Vermont State Standards for Science: Grade 2

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VT.7.1. Inquiry, Experimentation, and Theory: Scientific Method: Students use scientific methods to describe, investigate, and explain phenomena and raise questions in order to: Generate alternative explanations (hypotheses) based on observations and prior knowledge; Design inquiry that allows these explanations to be tested; Deduce the expected results; Gather and analyze data to compare the actual results to the expected outcomes; and Make and communicate conclusions, generating new questions raised by observations and readings.

S1-2:1. Scientific Questioning: Students demonstrate their understanding of scientific questioning by:

1.1. Posing observational questions that compare things in terms of number, shape, texture, size, weight, color, motion, etc. (e.g., How fast does a Lady Beetle move compared to a Bess Beetle?). 12
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 1.1.

1.2. Investigating and completing questions to identify a variable that can be changed (e.g., What will happen if..? or I wonder if I change..?). 12
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 1.2.

1.3. Generating new questions that could be explored at the end of an investigation. 13
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 1.3.

S1-2:2. Predicting and Hypothesizing: Students demonstrate their understanding of predicting and hypothesizing by:

2.1. Predicting a logical outcome to a situation, using prior knowledge, experience and/or evidence. 12
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 2.1.

2.2. Explaining reasons for that prediction. 13
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 2.2.

S1-2:3. Designing Experiments: Students demonstrate their understanding of experimental design by:

3.1. Writing a plan related to a question that includes: (a) What the experimenter will do; (b) What will be observed, measured, and/or compared. 12
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 3.1.

3.2. Recording major steps sequentially. 11
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 3.2.

S1-2:4. Conducting Experiments: Students demonstrate their ability to conduct experiments by:

4.1. Referring to and following a simple plan for an investigation. 12
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 4.1.

4.2. Describing observations using senses rather than feelings (e.g., The snail has a hard shell with wavy, brown lines, rather than the snail is awesome). 11
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 4.2.

4.3. Recording observations of similarities and differences. 13
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 4.3.

4.4. Drawing scientifically: (a) Recording relative proportion (e.g., Eyes are approximately the right size when compared to the head) including focus on finer details, and differentiating all parts observed; (b) Labeling significant aspects of a scientific drawing or diagram with words provided; (c) Creating a title for a scientific drawing or diagram. 13
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 4.4.

4.5. Recording data (in a table provided by the teacher) generated from the use of simple science equipment , as well as nonstandard and standard measurement tools. 13
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 4.5.

S1-2:5. Representing Data and Analysis: Students demonstrate their ability to represent data by:

5.1. Organizing a collection of data into a table or a graph template. 13
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 5.1.

5.2. Creating a title for a table or graph. 12
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 5.2.

S1-2:6. Representing Data and Analysis: Students demonstrate their ability to analyze data by:

6.1. Sorting and classifying objects based upon observations, prior knowledge, or experience and justifying groupings. 11
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 6.1.

6.2. Identifying and describing the pattern in diagrams and charts (e.g., model, bar graph, pictograph, diagram or chart). 13
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 6.2.

S1-2:7. Representing Data and Analysis: Students demonstrate their ability to explain data by:

7.1. Developing a reasonable explanation based upon observations (e.g., I found out..). 11
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 7.1.

S1-2:8. Applying Results: Students demonstrate their ability to apply results by:

8.1. Generating new questions related to discoveries during an investigation. 11
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 8.1.

8.2. Relating current investigation to a similar investigation. 11
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 8.2.

VT.7.12. Space, Time, and Matter: Matter, Motion, Forces, and Energy: Students understand forces and motion, the properties and composition of matter, and energy sources and transformations.

S1-2:9. Properties of Matter: Students demonstrate their understanding of Properties of Matter by:

9.1. Identifying, recording and comparing characteristics of objects made of similar and different properties. 16
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 9.1.

S1-2:12. Properties of Matter: Students demonstrate their understanding of the States of Matter by:

12.1. Identifying, describing and comparing the state of matter of solids and liquids. 16
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 12.1.

S1-2:14. Properties of Matter: Students demonstrate their understanding of Physical Change by:

14.1. Describing and reporting the change in properties when heat is applied to a solid or when heat leaves a liquid (e.g., water and ice). 2
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 14.1.

S1-2:19. Motion: Students demonstrate their understanding of Motion by

19.1. Investigating and describing how objects move in different ways. 8
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 19.1.

S1-2:21. Force: Students demonstrate their understanding of Force by:

21.1. Investigating and identifying how pushing or pulling moves or does not move an object. 27
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 21.1.

S1-2:22. Force: Students demonstrate their understanding of Gravitational Force by:

22.1. Observing and describing that different objects fall to the earth unless something is holding them up. 8
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 22.1.

S1-2:23. Energy and Energy Transformation: Students demonstrate their understanding of Heat Energy by:

23.1. Experimenting, observing, and describing how heat moving from one object to another can cause temperature changes. 2
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 23.1.

S1-2:25. Energy and Energy Transformation: Students demonstrate their understanding of Magnetism by:

25.1. Investigating, observing and describing how magnets can make some things move without touching (e.g., determining the distance needed for a magnet to attract an object). 7
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 25.1.

S1-2:29. Energy and Energy Transformation: Students demonstrate their understanding of Sound Energy by:

29.1. Investigating different objects, observing and describing the vibrations of those objects and the sounds that are made. 5
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 29.1.

VT.7.13. The Living World: Organisms, Evolution, and Interdependence: Students understand the characteristics of organisms, see patterns of similarity and differences among living organisms, understand the role of evolution, and recognize the interdependence of all systems that support life.

S1-2:30. Survival of Organisms and Cells: Students demonstrate their understanding of Structure and Function-Survival Requirements by:

30.1. Observing and recording the parts that make up living things (i.e., roots, stems, leaves, flowers, legs, antennae, tail, shell). 149
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 30.1.

S1-2:31. Life Cycles and Reproduction: Students demonstrate their understanding of Reproduction by:

31.1. Drawing and labeling the stages of development in the life of a familiar plant or animal. 163
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 31.1.

S1-2:34. Interdependence within Ecosystems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Energy Flow in an Ecosystem by:

34.1. Experimenting with plant growth under different conditions, including light and no light. 24
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 34.1.

S1-2:35. Interdependence within Ecosystems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Food Webs in an Ecosystem by:

35.1. Acting out or constructing simple diagrams, pictures or words that show what eats what. 17
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 35.1.

S1-2:39. Natural Selection/Evolution: Students demonstrate their understanding of Evolution/Natural Selection by:

39.1. Identifying physical similarities and differences between living extinct things. (e.g., wooly mammoth/elephant; reptiles/dinosaurs). 8
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 39.1.

VT.7.14. The Living World: The Human Body: Students demonstrate understanding of the human body heredity, body systems, and individual development and understand the impact of the environment on the human body.

S1-2:40. Heredity: Students demonstrate their understanding of Human Heredity by:

40.1. Observing and comparing their physical features with those of classmates and other organisms. 38
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 40.1.

S1-2:41. Body Systems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Human Body Systems by:

41.1. Identifying the senses needed to meet survival needs for a given scenario. 29
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 41.1.

S1-2:42. Human Disease: Students demonstrate their understanding of the Patterns of Human Health/Disease by:

42.1. Identifying things in the environment that could be harmful if swallowed (e.g., soaps, cleaning solutions, unknown pills). 1
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 42.1.

S1-2:43. Patterns of Human Development: Students demonstrate their understanding of the Patterns of Human Development by:

43.1. Identifying activities that you can do now that you couldn't do as a baby (e.g., dress yourself, get food form refrigerator, bathe yourself). 1
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 43.1.

43.2. Explaining where babies grow and develop. 1
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 43.2.

VT.7.15. The Universe, Earth, and The Environment: Theories, Systems, and Forces: Students demonstrate understanding of the earth and its environment, the solar system, and the universe in terms of the systems that characterize them, the forces that affect and shape them over time, and the theories that currently explain their evolution.

S1-2:44. Solar System: Students demonstrate their understanding of Characteristics of the Solar System by:

44.1. Observing and describing qualitatively how the sky looks at different times. 11
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 44.1.

44.2. Keeping a journal record of the shape of the moon each night for a month. 10
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 44.2.

S1-2:45. Scale, Distances, Star Formation, Theories, Instrumentation: Students demonstrate their understanding of Processes and Change over Time within Systems of the Universe by:

45.1. Drawing a picture of stars in the night sky. 4
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 45.1.

S1-2:46. Earth Materials and the Rock Cycle: Students demonstrate their understanding of Processes and Change over Time within Systems of the Universe by:

46.1. Observing, describing and comparing color and texture of different types of rocks and soils. 3
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 46.1.

46.2. Conducting tests on how different types of soils retain water.

S1-2:47. Forces and Changes on the Earth's Surface: Students demonstrate their understanding of Processes and Change over Time within Earth Systems by:

47.1. Creating categories of 'things that change' and keeping a record of them over the school year. 23
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 47.1.

S1-2:48. Atmosphere, Water Cycle, Weather, Seasons: Students demonstrate their understanding of Processes and Change over Time within Earth Systems by:

48.1. Observing and recording weather data through the seasons and identifying and drawing conclusions based on the patterns in the data collected. 3
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 48.1.

S1-2:49. Natural Resources: Students demonstrate their understanding of Processes and Change within Natural Resources by:

49.1. Identifying the natural sources of the food that is consumed on a daily basis (e.g., Bread - wheat - flour; Sap - maple syrup; Pasture - meat and dairy). 31
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 49.1.

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