Vermont State Standards for Language Arts: Grade 1

VT.1.1. Reading: Reading Strategies: Students use a variety of strategies to help them read.

R1.1. Grade Level Expectation: Early Reading Skills and Strategies: Phonological Awareness: Applies phonological knowledge and skills by:

R1.1.1. Counting syllables in one- to four-syllable words.

R1.1.2. Blending and segmenting phonemes in one-syllable words (e.g., 'f-i-sh,' 'r-u-n').

R1.2. Grade Level Expectation: Early Reading Skills and Strategies: Concepts of Print: Demonstrates understanding of concepts of print during shared or individual reading by:

R1.2.1. Identifying basic punctuation marks and their usage (e.g., question marks, periods, quotation marks).

R1.2.2. Identifying key parts of a book: title, author.

R1.2.3. Demonstrating one-one matching of words spoken to words in print.

R1.3. Grade Level Expectation: Word Identification Skills and Strategies: Applies word identification/decoding skills and strategies (leading to automaticity) by:

R1.3.1. Reading grade-appropriate, high-frequency words (including irregularly spelled words, contractions, etc.).

R1.3.2. Identifying sound-symbol correspondences: consonants, two-letter blends (e.g., bl, gr), basic consonant and vowel digraphs (e.g., th, ee, ay), short vowels and long vowels affected by silent e).

R1.3.3. Reading regularly spelled one- and two-syllable words (e.g., 'lot,' 'kitten,' 'doghouse') by using knowledge of sounds and letter patterns (including common endings -s, -ed, -ly, -ing).

R1.4. Grade Level Expectation: Context and Self-Correction Strategies: Applies context and self-correction strategies by:

R1.4.1. Monitoring own reading and self-correcting when incorrectly identified or predicted words do not fit with cues provided by the print or the context (e.g., syntax/language structure, semantics/meaning, picture).

R1.5. Grade Level Expectation: Vocabulary Strategies and Breadth of Vocabulary: Identifies the meaning of unfamiliar words by:

R1.5.1. Using strategies to unlock meaning (e.g., activating prior knowledge, using context clues, or asking questions during read-alouds or text reading).

R1.6. Grade Level Expectation: Vocabulary Strategies and Breadth of Vocabulary: Shows breadth of vocabulary knowledge, demonstrating understanding of word meanings or relationships by:

R1.6.1. Identifying synonyms and antonyms to connect new words to known words.

R1.6.2. Describing words in terms of categories (e.g., 'A mallard is a kind of duck'), functions (e.g., 'Scissors are used for cutting'), or features (e.g., 'A rectangle has four sides').

R1.7. Grade Level Expectation: Comprehension Strategies: Uses comprehension strategies (flexibly and as needed) while reading or listening to literary and informational text.

R1.7.1. Examples of reading-comprehension strategies might include: using prior knowledge; predicting and making simple text-based inferences; generating clarifying questions; constructing sensory images (e.g., making pictures in one's mind); or making connections (text to self, text to text, and text to world).

R1.8. Grade Level Expectation: Monitoring and Adjusting Strategies: Demonstrates ability to monitor comprehension and adjust reading rate and strategy use for different types of text and purposes during reading or read-alouds by:

R1.8.1. Recognizing problems with understanding, and rereading or asking questions as needed.

VT.1.2. Reading: Reading Accuracy: Students read grade-appropriate material, with 90%+ accuracy, in a way that makes meaning clear.

R1.9. Grade Level Expectation: Accuracy and Fluency: Reads grade-level-appropriate material with:

R1.9.1. Accuracy: reading material appropriate for the end of grade 1 with at least 90-94% accuracy (See Appendix for sample titles.).

R1.9.2. Fluency: reading previously introduced or previously read grade-appropriate text with oral fluency rates of at least 50-80 words correct per minute.

R1.9.3. Fluency: reading grade-appropriate text in a way that makes meaning clear, and demonstrates phrasing, expression, and attention to end punctuation.

VT.1.3. Reading: Reading Comprehension: Students read for meaning, demonstrating both initial understanding and personal response to what is read.

R1.10. Grade Level Expectation: Initial Understanding of Literary Text: Demonstrate initial understanding of elements of literary texts (including text read aloud, reading independently or in a guided manner) by:

R1.10.1. Identifying characters in a story.

R1.10.2. Retelling the beginning, middle, and end of a story.

R1.10.3. Responding to simple questions about a book's content (e.g., 'Where did Sylvester go?').

R1.11. Grade Level Expectation: Initial Understanding of Literary Text: Demonstrate initial understanding of author's craft used in literary texts by:

R1.11.1. Identifying literary devices as appropriate to genre: rhyme, repeated language (e.g., 'teeny-tiny').

R1.12. Grade Level Expectation: Initial Understanding of Informational Text: Demonstrate initial understanding of informational texts (expository and practical texts) by:

R1.12.1. Obtaining information, using text features such as title and illustration (e.g., 'From the title, what do we think this book will tell us?').

R1.12.2. Using explicitly stated information to answer questions.

R1.12.3. Distinguishing among a variety of types of text (e.g., informational texts: children's magazines, children's newspapers, lists, simple directions).

R1.13. Grade Level Expectation: Analysis and Interpretation of Literary Text/Citing Evidence: Analyze and interpret elements of literary texts read aloud or read independently, citing evidence where appropriate by:

R1.13.1. Making predictions about what might happen next, and telling why the prediction was made.

R1.13.2. Identifying possible motives of characters.

R1.13.3. Identifying relevant physical characteristics or personality traits of main characters.

R1.15. Grade Level Expectation: Analysis and Interpretation of Literary Text/Citing Evidence: Generates a personal response to what is read aloud or read independently through a variety of means by:

R1.15.1. Comparing stories or other texts to personal experience, prior knowledge, or other books.

R1.16. Grade Level Expectation: Analysis and Interpretation of Informational Text/Citing Evidence: Analyze and interpret informational text read aloud or independently, citing evidence as appropriate by:

R1.16.1. Identifying the topic.

R1.16.2. Telling what was learned.

R1.16.3. Making basic inferences or drawing basic conclusions.

VT.1.4. Reading: Reading Range of Text: Students comprehend and respond to a range of media, images, and text (e.g., poetry, narrative, information, technical) for a variety of purposes (e.g., reading for pleasure as well as reading to develop understanding and expertise).

R1.17. Grade Level Expectation: Reading Extensively: Demonstrates the habit of reading extensively by:

R1.17.1. Reading four or more short books or the equivalent every day.

R1.18. Grade Level Expectation: Reading Extensively: Demonstrates the habit of reading widely and in depth by:

R1.18.1. Reading from or listening to at least three different genres/kinds of text and a variety of authors (e.g., literary texts: poetry, plays, fairy tales, fantasy, realistic fiction; informational: content trade books, children's magazines; and practical/functional texts: classroom schedules, simple directions, lists, labels, invitations).

R1.19. Grade Level Expectation: Literate Community: Demonstrates participation in a literate community by:

R1.19.1. Self-selecting reading materials in line with reading ability and personal interests.

R1.19.2. Participating in appropriate discussions about text by offering comments related to the text, and referring explicitly to the text.

VT.1.5. Writing: Writing Dimensions: Students draft, revise, edit, and critique written products so that final drafts are appropriate in terms of the following dimensions:

W1.1. Grade Level Expectation: Writing Process: Students use prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and critiquing to produce final drafts of written products. Note: Students at this level will only be prewriting and drafting.

VT.1.6. Writing: Writing Conventions: Students' independent writing demonstrates command of appropriate English conventions, including grammar, usage, and mechanics.

W1.3. Grade Level Expectation: Writing Conventions: In independent writing, students demonstrate command of conventional English spelling by:

W1.3.1. Correctly spelling own first name.

W1.3.2. Correctly spelling grade-appropriate, high-frequency words that include phonetically regular words (e.g., 'had,' 'can').

W1.3.3. Using phonemic awareness and letter knowledge to spell independently (using phonetic or temporary spelling when needed).

VT.1.7. Writing: Responses to Literature: In written responses to literature, students show understanding of reading; connect what has been read to the broader world of ideas, concepts, and issues; and make judgments about the text.

W1.6. Grade Level Expectation: Writing in Response to Literary or Informational Text: In response to literary or informational text, students make and support analytical judgments about text by:

W1.6.1. Using prior knowledge or references to text to support a given focus (evidence may take the form of pictures, words, sentences, or some combination).

VT.1.8. Writing: Reports: In written reports, students organize and convey information and ideas accurately and effectively.

W1.9. Grade Level Expectation: Informational Writing: Reports: In reports, students effectively convey a perspective on a subject by:

W1.9.1. No formal assessment at this grade; classroom assessment should be done in instructional, supported writing.

W1.10. Grade Level Expectation: Informational Writing: Reports: In reports, students demonstrate use of a range of elaboration strategies by ?

W1.10.1. Identifying details/information relevant to topic and/or given focus (details/information may take the form of pictures with captions, words, sentences, or some combination).

VT.1.9. Writing: Narratives: In written narratives, students organize and relate a series of events, fictional or actual, in a coherent whole.

W1.11. Grade Level Expectation: Expressive Writing: Narratives: In written narratives, students organize and relate a story line plot/series of events by:

W1.11.1. Creating a clear understandable story line, when given a structure (may take form of words or pictures or some combination).

W1.12. Grade Level Expectation: Expressive Writing: Narratives: Students demonstrate use of narrative strategies by:

W1.12.1. Using details (may be in form of words or pictures).

W1.12.2. Identifying character(s).

VT.1.19. Information Technology: Research: Students use organizational systems to obtain information from various sources (including libraries and the Internet).

VT.5.11. Literature and Media: Literary Elements and Devices: Students use literary elements and devices including theme, plot, style, imagery, and metaphor to analyze, compare, interpret, and create literature.

VT.5.12. Literature and Media: Literate Community: Students participate as members of a literate community, talking about books, ideas, and writing.

VT.5.13. Literature and Media: Responding to Text: Students respond to literary texts and public documents using interpretive, critical, and evaluative processes.

VT.5.18. The English Language: Structures: Students demonstrate an understanding of the structures of the English language (e.g., sentence, paragraph, text structure).

W1.4. Grade Level Expectation: Structures of Language: Students demonstrate command of the structures of the English language by:

W1.4.1. Distinguishing between letters, words, and sentences.

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