Vermont State Standards for Science:

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VT.7.1. Inquiry, Experimentation, and Theory: Scientific Method: Students use scientific methods to describe, investigate, and explain phenomena and raise questions in order to: Generate alternative explanations (hypotheses) based on observations and prior knowledge; Design inquiry that allows these explanations to be tested; Deduce the expected results; Gather and analyze data to compare the actual results to the expected outcomes; and Make and communicate conclusions, generating new questions raised by observations and readings.

SPK-K:1. Scientific Questioning: Students demonstrate their understanding of scientific questioning by:

1.1. Developing a question by completing the prompt, 'I wonder...?'. 16
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 1.1.

1.2. Demonstrating a 'questioning mind' through extended, intentional (purposeful) interactions with materials or people; Experiments with possibilities. 17
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 1.2.

SPK-K:2. Predicting and Hypothesizing: Students demonstrate their understanding of predicting and hypothesizing by:

2.1. Stating ideas about what may happen or be observed in the future (e.g., Student thinks ahead). 16
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 2.1.

SPK-K:3. Designing Experiments: Students demonstrate their understanding of experimental design by:

3.1. Explaining the process of an investigation before and during the process (e.g., 'on the job' planning, investigating, and explaining can happen simultaneously). 14
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 3.1.

3.2. Using procedures that are safe and humane. 14
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 3.2.

SPK-K:4. Conducting Experiments: Students demonstrate their ability to conduct experiments by:

4.1. Using more than one of the senses to make observations. 20
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 4.1.

4.2. Describing obvious features of an object or event. 15
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 4.2.

4.3. Representing data in a variety of ways including words, numbers, symbols, and pictures. 9
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 4.3.

4.4. Drawing scientifically: (a) Recording shapes, prominent features with supporting details (e.g., eyelashes on eyes), and color; (b) Spatially organizing and differentiating significant parts observed; (c) Adding essential information to a diagram provided by the teacher; (d) Using simple equipment and nonstandard measurement tools to gather data and extend the senses (e.g., balances, scales, counters, magnifiers); (e) Following teacher guidance to complete steps while investigating a question. 16
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 4.4.

SPK-K:5. Representing Data and Analysis: Students demonstrate their ability to represent data by:

5.1. Organizing a piece of data (measurement or observation) or a group representation (e.g., pictograph, bar graph, or chart). 9
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 5.1.

SPK-K:6. Representing Data and Analysis: Students demonstrate their ability to analyze data by:

6.1. Sorting objects based upon current observations and justifying groupings. 24
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 6.1.

SPK-K:7. Representing Data and Analysis: Students demonstrate their ability to explain data by:

7.1. Explaining observations with the support of material props, photographs, drawings, or diagrams. 16
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 7.1.

SPK-K:8. Applying Results: Students demonstrate their ability to apply results by:

8.1. Identifying similarities between past experiences and current investigations. 15
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 8.1.

VT.7.12. Space, Time, and Matter: Matter, Motion, Forces, and Energy: Students understand forces and motion, the properties and composition of matter, and energy sources and transformations.

SPK-K:9. Properties of Matter: Students demonstrate their understanding of the Properties of Matter by:

9.1. Observing and sorting substances that are solids and liquids and identifying their differences.

SPK-K:19. Motion: Students demonstrate their understanding of Motion by:

19.1. Manipulating objects and observing and describing the motion. 3
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 19.1.

SPK-K:23. Energy and Energy Transformation: Students demonstrate their understanding of Heat Energy by:

23.1. Identifying the sun as a source of heat energy. 8
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 23.1.

SPK-K:25. Energy and Energy Transformation: Students demonstrate their understanding of Magnetism by:

25.1. Investigating, observing and describing how magnets can make some things move without touching (e.g., determining the distance needed for a magnet to attract an object). 4
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 25.1.

VT.7.13. The Living World: Organisms, Evolution, and Interdependence: Students understand the characteristics of organisms, see patterns of similarity and differences among living organisms, understand the role of evolution, and recognize the interdependence of all systems that support life.

SPK-K:30. Survival of Organisms and Cells: Students demonstrate their understanding of Structure and Function-Survival Requirements by:

30.1. Observing and recording what happens when food and water are given to living and non-living things. 16
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 30.1.

SPK-K:34. Interdependence within Ecosystems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Energy Flow in an Ecosystem by:

34.1. Caring for plants and animals by identifying and providing for their needs. 23
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 34.1.

SPK-K:38. Classification of Living Things: Students demonstrate their understanding of Classification of Organisms by:

38.1. Sorting and identifying examples of plants and animals. 86
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 38.1.

VT.7.14. The Living World: The Human Body: Students demonstrate understanding of the human body heredity, body systems, and individual development and understand the impact of the environment on the human body.

SPK-K:41. Body Systems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Human Body Systems by:

41.1. Identifying the five senses and using the senses to identify objects in their environment. 23
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 41.1.

VT.7.15. The Universe, Earth, and The Environment: Theories, Systems, and Forces: Students demonstrate understanding of the earth and its environment, the solar system, and the universe in terms of the systems that characterize them, the forces that affect and shape them over time, and the theories that currently explain their evolution.

SPK-K:44. Solar System: Students demonstrate their understanding of Characteristics of the Solar System by:

44.1. Observing and recording the day and night sky. 24
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 44.1.

SPK-K:46. Earth Materials and the Rock Cycle: Students demonstrate their understanding of Processes and Change over Time within Earth Systems by:

46.1. Sorting and recognizing similarities and differences in a variety of rocks (from boulders to grains of sand). 1
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 46.1.

SPK-K:48. Atmosphere, Water Cycle, Weather, Seasons: Students demonstrate their understanding of Processes and Change over Time within Earth Systems by:

48.1. Observing and describing weather daily throughout a school year. 32
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 48.1.

SPK-K:49. Natural Resources: Students demonstrate their understanding of Processes and Change within Natural Resources by:

49.1. Identifying items that students consume on a daily basis (e.g., food, fiber, paper, wool or wood). 12
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 49.1.

VT.7.1. Inquiry, Experimentation, and Theory: Scientific Method: Students use scientific methods to describe, investigate, and explain phenomena and raise questions in order to: Generate alternative explanations (hypotheses) based on observations and prior knowledge; Design inquiry that allows these explanations to be tested; Deduce the expected results; Gather and analyze data to compare the actual results to the expected outcomes; and Make and communicate conclusions, generating new questions raised by observations and readings.

S1-2:1. Scientific Questioning: Students demonstrate their understanding of scientific questioning by:

1.1. Posing observational questions that compare things in terms of number, shape, texture, size, weight, color, motion, etc. (e.g., How fast does a Lady Beetle move compared to a Bess Beetle?). 13
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 1.1.

1.2. Investigating and completing questions to identify a variable that can be changed (e.g., What will happen if..? or I wonder if I change..?). 12
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 1.2.

1.3. Generating new questions that could be explored at the end of an investigation. 13
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 1.3.

S1-2:2. Predicting and Hypothesizing: Students demonstrate their understanding of predicting and hypothesizing by:

2.1. Predicting a logical outcome to a situation, using prior knowledge, experience and/or evidence. 13
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 2.1.

2.2. Explaining reasons for that prediction. 13
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 2.2.

S1-2:3. Designing Experiments: Students demonstrate their understanding of experimental design by:

3.1. Writing a plan related to a question that includes: (a) What the experimenter will do; (b) What will be observed, measured, and/or compared. 14
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 3.1.

3.2. Recording major steps sequentially. 13
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 3.2.

S1-2:4. Conducting Experiments: Students demonstrate their ability to conduct experiments by:

4.1. Referring to and following a simple plan for an investigation. 15
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 4.1.

4.2. Describing observations using senses rather than feelings (e.g., The snail has a hard shell with wavy, brown lines, rather than the snail is awesome). 11
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 4.2.

4.3. Recording observations of similarities and differences. 14
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 4.3.

4.4. Drawing scientifically: (a) Recording relative proportion (e.g., Eyes are approximately the right size when compared to the head) including focus on finer details, and differentiating all parts observed; (b) Labeling significant aspects of a scientific drawing or diagram with words provided; (c) Creating a title for a scientific drawing or diagram. 14
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 4.4.

4.5. Recording data (in a table provided by the teacher) generated from the use of simple science equipment , as well as nonstandard and standard measurement tools. 13
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 4.5.

S1-2:5. Representing Data and Analysis: Students demonstrate their ability to represent data by:

5.1. Organizing a collection of data into a table or a graph template. 8
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 5.1.

5.2. Creating a title for a table or graph. 8
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 5.2.

S1-2:6. Representing Data and Analysis: Students demonstrate their ability to analyze data by:

6.1. Sorting and classifying objects based upon observations, prior knowledge, or experience and justifying groupings. 14
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 6.1.

6.2. Identifying and describing the pattern in diagrams and charts (e.g., model, bar graph, pictograph, diagram or chart). 8
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 6.2.

S1-2:7. Representing Data and Analysis: Students demonstrate their ability to explain data by:

7.1. Developing a reasonable explanation based upon observations (e.g., I found out..). 12
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 7.1.

S1-2:8. Applying Results: Students demonstrate their ability to apply results by:

8.1. Generating new questions related to discoveries during an investigation. 12
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 8.1.

8.2. Relating current investigation to a similar investigation. 12
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 8.2.

VT.7.12. Space, Time, and Matter: Matter, Motion, Forces, and Energy: Students understand forces and motion, the properties and composition of matter, and energy sources and transformations.

S1-2:9. Properties of Matter: Students demonstrate their understanding of Properties of Matter by:

9.1. Identifying, recording and comparing characteristics of objects made of similar and different properties. 15
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 9.1.

S1-2:12. Properties of Matter: Students demonstrate their understanding of the States of Matter by:

12.1. Identifying, describing and comparing the state of matter of solids and liquids. 15
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 12.1.

S1-2:14. Properties of Matter: Students demonstrate their understanding of Physical Change by:

14.1. Describing and reporting the change in properties when heat is applied to a solid or when heat leaves a liquid (e.g., water and ice). 2
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 14.1.

S1-2:19. Motion: Students demonstrate their understanding of Motion by

19.1. Investigating and describing how objects move in different ways. 5
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 19.1.

S1-2:21. Force: Students demonstrate their understanding of Force by:

21.1. Investigating and identifying how pushing or pulling moves or does not move an object. 33
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 21.1.

S1-2:22. Force: Students demonstrate their understanding of Gravitational Force by:

22.1. Observing and describing that different objects fall to the earth unless something is holding them up. 10
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 22.1.

S1-2:23. Energy and Energy Transformation: Students demonstrate their understanding of Heat Energy by:

23.1. Experimenting, observing, and describing how heat moving from one object to another can cause temperature changes. 4
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 23.1.

S1-2:25. Energy and Energy Transformation: Students demonstrate their understanding of Magnetism by:

25.1. Investigating, observing and describing how magnets can make some things move without touching (e.g., determining the distance needed for a magnet to attract an object). 5
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 25.1.

S1-2:29. Energy and Energy Transformation: Students demonstrate their understanding of Sound Energy by:

29.1. Investigating different objects, observing and describing the vibrations of those objects and the sounds that are made. 4
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 29.1.

VT.7.13. The Living World: Organisms, Evolution, and Interdependence: Students understand the characteristics of organisms, see patterns of similarity and differences among living organisms, understand the role of evolution, and recognize the interdependence of all systems that support life.

S1-2:30. Survival of Organisms and Cells: Students demonstrate their understanding of Structure and Function-Survival Requirements by:

30.1. Observing and recording the parts that make up living things (i.e., roots, stems, leaves, flowers, legs, antennae, tail, shell). 88
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 30.1.

S1-2:31. Life Cycles and Reproduction: Students demonstrate their understanding of Reproduction by:

31.1. Drawing and labeling the stages of development in the life of a familiar plant or animal. 100
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 31.1.

S1-2:34. Interdependence within Ecosystems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Energy Flow in an Ecosystem by:

34.1. Experimenting with plant growth under different conditions, including light and no light. 21
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 34.1.

S1-2:35. Interdependence within Ecosystems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Food Webs in an Ecosystem by:

35.1. Acting out or constructing simple diagrams, pictures or words that show what eats what. 11
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 35.1.

S1-2:39. Natural Selection/Evolution: Students demonstrate their understanding of Evolution/Natural Selection by:

39.1. Identifying physical similarities and differences between living extinct things. (e.g., wooly mammoth/elephant; reptiles/dinosaurs). 5
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 39.1.

VT.7.14. The Living World: The Human Body: Students demonstrate understanding of the human body heredity, body systems, and individual development and understand the impact of the environment on the human body.

S1-2:40. Heredity: Students demonstrate their understanding of Human Heredity by:

40.1. Observing and comparing their physical features with those of classmates and other organisms. 36
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 40.1.

S1-2:41. Body Systems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Human Body Systems by:

41.1. Identifying the senses needed to meet survival needs for a given scenario. 28
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 41.1.

S1-2:42. Human Disease: Students demonstrate their understanding of the Patterns of Human Health/Disease by:

42.1. Identifying things in the environment that could be harmful if swallowed (e.g., soaps, cleaning solutions, unknown pills). 1
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 42.1.

S1-2:43. Patterns of Human Development: Students demonstrate their understanding of the Patterns of Human Development by:

43.1. Identifying activities that you can do now that you couldn't do as a baby (e.g., dress yourself, get food form refrigerator, bathe yourself). 1
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 43.1.

43.2. Explaining where babies grow and develop.

VT.7.15. The Universe, Earth, and The Environment: Theories, Systems, and Forces: Students demonstrate understanding of the earth and its environment, the solar system, and the universe in terms of the systems that characterize them, the forces that affect and shape them over time, and the theories that currently explain their evolution.

S1-2:44. Solar System: Students demonstrate their understanding of Characteristics of the Solar System by:

44.1. Observing and describing qualitatively how the sky looks at different times. 11
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 44.1.

44.2. Keeping a journal record of the shape of the moon each night for a month. 9
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 44.2.

S1-2:45. Scale, Distances, Star Formation, Theories, Instrumentation: Students demonstrate their understanding of Processes and Change over Time within Systems of the Universe by:

45.1. Drawing a picture of stars in the night sky. 4
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 45.1.

S1-2:46. Earth Materials and the Rock Cycle: Students demonstrate their understanding of Processes and Change over Time within Systems of the Universe by:

46.1. Observing, describing and comparing color and texture of different types of rocks and soils. 3
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 46.1.

46.2. Conducting tests on how different types of soils retain water. 6
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 46.2.

S1-2:47. Forces and Changes on the Earth's Surface: Students demonstrate their understanding of Processes and Change over Time within Earth Systems by:

47.1. Creating categories of 'things that change' and keeping a record of them over the school year. 16
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 47.1.

S1-2:48. Atmosphere, Water Cycle, Weather, Seasons: Students demonstrate their understanding of Processes and Change over Time within Earth Systems by:

48.1. Observing and recording weather data through the seasons and identifying and drawing conclusions based on the patterns in the data collected. 1
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 48.1.

S1-2:49. Natural Resources: Students demonstrate their understanding of Processes and Change within Natural Resources by:

49.1. Identifying the natural sources of the food that is consumed on a daily basis (e.g., Bread - wheat - flour; Sap - maple syrup; Pasture - meat and dairy). 23
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 49.1.

VT.7.1. Inquiry, Experimentation, and Theory: Scientific Method: Students use scientific methods to describe, investigate, and explain phenomena and raise questions in order to: Generate alternative explanations (hypotheses) based on observations and prior knowledge; Design inquiry that allows these explanations to be tested; Deduce the expected results; Gather and analyze data to compare the actual results to the expected outcomes; and Make and communicate conclusions, generating new questions raised by observations and readings.

S1-2:1. Scientific Questioning: Students demonstrate their understanding of scientific questioning by:

1.1. Posing observational questions that compare things in terms of number, shape, texture, size, weight, color, motion, etc. (e.g., How fast does a Lady Beetle move compared to a Bess Beetle?). 12
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 1.1.

1.2. Investigating and completing questions to identify a variable that can be changed (e.g., What will happen if..? or I wonder if I change..?). 12
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 1.2.

1.3. Generating new questions that could be explored at the end of an investigation. 13
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 1.3.

S1-2:2. Predicting and Hypothesizing: Students demonstrate their understanding of predicting and hypothesizing by:

2.1. Predicting a logical outcome to a situation, using prior knowledge, experience and/or evidence. 12
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 2.1.

2.2. Explaining reasons for that prediction. 13
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 2.2.

S1-2:3. Designing Experiments: Students demonstrate their understanding of experimental design by:

3.1. Writing a plan related to a question that includes: (a) What the experimenter will do; (b) What will be observed, measured, and/or compared. 12
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 3.1.

3.2. Recording major steps sequentially. 11
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 3.2.

S1-2:4. Conducting Experiments: Students demonstrate their ability to conduct experiments by:

4.1. Referring to and following a simple plan for an investigation. 12
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 4.1.

4.2. Describing observations using senses rather than feelings (e.g., The snail has a hard shell with wavy, brown lines, rather than the snail is awesome). 11
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 4.2.

4.3. Recording observations of similarities and differences. 13
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 4.3.

4.4. Drawing scientifically: (a) Recording relative proportion (e.g., Eyes are approximately the right size when compared to the head) including focus on finer details, and differentiating all parts observed; (b) Labeling significant aspects of a scientific drawing or diagram with words provided; (c) Creating a title for a scientific drawing or diagram. 13
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 4.4.

4.5. Recording data (in a table provided by the teacher) generated from the use of simple science equipment , as well as nonstandard and standard measurement tools. 13
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 4.5.

S1-2:5. Representing Data and Analysis: Students demonstrate their ability to represent data by:

5.1. Organizing a collection of data into a table or a graph template. 13
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 5.1.

5.2. Creating a title for a table or graph. 12
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 5.2.

S1-2:6. Representing Data and Analysis: Students demonstrate their ability to analyze data by:

6.1. Sorting and classifying objects based upon observations, prior knowledge, or experience and justifying groupings. 11
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 6.1.

6.2. Identifying and describing the pattern in diagrams and charts (e.g., model, bar graph, pictograph, diagram or chart). 13
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 6.2.

S1-2:7. Representing Data and Analysis: Students demonstrate their ability to explain data by:

7.1. Developing a reasonable explanation based upon observations (e.g., I found out..). 11
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 7.1.

S1-2:8. Applying Results: Students demonstrate their ability to apply results by:

8.1. Generating new questions related to discoveries during an investigation. 11
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 8.1.

8.2. Relating current investigation to a similar investigation. 11
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 8.2.

VT.7.12. Space, Time, and Matter: Matter, Motion, Forces, and Energy: Students understand forces and motion, the properties and composition of matter, and energy sources and transformations.

S1-2:9. Properties of Matter: Students demonstrate their understanding of Properties of Matter by:

9.1. Identifying, recording and comparing characteristics of objects made of similar and different properties. 16
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 9.1.

S1-2:12. Properties of Matter: Students demonstrate their understanding of the States of Matter by:

12.1. Identifying, describing and comparing the state of matter of solids and liquids. 16
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 12.1.

S1-2:14. Properties of Matter: Students demonstrate their understanding of Physical Change by:

14.1. Describing and reporting the change in properties when heat is applied to a solid or when heat leaves a liquid (e.g., water and ice). 2
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 14.1.

S1-2:19. Motion: Students demonstrate their understanding of Motion by

19.1. Investigating and describing how objects move in different ways. 8
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 19.1.

S1-2:21. Force: Students demonstrate their understanding of Force by:

21.1. Investigating and identifying how pushing or pulling moves or does not move an object. 27
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 21.1.

S1-2:22. Force: Students demonstrate their understanding of Gravitational Force by:

22.1. Observing and describing that different objects fall to the earth unless something is holding them up. 8
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 22.1.

S1-2:23. Energy and Energy Transformation: Students demonstrate their understanding of Heat Energy by:

23.1. Experimenting, observing, and describing how heat moving from one object to another can cause temperature changes. 2
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 23.1.

S1-2:25. Energy and Energy Transformation: Students demonstrate their understanding of Magnetism by:

25.1. Investigating, observing and describing how magnets can make some things move without touching (e.g., determining the distance needed for a magnet to attract an object). 7
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 25.1.

S1-2:29. Energy and Energy Transformation: Students demonstrate their understanding of Sound Energy by:

29.1. Investigating different objects, observing and describing the vibrations of those objects and the sounds that are made. 5
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 29.1.

VT.7.13. The Living World: Organisms, Evolution, and Interdependence: Students understand the characteristics of organisms, see patterns of similarity and differences among living organisms, understand the role of evolution, and recognize the interdependence of all systems that support life.

S1-2:30. Survival of Organisms and Cells: Students demonstrate their understanding of Structure and Function-Survival Requirements by:

30.1. Observing and recording the parts that make up living things (i.e., roots, stems, leaves, flowers, legs, antennae, tail, shell). 149
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 30.1.

S1-2:31. Life Cycles and Reproduction: Students demonstrate their understanding of Reproduction by:

31.1. Drawing and labeling the stages of development in the life of a familiar plant or animal. 163
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 31.1.

S1-2:34. Interdependence within Ecosystems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Energy Flow in an Ecosystem by:

34.1. Experimenting with plant growth under different conditions, including light and no light. 24
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 34.1.

S1-2:35. Interdependence within Ecosystems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Food Webs in an Ecosystem by:

35.1. Acting out or constructing simple diagrams, pictures or words that show what eats what. 17
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 35.1.

S1-2:39. Natural Selection/Evolution: Students demonstrate their understanding of Evolution/Natural Selection by:

39.1. Identifying physical similarities and differences between living extinct things. (e.g., wooly mammoth/elephant; reptiles/dinosaurs). 8
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 39.1.

VT.7.14. The Living World: The Human Body: Students demonstrate understanding of the human body heredity, body systems, and individual development and understand the impact of the environment on the human body.

S1-2:40. Heredity: Students demonstrate their understanding of Human Heredity by:

40.1. Observing and comparing their physical features with those of classmates and other organisms. 38
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 40.1.

S1-2:41. Body Systems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Human Body Systems by:

41.1. Identifying the senses needed to meet survival needs for a given scenario. 29
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 41.1.

S1-2:42. Human Disease: Students demonstrate their understanding of the Patterns of Human Health/Disease by:

42.1. Identifying things in the environment that could be harmful if swallowed (e.g., soaps, cleaning solutions, unknown pills). 1
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 42.1.

S1-2:43. Patterns of Human Development: Students demonstrate their understanding of the Patterns of Human Development by:

43.1. Identifying activities that you can do now that you couldn't do as a baby (e.g., dress yourself, get food form refrigerator, bathe yourself). 1
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 43.1.

43.2. Explaining where babies grow and develop. 1
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 43.2.

VT.7.15. The Universe, Earth, and The Environment: Theories, Systems, and Forces: Students demonstrate understanding of the earth and its environment, the solar system, and the universe in terms of the systems that characterize them, the forces that affect and shape them over time, and the theories that currently explain their evolution.

S1-2:44. Solar System: Students demonstrate their understanding of Characteristics of the Solar System by:

44.1. Observing and describing qualitatively how the sky looks at different times. 11
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 44.1.

44.2. Keeping a journal record of the shape of the moon each night for a month. 10
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 44.2.

S1-2:45. Scale, Distances, Star Formation, Theories, Instrumentation: Students demonstrate their understanding of Processes and Change over Time within Systems of the Universe by:

45.1. Drawing a picture of stars in the night sky. 4
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 45.1.

S1-2:46. Earth Materials and the Rock Cycle: Students demonstrate their understanding of Processes and Change over Time within Systems of the Universe by:

46.1. Observing, describing and comparing color and texture of different types of rocks and soils. 3
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 46.1.

46.2. Conducting tests on how different types of soils retain water.

S1-2:47. Forces and Changes on the Earth's Surface: Students demonstrate their understanding of Processes and Change over Time within Earth Systems by:

47.1. Creating categories of 'things that change' and keeping a record of them over the school year. 23
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 47.1.

S1-2:48. Atmosphere, Water Cycle, Weather, Seasons: Students demonstrate their understanding of Processes and Change over Time within Earth Systems by:

48.1. Observing and recording weather data through the seasons and identifying and drawing conclusions based on the patterns in the data collected. 3
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 48.1.

S1-2:49. Natural Resources: Students demonstrate their understanding of Processes and Change within Natural Resources by:

49.1. Identifying the natural sources of the food that is consumed on a daily basis (e.g., Bread - wheat - flour; Sap - maple syrup; Pasture - meat and dairy). 31
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 49.1.

VT.7.1. Inquiry, Experimentation, and Theory: Scientific Method: Students use scientific methods to describe, investigate, and explain phenomena and raise questions in order to: Generate alternative explanations (hypotheses) based on observations and prior knowledge; Design inquiry that allows these explanations to be tested; Deduce the expected results; Gather and analyze data to compare the actual results to the expected outcomes; and Make and communicate conclusions, generating new questions raised by observations and readings.

S3-4:1. Scientific Questioning: Students demonstrate their understanding of scientific questioning by:

1.1. Identifying at least one variable that affects a system and using that variable to generate an experimental question that includes a cause and effect relationship. 7
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 1.1.

S3-4:2. Predicting and Hypothesizing: Students demonstrate their understanding of predicting and hypothesizing by:

2.1. Identifying simple patterns of evidence used to develop a prediction and propose an explanation. 7
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 2.1.

S3-4:3. Designing Experiments: Students demonstrate their understanding of experimental design by:

3.1. Writing a plan related to the question that includes: (a) A list of materials needed; (b) A diagram, with important elements labeled, that supports procedures and illustrates the setup; (c) A procedure that lists steps sequentially (beginning, middle, and end) and describes how the experimenter will manipulate or change only one variable at a time. ('Fair Test'); (d) Appropriate timing between observations (intervals) and/or number of trials needed. 18
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 3.1.

S3-4:4. Conducting Experiments: Students demonstrate their ability to conduct experiments by:

4.1. Referring to and following a detailed plan for an investigation. 19
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 4.1.

4.2. Clearly describing evidence and quantifying observations with appropriate units. 17
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 4.2.

4.3. Recording data at various points during an investigation by reporting what actually happens, even when data conflicts with expectations. 19
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 4.3.

4.4. Recording the sequence in which events take place. 17
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 4.4.

4.5. Recording relevant details of an object and its surroundings when applicable. 20
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 4.5.

4.6. Drawing scientifically: (a) Recording varying degrees of color, shading or texture and consistent proportion throughout; (b) Labeling significant parts of a scientific drawing or diagram and includes a key if necessary. 19
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 4.6.

S3-4:5. Representing Data and Analysis: Students demonstrate their ability to represent data by:

5.1. Classifying objects and phenomena into sets and subsets and justifying groupings. 6
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 5.1.

5.2. Displaying and labeling data for separate trials/observations. 6
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 5.2.

5.3. Determining an appropriate representation (graph or table or chart or diagram) to represent their findings most accurately. 23
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 5.3.

5.4. Including in tables a title, labeled rows and columns and any necessary keys. 4
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 5.4.

5.5. Including in graphs a title, labels, scale, and recording data correctly. 21
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 5.5.

S3-4:6. Representing Data and Analysis: Students demonstrate their ability to analyze data by:

6.1. Interpreting patterns or trends in data. 19
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 6.1.

6.2. Relating data to the original question and prediction. 19
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 6.2.

S3-4:7. Representing Data and Analysis: Students demonstrate their ability to explain data by:

7.1. Providing a reasonable explanation that accurately reflects data. 5
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 7.1.

7.2. Identifying differences between proposed predictions and experimental data. 6
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 7.2.

S3-4:8. Applying Results: Students demonstrate their ability to apply results by:

8.1. Generating a new question to obtain additional information. 17
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 8.1.

8.2. Creating a plan to investigate a scientific concept further or connecting a classroom model to a real-world example. 23
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 8.2.

8.3. Connecting the investigation or model to a real world example. 21
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 8.3.

VT.7.12. Space, Time, and Matter: Matter, Motion, Forces, and Energy: Students understand forces and motion, the properties and composition of matter, and energy sources and transformations.

S3-4:9. Properties of Matter: Students demonstrate their understanding of the Properties of Matter by:

9.1. Investigating and measuring how the total weight of the parts of a substance, no matter how they are combined, remains the same (e.g., water and gravel mixture, or a Lego car system, or the weight of sugar plus the weight of water equals the total weight of the sugar solution). 6
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 9.1.

S3-4:12. Properties of Matter: Students demonstrate their understanding of the States of Matter by:

12.1. Identifying , describing and comparing the properties of selected solids, liquids and gases. 6
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 12.1.

S3-4:13. Properties of Matter: Students demonstrate their understanding of the Properties of a Gas by:

13.1. Experimenting with gas in a closed container (such as a balloon or a bag) and describing how pressure on the container changes when the volume of the gas changes. 3
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 13.1.

S3-4:14. Physical Change: Students demonstrate their understanding of Physical Change by:

14.1. Investigating and explaining what happens to liquids in open containers. 6
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 14.1.

S3-4:21. Force: Students demonstrate their understanding of Force by:

21.1. Investigating and describing how different amounts of force can change the direction and speed of an object in motion. 9
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 21.1.

S3-4:24. Energy and Energy Transformation: Students demonstrate their understanding of Electrical Energy by:

24.1. Building complete. circuits , drawing diagrams of these electric circuits and explaining why electricity flows or does not flow through the circuit. 7
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 24.1.

24.2. Using experimental data to classify different materials as conductors and insulators. 7
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 24.2.

S3-4:25. Energy and Energy Transformation: Students demonstrate their understanding of Magnetism by:

25.1. Describing what happens when like and opposite poles of the magnet are placed near each other. 6
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 25.1.

S3-4:28. Energy and Energy Transformation: Students demonstrate their understanding of Light Energy by:

28.1. Investigating with flash lights and other light sources and describing how light rays reflect off of objects. 4
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 28.1.

28.2. Explaining what occurs when light rays are blocked (e.g., shadows). 3
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 28.2.

VT.7.13. The Living World: Organisms, Evolution, and Interdependence: Students understand the characteristics of organisms, see patterns of similarity and differences among living organisms, understand the role of evolution, and recognize the interdependence of all systems that support life.

S3-4:30. Survival of Organisms: Students demonstrate their understanding of Structure and Function-Survival Requirements by:

30.1. Identifying how the physical structure/characteristic of an organism allows it to survive and defend itself (e.g., The coloring of a fiddler crab allows it to camouflage itself in the sand and grasses of its environment so that it will be protected from predators. A rose is protected by its thorns.). 19
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 30.1.

S3-4:31. Life Cycles and Reproduction: Students demonstrate their understanding of Reproduction by:

31.1. Investigating and describing a variety of plant and animal life cycles. 120
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 31.1.

S3-4:34. Interdependence within Ecosystems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Energy Flow in an Ecosystem by:

34.1. Identifying the source of energy for the survival of organisms. 23
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 34.1.

S3-4:35. Interdependence within Ecosystems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Food Webs in an Ecosystem by:

35.1. Recognizing that, in a simple food chain, all animals' food begins with plants. 15
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 35.1.

35.2. Researching and designing a habitat and explaining how it meets the needs of the organisms that live there. 54
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 35.2.

S3-4:36. Interdependence within Ecosystems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Equilibrium in an ecosystem by:

36.1. Explaining how one organism depends upon another organism to survive. 15
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 36.1.

S3-4:38. Classification of Living Things: Students demonstrate their understanding of Classification of Organisms by:

38.1. Describing and sorting plants and animals into groups based on structural similarities and differences (e.g., All pine, spruce and evergreen trees have similar leaf structures; Spiders have eight legs, and insects have six). 33
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 38.1.

S3-4:39. Natural Selection/Evolution: Students demonstrate their understanding of Evolution/Natural Selection by:

39.1. Identifying differences in characteristics of a certain type of organism (e.g., dogs with long hair or short hair; humans with blue or brown eyes). 3
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 39.1.

VT.7.14. The Living World: The Human Body: Students demonstrate understanding of the human body heredity, body systems, and individual development and understand the impact of the environment on the human body.

S3-4:40. Heredity: Students demonstrate their understanding of Human Heredity by:

40.1. Identifying similarities that are inherited from a biological parent. 12
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 40.1.

S3-4:41. Body Systems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Human Body Systems by:

41.1. Showing connections between external and internal body structures and how they help humans survive,. 4
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 41.1.

S3-4:42. Human Disease: Students demonstrate their understanding of the Patterns of Human Health/Disease by:

42.1. Explaining that tears, saliva, and skin, can protect the body from harmful germs. 7
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 42.1.

VT.7.15. The Universe, Earth, and The Environment: Theories, Systems, and Forces: Students demonstrate understanding of the earth and its environment, the solar system, and the universe in terms of the systems that characterize them, the forces that affect and shape them over time, and the theories that currently explain their evolution.

S3-4:44. Solar System: Students demonstrate their understanding Characteristics of the Solar System by:

44.1. Creating a model of the planets and their correct order from the sun. 37
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 44.1.

44.2. Drawing or building and then explaining a model of the earth rotating on its axis in relation to the sun and moon (i.e., day and night). 6
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 44.2.

S3-4:45. Scale, Distances, Star Formation, Theories, Instrumentation: Students demonstrate their understanding of Processes and Change over Time within Systems of the Universe by:

45.1. Identifying similar star patterns/or groups from night photographs of the same location at different times of the years. 5
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 45.1.

45.2. Comparing (similarities) between the sun and stars. 9
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 45.2.

S3-4:46. Earth Materials and the Rock Cycle: Students demonstrate their understanding of Processes and Change over Time within Earth Systems by:

46.1. Observing and identifying components of soils and rocks. 8
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 46.1.

46.2. Recognizing and identifying the four basic materials of the earth (i.e., rocks, soil water and gases). 15
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 46.2.

46.3. Observing and describing the properties of rocks. 12
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 46.3.

S3-4:47. Forces and Changes on the Earth's Surface: Students demonstrate their understanding of Processes and Change over Time within Earth Systems by:

47.1. Building models that simulate deposits of sediments (e.g., a stream table. 8
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 47.1.

47.2. Investigating local land forms and comparing them with models created in the classroom. 26
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 47.2.

S3-4:48. Atmosphere, Water Cycle, Weather, Seasons: Students demonstrate their understanding of Processes and Change over Time within Earth Systems by:

48.1. Observing, recording and analyzing local weather data and making predictions based on that data. 17
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 48.1.

48.2. Describing water as it changes into vapor in the air and reappears as a liquid when it is cooled. 12
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 48.2.

48.3. Explaining how this cycle of water relates to weather and the formation of clouds. 12
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 48.3.

S3-4:49. Natural Resources: Students demonstrate their understanding of Processes and Change within Natural Resources by:

49.1. Observing and describing properties of living and nonliving resources. 17
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 49.1.

49.2. Explaining how the properties of living and n on-living resources make them suitable for use by humans. 17
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 49.2.

VT.7.1. Inquiry, Experimentation, and Theory: Scientific Method: Students use scientific methods to describe, investigate, and explain phenomena and raise questions in order to: Generate alternative explanations (hypotheses) based on observations and prior knowledge; Design inquiry that allows these explanations to be tested; Deduce the expected results; Gather and analyze data to compare the actual results to the expected outcomes; and Make and communicate conclusions, generating new questions raised by observations and readings.

S3-4:1. Scientific Questioning: Students demonstrate their understanding of scientific questioning by:

1.1. Identifying at least one variable that affects a system and using that variable to generate an experimental question that includes a cause and effect relationship. 3
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 1.1.

S3-4:2. Predicting and Hypothesizing: Students demonstrate their understanding of predicting and hypothesizing by:

2.1. Identifying simple patterns of evidence used to develop a prediction and propose an explanation. 3
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 2.1.

S3-4:3. Designing Experiments: Students demonstrate their understanding of experimental design by:

3.1. Writing a plan related to the question that includes: (a) A list of materials needed; (b) A diagram, with important elements labeled, that supports procedures and illustrates the setup; (c) A procedure that lists steps sequentially (beginning, middle, and end) and describes how the experimenter will manipulate or change only one variable at a time. ('Fair Test'); (d) Appropriate timing between observations (intervals) and/or number of trials needed. 11
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 3.1.

S3-4:4. Conducting Experiments: Students demonstrate their ability to conduct experiments by:

4.1. Referring to and following a detailed plan for an investigation. 13
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 4.1.

4.2. Clearly describing evidence and quantifying observations with appropriate units. 11
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 4.2.

4.3. Recording data at various points during an investigation by reporting what actually happens, even when data conflicts with expectations. 11
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 4.3.

4.4. Recording the sequence in which events take place. 16
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 4.4.

4.5. Recording relevant details of an object and its surroundings when applicable. 16
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 4.5.

4.6. Drawing scientifically: (a) Recording varying degrees of color, shading or texture and consistent proportion throughout; (b) Labeling significant parts of a scientific drawing or diagram and includes a key if necessary. 14
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 4.6.

S3-4:5. Representing Data and Analysis: Students demonstrate their ability to represent data by:

5.1. Classifying objects and phenomena into sets and subsets and justifying groupings. 4
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 5.1.

5.2. Displaying and labeling data for separate trials/observations. 4
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 5.2.

5.3. Determining an appropriate representation (graph or table or chart or diagram) to represent their findings most accurately. 24
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 5.3.

5.4. Including in tables a title, labeled rows and columns and any necessary keys. 12
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 5.4.

5.5. Including in graphs a title, labels, scale, and recording data correctly. 25
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 5.5.

S3-4:6. Representing Data and Analysis: Students demonstrate their ability to analyze data by:

6.1. Interpreting patterns or trends in data. 10
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 6.1.

6.2. Relating data to the original question and prediction. 9
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 6.2.

S3-4:7. Representing Data and Analysis: Students demonstrate their ability to explain data by:

7.1. Providing a reasonable explanation that accurately reflects data. 3
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 7.1.

7.2. Identifying differences between proposed predictions and experimental data. 4
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 7.2.

S3-4:8. Applying Results: Students demonstrate their ability to apply results by:

8.1. Generating a new question to obtain additional information. 16
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 8.1.

8.2. Creating a plan to investigate a scientific concept further or connecting a classroom model to a real-world example. 16
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 8.2.

8.3. Connecting the investigation or model to a real world example. 16
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 8.3.

VT.7.12. Space, Time, and Matter: Matter, Motion, Forces, and Energy: Students understand forces and motion, the properties and composition of matter, and energy sources and transformations.

S3-4:9. Properties of Matter: Students demonstrate their understanding of the Properties of Matter by:

9.1. Investigating and measuring how the total weight of the parts of a substance, no matter how they are combined, remains the same (e.g., water and gravel mixture, or a Lego car system, or the weight of sugar plus the weight of water equals the total weight of the sugar solution). 8
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 9.1.

S3-4:12. Properties of Matter: Students demonstrate their understanding of the States of Matter by:

12.1. Identifying , describing and comparing the properties of selected solids, liquids and gases. 8
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 12.1.

S3-4:13. Properties of Matter: Students demonstrate their understanding of the Properties of a Gas by:

13.1. Experimenting with gas in a closed container (such as a balloon or a bag) and describing how pressure on the container changes when the volume of the gas changes. 3
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 13.1.

S3-4:14. Physical Change: Students demonstrate their understanding of Physical Change by:

14.1. Investigating and explaining what happens to liquids in open containers. 8
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 14.1.

S3-4:21. Force: Students demonstrate their understanding of Force by:

21.1. Investigating and describing how different amounts of force can change the direction and speed of an object in motion. 4
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 21.1.

S3-4:24. Energy and Energy Transformation: Students demonstrate their understanding of Electrical Energy by:

24.1. Building complete. circuits , drawing diagrams of these electric circuits and explaining why electricity flows or does not flow through the circuit. 6
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 24.1.

24.2. Using experimental data to classify different materials as conductors and insulators. 5
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 24.2.

S3-4:25. Energy and Energy Transformation: Students demonstrate their understanding of Magnetism by:

25.1. Describing what happens when like and opposite poles of the magnet are placed near each other. 1
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 25.1.

S3-4:28. Energy and Energy Transformation: Students demonstrate their understanding of Light Energy by:

28.1. Investigating with flash lights and other light sources and describing how light rays reflect off of objects. 3
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 28.1.

28.2. Explaining what occurs when light rays are blocked (e.g., shadows). 3
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 28.2.

VT.7.13. The Living World: Organisms, Evolution, and Interdependence: Students understand the characteristics of organisms, see patterns of similarity and differences among living organisms, understand the role of evolution, and recognize the interdependence of all systems that support life.

S3-4:30. Survival of Organisms: Students demonstrate their understanding of Structure and Function-Survival Requirements by:

30.1. Identifying how the physical structure/characteristic of an organism allows it to survive and defend itself (e.g., The coloring of a fiddler crab allows it to camouflage itself in the sand and grasses of its environment so that it will be protected from predators. A rose is protected by its thorns.). 12
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 30.1.

S3-4:31. Life Cycles and Reproduction: Students demonstrate their understanding of Reproduction by:

31.1. Investigating and describing a variety of plant and animal life cycles. 97
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 31.1.

S3-4:34. Interdependence within Ecosystems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Energy Flow in an Ecosystem by:

34.1. Identifying the source of energy for the survival of organisms. 21
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 34.1.

S3-4:35. Interdependence within Ecosystems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Food Webs in an Ecosystem by:

35.1. Recognizing that, in a simple food chain, all animals' food begins with plants. 16
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 35.1.

35.2. Researching and designing a habitat and explaining how it meets the needs of the organisms that live there. 47
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 35.2.

S3-4:36. Interdependence within Ecosystems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Equilibrium in an ecosystem by:

36.1. Explaining how one organism depends upon another organism to survive. 16
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 36.1.

S3-4:38. Classification of Living Things: Students demonstrate their understanding of Classification of Organisms by:

38.1. Describing and sorting plants and animals into groups based on structural similarities and differences (e.g., All pine, spruce and evergreen trees have similar leaf structures; Spiders have eight legs, and insects have six). 49
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 38.1.

S3-4:39. Natural Selection/Evolution: Students demonstrate their understanding of Evolution/Natural Selection by:

39.1. Identifying differences in characteristics of a certain type of organism (e.g., dogs with long hair or short hair; humans with blue or brown eyes). 4
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 39.1.

VT.7.14. The Living World: The Human Body: Students demonstrate understanding of the human body heredity, body systems, and individual development and understand the impact of the environment on the human body.

S3-4:40. Heredity: Students demonstrate their understanding of Human Heredity by:

40.1. Identifying similarities that are inherited from a biological parent. 4
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 40.1.

S3-4:41. Body Systems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Human Body Systems by:

41.1. Showing connections between external and internal body structures and how they help humans survive,. 45
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 41.1.

S3-4:42. Human Disease: Students demonstrate their understanding of the Patterns of Human Health/Disease by:

42.1. Explaining that tears, saliva, and skin, can protect the body from harmful germs. 5
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 42.1.

VT.7.15. The Universe, Earth, and The Environment: Theories, Systems, and Forces: Students demonstrate understanding of the earth and its environment, the solar system, and the universe in terms of the systems that characterize them, the forces that affect and shape them over time, and the theories that currently explain their evolution.

S3-4:44. Solar System: Students demonstrate their understanding Characteristics of the Solar System by:

44.1. Creating a model of the planets and their correct order from the sun. 30
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 44.1.

44.2. Drawing or building and then explaining a model of the earth rotating on its axis in relation to the sun and moon (i.e., day and night). 5
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 44.2.

S3-4:45. Scale, Distances, Star Formation, Theories, Instrumentation: Students demonstrate their understanding of Processes and Change over Time within Systems of the Universe by:

45.1. Identifying similar star patterns/or groups from night photographs of the same location at different times of the years. 8
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 45.1.

45.2. Comparing (similarities) between the sun and stars. 13
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 45.2.

S3-4:46. Earth Materials and the Rock Cycle: Students demonstrate their understanding of Processes and Change over Time within Earth Systems by:

46.1. Observing and identifying components of soils and rocks. 13
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 46.1.

46.2. Recognizing and identifying the four basic materials of the earth (i.e., rocks, soil water and gases). 15
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 46.2.

46.3. Observing and describing the properties of rocks. 14
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 46.3.

S3-4:47. Forces and Changes on the Earth's Surface: Students demonstrate their understanding of Processes and Change over Time within Earth Systems by:

47.1. Building models that simulate deposits of sediments (e.g., a stream table. 7
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 47.1.

47.2. Investigating local land forms and comparing them with models created in the classroom. 24
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 47.2.

S3-4:48. Atmosphere, Water Cycle, Weather, Seasons: Students demonstrate their understanding of Processes and Change over Time within Earth Systems by:

48.1. Observing, recording and analyzing local weather data and making predictions based on that data. 9
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 48.1.

48.2. Describing water as it changes into vapor in the air and reappears as a liquid when it is cooled. 9
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 48.2.

48.3. Explaining how this cycle of water relates to weather and the formation of clouds. 10
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 48.3.

S3-4:49. Natural Resources: Students demonstrate their understanding of Processes and Change within Natural Resources by:

49.1. Observing and describing properties of living and nonliving resources. 21
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 49.1.

49.2. Explaining how the properties of living and n on-living resources make them suitable for use by humans. 21
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 49.2.

VT.7.1. Inquiry, Experimentation, and Theory: Scientific Method: Students use scientific methods to describe, investigate, and explain phenomena and raise questions in order to: Generate alternative explanations (hypotheses) based on observations and prior knowledge; Design inquiry that allows these explanations to be tested; Deduce the expected results; Gather and analyze data to compare the actual results to the expected outcomes; and Make and communicate conclusions, generating new questions raised by observations and readings.

S5-6:1. Scientific Questioning: Students demonstrate their understanding of scientific questioning by:

1.1. Distinguishing between observational, experimental, and research questions (e.g., Observational - How does a cricket chirp? Experimental - -Does the amount of light affect how a cricket chirps? Research - Do all crickets chirp? Why do crickets chirp? ). 4
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 1.1.

1.2. Identifying multiple variables that affect a system and using the variables to generate experimental questions that include cause and effect relationships. 4
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 1.2.

S5-6:2. Predicting and Hypothesizing: Students demonstrate their understanding of predicting and hypothesizing by:

2.1. Using logical inferences derived from evidence to predict what may happen or be observed in the future. 4
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 2.1.

2.2. Providing an explanation (hypothesis) that is reasonable in terms of available evidence. 4
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 2.2.

S5-6:3. Designing Experiments: Students demonstrate their understanding of experimental design by:

3.1. Writing a plan related to the question and prediction that includes: (a) A list of materials needed that specifies quantities (e.g., 250 ml water); (b) A procedure that lists significant steps sequentially and describes which variable will be manipulated or changed and which variables will remain the same ('Fair Test'); (c) An appropriate format for recording data; (d) A strategy for conducting multiple trials ('Fair Test'). 4
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 3.1.

S5-6:4. Conducting Experiments: Students demonstrate their ability to conduct experiments by:

4.1. Choosing appropriate measurements for the task and measuring accurately. 13
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 4.1.

4.2. Collecting data and recording accurate and complete data from multiple trials. 15
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 4.2.

4.3. Drawing scientifically: Selecting an appropriate perspective (e.g., cross section, top view, side view) and recording precise proportions. 24
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 4.3.

S5-6:5. Representing Data and Analysis: Students demonstrate their ability to represent data by:

5.1. Determining an appropriate representation (line graph in addition to prior examples) to represent their findings accurately. 20
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 5.1.

5.2. Selecting a scale that is appropriate for range of data to be plotted, labels units, and presents data in an objective way. 20
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 5.2.

5.3. Including clearly labeled keys and symbols, when necessary. 24
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 5.3.

5.4. Using correct scientific terminology to label representations. Inquiry. 15
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 5.4.

S5-6:6. Representing Data and Analysis: Students demonstrate their ability to analyze data by:

6.1. Identifying relationships of variables based upon evidence. 14
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 6.1.

6.2. Questioning data that might not seem accurate or does not fit into the pattern of other findings. 15
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 6.2.

S5-6:7. Representing Data and Analysis: Students demonstrate their ability to explain data by:

7.1. Explaining data using correct scientific terminology. 4
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 7.1.

7.2. Using experimental results to support or refute original hypothesis. 15
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 7.2.

7.3. Considering all data when developing an explanation/conclusion. 15
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 7.3.

7.4. Using additional resources (e.g., books, journals, databases, interview, etc.) to strengthen an explanation. 23
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 7.4.

7.5. Identifying problems/flaws with the experimental design. 23
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 7.5.

7.6. Preparing a conclusion statement/summary. 23
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 7.6.

S5-6:8. Applying Results: Students demonstrate their ability to apply results by:

8.1. Explaining how experimental findings can be generalized to other situations. 23
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 8.1.

VT.7.9. Mathematical Understanding: Statistics and Probability Concepts: Students use statistics and probability concepts.

S5-6:34. Interdependence within Ecosystems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Energy Flow in an Ecosystem by:

34.1. Developing a model that shows how the flow of energy from the sun is transferred to organisms as food in order to sustain life. 14
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 34.1.

S5-6:35. Interdependence within Ecosystems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Food Webs in an Ecosystem by..

35.1. Developing a model for a food web of a local aquatic and local terrestrial environment. 10
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 35.1.

VT.7.11. Systems: Analysis: Students analyze and understand living and non-living systems (e.g., biological, chemical, electrical, mechanical, optical) as collections of interrelated parts and interconnected systems.

S5-6:36. Interdependence within Ecosystems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Equilibrium in an Ecosystem by:

36.1. Experimenting with a closed system, describing how an environmental change effects the system (e.g., bottle biology). 16
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 36.1.

S5-6:37. Interdependence within Ecosystems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Recycling in an ecosystem by:

37.1. Identifying the recycling role of decomposers in a variety of situations. 10
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 37.1.

S5-6:41. Body Systems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Human Body Systems by:

41.1. Investigating circumstances that affect more than one body system and explaining the interconnected relationship between the body systems (e.g., the effects of exercise on several interdependent body systems, such as respiratory, circulatory, digestive, nervous, skeletal systems). 14
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 41.1.

VT.7.12. Space, Time, and Matter: Matter, Motion, Forces, and Energy: Students understand forces and motion, the properties and composition of matter, and energy sources and transformations.

S5-6:9. Properties of Matter: Students demonstrate their understanding of the Properties of Matter by:

9.1. Investigating and explaining how the relative volume or mass of an object affects the density of the object. 12
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 9.1.

S5-6:13. Properties of Matter: Students demonstrate their understanding of the Properties of a Gas by

13.1. Measuring the mass of a gas (e.g., air in a basketball). 8
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 13.1.

S5-6:14. Physical Change: Students demonstrate their understanding of Physical Change by:

14.1. Predicting the effect of heating and cooling on the physical state and the mass of a substance. 8
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 14.1.

S5-6:15. Chemical Change: Students demonstrate their understanding of Chemical Change by:

15.1. Observing evidence of simple chemical change to identify that new substances are formed when a chemical reaction has occurred (e.g., rusted nail, vinegar combined with baking soda). 21
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 15.1.

S5-6:19. Motion: Students demonstrate their understanding of Motion by:

19.1. Measuring and calculating speed (the distance an object moves over a measured amount of time). 6
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 19.1.

20.1. Investigating and identifying evidence of an object's inertia and explaining their observation in terms of the object's tendency to resist a change in motion. 6
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 20.1.

S5-6:21. Force: Students demonstrate their understanding of Force by:

21.1. Investigating variables that change an object's speed, direction, or both, and identifying and describing the forces that cause the change in motion. 6
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 21.1.

S5-6:22. Force: Students demonstrate their understanding of Gravitational force by:

22.1. Predicting the effect of gravitational forces between pairs of objects (i.e., earth and object's on the surface, earth and moon, earth and sun). 6
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 22.1.

S5-6:23. Energy and Energy Transformation: Students demonstrate their understanding of Heat Energy by:

23.1. Identifying real world applications where heat energy is transferred and by showing the direction that the heat energy flows. 3
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 23.1.

S5-6:24. Energy and Energy Transformation: Students demonstrate their understanding of Electrical Energy by:

24.1. Investigating charged objects (static electricity) and describing their observations in terms of behavior of charges and equilibrium. 10
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 24.1.

S5-6:25. Energy and Energy Transformation: Students demonstrate their understanding of Magnetism by:

25.1. Identifying real world objects that demonstrate and utilize a magnetic force field acting over a distance. 3
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 25.1.

25.2. Distinguishing between objects affected by magnetic force and objects affected by other non-contact forces. 3
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 25.2.

S5-6:26. Energy and Energy Transformation: Students demonstrate their understanding of Electromagnetic Forces by:

26.1. Investigating devices that demonstrate the magnetic effects of electricity and the electric effects of moving magnets. 3
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 26.1.

26.2. Identifying the relationship between the device and the magnetic or electric effect it produces. 3
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 26.2.

S5-6:28. Energy and Energy Transformation: Students demonstrate their understanding of Light Energy by:

28.1. Designing demonstrations that represent the characteristics of light energy transfer. 7
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 28.1.

S5-6:29. Energy and Energy Transformation: Students demonstrate their understanding of Sound Energy by:

29.1. Generating a sound and identifying the path of vibration from the source to the ear. 6
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 29.1.

VT.7.13. The Living World: Organisms, Evolution, and Interdependence: Students understand the characteristics of organisms, see patterns of similarity and differences among living organisms, understand the role of evolution, and recognize the interdependence of all systems that support life.

S5-6:30. Survival of Organisms: Students demonstrate their understanding of Structure and Function-Survival Requirements by:

30.1. Explaining that the cell, as the basic unit of life, has the same survival needs as the organism. 19
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 30.1.

30.2. Identifying and drawing individual cells seen through a microscope and recognizing that most cells are microscopic. 19
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 30.2.

30.3. Diagramming the exchange of materials through a cell membrane. 19
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 30.3.

S5-6:32. Cell and Tissue Differentiation: Students demonstrate their understanding of how Differentiation by:

32.1. Explaining the relationship between cell, tissue, organ and system. 30
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 32.1.

32.2. Observing plant or animal tissue and explaining how 'specialized' cells help to support the specialized function of tissue (e.g., muscle cells form muscle tissue, skin cells form skin tissue, nerve cells form brain tissue). 4
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 32.2.

S5-6:33. Chemical Reactions within Cells: Students demonstrate their understanding of how Energy Flow Within Cells Supports an Organism's Survival by:

33.1. Demonstrating through drawings, stories or models that cells take in food and oxygen to produce energy and send out waste materials. 20
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 33.1.

S5-6:39. Natural Selection/Evolution: Students demonstrate their understanding of Evolution/Natural Selection by:

39.1. Explaining, through engaging in simulations, how a variation in a characteristic (trait) enables an organism to survive in a changing environment. 23
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 39.1.

VT.7.14. The Living World: The Human Body: Students demonstrate understanding of the human body heredity, body systems, and individual development and understand the impact of the environment on the human body.

S5-6:40. Heredity: Students demonstrate their understanding of Human Heredity by:

40.1. Identifying that an offspring's traits are determined by combining the sex cells (female egg and male sperm) of the parents. 6
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 40.1.

S5-6:42. Human Disease: Students demonstrate their understanding of the Patterns of Human Health/Disease by:

42.2. Connecting the specialized function of white blood cells to their location in the circulatory system. 7
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 42.2.

S5-6:43. Patterns of Human Development: Students demonstrate their understanding of the Patterns of Human Development by:

43.1. Drawing/diagramming/modeling the life span of humans in a timeline highlighting major points in the cycle (e.g., one cell grows into a many-celled embryo, composed of different types of cells - grows into a fetus - baby is born - grows into a toddler - grows into a child - grows into a teenager - grows into an adult). 6
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 43.1.

43.2. Explaining what occurs in the processes of fertilization and early embryo development (e.g., sperm + egg combine to produce a new individual). 8
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 43.2.

VT.7.15. The Universe, Earth, and The Environment: Theories, Systems, and Forces: Students demonstrate understanding of the earth and its environment, the solar system, and the universe in terms of the systems that characterize them, the forces that affect and shape them over time, and the theories that currently explain their evolution.

S5-6:44. Solar System: Students demonstrate their understanding of Characteristics of the Solar System by:

44.1. Creating a diagram or model of the orbit of the earth around the sun and the moon around the earth. 8
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 44.1.

S5-6:45. Scale, Distances, Star Formation, Theories, Instrumentation: Students demonstrate their understanding of Processes and Change over Time within Systems of the Universe by:

45.1. Explaining (after viewing a picture or illustration with sun/moon showing true relative size) why the sun and moon appear to be the same size when seen from the earth. 14
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 45.1.

45.2. Relating this phenomenon to a lunar and solar eclipses. 9
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 45.2.

S5-6:46. Earth Materials and the Rock Cycle: Students demonstrate their understanding of Processes and Change over Time within Earth Systems by:

46.1. Explaining the process of how rocks are formed (the Rock Cycle). 7
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 46.1.

46.2. Creating a model of the earth's structure explaining the nature of the layers. 7
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 46.2.

S5-6:47. Forces and Changes on the Earth's Surface: Students demonstrate their understanding of Processes and Change over Time within Earth Systems by:

47.1. Identifying examples of geologic changes on the earth's surface, where possible in the local environment (include slow and fast changes). 2
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 47.1.

47.2. Plotting locations of volcanoes and earthquakes and explaining the relationship between location and plate movement. 14
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 47.2.

47.3. Explaining the processes that occur when rocks are changed from one form to another. 7
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 47.3.

47.4. Determining the relative age of fossils within sedimentary rocks from their location in the strata (i.e. which fossils within a sequence are older). 14
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 47.4.

S5-6:48. Atmosphere, Water Cycle, Weather, Seasons: Students demonstrate their understanding of Processes and Change over Time within Earth Systems by:

48.1. Diagramming, labeling and explaining the process of the water cycle (e.g., evaporation, precipitation, run-off). 5
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 48.1.

S5-6:49. Natural Resources: Students demonstrate their understanding of Processes and Change within Natural Resources by:

49.1. Identifying examples of good and poor management of natural resources. 6
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 49.1.

49.2. Explaining how overpopulation of living things can degrade an environment due to increased use of resources. 29
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 49.2.

VT.7.1. Inquiry, Experimentation, and Theory: Scientific Method: Students use scientific methods to describe, investigate, and explain phenomena and raise questions in order to: Generate alternative explanations (hypotheses) based on observations and prior knowledge; Design inquiry that allows these explanations to be tested; Deduce the expected results; Gather and analyze data to compare the actual results to the expected outcomes; and Make and communicate conclusions, generating new questions raised by observations and readings.

S5-6:1. Scientific Questioning: Students demonstrate their understanding of scientific questioning by:

1.1. Distinguishing between observational, experimental, and research questions (e.g., Observational - How does a cricket chirp? Experimental - -Does the amount of light affect how a cricket chirps? Research - Do all crickets chirp? Why do crickets chirp? ). 6
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 1.1.

1.2. Identifying multiple variables that affect a system and using the variables to generate experimental questions that include cause and effect relationships. 6
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 1.2.

S5-6:2. Predicting and Hypothesizing: Students demonstrate their understanding of predicting and hypothesizing by:

2.1. Using logical inferences derived from evidence to predict what may happen or be observed in the future. 5
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 2.1.

2.2. Providing an explanation (hypothesis) that is reasonable in terms of available evidence. 5
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 2.2.

S5-6:3. Designing Experiments: Students demonstrate their understanding of experimental design by:

3.1. Writing a plan related to the question and prediction that includes: (a) A list of materials needed that specifies quantities (e.g., 250 ml water); (b) A procedure that lists significant steps sequentially and describes which variable will be manipulated or changed and which variables will remain the same ('Fair Test'); (c) An appropriate format for recording data; (d) A strategy for conducting multiple trials ('Fair Test'). 5
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 3.1.

S5-6:4. Conducting Experiments: Students demonstrate their ability to conduct experiments by:

4.1. Choosing appropriate measurements for the task and measuring accurately. 18
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 4.1.

4.2. Collecting data and recording accurate and complete data from multiple trials. 20
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 4.2.

4.3. Drawing scientifically: Selecting an appropriate perspective (e.g., cross section, top view, side view) and recording precise proportions. 33
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 4.3.

S5-6:5. Representing Data and Analysis: Students demonstrate their ability to represent data by:

5.1. Determining an appropriate representation (line graph in addition to prior examples) to represent their findings accurately. 28
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 5.1.

5.2. Selecting a scale that is appropriate for range of data to be plotted, labels units, and presents data in an objective way. 28
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 5.2.

5.3. Including clearly labeled keys and symbols, when necessary. 21
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 5.3.

5.4. Using correct scientific terminology to label representations. Inquiry. 22
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 5.4.

S5-6:6. Representing Data and Analysis: Students demonstrate their ability to analyze data by:

6.1. Identifying relationships of variables based upon evidence. 6
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 6.1.

6.2. Questioning data that might not seem accurate or does not fit into the pattern of other findings. 22
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 6.2.

S5-6:7. Representing Data and Analysis: Students demonstrate their ability to explain data by:

7.1. Explaining data using correct scientific terminology. 6
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 7.1.

7.2. Using experimental results to support or refute original hypothesis. 22
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 7.2.

7.3. Considering all data when developing an explanation/conclusion. 23
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 7.3.

7.4. Using additional resources (e.g., books, journals, databases, interview, etc.) to strengthen an explanation. 14
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 7.4.

7.5. Identifying problems/flaws with the experimental design. 14
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 7.5.

7.6. Preparing a conclusion statement/summary. 14
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 7.6.

S5-6:8. Applying Results: Students demonstrate their ability to apply results by:

8.1. Explaining how experimental findings can be generalized to other situations. 14
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 8.1.

VT.7.9. Mathematical Understanding: Statistics and Probability Concepts: Students use statistics and probability concepts.

S5-6:34. Interdependence within Ecosystems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Energy Flow in an Ecosystem by:

34.1. Developing a model that shows how the flow of energy from the sun is transferred to organisms as food in order to sustain life. 14
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 34.1.

S5-6:35. Interdependence within Ecosystems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Food Webs in an Ecosystem by..

35.1. Developing a model for a food web of a local aquatic and local terrestrial environment. 9
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 35.1.

S5-6:36. Interdependence within Ecosystems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Equilibrium in an Ecosystem by:

36.1. Experimenting with a closed system, describing how an environmental change effects the system (e.g., bottle biology). 13
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 36.1.

S5-6:37. Interdependence within Ecosystems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Recycling in an ecosystem by:

37.1. Identifying the recycling role of decomposers in a variety of situations. 9
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 37.1.

S5-6:41. Body Systems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Human Body Systems by:

41.1. Investigating circumstances that affect more than one body system and explaining the interconnected relationship between the body systems (e.g., the effects of exercise on several interdependent body systems, such as respiratory, circulatory, digestive, nervous, skeletal systems). 21
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 41.1.

VT.7.12. Space, Time, and Matter: Matter, Motion, Forces, and Energy: Students understand forces and motion, the properties and composition of matter, and energy sources and transformations.

S5-6:9. Properties of Matter: Students demonstrate their understanding of the Properties of Matter by:

9.1. Investigating and explaining how the relative volume or mass of an object affects the density of the object. 1
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 9.1.

S5-6:13. Properties of Matter: Students demonstrate their understanding of the Properties of a Gas by

13.1. Measuring the mass of a gas (e.g., air in a basketball). 1
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 13.1.

S5-6:14. Physical Change: Students demonstrate their understanding of Physical Change by:

14.1. Predicting the effect of heating and cooling on the physical state and the mass of a substance. 1
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 14.1.

S5-6:15. Chemical Change: Students demonstrate their understanding of Chemical Change by:

15.1. Observing evidence of simple chemical change to identify that new substances are formed when a chemical reaction has occurred (e.g., rusted nail, vinegar combined with baking soda). 26
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 15.1.

S5-6:19. Motion: Students demonstrate their understanding of Motion by:

19.1. Measuring and calculating speed (the distance an object moves over a measured amount of time). 5
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 19.1.

20.1. Investigating and identifying evidence of an object's inertia and explaining their observation in terms of the object's tendency to resist a change in motion. 5
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 20.1.

S5-6:21. Force: Students demonstrate their understanding of Force by:

21.1. Investigating variables that change an object's speed, direction, or both, and identifying and describing the forces that cause the change in motion. 5
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 21.1.

S5-6:22. Force: Students demonstrate their understanding of Gravitational force by:

22.1. Predicting the effect of gravitational forces between pairs of objects (i.e., earth and object's on the surface, earth and moon, earth and sun). 5
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 22.1.

S5-6:23. Energy and Energy Transformation: Students demonstrate their understanding of Heat Energy by:

23.1. Identifying real world applications where heat energy is transferred and by showing the direction that the heat energy flows. 5
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 23.1.

S5-6:24. Energy and Energy Transformation: Students demonstrate their understanding of Electrical Energy by:

24.1. Investigating charged objects (static electricity) and describing their observations in terms of behavior of charges and equilibrium. 7
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 24.1.

S5-6:25. Energy and Energy Transformation: Students demonstrate their understanding of Magnetism by:

25.1. Identifying real world objects that demonstrate and utilize a magnetic force field acting over a distance. 4
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 25.1.

25.2. Distinguishing between objects affected by magnetic force and objects affected by other non-contact forces. 4
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 25.2.

S5-6:26. Energy and Energy Transformation: Students demonstrate their understanding of Electromagnetic Forces by:

26.1. Investigating devices that demonstrate the magnetic effects of electricity and the electric effects of moving magnets. 4
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 26.1.

26.2. Identifying the relationship between the device and the magnetic or electric effect it produces. 4
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 26.2.

S5-6:28. Energy and Energy Transformation: Students demonstrate their understanding of Light Energy by:

28.1. Designing demonstrations that represent the characteristics of light energy transfer. 5
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 28.1.

S5-6:29. Energy and Energy Transformation: Students demonstrate their understanding of Sound Energy by:

29.1. Generating a sound and identifying the path of vibration from the source to the ear. 5
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 29.1.

VT.7.13. The Living World: Organisms, Evolution, and Interdependence: Students understand the characteristics of organisms, see patterns of similarity and differences among living organisms, understand the role of evolution, and recognize the interdependence of all systems that support life.

S5-6:30. Survival of Organisms: Students demonstrate their understanding of Structure and Function-Survival Requirements by:

30.1. Explaining that the cell, as the basic unit of life, has the same survival needs as the organism. 15
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 30.1.

30.2. Identifying and drawing individual cells seen through a microscope and recognizing that most cells are microscopic. 15
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 30.2.

30.3. Diagramming the exchange of materials through a cell membrane. 15
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 30.3.

S5-6:32. Cell and Tissue Differentiation: Students demonstrate their understanding of how Differentiation by:

32.1. Explaining the relationship between cell, tissue, organ and system. 20
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 32.1.

32.2. Observing plant or animal tissue and explaining how 'specialized' cells help to support the specialized function of tissue (e.g., muscle cells form muscle tissue, skin cells form skin tissue, nerve cells form brain tissue). 15
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 32.2.

S5-6:33. Chemical Reactions within Cells: Students demonstrate their understanding of how Energy Flow Within Cells Supports an Organism's Survival by:

33.1. Demonstrating through drawings, stories or models that cells take in food and oxygen to produce energy and send out waste materials. 15
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 33.1.

S5-6:39. Natural Selection/Evolution: Students demonstrate their understanding of Evolution/Natural Selection by:

39.1. Explaining, through engaging in simulations, how a variation in a characteristic (trait) enables an organism to survive in a changing environment. 3
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 39.1.

VT.7.14. The Living World: The Human Body: Students demonstrate understanding of the human body heredity, body systems, and individual development and understand the impact of the environment on the human body.

S5-6:40. Heredity: Students demonstrate their understanding of Human Heredity by:

40.1. Identifying that an offspring's traits are determined by combining the sex cells (female egg and male sperm) of the parents. 12
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 40.1.

S5-6:42. Human Disease: Students demonstrate their understanding of the Patterns of Human Health/Disease by:

42.2. Connecting the specialized function of white blood cells to their location in the circulatory system. 7
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 42.2.

S5-6:43. Patterns of Human Development: Students demonstrate their understanding of the Patterns of Human Development by:

43.1. Drawing/diagramming/modeling the life span of humans in a timeline highlighting major points in the cycle (e.g., one cell grows into a many-celled embryo, composed of different types of cells - grows into a fetus - baby is born - grows into a toddler - grows into a child - grows into a teenager - grows into an adult). 15
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 43.1.

43.2. Explaining what occurs in the processes of fertilization and early embryo development (e.g., sperm + egg combine to produce a new individual). 8
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 43.2.

VT.7.15. The Universe, Earth, and The Environment: Theories, Systems, and Forces: Students demonstrate understanding of the earth and its environment, the solar system, and the universe in terms of the systems that characterize them, the forces that affect and shape them over time, and the theories that currently explain their evolution.

S5-6:44. Solar System: Students demonstrate their understanding of Characteristics of the Solar System by:

44.1. Creating a diagram or model of the orbit of the earth around the sun and the moon around the earth. 7
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 44.1.

S5-6:45. Scale, Distances, Star Formation, Theories, Instrumentation: Students demonstrate their understanding of Processes and Change over Time within Systems of the Universe by:

45.1. Explaining (after viewing a picture or illustration with sun/moon showing true relative size) why the sun and moon appear to be the same size when seen from the earth. 9
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 45.1.

45.2. Relating this phenomenon to a lunar and solar eclipses. 9
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 45.2.

S5-6:46. Earth Materials and the Rock Cycle: Students demonstrate their understanding of Processes and Change over Time within Earth Systems by:

46.1. Explaining the process of how rocks are formed (the Rock Cycle). 7
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 46.1.

46.2. Creating a model of the earth's structure explaining the nature of the layers. 3
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 46.2.

S5-6:47. Forces and Changes on the Earth's Surface: Students demonstrate their understanding of Processes and Change over Time within Earth Systems by:

47.1. Identifying examples of geologic changes on the earth's surface, where possible in the local environment (include slow and fast changes). 5
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 47.1.

47.2. Plotting locations of volcanoes and earthquakes and explaining the relationship between location and plate movement. 13
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 47.2.

47.3. Explaining the processes that occur when rocks are changed from one form to another. 7
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 47.3.

47.4. Determining the relative age of fossils within sedimentary rocks from their location in the strata (i.e. which fossils within a sequence are older). 12
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 47.4.

S5-6:48. Atmosphere, Water Cycle, Weather, Seasons: Students demonstrate their understanding of Processes and Change over Time within Earth Systems by:

48.1. Diagramming, labeling and explaining the process of the water cycle (e.g., evaporation, precipitation, run-off). 6
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 48.1.

S5-6:49. Natural Resources: Students demonstrate their understanding of Processes and Change within Natural Resources by:

49.1. Identifying examples of good and poor management of natural resources. 9
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 49.1.

49.2. Explaining how overpopulation of living things can degrade an environment due to increased use of resources. 32
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 49.2.

VT.7.1. Inquiry, Experimentation, and Theory: Scientific Method: Students use scientific methods to describe, investigate, and explain phenomena and raise questions in order to: Generate alternative explanations (hypotheses) based on observations and prior knowledge; Design inquiry that allows these explanations to be tested; Deduce the expected results; Gather and analyze data to compare the actual results to the expected outcomes; and Make and communicate conclusions, generating new questions raised by observations and readings.

S7-8:1. Scientific Questioning: Students demonstrate their understanding of scientific questioning by:

1.1. Developing questions that reflect prior knowledge. 6
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 1.1.

1.2. Refining and focusing broad ill-defined questions. 6
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 1.2.

S7-8:2. Predicting and Hypothesizing: Students demonstrate their understanding of predicting and hypothesizing by:

2.1. Predicting results (evidence) that support the hypothesis. 6
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 2.1.

2.2. Proposing a hypothesis based upon a scientific concept or principle, observation, or experience that identifies the relationship between variables. 6
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 2.2.

S7-8:3. Designing Experiments: Students demonstrate their understanding of experimental design by:

3.1. Writing a plan related to the question, hypothesis, and prediction that includes: (a) A diagram labeled using scientific terminology that supports procedures and illustrates the setup; (b) A procedure that lists significant steps that identify manipulated (independent) and responding (dependent) variables; (c) A control for comparing data when appropriate; (d) Identification of tools and procedures for collecting data and reducing error. 6
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 3.1.

S7-8:4. Conducting Experiments: Students demonstrate their ability to conduct experiments by:

4.1. Accurately quantifying observations using appropriate measurement tools. 9
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 4.1.

4.2. Using technology to collect, quantify, organize, and store observations (e.g., use of probe). 6
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 4.2.

4.3. Drawing scientifically: Recording multiple perspectives to scale (e.g., magnification, cross section, top view, side view, etc.). 6
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 4.3.

S7-8:5. Representing Data and Analysis: Students demonstrate their ability to represent data by:

5.1. Representing independent variable on the 'X' axis and dependent variable on the 'Y' axis. 15
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 5.1.

5.2. Determining a scale for a diagram that is appropriate to the task. 6
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 5.2.

5.3. Using technology to enhance a representation. 6
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 5.3.

5.4. Using color, texture, symbols and other graphic strategies to clarify trends/patterns within a representation. 41
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 5.4.

S7-8:6. Representing Data and Analysis: Students demonstrate their ability to analyze data by:

6.1. Identifying, considering and addressing experimental errors (e.g., errors in experimental design, errors in data collection procedures). 41
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 6.1.

6.2. Identifying limitations and/or sources of error within the experimental design. 6
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 6.2.

S7-8:7. Representing Data and Analysis: Students demonstrate their ability to explain data by:

7.1. Using scientific concepts, models, and terminology to report results, discuss relationships, and propose new explanations. 41
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 7.1.

7.2. Generating alternative explanations. 6
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 7.2.

7.3. Documenting and explaining changes in experimental design. 6
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 7.3.

7.4. Sharing conclusion/summary with appropriate audience beyond the research group. 6
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 7.4.

7.5. Using mathematical analysis as an integral component of the conclusion. 55
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 7.5.

S7-8:8. Applying Results: Students demonstrate their ability to apply results by:

8.1. Identifying additional data that would strengthen an investigation. 45
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 8.1.

8.2. Explaining limitations for generalizing findings. 15
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 8.2.

8.3. Explaining relevance of findings (e.g., So what?) to local environment (community, school, classroom). 6
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 8.3.

8.4. Devising recommendations for further investigation and making decisions based on evidence. for experimental results. 4
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 8.4.

VT.7.9. Mathematical Understanding: Statistics and Probability Concepts: Students use statistics and probability concepts.

S7-8:34. Interdependence within Ecosystems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Energy Flow in an Ecosystem by:

34.1. Describing how light is transformed into chemical energy by producers and how this chemical energy is used by all organisms to sustain life (e.g., using a word equation). 12
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 34.1.

S7-8:36. Interdependence within Ecosystems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Equilibrium in an Ecosystem by:

36.1. Identifying an abiotic or biotic change in a local ecosystem and predicting the short and long-term effects of t his change (e.g., local river study). 2
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 36.1.

S7-8:37. Interdependence within Ecosystems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Recycling in an ecosystem by:

37.1. Explaining how products of decomposition are utilized by the ecosystem to sustain life while conserving mass (e.g., worm farm, compost). 5
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 37.1.

S7-8:41. Body Systems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Human Body Systems by:

41.1. Identifying ways that the human body responds to changes to maintain equilibrium. 10
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 41.1.

41.2. Explaining the function of the lungs in respiration. 7
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 41.2.

41.3. Developing models that illustrate the human reproductive system. 10
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 41.3.

VT.7.12. Space, Time, and Matter: Matter, Motion, Forces, and Energy: Students understand forces and motion, the properties and composition of matter, and energy sources and transformations.

S7-8:9. Properties of Matter: Students demonstrate their understanding of the Properties of Matter by:

9.1. Calculating the density of regularly and irregularly shaped objects. 7
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 9.1.

9.2. Explaining why all three states of matter can be observed in a room that has a uniform temperature. 10
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 9.2.

10.1. Illustrating through words or representations, the differences between atoms and molecules. 7
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 10.1.

10.2. Recognizing that all living and non-living things are formed from combinations of about 100 elements. 12
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 10.2.

S7-8:12. Properties of Matter: Students demonstrate their understanding of the States of Matter by:

12.1. Modeling (plays, models, diagrams) molecular motion of the three states of matter and explaining how that motion defines each state. 11
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 12.1.

S7-8:13. Properties of Matter: Students demonstrate their understanding of the Properties of a Gas by:

13.1. Using real world examples (tires, balloons, soda) predict and explain the effect that a change in one variable (pressure, temperature or volume) will have on the others. 11
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 13.1.

S7-8:14. Physical Change: Students demonstrate their understanding of Physical Change by:

14.1. Constructing their own models representing the states of matter at the molecular level and explaining the effect of increased and decreased heat energy on the motion and arrangement of molecules. 11
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 14.1.

14.2. Observing the physical processes of evaporation and condensation, and accounting for the disappearance and appearance of liquid water in terms of molecular motion and conservation of mass. 11
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 14.2.

S7-8:15. Chemical Change: Students demonstrate their understanding of Chemical Change by:

15.1. Observing evidence of chemical change, and offering qualitative explanations for the observed changes in substances in terms of interaction and rearrangement of the atoms, and the production of new substances with different characteristics but the same mass as the original substance. 7
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 15.1.

S7-8:19. Motion: Students demonstrate their understanding of Motion by:

19.1. Designing investigations that illustrate the effect of a change in mass or velocity on an object's momentum. 10
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 19.1.

19.2. Describing that the acceleration of an object is proportional to the force on the object and inversely proportional to the mass of the object. 10
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 19.2.

S7-8:21. Force: Students demonstrate their understanding of Force by:

21.1. Diagramming or describing, after observing a scenario with a moving object, the forces acting on the object before and after it is put in motion (Students include in their diagram or description, the effect of these forces on the motion of the object.). 10
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 21.1.

S7-8:22. Force: Students demonstrate their understanding of Gravitational Force by:

22.1. Describing the effects of gravitational force on objects in the Solar System, and identifying evidence that the force of gravity is relative to the mass of objects and their distance apart. 10
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 22.1.

S7-8:23. Energy and Energy Transformation: Students demonstrate their understanding of Heat Energy by:

23.1. Creating a diagram, model, or analogy for a material in a warmer and cooler state showing or describing the motion of the molecules. 7
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 23.1.

23.2. Creating a diagram, model, or analogy to explain the difference between conduction, convection, and radiation, and using their visual to explain how heat energy travels in different directions and through different materials by each method of energy transfer. 7
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 23.2.

S7-8:24. Energy and Energy Transformation: Students demonstrate their understanding of Electrical Energy by:

24.1. Building an electric circuit and explaining the transfer of electrical energy into heat, light, and sound, leaving the system but not destroyed. 10
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 24.1.

24.2. Describing the effect of a change in voltage in the circuit system. 10
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 24.2.

S7-8:28. Energy and Energy Transformation: Students demonstrate their understanding of Light Energy by:

28.1. Designing demonstrations that represent the characteristics of light energy transfer. 5
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 28.1.

28.2. Explaining that visible light is made up of the colored light waves. 5
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 28.2.

VT.7.13. The Living World: Organisms, Evolution, and Interdependence: Students understand the characteristics of organisms, see patterns of similarity and differences among living organisms, understand the role of evolution, and recognize the interdependence of all systems that support life.

S7-8:30. Survival of Organisms: Students demonstrate their understanding of Structure and Function-Survival Requirements by:

30.1. Conducting experiments that investigate how different concentrations of materials (inside vs. outside a cell) will cause water to flow into or out of cells. 32
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 30.1.

30.2. Examining cells under a microscope and identifying cell wall, and chloroplasts and by comparing the function of a common cell structure such as membrane in all cells with the function of a unique structure such as chloroplasts in plant cells. 32
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 30.2.

30.3. Examining cells under a microscope, identifying the nucleus and explaining the relationship between genes (located in the nucleus) and traits. 32
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 30.3.

S7-8:31. Life Cycles and Reproduction: Students demonstrate their understanding of Reproduction by:

31.1. Explaining that cells come only from other living cells and that genes duplicate in the process of cell division producing an identical copy of the original cell. 21
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 31.1.

31.2. Describing the relationship between human growth and cell division. 25
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 31.2.

S7-8:33. Chemical Reactions within Cells: Students demonstrate their understanding of how Energy Flow Within Cells Supports an Organism's Survival by:

33.1. Recognizing that energy from the sun is transferred and utilized in plant and animal cells through chemical changes and then transferred into other forms such as heat (e.g., using word equation). 8
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 33.1.

S7-8:38. Classification of Living Things: Students demonstrate their understanding of Classification of Organisms by:

38.1. Comparing and sorting organisms with similar characteristics into groups based on internal and external structures recognized by scientists. 12
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 38.1.

38.2. Recognizing that individuals that can reproduce with one another and produce fertile offspring are classified as a species. 12
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 38.2.

S7-8:39. Natural Selection/Evolution: Students demonstrate their understanding of Evolution/Natural Selection by:

39.1. Explaining that advantageous traits of organisms are passed on through reproduction. 13
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 39.1.

39.2. Identifying that traits occur randomly. 20
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 39.2.

VT.7.14. The Living World: The Human Body: Students demonstrate understanding of the human body heredity, body systems, and individual development and understand the impact of the environment on the human body.

S7-8:40. Heredity: Students demonstrate their understanding of Human Heredity by:

40.1. Identifying that traits are produced from the instructions of one or more genes that are inherited from the parents. 9
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 40.1.

S7-8:42. Human Disease: Students demonstrate their understanding of the Patterns of Human Health/Disease by:

42.1. Identifying a variety of microbes (e.g., virus, bacteria, fungi) and toxic materials that can interfere with body systems and cause harm. 6
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 42.1.

VT.7.15. The Universe, Earth, and The Environment: Theories, Systems, and Forces: Students demonstrate understanding of the earth and its environment, the solar system, and the universe in terms of the systems that characterize them, the forces that affect and shape them over time, and the theories that currently explain their evolution.

S7-8:45. Scale, Distances, Star Formation, Theories, Instrumentation: Students demonstrate their understanding of Processes and Change over Time within Systems of the Universe by:

45.1. Identifying and labeling the location of the sun in our solar system and its relationship to the galaxy. 11
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 45.1.

S7-8:48. Atmosphere, Water Cycle, Weather, Seasons: Students demonstrate their understanding of Processes and Change over Time within Earth Systems by:

48.1. Diagramming, labeling and explaining the process of the water cycle (precipitation, evaporation, condensation, runoff, ground water, transpiration). 7
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 48.1.

48.2. Identifying the major gases of earth's atmosphere. 5
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 48.2.

48.3. Explaining how differential heating can affect the earth's weather patterns. 6
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 48.3.

48.4. Creating a model showing the tilt of the earth on its axis and explaining how the sun's energy hitting the earth surface creates the seasons. 1
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 48.4.

S7-8:49. Natural Resources: Students demonstrate their understanding of Processes and Change within Natural Resources by:

49.1. Investigating natural resources in the community and monitoring/managing them for responsible use. 66
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 49.1.

49.2. Identifying a human activity - in a local environment - and determining the impact of that activity on a specific (local) natural resource. 6
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 49.2.

49.3. Researching the impact of different human activities on the earth's land, waterways and atmosphere and describing possible effects on the living organisms in those environments. 5
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 49.3.

VT.7.1. Inquiry, Experimentation, and Theory: Scientific Method: Students use scientific methods to describe, investigate, and explain phenomena and raise questions in order to: Generate alternative explanations (hypotheses) based on observations and prior knowledge; Design inquiry that allows these explanations to be tested; Deduce the expected results; Gather and analyze data to compare the actual results to the expected outcomes; and Make and communicate conclusions, generating new questions raised by observations and readings.

S7-8:1. Scientific Questioning: Students demonstrate their understanding of scientific questioning by:

1.1. Developing questions that reflect prior knowledge. 3
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 1.1.

1.2. Refining and focusing broad ill-defined questions. 3
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 1.2.

S7-8:2. Predicting and Hypothesizing: Students demonstrate their understanding of predicting and hypothesizing by:

2.1. Predicting results (evidence) that support the hypothesis. 3
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 2.1.

2.2. Proposing a hypothesis based upon a scientific concept or principle, observation, or experience that identifies the relationship between variables. 3
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 2.2.

S7-8:3. Designing Experiments: Students demonstrate their understanding of experimental design by:

3.1. Writing a plan related to the question, hypothesis, and prediction that includes: (a) A diagram labeled using scientific terminology that supports procedures and illustrates the setup; (b) A procedure that lists significant steps that identify manipulated (independent) and responding (dependent) variables; (c) A control for comparing data when appropriate; (d) Identification of tools and procedures for collecting data and reducing error. 3
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 3.1.

S7-8:4. Conducting Experiments: Students demonstrate their ability to conduct experiments by:

4.1. Accurately quantifying observations using appropriate measurement tools. 8
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 4.1.

4.2. Using technology to collect, quantify, organize, and store observations (e.g., use of probe). 3
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 4.2.

4.3. Drawing scientifically: Recording multiple perspectives to scale (e.g., magnification, cross section, top view, side view, etc.). 3
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 4.3.

S7-8:5. Representing Data and Analysis: Students demonstrate their ability to represent data by:

5.1. Representing independent variable on the 'X' axis and dependent variable on the 'Y' axis. 21
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 5.1.

5.2. Determining a scale for a diagram that is appropriate to the task. 6
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 5.2.

5.3. Using technology to enhance a representation. 9
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 5.3.

5.4. Using color, texture, symbols and other graphic strategies to clarify trends/patterns within a representation. 30
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 5.4.

S7-8:6. Representing Data and Analysis: Students demonstrate their ability to analyze data by:

6.1. Identifying, considering and addressing experimental errors (e.g., errors in experimental design, errors in data collection procedures). 30
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 6.1.

6.2. Identifying limitations and/or sources of error within the experimental design. 3
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 6.2.

S7-8:7. Representing Data and Analysis: Students demonstrate their ability to explain data by:

7.1. Using scientific concepts, models, and terminology to report results, discuss relationships, and propose new explanations. 30
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 7.1.

7.2. Generating alternative explanations. 3
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 7.2.

7.3. Documenting and explaining changes in experimental design. 3
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 7.3.

7.4. Sharing conclusion/summary with appropriate audience beyond the research group. 3
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 7.4.

7.5. Using mathematical analysis as an integral component of the conclusion. 35
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 7.5.

S7-8:8. Applying Results: Students demonstrate their ability to apply results by:

8.1. Identifying additional data that would strengthen an investigation. 35
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 8.1.

8.2. Explaining limitations for generalizing findings. 12
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 8.2.

8.3. Explaining relevance of findings (e.g., So what?) to local environment (community, school, classroom). 3
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 8.3.

8.4. Devising recommendations for further investigation and making decisions based on evidence. for experimental results. 4
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 8.4.

VT.7.9. Mathematical Understanding: Statistics and Probability Concepts: Students use statistics and probability concepts.

S7-8:34. Interdependence within Ecosystems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Energy Flow in an Ecosystem by:

34.1. Describing how light is transformed into chemical energy by producers and how this chemical energy is used by all organisms to sustain life (e.g., using a word equation). 7
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 34.1.

S7-8:36. Interdependence within Ecosystems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Equilibrium in an Ecosystem by:

36.1. Identifying an abiotic or biotic change in a local ecosystem and predicting the short and long-term effects of t his change (e.g., local river study). 4
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 36.1.

S7-8:37. Interdependence within Ecosystems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Recycling in an ecosystem by:

37.1. Explaining how products of decomposition are utilized by the ecosystem to sustain life while conserving mass (e.g., worm farm, compost). 7
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 37.1.

S7-8:41. Body Systems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Human Body Systems by:

41.1. Identifying ways that the human body responds to changes to maintain equilibrium. 17
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 41.1.

41.2. Explaining the function of the lungs in respiration. 8
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 41.2.

41.3. Developing models that illustrate the human reproductive system. 9
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 41.3.

VT.7.12. Space, Time, and Matter: Matter, Motion, Forces, and Energy: Students understand forces and motion, the properties and composition of matter, and energy sources and transformations.

S7-8:9. Properties of Matter: Students demonstrate their understanding of the Properties of Matter by:

9.1. Calculating the density of regularly and irregularly shaped objects. 10
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 9.1.

9.2. Explaining why all three states of matter can be observed in a room that has a uniform temperature. 10
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 9.2.

10.1. Illustrating through words or representations, the differences between atoms and molecules. 6
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 10.1.

10.2. Recognizing that all living and non-living things are formed from combinations of about 100 elements. 3
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 10.2.

S7-8:12. Properties of Matter: Students demonstrate their understanding of the States of Matter by:

12.1. Modeling (plays, models, diagrams) molecular motion of the three states of matter and explaining how that motion defines each state. 11
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 12.1.

S7-8:13. Properties of Matter: Students demonstrate their understanding of the Properties of a Gas by:

13.1. Using real world examples (tires, balloons, soda) predict and explain the effect that a change in one variable (pressure, temperature or volume) will have on the others. 11
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 13.1.

S7-8:14. Physical Change: Students demonstrate their understanding of Physical Change by:

14.1. Constructing their own models representing the states of matter at the molecular level and explaining the effect of increased and decreased heat energy on the motion and arrangement of molecules. 10
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 14.1.

14.2. Observing the physical processes of evaporation and condensation, and accounting for the disappearance and appearance of liquid water in terms of molecular motion and conservation of mass. 11
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 14.2.

S7-8:15. Chemical Change: Students demonstrate their understanding of Chemical Change by:

15.1. Observing evidence of chemical change, and offering qualitative explanations for the observed changes in substances in terms of interaction and rearrangement of the atoms, and the production of new substances with different characteristics but the same mass as the original substance. 6
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 15.1.

S7-8:19. Motion: Students demonstrate their understanding of Motion by:

19.1. Designing investigations that illustrate the effect of a change in mass or velocity on an object's momentum. 10
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 19.1.

19.2. Describing that the acceleration of an object is proportional to the force on the object and inversely proportional to the mass of the object. 10
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 19.2.

S7-8:21. Force: Students demonstrate their understanding of Force by:

21.1. Diagramming or describing, after observing a scenario with a moving object, the forces acting on the object before and after it is put in motion (Students include in their diagram or description, the effect of these forces on the motion of the object.). 10
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 21.1.

S7-8:22. Force: Students demonstrate their understanding of Gravitational Force by:

22.1. Describing the effects of gravitational force on objects in the Solar System, and identifying evidence that the force of gravity is relative to the mass of objects and their distance apart. 11
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 22.1.

S7-8:23. Energy and Energy Transformation: Students demonstrate their understanding of Heat Energy by:

23.1. Creating a diagram, model, or analogy for a material in a warmer and cooler state showing or describing the motion of the molecules. 6
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 23.1.

23.2. Creating a diagram, model, or analogy to explain the difference between conduction, convection, and radiation, and using their visual to explain how heat energy travels in different directions and through different materials by each method of energy transfer. 4
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 23.2.

S7-8:24. Energy and Energy Transformation: Students demonstrate their understanding of Electrical Energy by:

24.1. Building an electric circuit and explaining the transfer of electrical energy into heat, light, and sound, leaving the system but not destroyed. 20
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 24.1.

24.2. Describing the effect of a change in voltage in the circuit system. 10
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 24.2.

S7-8:28. Energy and Energy Transformation: Students demonstrate their understanding of Light Energy by:

28.1. Designing demonstrations that represent the characteristics of light energy transfer. 4
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 28.1.

28.2. Explaining that visible light is made up of the colored light waves. 4
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 28.2.

VT.7.13. The Living World: Organisms, Evolution, and Interdependence: Students understand the characteristics of organisms, see patterns of similarity and differences among living organisms, understand the role of evolution, and recognize the interdependence of all systems that support life.

S7-8:30. Survival of Organisms: Students demonstrate their understanding of Structure and Function-Survival Requirements by:

30.1. Conducting experiments that investigate how different concentrations of materials (inside vs. outside a cell) will cause water to flow into or out of cells. 20
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 30.1.

30.2. Examining cells under a microscope and identifying cell wall, and chloroplasts and by comparing the function of a common cell structure such as membrane in all cells with the function of a unique structure such as chloroplasts in plant cells. 20
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 30.2.

30.3. Examining cells under a microscope, identifying the nucleus and explaining the relationship between genes (located in the nucleus) and traits. 20
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 30.3.

S7-8:31. Life Cycles and Reproduction: Students demonstrate their understanding of Reproduction by:

31.1. Explaining that cells come only from other living cells and that genes duplicate in the process of cell division producing an identical copy of the original cell. 20
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 31.1.

31.2. Describing the relationship between human growth and cell division. 27
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 31.2.

S7-8:33. Chemical Reactions within Cells: Students demonstrate their understanding of how Energy Flow Within Cells Supports an Organism's Survival by:

33.1. Recognizing that energy from the sun is transferred and utilized in plant and animal cells through chemical changes and then transferred into other forms such as heat (e.g., using word equation). 8
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 33.1.

S7-8:38. Classification of Living Things: Students demonstrate their understanding of Classification of Organisms by:

38.1. Comparing and sorting organisms with similar characteristics into groups based on internal and external structures recognized by scientists. 12
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 38.1.

38.2. Recognizing that individuals that can reproduce with one another and produce fertile offspring are classified as a species. 12
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 38.2.

S7-8:39. Natural Selection/Evolution: Students demonstrate their understanding of Evolution/Natural Selection by:

39.1. Explaining that advantageous traits of organisms are passed on through reproduction. 12
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 39.1.

39.2. Identifying that traits occur randomly. 17
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 39.2.

VT.7.14. The Living World: The Human Body: Students demonstrate understanding of the human body heredity, body systems, and individual development and understand the impact of the environment on the human body.

S7-8:40. Heredity: Students demonstrate their understanding of Human Heredity by:

40.1. Identifying that traits are produced from the instructions of one or more genes that are inherited from the parents. 17
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 40.1.

S7-8:42. Human Disease: Students demonstrate their understanding of the Patterns of Human Health/Disease by:

42.1. Identifying a variety of microbes (e.g., virus, bacteria, fungi) and toxic materials that can interfere with body systems and cause harm. 7
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 42.1.

VT.7.15. The Universe, Earth, and The Environment: Theories, Systems, and Forces: Students demonstrate understanding of the earth and its environment, the solar system, and the universe in terms of the systems that characterize them, the forces that affect and shape them over time, and the theories that currently explain their evolution.

S7-8:45. Scale, Distances, Star Formation, Theories, Instrumentation: Students demonstrate their understanding of Processes and Change over Time within Systems of the Universe by:

45.1. Identifying and labeling the location of the sun in our solar system and its relationship to the galaxy. 10
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 45.1.

S7-8:48. Atmosphere, Water Cycle, Weather, Seasons: Students demonstrate their understanding of Processes and Change over Time within Earth Systems by:

48.1. Diagramming, labeling and explaining the process of the water cycle (precipitation, evaporation, condensation, runoff, ground water, transpiration). 6
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 48.1.

48.2. Identifying the major gases of earth's atmosphere. 6
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 48.2.

48.3. Explaining how differential heating can affect the earth's weather patterns. 2
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 48.3.

48.4. Creating a model showing the tilt of the earth on its axis and explaining how the sun's energy hitting the earth surface creates the seasons.

S7-8:49. Natural Resources: Students demonstrate their understanding of Processes and Change within Natural Resources by:

49.1. Investigating natural resources in the community and monitoring/managing them for responsible use. 36
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 49.1.

49.2. Identifying a human activity - in a local environment - and determining the impact of that activity on a specific (local) natural resource. 5
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 49.2.

49.3. Researching the impact of different human activities on the earth's land, waterways and atmosphere and describing possible effects on the living organisms in those environments. 4
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 49.3.

VT.7.1. Inquiry, Experimentation, and Theory: Scientific Method: Students use scientific methods to describe, investigate, and explain phenomena and raise questions in order to: Generate alternative explanations (hypotheses) based on observations and prior knowledge; Design inquiry that allows these explanations to be tested; Deduce the expected results; Gather and analyze data to compare the actual results to the expected outcomes; and Make and communicate conclusions, generating new questions raised by observations and readings.

S9-12:1. Scientific Questioning: Students demonstrate their understanding of scientific questioning by:

1.1. Framing testable questions showing evidence of observations and prior knowledge to illustrate cause and effect.

1.2. Developing a testable question appropriate to the scientific domain being investigated.

S9-12:2. Predicting and Hypothesizing: Students demonstrate their understanding of predicting and hypothesizing by:

2.1. Developing a testable/guiding hypothesis and predictions based upon evidence of scientific principles.

2.2. Predicting results (evidence) that supports the hypothesis.

2.3. Clearly distinguishing cause and effect within a testable/guiding hypothesis.

S9-12:3. Designing Experiments: Students demonstrate their understanding of experimental design by:

3.1. Writing a plan that includes: (a) Procedures that incorporate appropriate protection (e.g., no food in lab area); (b) Appropriate tools, units of measurement and degree of accuracy; (c) Components that reflect current scientific knowledge and available technology; (d) Use of scientific terminology that supports the identified procedures.

S9-12:4. Conducting Experiments: Students demonstrate their ability to conduct experiments by:

4.1. Collecting significant data through completing multiple trials.

4.2. Evaluating and revising procedures as investigation progresses.

S9-12:5. Representing Data and Analysis: Students demonstrate their ability to represent data by:

5.1. Representing data quantitatively to the appropriate level of precision through the use of mathematical calculations.

5.2. Developing the skill of drawing a 'best fit' curve from data.

5.3. Recording accurate data, free of bias.

5.4. Avoiding plagiarism/fabrication of other recorded research data.

S9-12:6. Representing Data and Analysis: Students demonstrate their ability to analyze data by:

6.1. Accounting for identified experimental errors.

6.2. Analyzing significance of experimental data.

6.3. Critically comparing evidence collected with that of others (e.g., classmates or scientists in the field).

S9-12:7. Representing Data and Analysis: Students demonstrate their ability to explain data by:

7.1. Proposing, synthesizing, and evaluating alternative explanations for experimental results.

7.2. Citing experimental evidence within explanation.

7.3. Including logically consistent position to explain observed phenomena.

7.4. Comparing experimental conclusion to other proposed explanations by peer review (e.g., students, scientists or local interest groups).

7.5. Conducting objective scientific analysis, free of bias.

7.6. Identifying and evaluating uncontrolled variables inherent in experimental model.

S9-12:8. Applying Results: Students demonstrate their ability to apply results by:

8.1. Using technology to communicate results effectively and appropriately to others (e.g., power point, web site, posters, etc.).

8.2. Predicting/recommending how scientific conclusions can be applied to civic, economic or social issues.

8.3. Proposing and evaluating new questions, predictions, procedures and technology for further investigations.

VT.7.2. Inquiry, Experimentation, and Theory: Investigation: Students design and conduct a variety of their own investigations and projects. These should include: Questions that can be studied using the resources available; Procedures that are safe, humane, and ethical; Data that are collected and recorded in ways that others can verify; Data and results that are represented in ways that address the question at hand; Recommendations, decisions, and conclusions that are based on evidence, and that acknowledge references and contributions of others; Results that are communicated appropriately to audiences; and Reflections and defense of conclusions and recommendations from other sources, and peer review.

S9-12:1. Scientific Questioning: Students demonstrate their understanding of scientific questioning by:

1.1. Framing testable questions showing evidence of observations and prior knowledge to illustrate cause and effect.

1.2. Developing a testable question appropriate to the scientific domain being investigated.

S9-12:2. Predicting and Hypothesizing: Students demonstrate their understanding of predicting and hypothesizing by:

2.1. Developing a testable/guiding hypothesis and predictions based upon evidence of scientific principles.

2.2. Predicting results (evidence) that supports the hypothesis.

2.3. Clearly distinguishing cause and effect within a testable/guiding hypothesis.

S9-12:3. Designing Experiments: Students demonstrate their understanding of experimental design by:

3.1. Writing a plan that includes: (a) Procedures that incorporate appropriate protection (e.g., no food in lab area); (b) Appropriate tools, units of measurement and degree of accuracy; (c) Components that reflect current scientific knowledge and available technology; (d) Use of scientific terminology that supports the identified procedures.

S9-12:4. Conducting Experiments: Students demonstrate their ability to conduct experiments by:

4.1. Collecting significant data through completing multiple trials.

4.2. Evaluating and revising procedures as investigation progresses.

S9-12:5. Representing Data and Analysis: Students demonstrate their ability to represent data by:

5.1. Representing data quantitatively to the appropriate level of precision through the use of mathematical calculations.

5.2. Developing the skill of drawing a 'best fit' curve from data.

5.3. Recording accurate data, free of bias.

5.4. Avoiding plagiarism/fabrication of other recorded research data.

VT.7.9. Mathematical Understanding: Statistics and Probability Concepts: Students use statistics and probability concepts.

S9-12:34. Interdependence within Ecosystems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Energy Flow in an Ecosystem by:

34.1. Developing a model that compares the energy at different trophic levels in a given ecosystem.

S9-12:35. Interdependence within Ecosystems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Food Webs in an Ecosystem by:

35.1. Designing (and implementing) an investigation that demonstrates the chemical relationship between carbon compounds of the organisms in a food web (e.g., dyed yeast - Paramecium - roundworm).

VT.7.11. Systems: Analysis: Students analyze and understand living and non-living systems (e.g., biological, chemical, electrical, mechanical, optical) as collections of interrelated parts and interconnected systems.

S9-12:34. Interdependence within Ecosystems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Energy Flow in an Ecosystem by:

34.1. Developing a model that compares the energy at different trophic levels in a given ecosystem.

S9-12:35. Interdependence within Ecosystems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Food Webs in an Ecosystem by:

35.1. Designing (and implementing) an investigation that demonstrates the chemical relationship between carbon compounds of the organisms in a food web (e.g., dyed yeast - Paramecium - roundworm).

S9-12:36. Interdependence within Ecosystems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Equilibrium in an Ecosystem by:

36.1. Designing an investigation to compare a natural system with one altered by human activities (e.g., acid rain, eutrophication through agricultural runoff, fertilizer, pollution, solid waste, clear cutting, toxic emissions or conservation and habitat reclamation).

S9-12:37. Interdependence within Ecosystems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Recycling in an Ecosystem by:

37.1. Developing and explaining a model that shows the recycling of inorganic compounds within a natural ecosystem (e.g., Compare worm compost with commercial fertilizer.).

S9-12:41. Body Systems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Human Body (biochemical) Systems by:

41.1. Diagramming a feedback loop that illustrates how several human body systems work together to restore homeostasis in response to an external stimulus (environmental/.behavioral) (e.g., exercise, fight/flight, stress, drugs, normal cellular metabolism, any nervous system response).

41.2. Explaining examples of how the human body may be affected by the state of the internal environment and by heredity and by life experience (e.g., effects of malnutrition).

41.3. Predicting and explaining how the effect of various physiological factors influences the continuation of the human species (reproductive success) (e.g., anorexia and/or steroid use, radiation/toxic wastes/drug use, mutagenic agents and/or improper diet/obesity).

VT.7.12. Space, Time, and Matter: Matter, Motion, Forces, and Energy: Students understand forces and motion, the properties and composition of matter, and energy sources and transformations.

S9-12:9. Properties of Matter: Students demonstrate their understanding of Properties of Matter by:

9.1. Distinguishing one substance from another through examination of physical properties (such as density, melting point, conductivity), chemical properties (such as reactivity with O2 or acid or water), and nuclear properties (such as changes in atomic mass, isotopes and half-life).

9.2. Explaining the states of a substance in terms of the particulate nature of matter and the forces of interaction between particles.

10.1. Comparing the characteristics of three major components of all atoms (protons, electrons, neutrons) their location within an atom, their relative size and their charge.

10.2. Writing formulae for compounds and developing models using electron structure (e.g., Lewis dot).

S9-12:11. Properties of Matter: Students demonstrate their understanding of the Properties of Matter by:

11.1. Identifying and explaining the basis for the arrangement of elements within the Periodic Table (e.g., trends, valence, reactivity, electro negativity, ionization).

11.2. Determining valence electrons of selected elements.

11.3. Predicting the relative physical and chemical properties of an element based on its location within the Periodic Table.

S9-12:12. Properties of Matter: Students demonstrate their understanding of the States of Matter by:

12.1. Investigating the interactions between atoms or molecules within a system (e.g., hydrogen bonding, van der Waals forces, fluorescent light, stars).

S9-12:13. Properties of Matter: Students demonstrate their understanding of the Properties of a Gas by:

13.1. Quantitatively determining how volume, pressure, temperature and amount of gas affect each other (PV=nRT) in a system.

S9-12:14. Physical Change: Students demonstrate their understanding of Physical Change by:

14.1. Investigating and graphing the effect of heat energy on the phase changes of water from a solid state to a liquid state to a gaseous state and comparing that data to other substances.

S9-12:15. Chemical Change: Students demonstrate their understanding of Chemical Change by:

15.1. Writing simple balanced chemical equations to represent chemical reactions and illustrate the conservation of atoms.

15.2. Qualitatively predicting reactants and products in a prescribed investigation (e.g. oxidation, reduction, acid/base reactions).

S9-12:16. Chemical Change: Students demonstrate their understanding of Chemical Change by:

16.1. Investigating, and explaining the increase or decrease in temperature of the substances in a chemical reaction caused by a transfer of heat energy from that reaction. (e.g., exothermic and endothermic reactions).

S9-12:17. Nuclear Change: Students demonstrate their understanding of Nuclear Change by:

17.1. Explaining how alpha and beta emissions create changes in the nucleus of an atom, resulting in a completely different element.

17.2. Distinguishing between the reactants and products of a chemical reaction and those of a nuclear decay reaction.

17.3. Comparing the relative energies produced by each.

17.4. Explaining the organization of an atomic nucleus and identifying the universal forces from strongest to weakest.

S9-12:18. Nuclear Change: Students demonstrate their understanding of Nuclear Change by:

18.1. Explaining the concept of half-life and using the half-life principle to predict the approximate age of a material.

S9-12:19. Motion: Students demonstrate their understanding of Motion by:

19.1. Predicting the path of an object in different reference planes and explaining how and why this occurs.

19.2. Using modeling, illustrating and explaining of how distance and velocity change over time for a free falling object.

19.3. Modeling, illustrating and explaining the path of an object which has horizontal and free fall motion (i.e., football, bullet).

20.1. Qualitatively analyzing how inertia affects the outcome in each of a series of situations (i.e., kicking a sand-filled football, moving a bowl of soup quickly across the table).

S9-12:21. Force: Students demonstrate their understanding of Force by:

21.1. Investigating quantitatively the acceleration as either the mass of the system or the force accelerating the mass is changed (e.g., cart with variable weights on horizontal table attached to a string with weights).

21.2. Investigating whether acceleration is greater or less as either the mass of the system or the force accelerating the mass is changed (e.g., cart with variable weights on horizontal table attached to a string with weights).

21.3. Demonstrating action force/reaction force in one of three different ways; describing in words, demonstrating physically, and modeling the occurrence of opposing actions.

S9-12:22. Force: Students demonstrate their understanding of Gravitational Force by:

22.1. Determining quantitatively how gravitational force changes when mass changes; or when distance changes.

S9-12:23. Energy and Energy Transformation: Students demonstrate their understanding of Heat Energy by:

23.1. Comparing and contrasting characteristics of the different forms of energy, particularly within chemical reactions.

23.2. Describing or diagramming the changes in energy (transformation) that occur in different situations (e.g., chemical, biological, physical) through analysis of the input and output energies in a system (e.g., calorimetry, specific heat of water, heat of fusion of water).

23.3. Investigating examples of entropy in discrete systems (e.g., electrical systems, the effectiveness of insulating materials, the human thermostat - hypothermia/homeostasis).

S9-12:24. Energy and Energy Transformation: Students demonstrate their understanding of Electrical Energy by:

24.1. Explaining through words, diagrams, models or electrostatic demonstrations the principle that like charges repel and unlike charges attract.

24.2. Explaining (through words, charts, diagrams, models or mathematical examples) the effects of distance and the amount of charge on the strength of the electrical force present.

24.3. Describing how friction and other mechanical forces are the result of electromagnetic forces.

S9-12:26. Energy and Energy Transformation: Students demonstrate their understanding of Electromagnetic Forces by:

26.1. Giving examples and explaining the wave nature of electromagnetic energy (refraction, diffraction, etc.) and describing and explaining the particle nature of electromagnetic energy (photoelectric effect, Compton effect).

26.2. Relating the particle nature of electromagnetic waves to their frequencies and to discrete changes in energy levels within atoms.

S9-12:27. Energy and Energy Transformation: Students demonstrate their understanding of Electromagnetic Forces by:

27.1. Describing through words, models, or diagrams the presence of electromagnetic forces in an atom.

27.2. Comparing and contrasting the electromagnetic and gravitational forces between the particles that make up an atom.

27.3. Explaining in words, models or diagrams how electric currents produce magnetic fields and how moving fields and how moving magnets produce electric currents.

S9-12:28. Energy and Energy Transformation: Students demonstrate their understanding of Light Energy by:

28.1. Investigating examples of wave phenomena (e.g., ripples in water, sound waves, seismic waves).

28.2. Comparing and contrasting electromagnetic waves to mechanical waves.

VT.7.13. The Living World: Organisms, Evolution, and Interdependence: Students understand the characteristics of organisms, see patterns of similarity and differences among living organisms, understand the role of evolution, and recognize the interdependence of all systems that support life.

S9-12:30. Survival of Organisms: Students demonstrate their understanding of Cell Structure and Function - Survival Requirements by:

30.1. Predicting the direction of movement of substances across a membrane.

30.2. Developing a model that illustrates the interdependence of cellular organelles (mitochondria, ribosomes, lysosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, cytoplasm) in biochemical pathways within the cell (e.g. mitochondria and chloroplasts : cellular respiration and photosynthesis; nucleus and ribosomes : DNA transcription and protein synthesis).

30.3. Identifying how the basic (general) shape and structure of each of the four types of organic molecules determine its role in maintaining cell survival (i.e., simple carbohydrates [monosaccharides] can be an energy source as a single molecule and a storage/structural molecule when multiple units are chemically combined - [starch, cellulose, chitin].).

30.4. Explaining that a specific sequence of amino acids determines the shape of a protein (i.e., sickle cell hemoglobin).

S9-12:31. Life Cycles and Reproduction: Students demonstrate their understanding of Reproduction by:

31.1. Developing a model which illustrates how the DNA of all cells/tissues in an organism is produced from a single fertilized egg cell (mitosis).

31.2. Explaining how the nucleotide sequence in DNA (gene) directs the synthesis of specific proteins needed by a cell (e.g., protein synthesis).

S9-12:32. Cell and Tissue Differentiation: Students demonstrate their understanding of Differentiation by:

32.1. Predicting the change in an embryo, caused by disruption of the ectoderm or mesoderm or endoderm during embryonic development (e.g., Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, drugs, injury).

32.2. Comparing the role of various sub-cellular units in unicellular organisms to comparable structures in multicellular organisms (i.e., oral groove, gullet, food vacuole in Paramecium compared to digestive systems in multicellular organisms).

S9-12:33. Chemical Reactions within Cells: Students demonstrate their understanding of how Energy Flow Within Cells Supports an Organism's Survival by:

33.1. Comparing and contrasting the structure of mitochondria and chloroplasts as cell organelles, the interrelatedness of their functions, and their importance to the survival of all cells.

33.2. Describing a possible flow of energy from the environment through an organism to the cellular level, and through the cell from assimilation through storage in ATP.

33.3. Investigating and describing enzyme action under a variety of chemical and physical conditions.

S9-12:34. Interdependence within Ecosystems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Energy Flow in an Ecosystem by:

34.1. Developing a model that compares the energy at different trophic levels in a given ecosystem.

S9-12:35. Interdependence within Ecosystems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Food Webs in an Ecosystem by:

35.1. Designing (and implementing) an investigation that demonstrates the chemical relationship between carbon compounds of the organisms in a food web (e.g., dyed yeast - Paramecium - roundworm).

S9-12:36. Interdependence within Ecosystems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Equilibrium in an Ecosystem by:

36.1. Designing an investigation to compare a natural system with one altered by human activities (e.g., acid rain, eutrophication through agricultural runoff, fertilizer, pollution, solid waste, clear cutting, toxic emissions or conservation and habitat reclamation).

S9-12:37. Interdependence within Ecosystems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Recycling in an Ecosystem by:

37.1. Developing and explaining a model that shows the recycling of inorganic compounds within a natural ecosystem (e.g., Compare worm compost with commercial fertilizer.).

S9-12:38. Classification of Living Things: Students demonstrate their understanding of Classification of Organisms by:

38.1. Developing a graphic representation that illustrates and compares the degree of molecular similarity among several species (e.g., DNA or amino acid sequences).

S9-12:39. Natural Selection/Evolution: Students demonstrate their understanding of Evolution/Natural Selection by:

39.1. Applying the theory of Natural Selection to a scenario depicting change within a given population over time (through many generations) (e.g., bacterial resistance to antibiotics, neck of the giraffe, animal camouflage).

VT.7.14. The Living World: The Human Body: Students demonstrate understanding of the human body heredity, body systems, and individual development and understand the impact of the environment on the human body.

S9-12:40. Heredity: Students demonstrate their understanding of Human Heredity by:

40.1. Modeling and explaining how the structure of DNA is maintained and relates to genes and chromosomes, which code for specific protein molecules within a cell.

40.2. Modeling or diagramming new gene combinations that result from sexual reproduction (e.g., dominant/recessive traits).

40.3. Explaining how alteration of a DNA sequence may affect physical/chemical characteristics of the human body (e.g., sickle-cell anemia, cancer).

40.4. Comparing and contrasting the chromosome content of somatic cells and that of sex cells (gametes).

S9-12:41. Body Systems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Human Body (biochemical) Systems by:

41.1. Diagramming a feedback loop that illustrates how several human body systems work together to restore homeostasis in response to an external stimulus (environmental/.behavioral) (e.g., exercise, fight/flight, stress, drugs, normal cellular metabolism, any nervous system response).

41.2. Explaining examples of how the human body may be affected by the state of the internal environment and by heredity and by life experience (e.g., effects of malnutrition).

41.3. Predicting and explaining how the effect of various physiological factors influences the continuation of the human species (reproductive success) (e.g., anorexia and/or steroid use, radiation/toxic wastes/drug use, mutagenic agents and/or improper diet/obesity).

S9-12:42. Human Disease: Students demonstrate their understanding of the Patterns of Human Health/Disease by:

42.1. Identifying a variety of nonspecific means of protection for the human body and explaining how these maintain human health (i.e., prevent disease).

42.2. Describing the general process of the human immune response to foreign substances and organisms (e.g., phagocyte action and antibody production and maintenance).

42.3. Showing through models/diagrams/graphic organizers how specific biological abnormalities alter the normal functioning of human systems (e.g., feedback diagram).

S9-12:43. Patterns of Human Development: Students demonstrate their understanding of the Patterns of Human Development by:

43.1. Tracing the development of the human embryo from fertilization to gastrula stage, comparing its progress to that of other vertebrate organisms (e.g., amphibians and reptiles and birds and mammals).

43.2. Comparing the gestation of humans and the period of dependency after birth to that of other vertebrates.

43.3. Identifying the important events that occur in each stage (trimester) of human development (e.g., First trimester - embryonic organ systems established, Second trimester - fetal development/organ maturation, Third trimester - overall growth).

43.4. Justifying a position on the use of technology to influence human embryonic or fetal life.

VT.7.15. The Universe, Earth, and The Environment: Theories, Systems, and Forces: Students demonstrate understanding of the earth and its environment, the solar system, and the universe in terms of the systems that characterize them, the forces that affect and shape them over time, and the theories that currently explain their evolution.

S9-12:44. Solar System: Students demonstrate their understanding of Characteristics of the Solar System by:

44.1. Comparing the nature and composition of the atmosphere of inner and outer planets.

44.2. Explaining the effect of distance from the sun on the nature of the planets (e.g., inner vs. outer planets).

S9-12:45. Scale, Distances, Star Formation, Theories, Instrumentation: Students demonstrate their understanding of Processes and Change over Time within Systems of the Universe by:

45.1. Describing the process of star formation (i.e. our sun) in relation to its size, including the interaction of the force of gravity, fusion and energy release.

45.2. Explaining the process of the Big Bang Theory and its effect on the Universe today, citing evidence to support its occurrence (Doppler effect/red shift).

45.3. Explaining how technology through time has influenced our understanding of the vastness (i.e., light years) and the nature of the universe (e.g., Ptolemy, Copernicus, Kepler, Einstein).

S9-12:46. Earth Materials and the Rock Cycle: Students demonstrate their understanding of Processes and Change over Time within Earth Systems by:

46.1. Investigating and explaining evidence illustrating that despite changes in form, conservation in the amount of earth materials occurs during the Rock Cycle.

46.2. Explaining how the heat (energy) produced by radioactive decay and pressure affects the Rock Cycle.

46.3. Explaining the processes by which elements (e.g., carbon, nitrogen, oxygen atoms) move through the earth's reservoirs (soil, atmosphere, bodies of water, organisms).

S9-12:47. Forces and Changes on the Earth's Surface: Students demonstrate their understanding of Processes and Change over Time within Earth Systems by:

47.1. Creating a model, diagram or computer simulation to demonstrate how convection circulation of the mantle initiates the movement of crustal plates which then causes earthquake and volcanic activity (e.g. Mid-Atlantic Ridge, North American and European plate collisions producing the Green Mountains).

47.2. Analyzing samples of rock sequences to determine the relative age of the rock structure.

47.3. Comparing the usefulness of various methods of determining the age of different rock structures (e.g. relative dating vs. C-dating vs. K-Ar dating. If rock structure is less than 500,000 years old, K-Ar dating cannot be used and Cdating can only be used for tens of thousands of years).

S9-12:48. Atmosphere, Water Cycle, Weather, Seasons: Students demonstrate their understanding of Processes and Change over Time within Earth Systems by:

48.1. Explaining the uniqueness of the earth's characteristics (e.g., solar intensity, gravity related to size of earth, makeup of atmosphere).

48.2. Explaining how water as a molecule is also unique in its ability to retain heat, compared to land and air on earth.

48.3. Diagramming and explaining local and large scale wind systems (e.g., land and sea breezes and global wind patterns, Coriolis effect).

48.4. Predicting weather for a particular location, using weather map data (barometric pressure, frontal systems, isobars, isotherms, mountain effects, lake/ocean effects, ocean currents, temperature/humidity) and examining world weather maps and identifying the most likely locations where extreme weather might occur (e.g., blizzards thunderstorms, hurricanes, tornadoes).

S9-12:49. Natural Resources: Students demonstrate their understanding of Processes and Change within Natural Resources by:

49.1. Comparing the availability of natural resources and the impact of different management plans (e.g., management of forests depends upon use, lumber production, sugarbush, deer habitat, mining, recreation) within the management area (forest, farmland, rivers, streams).

49.2. Choosing a Vermont ecosystem and tracing its succession before and after a damaging event, showing how the ecosystem has been restored through the maintenance of atmosphere quality, generation of soils, control of the water cycle, disposal of wastes and recycling of nutrients (e.g., flooding, former mining sites, glacial impact, deforestation, recovery of rivers from sewage/chemical dumping, burning of fossil fuels).

49.3. Explaining a natural chemical cycle that has been disrupted by human activity and predict what the long term effect will be on organisms (e.g., acid precipitation, global warming. ozone depletion, pollution of water by phosphates, mercury, PCBs, etc.).

49.4. Tracing the processes that are necessary to produce a common, everyday object from the original raw materials to its final destination after human use, considering alternate routes - including extraction of raw material, production and transportation, energy use and waste disposal throughout, packaging and recycling and/or disposal (e.g., aluminum can, steel).

VT.7.1. Inquiry, Experimentation, and Theory: Scientific Method: Students use scientific methods to describe, investigate, and explain phenomena and raise questions in order to: Generate alternative explanations (hypotheses) based on observations and prior knowledge; Design inquiry that allows these explanations to be tested; Deduce the expected results; Gather and analyze data to compare the actual results to the expected outcomes; and Make and communicate conclusions, generating new questions raised by observations and readings.

S9-12:1. Scientific Questioning: Students demonstrate their understanding of scientific questioning by:

1.1. Framing testable questions showing evidence of observations and prior knowledge to illustrate cause and effect.

1.2. Developing a testable question appropriate to the scientific domain being investigated.

S9-12:2. Predicting and Hypothesizing: Students demonstrate their understanding of predicting and hypothesizing by:

2.1. Developing a testable/guiding hypothesis and predictions based upon evidence of scientific principles.

2.2. Predicting results (evidence) that supports the hypothesis.

2.3. Clearly distinguishing cause and effect within a testable/guiding hypothesis.

S9-12:3. Designing Experiments: Students demonstrate their understanding of experimental design by:

3.1. Writing a plan that includes: (a) Procedures that incorporate appropriate protection (e.g., no food in lab area); (b) Appropriate tools, units of measurement and degree of accuracy; (c) Components that reflect current scientific knowledge and available technology; (d) Use of scientific terminology that supports the identified procedures.

S9-12:4. Conducting Experiments: Students demonstrate their ability to conduct experiments by:

4.1. Collecting significant data through completing multiple trials.

4.2. Evaluating and revising procedures as investigation progresses.

S9-12:5. Representing Data and Analysis: Students demonstrate their ability to represent data by:

5.1. Representing data quantitatively to the appropriate level of precision through the use of mathematical calculations.

5.2. Developing the skill of drawing a 'best fit' curve from data.

5.3. Recording accurate data, free of bias.

5.4. Avoiding plagiarism/fabrication of other recorded research data.

S9-12:6. Representing Data and Analysis: Students demonstrate their ability to analyze data by:

6.1. Accounting for identified experimental errors.

6.2. Analyzing significance of experimental data.

6.3. Critically comparing evidence collected with that of others (e.g., classmates or scientists in the field).

S9-12:7. Representing Data and Analysis: Students demonstrate their ability to explain data by:

7.1. Proposing, synthesizing, and evaluating alternative explanations for experimental results.

7.2. Citing experimental evidence within explanation.

7.3. Including logically consistent position to explain observed phenomena.

7.4. Comparing experimental conclusion to other proposed explanations by peer review (e.g., students, scientists or local interest groups).

7.5. Conducting objective scientific analysis, free of bias.

7.6. Identifying and evaluating uncontrolled variables inherent in experimental model.

S9-12:8. Applying Results: Students demonstrate their ability to apply results by:

8.1. Using technology to communicate results effectively and appropriately to others (e.g., power point, web site, posters, etc.).

8.2. Predicting/recommending how scientific conclusions can be applied to civic, economic or social issues.

8.3. Proposing and evaluating new questions, predictions, procedures and technology for further investigations.

VT.7.2. Inquiry, Experimentation, and Theory: Investigation: Students design and conduct a variety of their own investigations and projects. These should include: Questions that can be studied using the resources available; Procedures that are safe, humane, and ethical; Data that are collected and recorded in ways that others can verify; Data and results that are represented in ways that address the question at hand; Recommendations, decisions, and conclusions that are based on evidence, and that acknowledge references and contributions of others; Results that are communicated appropriately to audiences; and Reflections and defense of conclusions and recommendations from other sources, and peer review.

S9-12:1. Scientific Questioning: Students demonstrate their understanding of scientific questioning by:

1.1. Framing testable questions showing evidence of observations and prior knowledge to illustrate cause and effect.

1.2. Developing a testable question appropriate to the scientific domain being investigated.

S9-12:2. Predicting and Hypothesizing: Students demonstrate their understanding of predicting and hypothesizing by:

2.1. Developing a testable/guiding hypothesis and predictions based upon evidence of scientific principles.

2.2. Predicting results (evidence) that supports the hypothesis.

2.3. Clearly distinguishing cause and effect within a testable/guiding hypothesis.

S9-12:3. Designing Experiments: Students demonstrate their understanding of experimental design by:

3.1. Writing a plan that includes: (a) Procedures that incorporate appropriate protection (e.g., no food in lab area); (b) Appropriate tools, units of measurement and degree of accuracy; (c) Components that reflect current scientific knowledge and available technology; (d) Use of scientific terminology that supports the identified procedures.

S9-12:4. Conducting Experiments: Students demonstrate their ability to conduct experiments by:

4.1. Collecting significant data through completing multiple trials.

4.2. Evaluating and revising procedures as investigation progresses.

S9-12:5. Representing Data and Analysis: Students demonstrate their ability to represent data by:

5.1. Representing data quantitatively to the appropriate level of precision through the use of mathematical calculations.

5.2. Developing the skill of drawing a 'best fit' curve from data.

5.3. Recording accurate data, free of bias.

5.4. Avoiding plagiarism/fabrication of other recorded research data.

VT.7.9. Mathematical Understanding: Statistics and Probability Concepts: Students use statistics and probability concepts.

S9-12:34. Interdependence within Ecosystems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Energy Flow in an Ecosystem by:

34.1. Developing a model that compares the energy at different trophic levels in a given ecosystem.

S9-12:35. Interdependence within Ecosystems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Food Webs in an Ecosystem by:

35.1. Designing (and implementing) an investigation that demonstrates the chemical relationship between carbon compounds of the organisms in a food web (e.g., dyed yeast - Paramecium - roundworm).

VT.7.11. Systems: Analysis: Students analyze and understand living and non-living systems (e.g., biological, chemical, electrical, mechanical, optical) as collections of interrelated parts and interconnected systems.

S9-12:34. Interdependence within Ecosystems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Energy Flow in an Ecosystem by:

34.1. Developing a model that compares the energy at different trophic levels in a given ecosystem.

S9-12:35. Interdependence within Ecosystems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Food Webs in an Ecosystem by:

35.1. Designing (and implementing) an investigation that demonstrates the chemical relationship between carbon compounds of the organisms in a food web (e.g., dyed yeast - Paramecium - roundworm).

S9-12:36. Interdependence within Ecosystems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Equilibrium in an Ecosystem by:

36.1. Designing an investigation to compare a natural system with one altered by human activities (e.g., acid rain, eutrophication through agricultural runoff, fertilizer, pollution, solid waste, clear cutting, toxic emissions or conservation and habitat reclamation).

S9-12:37. Interdependence within Ecosystems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Recycling in an Ecosystem by:

37.1. Developing and explaining a model that shows the recycling of inorganic compounds within a natural ecosystem (e.g., Compare worm compost with commercial fertilizer.).

S9-12:41. Body Systems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Human Body (biochemical) Systems by:

41.1. Diagramming a feedback loop that illustrates how several human body systems work together to restore homeostasis in response to an external stimulus (environmental/.behavioral) (e.g., exercise, fight/flight, stress, drugs, normal cellular metabolism, any nervous system response).

41.2. Explaining examples of how the human body may be affected by the state of the internal environment and by heredity and by life experience (e.g., effects of malnutrition).

41.3. Predicting and explaining how the effect of various physiological factors influences the continuation of the human species (reproductive success) (e.g., anorexia and/or steroid use, radiation/toxic wastes/drug use, mutagenic agents and/or improper diet/obesity).

VT.7.12. Space, Time, and Matter: Matter, Motion, Forces, and Energy: Students understand forces and motion, the properties and composition of matter, and energy sources and transformations.

S9-12:9. Properties of Matter: Students demonstrate their understanding of Properties of Matter by:

9.1. Distinguishing one substance from another through examination of physical properties (such as density, melting point, conductivity), chemical properties (such as reactivity with O2 or acid or water), and nuclear properties (such as changes in atomic mass, isotopes and half-life).

9.2. Explaining the states of a substance in terms of the particulate nature of matter and the forces of interaction between particles.

10.1. Comparing the characteristics of three major components of all atoms (protons, electrons, neutrons) their location within an atom, their relative size and their charge.

10.2. Writing formulae for compounds and developing models using electron structure (e.g., Lewis dot).

S9-12:11. Properties of Matter: Students demonstrate their understanding of the Properties of Matter by:

11.1. Identifying and explaining the basis for the arrangement of elements within the Periodic Table (e.g., trends, valence, reactivity, electro negativity, ionization).

11.2. Determining valence electrons of selected elements.

11.3. Predicting the relative physical and chemical properties of an element based on its location within the Periodic Table.

S9-12:12. Properties of Matter: Students demonstrate their understanding of the States of Matter by:

12.1. Investigating the interactions between atoms or molecules within a system (e.g., hydrogen bonding, van der Waals forces, fluorescent light, stars).

S9-12:13. Properties of Matter: Students demonstrate their understanding of the Properties of a Gas by:

13.1. Quantitatively determining how volume, pressure, temperature and amount of gas affect each other (PV=nRT) in a system.

S9-12:14. Physical Change: Students demonstrate their understanding of Physical Change by:

14.1. Investigating and graphing the effect of heat energy on the phase changes of water from a solid state to a liquid state to a gaseous state and comparing that data to other substances.

S9-12:15. Chemical Change: Students demonstrate their understanding of Chemical Change by:

15.1. Writing simple balanced chemical equations to represent chemical reactions and illustrate the conservation of atoms.

15.2. Qualitatively predicting reactants and products in a prescribed investigation (e.g. oxidation, reduction, acid/base reactions).

S9-12:16. Chemical Change: Students demonstrate their understanding of Chemical Change by:

16.1. Investigating, and explaining the increase or decrease in temperature of the substances in a chemical reaction caused by a transfer of heat energy from that reaction. (e.g., exothermic and endothermic reactions).

S9-12:17. Nuclear Change: Students demonstrate their understanding of Nuclear Change by:

17.1. Explaining how alpha and beta emissions create changes in the nucleus of an atom, resulting in a completely different element.

17.2. Distinguishing between the reactants and products of a chemical reaction and those of a nuclear decay reaction.

17.3. Comparing the relative energies produced by each.

17.4. Explaining the organization of an atomic nucleus and identifying the universal forces from strongest to weakest.

S9-12:18. Nuclear Change: Students demonstrate their understanding of Nuclear Change by:

18.1. Explaining the concept of half-life and using the half-life principle to predict the approximate age of a material.

S9-12:19. Motion: Students demonstrate their understanding of Motion by:

19.1. Predicting the path of an object in different reference planes and explaining how and why this occurs.

19.2. Using modeling, illustrating and explaining of how distance and velocity change over time for a free falling object.

19.3. Modeling, illustrating and explaining the path of an object which has horizontal and free fall motion (i.e., football, bullet).

20.1. Qualitatively analyzing how inertia affects the outcome in each of a series of situations (i.e., kicking a sand-filled football, moving a bowl of soup quickly across the table).

S9-12:21. Force: Students demonstrate their understanding of Force by:

21.1. Investigating quantitatively the acceleration as either the mass of the system or the force accelerating the mass is changed (e.g., cart with variable weights on horizontal table attached to a string with weights).

21.2. Investigating whether acceleration is greater or less as either the mass of the system or the force accelerating the mass is changed (e.g., cart with variable weights on horizontal table attached to a string with weights).

21.3. Demonstrating action force/reaction force in one of three different ways; describing in words, demonstrating physically, and modeling the occurrence of opposing actions.

S9-12:22. Force: Students demonstrate their understanding of Gravitational Force by:

22.1. Determining quantitatively how gravitational force changes when mass changes; or when distance changes.

S9-12:23. Energy and Energy Transformation: Students demonstrate their understanding of Heat Energy by:

23.1. Comparing and contrasting characteristics of the different forms of energy, particularly within chemical reactions.

23.2. Describing or diagramming the changes in energy (transformation) that occur in different situations (e.g., chemical, biological, physical) through analysis of the input and output energies in a system (e.g., calorimetry, specific heat of water, heat of fusion of water).

23.3. Investigating examples of entropy in discrete systems (e.g., electrical systems, the effectiveness of insulating materials, the human thermostat - hypothermia/homeostasis).

S9-12:24. Energy and Energy Transformation: Students demonstrate their understanding of Electrical Energy by:

24.1. Explaining through words, diagrams, models or electrostatic demonstrations the principle that like charges repel and unlike charges attract.

24.2. Explaining (through words, charts, diagrams, models or mathematical examples) the effects of distance and the amount of charge on the strength of the electrical force present.

24.3. Describing how friction and other mechanical forces are the result of electromagnetic forces.

S9-12:26. Energy and Energy Transformation: Students demonstrate their understanding of Electromagnetic Forces by:

26.1. Giving examples and explaining the wave nature of electromagnetic energy (refraction, diffraction, etc.) and describing and explaining the particle nature of electromagnetic energy (photoelectric effect, Compton effect).

26.2. Relating the particle nature of electromagnetic waves to their frequencies and to discrete changes in energy levels within atoms.

S9-12:27. Energy and Energy Transformation: Students demonstrate their understanding of Electromagnetic Forces by:

27.1. Describing through words, models, or diagrams the presence of electromagnetic forces in an atom.

27.2. Comparing and contrasting the electromagnetic and gravitational forces between the particles that make up an atom.

27.3. Explaining in words, models or diagrams how electric currents produce magnetic fields and how moving fields and how moving magnets produce electric currents.

S9-12:28. Energy and Energy Transformation: Students demonstrate their understanding of Light Energy by:

28.1. Investigating examples of wave phenomena (e.g., ripples in water, sound waves, seismic waves).

28.2. Comparing and contrasting electromagnetic waves to mechanical waves.

VT.7.13. The Living World: Organisms, Evolution, and Interdependence: Students understand the characteristics of organisms, see patterns of similarity and differences among living organisms, understand the role of evolution, and recognize the interdependence of all systems that support life.

S9-12:30. Survival of Organisms: Students demonstrate their understanding of Cell Structure and Function - Survival Requirements by:

30.1. Predicting the direction of movement of substances across a membrane.

30.2. Developing a model that illustrates the interdependence of cellular organelles (mitochondria, ribosomes, lysosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, cytoplasm) in biochemical pathways within the cell (e.g. mitochondria and chloroplasts : cellular respiration and photosynthesis; nucleus and ribosomes : DNA transcription and protein synthesis).

30.3. Identifying how the basic (general) shape and structure of each of the four types of organic molecules determine its role in maintaining cell survival (i.e., simple carbohydrates [monosaccharides] can be an energy source as a single molecule and a storage/structural molecule when multiple units are chemically combined - [starch, cellulose, chitin].).

30.4. Explaining that a specific sequence of amino acids determines the shape of a protein (i.e., sickle cell hemoglobin).

S9-12:31. Life Cycles and Reproduction: Students demonstrate their understanding of Reproduction by:

31.1. Developing a model which illustrates how the DNA of all cells/tissues in an organism is produced from a single fertilized egg cell (mitosis).

31.2. Explaining how the nucleotide sequence in DNA (gene) directs the synthesis of specific proteins needed by a cell (e.g., protein synthesis).

S9-12:32. Cell and Tissue Differentiation: Students demonstrate their understanding of Differentiation by:

32.1. Predicting the change in an embryo, caused by disruption of the ectoderm or mesoderm or endoderm during embryonic development (e.g., Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, drugs, injury).

32.2. Comparing the role of various sub-cellular units in unicellular organisms to comparable structures in multicellular organisms (i.e., oral groove, gullet, food vacuole in Paramecium compared to digestive systems in multicellular organisms).

S9-12:33. Chemical Reactions within Cells: Students demonstrate their understanding of how Energy Flow Within Cells Supports an Organism's Survival by:

33.1. Comparing and contrasting the structure of mitochondria and chloroplasts as cell organelles, the interrelatedness of their functions, and their importance to the survival of all cells.

33.2. Describing a possible flow of energy from the environment through an organism to the cellular level, and through the cell from assimilation through storage in ATP.

33.3. Investigating and describing enzyme action under a variety of chemical and physical conditions.

S9-12:34. Interdependence within Ecosystems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Energy Flow in an Ecosystem by:

34.1. Developing a model that compares the energy at different trophic levels in a given ecosystem.

S9-12:35. Interdependence within Ecosystems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Food Webs in an Ecosystem by:

35.1. Designing (and implementing) an investigation that demonstrates the chemical relationship between carbon compounds of the organisms in a food web (e.g., dyed yeast - Paramecium - roundworm).

S9-12:36. Interdependence within Ecosystems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Equilibrium in an Ecosystem by:

36.1. Designing an investigation to compare a natural system with one altered by human activities (e.g., acid rain, eutrophication through agricultural runoff, fertilizer, pollution, solid waste, clear cutting, toxic emissions or conservation and habitat reclamation).

S9-12:37. Interdependence within Ecosystems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Recycling in an Ecosystem by:

37.1. Developing and explaining a model that shows the recycling of inorganic compounds within a natural ecosystem (e.g., Compare worm compost with commercial fertilizer.).

S9-12:38. Classification of Living Things: Students demonstrate their understanding of Classification of Organisms by:

38.1. Developing a graphic representation that illustrates and compares the degree of molecular similarity among several species (e.g., DNA or amino acid sequences).

S9-12:39. Natural Selection/Evolution: Students demonstrate their understanding of Evolution/Natural Selection by:

39.1. Applying the theory of Natural Selection to a scenario depicting change within a given population over time (through many generations) (e.g., bacterial resistance to antibiotics, neck of the giraffe, animal camouflage).

VT.7.14. The Living World: The Human Body: Students demonstrate understanding of the human body heredity, body systems, and individual development and understand the impact of the environment on the human body.

S9-12:40. Heredity: Students demonstrate their understanding of Human Heredity by:

40.1. Modeling and explaining how the structure of DNA is maintained and relates to genes and chromosomes, which code for specific protein molecules within a cell.

40.2. Modeling or diagramming new gene combinations that result from sexual reproduction (e.g., dominant/recessive traits).

40.3. Explaining how alteration of a DNA sequence may affect physical/chemical characteristics of the human body (e.g., sickle-cell anemia, cancer).

40.4. Comparing and contrasting the chromosome content of somatic cells and that of sex cells (gametes).

S9-12:41. Body Systems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Human Body (biochemical) Systems by:

41.1. Diagramming a feedback loop that illustrates how several human body systems work together to restore homeostasis in response to an external stimulus (environmental/.behavioral) (e.g., exercise, fight/flight, stress, drugs, normal cellular metabolism, any nervous system response).

41.2. Explaining examples of how the human body may be affected by the state of the internal environment and by heredity and by life experience (e.g., effects of malnutrition).

41.3. Predicting and explaining how the effect of various physiological factors influences the continuation of the human species (reproductive success) (e.g., anorexia and/or steroid use, radiation/toxic wastes/drug use, mutagenic agents and/or improper diet/obesity).

S9-12:42. Human Disease: Students demonstrate their understanding of the Patterns of Human Health/Disease by:

42.1. Identifying a variety of nonspecific means of protection for the human body and explaining how these maintain human health (i.e., prevent disease).

42.2. Describing the general process of the human immune response to foreign substances and organisms (e.g., phagocyte action and antibody production and maintenance).

42.3. Showing through models/diagrams/graphic organizers how specific biological abnormalities alter the normal functioning of human systems (e.g., feedback diagram).

S9-12:43. Patterns of Human Development: Students demonstrate their understanding of the Patterns of Human Development by:

43.1. Tracing the development of the human embryo from fertilization to gastrula stage, comparing its progress to that of other vertebrate organisms (e.g., amphibians and reptiles and birds and mammals).

43.2. Comparing the gestation of humans and the period of dependency after birth to that of other vertebrates.

43.3. Identifying the important events that occur in each stage (trimester) of human development (e.g., First trimester - embryonic organ systems established, Second trimester - fetal development/organ maturation, Third trimester - overall growth).

43.4. Justifying a position on the use of technology to influence human embryonic or fetal life.

VT.7.15. The Universe, Earth, and The Environment: Theories, Systems, and Forces: Students demonstrate understanding of the earth and its environment, the solar system, and the universe in terms of the systems that characterize them, the forces that affect and shape them over time, and the theories that currently explain their evolution.

S9-12:44. Solar System: Students demonstrate their understanding of Characteristics of the Solar System by:

44.1. Comparing the nature and composition of the atmosphere of inner and outer planets.

44.2. Explaining the effect of distance from the sun on the nature of the planets (e.g., inner vs. outer planets).

S9-12:45. Scale, Distances, Star Formation, Theories, Instrumentation: Students demonstrate their understanding of Processes and Change over Time within Systems of the Universe by:

45.1. Describing the process of star formation (i.e. our sun) in relation to its size, including the interaction of the force of gravity, fusion and energy release.

45.2. Explaining the process of the Big Bang Theory and its effect on the Universe today, citing evidence to support its occurrence (Doppler effect/red shift).

45.3. Explaining how technology through time has influenced our understanding of the vastness (i.e., light years) and the nature of the universe (e.g., Ptolemy, Copernicus, Kepler, Einstein).

S9-12:46. Earth Materials and the Rock Cycle: Students demonstrate their understanding of Processes and Change over Time within Earth Systems by:

46.1. Investigating and explaining evidence illustrating that despite changes in form, conservation in the amount of earth materials occurs during the Rock Cycle.

46.2. Explaining how the heat (energy) produced by radioactive decay and pressure affects the Rock Cycle.

46.3. Explaining the processes by which elements (e.g., carbon, nitrogen, oxygen atoms) move through the earth's reservoirs (soil, atmosphere, bodies of water, organisms).

S9-12:47. Forces and Changes on the Earth's Surface: Students demonstrate their understanding of Processes and Change over Time within Earth Systems by:

47.1. Creating a model, diagram or computer simulation to demonstrate how convection circulation of the mantle initiates the movement of crustal plates which then causes earthquake and volcanic activity (e.g. Mid-Atlantic Ridge, North American and European plate collisions producing the Green Mountains).

47.2. Analyzing samples of rock sequences to determine the relative age of the rock structure.

47.3. Comparing the usefulness of various methods of determining the age of different rock structures (e.g. relative dating vs. C-dating vs. K-Ar dating. If rock structure is less than 500,000 years old, K-Ar dating cannot be used and Cdating can only be used for tens of thousands of years).

S9-12:48. Atmosphere, Water Cycle, Weather, Seasons: Students demonstrate their understanding of Processes and Change over Time within Earth Systems by:

48.1. Explaining the uniqueness of the earth's characteristics (e.g., solar intensity, gravity related to size of earth, makeup of atmosphere).

48.2. Explaining how water as a molecule is also unique in its ability to retain heat, compared to land and air on earth.

48.3. Diagramming and explaining local and large scale wind systems (e.g., land and sea breezes and global wind patterns, Coriolis effect).

48.4. Predicting weather for a particular location, using weather map data (barometric pressure, frontal systems, isobars, isotherms, mountain effects, lake/ocean effects, ocean currents, temperature/humidity) and examining world weather maps and identifying the most likely locations where extreme weather might occur (e.g., blizzards thunderstorms, hurricanes, tornadoes).

S9-12:49. Natural Resources: Students demonstrate their understanding of Processes and Change within Natural Resources by:

49.1. Comparing the availability of natural resources and the impact of different management plans (e.g., management of forests depends upon use, lumber production, sugarbush, deer habitat, mining, recreation) within the management area (forest, farmland, rivers, streams).

49.2. Choosing a Vermont ecosystem and tracing its succession before and after a damaging event, showing how the ecosystem has been restored through the maintenance of atmosphere quality, generation of soils, control of the water cycle, disposal of wastes and recycling of nutrients (e.g., flooding, former mining sites, glacial impact, deforestation, recovery of rivers from sewage/chemical dumping, burning of fossil fuels).

49.3. Explaining a natural chemical cycle that has been disrupted by human activity and predict what the long term effect will be on organisms (e.g., acid precipitation, global warming. ozone depletion, pollution of water by phosphates, mercury, PCBs, etc.).

49.4. Tracing the processes that are necessary to produce a common, everyday object from the original raw materials to its final destination after human use, considering alternate routes - including extraction of raw material, production and transportation, energy use and waste disposal throughout, packaging and recycling and/or disposal (e.g., aluminum can, steel).

VT.7.1. Inquiry, Experimentation, and Theory: Scientific Method: Students use scientific methods to describe, investigate, and explain phenomena and raise questions in order to: Generate alternative explanations (hypotheses) based on observations and prior knowledge; Design inquiry that allows these explanations to be tested; Deduce the expected results; Gather and analyze data to compare the actual results to the expected outcomes; and Make and communicate conclusions, generating new questions raised by observations and readings.

S9-12:1. Scientific Questioning: Students demonstrate their understanding of scientific questioning by:

1.1. Framing testable questions showing evidence of observations and prior knowledge to illustrate cause and effect.

1.2. Developing a testable question appropriate to the scientific domain being investigated.

S9-12:2. Predicting and Hypothesizing: Students demonstrate their understanding of predicting and hypothesizing by:

2.1. Developing a testable/guiding hypothesis and predictions based upon evidence of scientific principles.

2.2. Predicting results (evidence) that supports the hypothesis.

2.3. Clearly distinguishing cause and effect within a testable/guiding hypothesis.

S9-12:3. Designing Experiments: Students demonstrate their understanding of experimental design by:

3.1. Writing a plan that includes: (a) Procedures that incorporate appropriate protection (e.g., no food in lab area); (b) Appropriate tools, units of measurement and degree of accuracy; (c) Components that reflect current scientific knowledge and available technology; (d) Use of scientific terminology that supports the identified procedures.

S9-12:4. Conducting Experiments: Students demonstrate their ability to conduct experiments by:

4.1. Collecting significant data through completing multiple trials.

4.2. Evaluating and revising procedures as investigation progresses.

S9-12:5. Representing Data and Analysis: Students demonstrate their ability to represent data by:

5.1. Representing data quantitatively to the appropriate level of precision through the use of mathematical calculations.

5.2. Developing the skill of drawing a 'best fit' curve from data.

5.3. Recording accurate data, free of bias.

5.4. Avoiding plagiarism/fabrication of other recorded research data.

S9-12:6. Representing Data and Analysis: Students demonstrate their ability to analyze data by:

6.1. Accounting for identified experimental errors.

6.2. Analyzing significance of experimental data.

6.3. Critically comparing evidence collected with that of others (e.g., classmates or scientists in the field).

S9-12:7. Representing Data and Analysis: Students demonstrate their ability to explain data by:

7.1. Proposing, synthesizing, and evaluating alternative explanations for experimental results.

7.2. Citing experimental evidence within explanation.

7.3. Including logically consistent position to explain observed phenomena.

7.4. Comparing experimental conclusion to other proposed explanations by peer review (e.g., students, scientists or local interest groups).

7.5. Conducting objective scientific analysis, free of bias.

7.6. Identifying and evaluating uncontrolled variables inherent in experimental model.

S9-12:8. Applying Results: Students demonstrate their ability to apply results by:

8.1. Using technology to communicate results effectively and appropriately to others (e.g., power point, web site, posters, etc.).

8.2. Predicting/recommending how scientific conclusions can be applied to civic, economic or social issues.

8.3. Proposing and evaluating new questions, predictions, procedures and technology for further investigations.

VT.7.2. Inquiry, Experimentation, and Theory: Investigation: Students design and conduct a variety of their own investigations and projects. These should include: Questions that can be studied using the resources available; Procedures that are safe, humane, and ethical; Data that are collected and recorded in ways that others can verify; Data and results that are represented in ways that address the question at hand; Recommendations, decisions, and conclusions that are based on evidence, and that acknowledge references and contributions of others; Results that are communicated appropriately to audiences; and Reflections and defense of conclusions and recommendations from other sources, and peer review.

S9-12:1. Scientific Questioning: Students demonstrate their understanding of scientific questioning by:

1.1. Framing testable questions showing evidence of observations and prior knowledge to illustrate cause and effect.

1.2. Developing a testable question appropriate to the scientific domain being investigated.

S9-12:2. Predicting and Hypothesizing: Students demonstrate their understanding of predicting and hypothesizing by:

2.1. Developing a testable/guiding hypothesis and predictions based upon evidence of scientific principles.

2.2. Predicting results (evidence) that supports the hypothesis.

2.3. Clearly distinguishing cause and effect within a testable/guiding hypothesis.

S9-12:3. Designing Experiments: Students demonstrate their understanding of experimental design by:

3.1. Writing a plan that includes: (a) Procedures that incorporate appropriate protection (e.g., no food in lab area); (b) Appropriate tools, units of measurement and degree of accuracy; (c) Components that reflect current scientific knowledge and available technology; (d) Use of scientific terminology that supports the identified procedures.

S9-12:4. Conducting Experiments: Students demonstrate their ability to conduct experiments by:

4.1. Collecting significant data through completing multiple trials.

4.2. Evaluating and revising procedures as investigation progresses.

S9-12:5. Representing Data and Analysis: Students demonstrate their ability to represent data by:

5.1. Representing data quantitatively to the appropriate level of precision through the use of mathematical calculations.

5.2. Developing the skill of drawing a 'best fit' curve from data.

5.3. Recording accurate data, free of bias.

5.4. Avoiding plagiarism/fabrication of other recorded research data.

VT.7.9. Mathematical Understanding: Statistics and Probability Concepts: Students use statistics and probability concepts.

S9-12:34. Interdependence within Ecosystems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Energy Flow in an Ecosystem by:

34.1. Developing a model that compares the energy at different trophic levels in a given ecosystem.

S9-12:35. Interdependence within Ecosystems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Food Webs in an Ecosystem by:

35.1. Designing (and implementing) an investigation that demonstrates the chemical relationship between carbon compounds of the organisms in a food web (e.g., dyed yeast - Paramecium - roundworm).

VT.7.11. Systems: Analysis: Students analyze and understand living and non-living systems (e.g., biological, chemical, electrical, mechanical, optical) as collections of interrelated parts and interconnected systems.

S9-12:34. Interdependence within Ecosystems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Energy Flow in an Ecosystem by:

34.1. Developing a model that compares the energy at different trophic levels in a given ecosystem.

S9-12:35. Interdependence within Ecosystems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Food Webs in an Ecosystem by:

35.1. Designing (and implementing) an investigation that demonstrates the chemical relationship between carbon compounds of the organisms in a food web (e.g., dyed yeast - Paramecium - roundworm).

S9-12:36. Interdependence within Ecosystems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Equilibrium in an Ecosystem by:

36.1. Designing an investigation to compare a natural system with one altered by human activities (e.g., acid rain, eutrophication through agricultural runoff, fertilizer, pollution, solid waste, clear cutting, toxic emissions or conservation and habitat reclamation).

S9-12:37. Interdependence within Ecosystems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Recycling in an Ecosystem by:

37.1. Developing and explaining a model that shows the recycling of inorganic compounds within a natural ecosystem (e.g., Compare worm compost with commercial fertilizer.).

S9-12:41. Body Systems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Human Body (biochemical) Systems by:

41.1. Diagramming a feedback loop that illustrates how several human body systems work together to restore homeostasis in response to an external stimulus (environmental/.behavioral) (e.g., exercise, fight/flight, stress, drugs, normal cellular metabolism, any nervous system response).

41.2. Explaining examples of how the human body may be affected by the state of the internal environment and by heredity and by life experience (e.g., effects of malnutrition).

41.3. Predicting and explaining how the effect of various physiological factors influences the continuation of the human species (reproductive success) (e.g., anorexia and/or steroid use, radiation/toxic wastes/drug use, mutagenic agents and/or improper diet/obesity).

VT.7.12. Space, Time, and Matter: Matter, Motion, Forces, and Energy: Students understand forces and motion, the properties and composition of matter, and energy sources and transformations.

S9-12:9. Properties of Matter: Students demonstrate their understanding of Properties of Matter by:

9.1. Distinguishing one substance from another through examination of physical properties (such as density, melting point, conductivity), chemical properties (such as reactivity with O2 or acid or water), and nuclear properties (such as changes in atomic mass, isotopes and half-life).

9.2. Explaining the states of a substance in terms of the particulate nature of matter and the forces of interaction between particles.

10.1. Comparing the characteristics of three major components of all atoms (protons, electrons, neutrons) their location within an atom, their relative size and their charge.

10.2. Writing formulae for compounds and developing models using electron structure (e.g., Lewis dot).

S9-12:11. Properties of Matter: Students demonstrate their understanding of the Properties of Matter by:

11.1. Identifying and explaining the basis for the arrangement of elements within the Periodic Table (e.g., trends, valence, reactivity, electro negativity, ionization).

11.2. Determining valence electrons of selected elements.

11.3. Predicting the relative physical and chemical properties of an element based on its location within the Periodic Table.

S9-12:12. Properties of Matter: Students demonstrate their understanding of the States of Matter by:

12.1. Investigating the interactions between atoms or molecules within a system (e.g., hydrogen bonding, van der Waals forces, fluorescent light, stars).

S9-12:13. Properties of Matter: Students demonstrate their understanding of the Properties of a Gas by:

13.1. Quantitatively determining how volume, pressure, temperature and amount of gas affect each other (PV=nRT) in a system.

S9-12:14. Physical Change: Students demonstrate their understanding of Physical Change by:

14.1. Investigating and graphing the effect of heat energy on the phase changes of water from a solid state to a liquid state to a gaseous state and comparing that data to other substances.

S9-12:15. Chemical Change: Students demonstrate their understanding of Chemical Change by:

15.1. Writing simple balanced chemical equations to represent chemical reactions and illustrate the conservation of atoms.

15.2. Qualitatively predicting reactants and products in a prescribed investigation (e.g. oxidation, reduction, acid/base reactions).

S9-12:16. Chemical Change: Students demonstrate their understanding of Chemical Change by:

16.1. Investigating, and explaining the increase or decrease in temperature of the substances in a chemical reaction caused by a transfer of heat energy from that reaction. (e.g., exothermic and endothermic reactions).

S9-12:17. Nuclear Change: Students demonstrate their understanding of Nuclear Change by:

17.1. Explaining how alpha and beta emissions create changes in the nucleus of an atom, resulting in a completely different element.

17.2. Distinguishing between the reactants and products of a chemical reaction and those of a nuclear decay reaction.

17.3. Comparing the relative energies produced by each.

17.4. Explaining the organization of an atomic nucleus and identifying the universal forces from strongest to weakest.

S9-12:18. Nuclear Change: Students demonstrate their understanding of Nuclear Change by:

18.1. Explaining the concept of half-life and using the half-life principle to predict the approximate age of a material.

S9-12:19. Motion: Students demonstrate their understanding of Motion by:

19.1. Predicting the path of an object in different reference planes and explaining how and why this occurs.

19.2. Using modeling, illustrating and explaining of how distance and velocity change over time for a free falling object.

19.3. Modeling, illustrating and explaining the path of an object which has horizontal and free fall motion (i.e., football, bullet).

20.1. Qualitatively analyzing how inertia affects the outcome in each of a series of situations (i.e., kicking a sand-filled football, moving a bowl of soup quickly across the table).

S9-12:21. Force: Students demonstrate their understanding of Force by:

21.1. Investigating quantitatively the acceleration as either the mass of the system or the force accelerating the mass is changed (e.g., cart with variable weights on horizontal table attached to a string with weights).

21.2. Investigating whether acceleration is greater or less as either the mass of the system or the force accelerating the mass is changed (e.g., cart with variable weights on horizontal table attached to a string with weights).

21.3. Demonstrating action force/reaction force in one of three different ways; describing in words, demonstrating physically, and modeling the occurrence of opposing actions.

S9-12:22. Force: Students demonstrate their understanding of Gravitational Force by:

22.1. Determining quantitatively how gravitational force changes when mass changes; or when distance changes.

S9-12:23. Energy and Energy Transformation: Students demonstrate their understanding of Heat Energy by:

23.1. Comparing and contrasting characteristics of the different forms of energy, particularly within chemical reactions.

23.2. Describing or diagramming the changes in energy (transformation) that occur in different situations (e.g., chemical, biological, physical) through analysis of the input and output energies in a system (e.g., calorimetry, specific heat of water, heat of fusion of water).

23.3. Investigating examples of entropy in discrete systems (e.g., electrical systems, the effectiveness of insulating materials, the human thermostat - hypothermia/homeostasis).

S9-12:24. Energy and Energy Transformation: Students demonstrate their understanding of Electrical Energy by:

24.1. Explaining through words, diagrams, models or electrostatic demonstrations the principle that like charges repel and unlike charges attract.

24.2. Explaining (through words, charts, diagrams, models or mathematical examples) the effects of distance and the amount of charge on the strength of the electrical force present.

24.3. Describing how friction and other mechanical forces are the result of electromagnetic forces.

S9-12:26. Energy and Energy Transformation: Students demonstrate their understanding of Electromagnetic Forces by:

26.1. Giving examples and explaining the wave nature of electromagnetic energy (refraction, diffraction, etc.) and describing and explaining the particle nature of electromagnetic energy (photoelectric effect, Compton effect).

26.2. Relating the particle nature of electromagnetic waves to their frequencies and to discrete changes in energy levels within atoms.

S9-12:27. Energy and Energy Transformation: Students demonstrate their understanding of Electromagnetic Forces by:

27.1. Describing through words, models, or diagrams the presence of electromagnetic forces in an atom.

27.2. Comparing and contrasting the electromagnetic and gravitational forces between the particles that make up an atom.

27.3. Explaining in words, models or diagrams how electric currents produce magnetic fields and how moving fields and how moving magnets produce electric currents.

S9-12:28. Energy and Energy Transformation: Students demonstrate their understanding of Light Energy by:

28.1. Investigating examples of wave phenomena (e.g., ripples in water, sound waves, seismic waves).

28.2. Comparing and contrasting electromagnetic waves to mechanical waves.

VT.7.13. The Living World: Organisms, Evolution, and Interdependence: Students understand the characteristics of organisms, see patterns of similarity and differences among living organisms, understand the role of evolution, and recognize the interdependence of all systems that support life.

S9-12:30. Survival of Organisms: Students demonstrate their understanding of Cell Structure and Function - Survival Requirements by:

30.1. Predicting the direction of movement of substances across a membrane.

30.2. Developing a model that illustrates the interdependence of cellular organelles (mitochondria, ribosomes, lysosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, cytoplasm) in biochemical pathways within the cell (e.g. mitochondria and chloroplasts : cellular respiration and photosynthesis; nucleus and ribosomes : DNA transcription and protein synthesis).

30.3. Identifying how the basic (general) shape and structure of each of the four types of organic molecules determine its role in maintaining cell survival (i.e., simple carbohydrates [monosaccharides] can be an energy source as a single molecule and a storage/structural molecule when multiple units are chemically combined - [starch, cellulose, chitin].).

30.4. Explaining that a specific sequence of amino acids determines the shape of a protein (i.e., sickle cell hemoglobin).

S9-12:31. Life Cycles and Reproduction: Students demonstrate their understanding of Reproduction by:

31.1. Developing a model which illustrates how the DNA of all cells/tissues in an organism is produced from a single fertilized egg cell (mitosis).

31.2. Explaining how the nucleotide sequence in DNA (gene) directs the synthesis of specific proteins needed by a cell (e.g., protein synthesis).

S9-12:32. Cell and Tissue Differentiation: Students demonstrate their understanding of Differentiation by:

32.1. Predicting the change in an embryo, caused by disruption of the ectoderm or mesoderm or endoderm during embryonic development (e.g., Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, drugs, injury).

32.2. Comparing the role of various sub-cellular units in unicellular organisms to comparable structures in multicellular organisms (i.e., oral groove, gullet, food vacuole in Paramecium compared to digestive systems in multicellular organisms).

S9-12:33. Chemical Reactions within Cells: Students demonstrate their understanding of how Energy Flow Within Cells Supports an Organism's Survival by:

33.1. Comparing and contrasting the structure of mitochondria and chloroplasts as cell organelles, the interrelatedness of their functions, and their importance to the survival of all cells.

33.2. Describing a possible flow of energy from the environment through an organism to the cellular level, and through the cell from assimilation through storage in ATP.

33.3. Investigating and describing enzyme action under a variety of chemical and physical conditions.

S9-12:34. Interdependence within Ecosystems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Energy Flow in an Ecosystem by:

34.1. Developing a model that compares the energy at different trophic levels in a given ecosystem.

S9-12:35. Interdependence within Ecosystems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Food Webs in an Ecosystem by:

35.1. Designing (and implementing) an investigation that demonstrates the chemical relationship between carbon compounds of the organisms in a food web (e.g., dyed yeast - Paramecium - roundworm).

S9-12:36. Interdependence within Ecosystems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Equilibrium in an Ecosystem by:

36.1. Designing an investigation to compare a natural system with one altered by human activities (e.g., acid rain, eutrophication through agricultural runoff, fertilizer, pollution, solid waste, clear cutting, toxic emissions or conservation and habitat reclamation).

S9-12:37. Interdependence within Ecosystems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Recycling in an Ecosystem by:

37.1. Developing and explaining a model that shows the recycling of inorganic compounds within a natural ecosystem (e.g., Compare worm compost with commercial fertilizer.).

S9-12:38. Classification of Living Things: Students demonstrate their understanding of Classification of Organisms by:

38.1. Developing a graphic representation that illustrates and compares the degree of molecular similarity among several species (e.g., DNA or amino acid sequences).

S9-12:39. Natural Selection/Evolution: Students demonstrate their understanding of Evolution/Natural Selection by:

39.1. Applying the theory of Natural Selection to a scenario depicting change within a given population over time (through many generations) (e.g., bacterial resistance to antibiotics, neck of the giraffe, animal camouflage).

VT.7.14. The Living World: The Human Body: Students demonstrate understanding of the human body heredity, body systems, and individual development and understand the impact of the environment on the human body.

S9-12:40. Heredity: Students demonstrate their understanding of Human Heredity by:

40.1. Modeling and explaining how the structure of DNA is maintained and relates to genes and chromosomes, which code for specific protein molecules within a cell.

40.2. Modeling or diagramming new gene combinations that result from sexual reproduction (e.g., dominant/recessive traits).

40.3. Explaining how alteration of a DNA sequence may affect physical/chemical characteristics of the human body (e.g., sickle-cell anemia, cancer).

40.4. Comparing and contrasting the chromosome content of somatic cells and that of sex cells (gametes).

S9-12:41. Body Systems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Human Body (biochemical) Systems by:

41.1. Diagramming a feedback loop that illustrates how several human body systems work together to restore homeostasis in response to an external stimulus (environmental/.behavioral) (e.g., exercise, fight/flight, stress, drugs, normal cellular metabolism, any nervous system response).

41.2. Explaining examples of how the human body may be affected by the state of the internal environment and by heredity and by life experience (e.g., effects of malnutrition).

41.3. Predicting and explaining how the effect of various physiological factors influences the continuation of the human species (reproductive success) (e.g., anorexia and/or steroid use, radiation/toxic wastes/drug use, mutagenic agents and/or improper diet/obesity).

S9-12:42. Human Disease: Students demonstrate their understanding of the Patterns of Human Health/Disease by:

42.1. Identifying a variety of nonspecific means of protection for the human body and explaining how these maintain human health (i.e., prevent disease).

42.2. Describing the general process of the human immune response to foreign substances and organisms (e.g., phagocyte action and antibody production and maintenance).

42.3. Showing through models/diagrams/graphic organizers how specific biological abnormalities alter the normal functioning of human systems (e.g., feedback diagram).

S9-12:43. Patterns of Human Development: Students demonstrate their understanding of the Patterns of Human Development by:

43.1. Tracing the development of the human embryo from fertilization to gastrula stage, comparing its progress to that of other vertebrate organisms (e.g., amphibians and reptiles and birds and mammals).

43.2. Comparing the gestation of humans and the period of dependency after birth to that of other vertebrates.

43.3. Identifying the important events that occur in each stage (trimester) of human development (e.g., First trimester - embryonic organ systems established, Second trimester - fetal development/organ maturation, Third trimester - overall growth).

43.4. Justifying a position on the use of technology to influence human embryonic or fetal life.

VT.7.15. The Universe, Earth, and The Environment: Theories, Systems, and Forces: Students demonstrate understanding of the earth and its environment, the solar system, and the universe in terms of the systems that characterize them, the forces that affect and shape them over time, and the theories that currently explain their evolution.

S9-12:44. Solar System: Students demonstrate their understanding of Characteristics of the Solar System by:

44.1. Comparing the nature and composition of the atmosphere of inner and outer planets.

44.2. Explaining the effect of distance from the sun on the nature of the planets (e.g., inner vs. outer planets).

S9-12:45. Scale, Distances, Star Formation, Theories, Instrumentation: Students demonstrate their understanding of Processes and Change over Time within Systems of the Universe by:

45.1. Describing the process of star formation (i.e. our sun) in relation to its size, including the interaction of the force of gravity, fusion and energy release.

45.2. Explaining the process of the Big Bang Theory and its effect on the Universe today, citing evidence to support its occurrence (Doppler effect/red shift).

45.3. Explaining how technology through time has influenced our understanding of the vastness (i.e., light years) and the nature of the universe (e.g., Ptolemy, Copernicus, Kepler, Einstein).

S9-12:46. Earth Materials and the Rock Cycle: Students demonstrate their understanding of Processes and Change over Time within Earth Systems by:

46.1. Investigating and explaining evidence illustrating that despite changes in form, conservation in the amount of earth materials occurs during the Rock Cycle.

46.2. Explaining how the heat (energy) produced by radioactive decay and pressure affects the Rock Cycle.

46.3. Explaining the processes by which elements (e.g., carbon, nitrogen, oxygen atoms) move through the earth's reservoirs (soil, atmosphere, bodies of water, organisms).

S9-12:47. Forces and Changes on the Earth's Surface: Students demonstrate their understanding of Processes and Change over Time within Earth Systems by:

47.1. Creating a model, diagram or computer simulation to demonstrate how convection circulation of the mantle initiates the movement of crustal plates which then causes earthquake and volcanic activity (e.g. Mid-Atlantic Ridge, North American and European plate collisions producing the Green Mountains).

47.2. Analyzing samples of rock sequences to determine the relative age of the rock structure.

47.3. Comparing the usefulness of various methods of determining the age of different rock structures (e.g. relative dating vs. C-dating vs. K-Ar dating. If rock structure is less than 500,000 years old, K-Ar dating cannot be used and Cdating can only be used for tens of thousands of years).

S9-12:48. Atmosphere, Water Cycle, Weather, Seasons: Students demonstrate their understanding of Processes and Change over Time within Earth Systems by:

48.1. Explaining the uniqueness of the earth's characteristics (e.g., solar intensity, gravity related to size of earth, makeup of atmosphere).

48.2. Explaining how water as a molecule is also unique in its ability to retain heat, compared to land and air on earth.

48.3. Diagramming and explaining local and large scale wind systems (e.g., land and sea breezes and global wind patterns, Coriolis effect).

48.4. Predicting weather for a particular location, using weather map data (barometric pressure, frontal systems, isobars, isotherms, mountain effects, lake/ocean effects, ocean currents, temperature/humidity) and examining world weather maps and identifying the most likely locations where extreme weather might occur (e.g., blizzards thunderstorms, hurricanes, tornadoes).

S9-12:49. Natural Resources: Students demonstrate their understanding of Processes and Change within Natural Resources by:

49.1. Comparing the availability of natural resources and the impact of different management plans (e.g., management of forests depends upon use, lumber production, sugarbush, deer habitat, mining, recreation) within the management area (forest, farmland, rivers, streams).

49.2. Choosing a Vermont ecosystem and tracing its succession before and after a damaging event, showing how the ecosystem has been restored through the maintenance of atmosphere quality, generation of soils, control of the water cycle, disposal of wastes and recycling of nutrients (e.g., flooding, former mining sites, glacial impact, deforestation, recovery of rivers from sewage/chemical dumping, burning of fossil fuels).

49.3. Explaining a natural chemical cycle that has been disrupted by human activity and predict what the long term effect will be on organisms (e.g., acid precipitation, global warming. ozone depletion, pollution of water by phosphates, mercury, PCBs, etc.).

49.4. Tracing the processes that are necessary to produce a common, everyday object from the original raw materials to its final destination after human use, considering alternate routes - including extraction of raw material, production and transportation, energy use and waste disposal throughout, packaging and recycling and/or disposal (e.g., aluminum can, steel).

VT.7.1. Inquiry, Experimentation, and Theory: Scientific Method: Students use scientific methods to describe, investigate, and explain phenomena and raise questions in order to: Generate alternative explanations (hypotheses) based on observations and prior knowledge; Design inquiry that allows these explanations to be tested; Deduce the expected results; Gather and analyze data to compare the actual results to the expected outcomes; and Make and communicate conclusions, generating new questions raised by observations and readings.

S9-12:1. Scientific Questioning: Students demonstrate their understanding of scientific questioning by:

1.1. Framing testable questions showing evidence of observations and prior knowledge to illustrate cause and effect.

1.2. Developing a testable question appropriate to the scientific domain being investigated.

S9-12:2. Predicting and Hypothesizing: Students demonstrate their understanding of predicting and hypothesizing by:

2.1. Developing a testable/guiding hypothesis and predictions based upon evidence of scientific principles.

2.2. Predicting results (evidence) that supports the hypothesis.

2.3. Clearly distinguishing cause and effect within a testable/guiding hypothesis.

S9-12:3. Designing Experiments: Students demonstrate their understanding of experimental design by:

3.1. Writing a plan that includes: (a) Procedures that incorporate appropriate protection (e.g., no food in lab area); (b) Appropriate tools, units of measurement and degree of accuracy; (c) Components that reflect current scientific knowledge and available technology; (d) Use of scientific terminology that supports the identified procedures.

S9-12:4. Conducting Experiments: Students demonstrate their ability to conduct experiments by:

4.1. Collecting significant data through completing multiple trials.

4.2. Evaluating and revising procedures as investigation progresses.

S9-12:5. Representing Data and Analysis: Students demonstrate their ability to represent data by:

5.1. Representing data quantitatively to the appropriate level of precision through the use of mathematical calculations.

5.2. Developing the skill of drawing a 'best fit' curve from data.

5.3. Recording accurate data, free of bias.

5.4. Avoiding plagiarism/fabrication of other recorded research data.

S9-12:6. Representing Data and Analysis: Students demonstrate their ability to analyze data by:

6.1. Accounting for identified experimental errors.

6.2. Analyzing significance of experimental data.

6.3. Critically comparing evidence collected with that of others (e.g., classmates or scientists in the field).

S9-12:7. Representing Data and Analysis: Students demonstrate their ability to explain data by:

7.1. Proposing, synthesizing, and evaluating alternative explanations for experimental results.

7.2. Citing experimental evidence within explanation.

7.3. Including logically consistent position to explain observed phenomena.

7.4. Comparing experimental conclusion to other proposed explanations by peer review (e.g., students, scientists or local interest groups).

7.5. Conducting objective scientific analysis, free of bias.

7.6. Identifying and evaluating uncontrolled variables inherent in experimental model.

S9-12:8. Applying Results: Students demonstrate their ability to apply results by:

8.1. Using technology to communicate results effectively and appropriately to others (e.g., power point, web site, posters, etc.).

8.2. Predicting/recommending how scientific conclusions can be applied to civic, economic or social issues.

8.3. Proposing and evaluating new questions, predictions, procedures and technology for further investigations.

VT.7.2. Inquiry, Experimentation, and Theory: Investigation: Students design and conduct a variety of their own investigations and projects. These should include: Questions that can be studied using the resources available; Procedures that are safe, humane, and ethical; Data that are collected and recorded in ways that others can verify; Data and results that are represented in ways that address the question at hand; Recommendations, decisions, and conclusions that are based on evidence, and that acknowledge references and contributions of others; Results that are communicated appropriately to audiences; and Reflections and defense of conclusions and recommendations from other sources, and peer review.

S9-12:1. Scientific Questioning: Students demonstrate their understanding of scientific questioning by:

1.1. Framing testable questions showing evidence of observations and prior knowledge to illustrate cause and effect.

1.2. Developing a testable question appropriate to the scientific domain being investigated.

S9-12:2. Predicting and Hypothesizing: Students demonstrate their understanding of predicting and hypothesizing by:

2.1. Developing a testable/guiding hypothesis and predictions based upon evidence of scientific principles.

2.2. Predicting results (evidence) that supports the hypothesis.

2.3. Clearly distinguishing cause and effect within a testable/guiding hypothesis.

S9-12:3. Designing Experiments: Students demonstrate their understanding of experimental design by:

3.1. Writing a plan that includes: (a) Procedures that incorporate appropriate protection (e.g., no food in lab area); (b) Appropriate tools, units of measurement and degree of accuracy; (c) Components that reflect current scientific knowledge and available technology; (d) Use of scientific terminology that supports the identified procedures.

S9-12:4. Conducting Experiments: Students demonstrate their ability to conduct experiments by:

4.1. Collecting significant data through completing multiple trials.

4.2. Evaluating and revising procedures as investigation progresses.

S9-12:5. Representing Data and Analysis: Students demonstrate their ability to represent data by:

5.1. Representing data quantitatively to the appropriate level of precision through the use of mathematical calculations.

5.2. Developing the skill of drawing a 'best fit' curve from data.

5.3. Recording accurate data, free of bias.

5.4. Avoiding plagiarism/fabrication of other recorded research data.

VT.7.9. Mathematical Understanding: Statistics and Probability Concepts: Students use statistics and probability concepts.

S9-12:34. Interdependence within Ecosystems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Energy Flow in an Ecosystem by:

34.1. Developing a model that compares the energy at different trophic levels in a given ecosystem.

S9-12:35. Interdependence within Ecosystems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Food Webs in an Ecosystem by:

35.1. Designing (and implementing) an investigation that demonstrates the chemical relationship between carbon compounds of the organisms in a food web (e.g., dyed yeast - Paramecium - roundworm).

VT.7.11. Systems: Analysis: Students analyze and understand living and non-living systems (e.g., biological, chemical, electrical, mechanical, optical) as collections of interrelated parts and interconnected systems.

S9-12:34. Interdependence within Ecosystems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Energy Flow in an Ecosystem by:

34.1. Developing a model that compares the energy at different trophic levels in a given ecosystem.

S9-12:35. Interdependence within Ecosystems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Food Webs in an Ecosystem by:

35.1. Designing (and implementing) an investigation that demonstrates the chemical relationship between carbon compounds of the organisms in a food web (e.g., dyed yeast - Paramecium - roundworm).

S9-12:36. Interdependence within Ecosystems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Equilibrium in an Ecosystem by:

36.1. Designing an investigation to compare a natural system with one altered by human activities (e.g., acid rain, eutrophication through agricultural runoff, fertilizer, pollution, solid waste, clear cutting, toxic emissions or conservation and habitat reclamation).

S9-12:37. Interdependence within Ecosystems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Recycling in an Ecosystem by:

37.1. Developing and explaining a model that shows the recycling of inorganic compounds within a natural ecosystem (e.g., Compare worm compost with commercial fertilizer.).

S9-12:41. Body Systems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Human Body (biochemical) Systems by:

41.1. Diagramming a feedback loop that illustrates how several human body systems work together to restore homeostasis in response to an external stimulus (environmental/.behavioral) (e.g., exercise, fight/flight, stress, drugs, normal cellular metabolism, any nervous system response).

41.2. Explaining examples of how the human body may be affected by the state of the internal environment and by heredity and by life experience (e.g., effects of malnutrition).

41.3. Predicting and explaining how the effect of various physiological factors influences the continuation of the human species (reproductive success) (e.g., anorexia and/or steroid use, radiation/toxic wastes/drug use, mutagenic agents and/or improper diet/obesity).

VT.7.12. Space, Time, and Matter: Matter, Motion, Forces, and Energy: Students understand forces and motion, the properties and composition of matter, and energy sources and transformations.

S9-12:9. Properties of Matter: Students demonstrate their understanding of Properties of Matter by:

9.1. Distinguishing one substance from another through examination of physical properties (such as density, melting point, conductivity), chemical properties (such as reactivity with O2 or acid or water), and nuclear properties (such as changes in atomic mass, isotopes and half-life).

9.2. Explaining the states of a substance in terms of the particulate nature of matter and the forces of interaction between particles.

10.1. Comparing the characteristics of three major components of all atoms (protons, electrons, neutrons) their location within an atom, their relative size and their charge.

10.2. Writing formulae for compounds and developing models using electron structure (e.g., Lewis dot).

S9-12:11. Properties of Matter: Students demonstrate their understanding of the Properties of Matter by:

11.1. Identifying and explaining the basis for the arrangement of elements within the Periodic Table (e.g., trends, valence, reactivity, electro negativity, ionization).

11.2. Determining valence electrons of selected elements.

11.3. Predicting the relative physical and chemical properties of an element based on its location within the Periodic Table.

S9-12:12. Properties of Matter: Students demonstrate their understanding of the States of Matter by:

12.1. Investigating the interactions between atoms or molecules within a system (e.g., hydrogen bonding, van der Waals forces, fluorescent light, stars).

S9-12:13. Properties of Matter: Students demonstrate their understanding of the Properties of a Gas by:

13.1. Quantitatively determining how volume, pressure, temperature and amount of gas affect each other (PV=nRT) in a system.

S9-12:14. Physical Change: Students demonstrate their understanding of Physical Change by:

14.1. Investigating and graphing the effect of heat energy on the phase changes of water from a solid state to a liquid state to a gaseous state and comparing that data to other substances.

S9-12:15. Chemical Change: Students demonstrate their understanding of Chemical Change by:

15.1. Writing simple balanced chemical equations to represent chemical reactions and illustrate the conservation of atoms.

15.2. Qualitatively predicting reactants and products in a prescribed investigation (e.g. oxidation, reduction, acid/base reactions).

S9-12:16. Chemical Change: Students demonstrate their understanding of Chemical Change by:

16.1. Investigating, and explaining the increase or decrease in temperature of the substances in a chemical reaction caused by a transfer of heat energy from that reaction. (e.g., exothermic and endothermic reactions).

S9-12:17. Nuclear Change: Students demonstrate their understanding of Nuclear Change by:

17.1. Explaining how alpha and beta emissions create changes in the nucleus of an atom, resulting in a completely different element.

17.2. Distinguishing between the reactants and products of a chemical reaction and those of a nuclear decay reaction.

17.3. Comparing the relative energies produced by each.

17.4. Explaining the organization of an atomic nucleus and identifying the universal forces from strongest to weakest.

S9-12:18. Nuclear Change: Students demonstrate their understanding of Nuclear Change by:

18.1. Explaining the concept of half-life and using the half-life principle to predict the approximate age of a material.

S9-12:19. Motion: Students demonstrate their understanding of Motion by:

19.1. Predicting the path of an object in different reference planes and explaining how and why this occurs.

19.2. Using modeling, illustrating and explaining of how distance and velocity change over time for a free falling object.

19.3. Modeling, illustrating and explaining the path of an object which has horizontal and free fall motion (i.e., football, bullet).

20.1. Qualitatively analyzing how inertia affects the outcome in each of a series of situations (i.e., kicking a sand-filled football, moving a bowl of soup quickly across the table).

S9-12:21. Force: Students demonstrate their understanding of Force by:

21.1. Investigating quantitatively the acceleration as either the mass of the system or the force accelerating the mass is changed (e.g., cart with variable weights on horizontal table attached to a string with weights).

21.2. Investigating whether acceleration is greater or less as either the mass of the system or the force accelerating the mass is changed (e.g., cart with variable weights on horizontal table attached to a string with weights).

21.3. Demonstrating action force/reaction force in one of three different ways; describing in words, demonstrating physically, and modeling the occurrence of opposing actions.

S9-12:22. Force: Students demonstrate their understanding of Gravitational Force by:

22.1. Determining quantitatively how gravitational force changes when mass changes; or when distance changes.

S9-12:23. Energy and Energy Transformation: Students demonstrate their understanding of Heat Energy by:

23.1. Comparing and contrasting characteristics of the different forms of energy, particularly within chemical reactions.

23.2. Describing or diagramming the changes in energy (transformation) that occur in different situations (e.g., chemical, biological, physical) through analysis of the input and output energies in a system (e.g., calorimetry, specific heat of water, heat of fusion of water).

23.3. Investigating examples of entropy in discrete systems (e.g., electrical systems, the effectiveness of insulating materials, the human thermostat - hypothermia/homeostasis).

S9-12:24. Energy and Energy Transformation: Students demonstrate their understanding of Electrical Energy by:

24.1. Explaining through words, diagrams, models or electrostatic demonstrations the principle that like charges repel and unlike charges attract.

24.2. Explaining (through words, charts, diagrams, models or mathematical examples) the effects of distance and the amount of charge on the strength of the electrical force present.

24.3. Describing how friction and other mechanical forces are the result of electromagnetic forces.

S9-12:26. Energy and Energy Transformation: Students demonstrate their understanding of Electromagnetic Forces by:

26.1. Giving examples and explaining the wave nature of electromagnetic energy (refraction, diffraction, etc.) and describing and explaining the particle nature of electromagnetic energy (photoelectric effect, Compton effect).

26.2. Relating the particle nature of electromagnetic waves to their frequencies and to discrete changes in energy levels within atoms.

S9-12:27. Energy and Energy Transformation: Students demonstrate their understanding of Electromagnetic Forces by:

27.1. Describing through words, models, or diagrams the presence of electromagnetic forces in an atom.

27.2. Comparing and contrasting the electromagnetic and gravitational forces between the particles that make up an atom.

27.3. Explaining in words, models or diagrams how electric currents produce magnetic fields and how moving fields and how moving magnets produce electric currents.

S9-12:28. Energy and Energy Transformation: Students demonstrate their understanding of Light Energy by:

28.1. Investigating examples of wave phenomena (e.g., ripples in water, sound waves, seismic waves).

28.2. Comparing and contrasting electromagnetic waves to mechanical waves.

VT.7.13. The Living World: Organisms, Evolution, and Interdependence: Students understand the characteristics of organisms, see patterns of similarity and differences among living organisms, understand the role of evolution, and recognize the interdependence of all systems that support life.

S9-12:30. Survival of Organisms: Students demonstrate their understanding of Cell Structure and Function - Survival Requirements by:

30.1. Predicting the direction of movement of substances across a membrane.

30.2. Developing a model that illustrates the interdependence of cellular organelles (mitochondria, ribosomes, lysosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, cytoplasm) in biochemical pathways within the cell (e.g. mitochondria and chloroplasts : cellular respiration and photosynthesis; nucleus and ribosomes : DNA transcription and protein synthesis).

30.3. Identifying how the basic (general) shape and structure of each of the four types of organic molecules determine its role in maintaining cell survival (i.e., simple carbohydrates [monosaccharides] can be an energy source as a single molecule and a storage/structural molecule when multiple units are chemically combined - [starch, cellulose, chitin].).

30.4. Explaining that a specific sequence of amino acids determines the shape of a protein (i.e., sickle cell hemoglobin).

S9-12:31. Life Cycles and Reproduction: Students demonstrate their understanding of Reproduction by:

31.1. Developing a model which illustrates how the DNA of all cells/tissues in an organism is produced from a single fertilized egg cell (mitosis).

31.2. Explaining how the nucleotide sequence in DNA (gene) directs the synthesis of specific proteins needed by a cell (e.g., protein synthesis).

S9-12:32. Cell and Tissue Differentiation: Students demonstrate their understanding of Differentiation by:

32.1. Predicting the change in an embryo, caused by disruption of the ectoderm or mesoderm or endoderm during embryonic development (e.g., Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, drugs, injury).

32.2. Comparing the role of various sub-cellular units in unicellular organisms to comparable structures in multicellular organisms (i.e., oral groove, gullet, food vacuole in Paramecium compared to digestive systems in multicellular organisms).

S9-12:33. Chemical Reactions within Cells: Students demonstrate their understanding of how Energy Flow Within Cells Supports an Organism's Survival by:

33.1. Comparing and contrasting the structure of mitochondria and chloroplasts as cell organelles, the interrelatedness of their functions, and their importance to the survival of all cells.

33.2. Describing a possible flow of energy from the environment through an organism to the cellular level, and through the cell from assimilation through storage in ATP.

33.3. Investigating and describing enzyme action under a variety of chemical and physical conditions.

S9-12:34. Interdependence within Ecosystems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Energy Flow in an Ecosystem by:

34.1. Developing a model that compares the energy at different trophic levels in a given ecosystem.

S9-12:35. Interdependence within Ecosystems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Food Webs in an Ecosystem by:

35.1. Designing (and implementing) an investigation that demonstrates the chemical relationship between carbon compounds of the organisms in a food web (e.g., dyed yeast - Paramecium - roundworm).

S9-12:36. Interdependence within Ecosystems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Equilibrium in an Ecosystem by:

36.1. Designing an investigation to compare a natural system with one altered by human activities (e.g., acid rain, eutrophication through agricultural runoff, fertilizer, pollution, solid waste, clear cutting, toxic emissions or conservation and habitat reclamation).

S9-12:37. Interdependence within Ecosystems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Recycling in an Ecosystem by:

37.1. Developing and explaining a model that shows the recycling of inorganic compounds within a natural ecosystem (e.g., Compare worm compost with commercial fertilizer.).

S9-12:38. Classification of Living Things: Students demonstrate their understanding of Classification of Organisms by:

38.1. Developing a graphic representation that illustrates and compares the degree of molecular similarity among several species (e.g., DNA or amino acid sequences).

S9-12:39. Natural Selection/Evolution: Students demonstrate their understanding of Evolution/Natural Selection by:

39.1. Applying the theory of Natural Selection to a scenario depicting change within a given population over time (through many generations) (e.g., bacterial resistance to antibiotics, neck of the giraffe, animal camouflage).

VT.7.14. The Living World: The Human Body: Students demonstrate understanding of the human body heredity, body systems, and individual development and understand the impact of the environment on the human body.

S9-12:40. Heredity: Students demonstrate their understanding of Human Heredity by:

40.1. Modeling and explaining how the structure of DNA is maintained and relates to genes and chromosomes, which code for specific protein molecules within a cell.

40.2. Modeling or diagramming new gene combinations that result from sexual reproduction (e.g., dominant/recessive traits).

40.3. Explaining how alteration of a DNA sequence may affect physical/chemical characteristics of the human body (e.g., sickle-cell anemia, cancer).

40.4. Comparing and contrasting the chromosome content of somatic cells and that of sex cells (gametes).

S9-12:41. Body Systems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Human Body (biochemical) Systems by:

41.1. Diagramming a feedback loop that illustrates how several human body systems work together to restore homeostasis in response to an external stimulus (environmental/.behavioral) (e.g., exercise, fight/flight, stress, drugs, normal cellular metabolism, any nervous system response).

41.2. Explaining examples of how the human body may be affected by the state of the internal environment and by heredity and by life experience (e.g., effects of malnutrition).

41.3. Predicting and explaining how the effect of various physiological factors influences the continuation of the human species (reproductive success) (e.g., anorexia and/or steroid use, radiation/toxic wastes/drug use, mutagenic agents and/or improper diet/obesity).

S9-12:42. Human Disease: Students demonstrate their understanding of the Patterns of Human Health/Disease by:

42.1. Identifying a variety of nonspecific means of protection for the human body and explaining how these maintain human health (i.e., prevent disease).

42.2. Describing the general process of the human immune response to foreign substances and organisms (e.g., phagocyte action and antibody production and maintenance).

42.3. Showing through models/diagrams/graphic organizers how specific biological abnormalities alter the normal functioning of human systems (e.g., feedback diagram).

S9-12:43. Patterns of Human Development: Students demonstrate their understanding of the Patterns of Human Development by:

43.1. Tracing the development of the human embryo from fertilization to gastrula stage, comparing its progress to that of other vertebrate organisms (e.g., amphibians and reptiles and birds and mammals).

43.2. Comparing the gestation of humans and the period of dependency after birth to that of other vertebrates.

43.3. Identifying the important events that occur in each stage (trimester) of human development (e.g., First trimester - embryonic organ systems established, Second trimester - fetal development/organ maturation, Third trimester - overall growth).

43.4. Justifying a position on the use of technology to influence human embryonic or fetal life.

VT.7.15. The Universe, Earth, and The Environment: Theories, Systems, and Forces: Students demonstrate understanding of the earth and its environment, the solar system, and the universe in terms of the systems that characterize them, the forces that affect and shape them over time, and the theories that currently explain their evolution.

S9-12:44. Solar System: Students demonstrate their understanding of Characteristics of the Solar System by:

44.1. Comparing the nature and composition of the atmosphere of inner and outer planets.

44.2. Explaining the effect of distance from the sun on the nature of the planets (e.g., inner vs. outer planets).

S9-12:45. Scale, Distances, Star Formation, Theories, Instrumentation: Students demonstrate their understanding of Processes and Change over Time within Systems of the Universe by:

45.1. Describing the process of star formation (i.e. our sun) in relation to its size, including the interaction of the force of gravity, fusion and energy release.

45.2. Explaining the process of the Big Bang Theory and its effect on the Universe today, citing evidence to support its occurrence (Doppler effect/red shift).

45.3. Explaining how technology through time has influenced our understanding of the vastness (i.e., light years) and the nature of the universe (e.g., Ptolemy, Copernicus, Kepler, Einstein).

S9-12:46. Earth Materials and the Rock Cycle: Students demonstrate their understanding of Processes and Change over Time within Earth Systems by:

46.1. Investigating and explaining evidence illustrating that despite changes in form, conservation in the amount of earth materials occurs during the Rock Cycle.

46.2. Explaining how the heat (energy) produced by radioactive decay and pressure affects the Rock Cycle.

46.3. Explaining the processes by which elements (e.g., carbon, nitrogen, oxygen atoms) move through the earth's reservoirs (soil, atmosphere, bodies of water, organisms).

S9-12:47. Forces and Changes on the Earth's Surface: Students demonstrate their understanding of Processes and Change over Time within Earth Systems by:

47.1. Creating a model, diagram or computer simulation to demonstrate how convection circulation of the mantle initiates the movement of crustal plates which then causes earthquake and volcanic activity (e.g. Mid-Atlantic Ridge, North American and European plate collisions producing the Green Mountains).

47.2. Analyzing samples of rock sequences to determine the relative age of the rock structure.

47.3. Comparing the usefulness of various methods of determining the age of different rock structures (e.g. relative dating vs. C-dating vs. K-Ar dating. If rock structure is less than 500,000 years old, K-Ar dating cannot be used and Cdating can only be used for tens of thousands of years).

S9-12:48. Atmosphere, Water Cycle, Weather, Seasons: Students demonstrate their understanding of Processes and Change over Time within Earth Systems by:

48.1. Explaining the uniqueness of the earth's characteristics (e.g., solar intensity, gravity related to size of earth, makeup of atmosphere).

48.2. Explaining how water as a molecule is also unique in its ability to retain heat, compared to land and air on earth.

48.3. Diagramming and explaining local and large scale wind systems (e.g., land and sea breezes and global wind patterns, Coriolis effect).

48.4. Predicting weather for a particular location, using weather map data (barometric pressure, frontal systems, isobars, isotherms, mountain effects, lake/ocean effects, ocean currents, temperature/humidity) and examining world weather maps and identifying the most likely locations where extreme weather might occur (e.g., blizzards thunderstorms, hurricanes, tornadoes).

S9-12:49. Natural Resources: Students demonstrate their understanding of Processes and Change within Natural Resources by:

49.1. Comparing the availability of natural resources and the impact of different management plans (e.g., management of forests depends upon use, lumber production, sugarbush, deer habitat, mining, recreation) within the management area (forest, farmland, rivers, streams).

49.2. Choosing a Vermont ecosystem and tracing its succession before and after a damaging event, showing how the ecosystem has been restored through the maintenance of atmosphere quality, generation of soils, control of the water cycle, disposal of wastes and recycling of nutrients (e.g., flooding, former mining sites, glacial impact, deforestation, recovery of rivers from sewage/chemical dumping, burning of fossil fuels).

49.3. Explaining a natural chemical cycle that has been disrupted by human activity and predict what the long term effect will be on organisms (e.g., acid precipitation, global warming. ozone depletion, pollution of water by phosphates, mercury, PCBs, etc.).

49.4. Tracing the processes that are necessary to produce a common, everyday object from the original raw materials to its final destination after human use, considering alternate routes - including extraction of raw material, production and transportation, energy use and waste disposal throughout, packaging and recycling and/or disposal (e.g., aluminum can, steel).

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