliver grammatically correct messages, taking into consideration the purpose of the message and the speaker's and the listener's culture, knowledge, beliefs, feelings, and life experiences.

RLA.O.9.3.3. Perform a variety ofroles in various settings:

RLA.O.9.3.3.a. Critique oral/visual information

RLA.O.9.3.3.b. Relate personal experiences

RLA.O.9.3.3.c. Collaborate to gain consensus

RLA.O.9.3.3.d. Mediate

RLA.O.9.3.3.e. Speak extemporaneously

RLA.O.9.3.4. Use active listening strategies to analyze the message, formulate a response and react to

RLA.O.9.3.4.a. Determine purpose

RLA.O.9.3.4.b. Make predictions

RLA.O.9.3.4.c. Differentiate fact from opinion

RLA.O.9.3.4.d. Construct meaning of discussion, speech, or media

RLA.O.9.3.5. Understand, interpret and evaluate various media communications.

RLA.O.9.3.6. Properly use private and public information.

RLA.O.9.3.7. Plan, create, organize, and present an age appropriate media product that demonstrates an understanding of format, purpose, and audience.

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