Vermont State Standards for Arts Education: Grade 1

VT.A1-2.D. Dance Skill Development

A1-2:1. Students show skill development when creating dance by:

A1-2:1.1. Solving movement challenges involving one or more movement concepts alone or with a partner.

A1-2:1.2. Using movement to express a simple idea and share it with their peers.

A1-2:1.3. Developing a sequence with a beginning, middle, and end.

A1-2:1.4. Interpreting a story, piece of music, artwork, play, or learning experience through movement.

A1-2:1.5. Producing two or three nonlocomotor and locomotor movements.

A1-2:2. Students perform/communicate through dance by:

A1-2:2.1. Demonstrating mature forms of walking, running, hopping, jumping, galloping, sliding, skipping while traveling forward, backward, sideward, diagonally, and turning in straight and curved pathways.

A1-2:2.2. Demonstrating the non-locomotor skills of bending, stretching, twisting, swinging, turning , pushing, pulling, swaying, lifting, falling.

A1-2:2.3. Following and reproducing two or three nonlocomotor and locomotor movement sequences to a beat that incorporates a change in tempo.

A1-2:2.4. Demonstrating ability to repeat sequence of 2-3 movements over time (e.g., Hokey Pokey, name game).

A1-2:2.5. Recognizing and demonstrating qualities/dynamics/levels of movement (e.g., fast/slow, hard/soft, heavy/light, high/low).

A1-2:3. Students show understanding of dance concepts and vocabulary by:

A1-2:3.1. Demonstrating concepts of dance through copying movements, mirroring, leading, following.

A1-2:3.2. Identifying the beginning, middle, and end of a sequence.

A1-2:3.3. Interpreting.

A1-2:3.4. Counting a beat.

A1-2:3.5. Demonstrating space concepts of direction, pathway, level, and range.

VT.A1-2.M. Music Skill Development

A1-2:4. Students show skill development when creating music by:

A1-2:4.1. Improvising with instruments and voices based on poetry, stories, or in response to a variety of media.

A1-2:4.2. Composing using graphic and symbol systems, representing vocal and instrumental sounds and musical ideas.

A1-2:5. Students perform/communicate through music by:

A1-2:5.1. Singing alone and in unison, using developmentally appropriate repertoire in rhythm, maintaining a steady beat.

A1-2:5.2. Playing instruments, alone and with others, using developmentally appropriate literature and instruments, in rhythm, maintaining a steady beat.

A1-2:6. Students show understanding of music concepts and vocabulary by:

A1-2:6.1. Moving, drawing, describing, and singing/playing instruments in response to contrasting musical stimuli, (e.g., loud/soft, fast/slow, high/low, simple forms, duple/triple meter, long-short, timbre, major, minor).

A1-2:6.2. Reading and notating familiar symbols (e.g., quarter, eighths notes and quarter rests), through playing and singing.

VT.A1-2.T. Theater Skill Development

A1-2:7. Students show skill development when creating theater by:

A1-2:7.1. Demonstrating a character based on animate, inanimate, real and fantastic.

A1-2:7.2. Making imaginative props, costumes and stage pieces.

A1-2:8. Students perform/communicate through theater by:

A1-2:8.1. Participating in show and tell activity.

A1-2:8.2. Speaking to be heard before an audience.

A1-2:8.3. Taking necessary information home to parents.

A1-2:8.4. Appropriate use of classroom craft materials.

A1-2:9. Students show understanding of theater concepts and vocabulary by:

A1-2:9.1. Identifying animate, inanimate and fantastic.

A1-2:9.2. Rehearsing.

A1-2:9.3. Participating in theater games.

A1-2:9.4. Describing, showing, drawing a stage.

A1-2:9.5. Taking care of props, etc.

A1-2:9.6. Identifying and labeling moods (e.g., happy, sad, mad).

VT.A1-2.V. Visual Arts Skill Development

A1-2:10. Students show skill development when creating art by:

A1-2:10.1. Using line in various media (e.g., pencil, marker, cut-outs, etc.) to create shape and image.

A1-2:10.2. Handling and naming of art tools and materials.

A1-2:10.3. Using elements of 2D and 3D design (e.g., 2D - mixing primaries to create secondary colors; 3D - forming a 3D object with texture).

A1-2:11. Students demonstrate perform/communicate skills in visual arts by:

A1-2:11.1. Participating in group art activities (e.g., mural, group drawing).

A1-2:11.2. Using media and materials to convey feeling, idea, or thought.

A1-2:12. Students show understanding of visual arts concepts and vocabulary by:

A1-2:12.1. Identifying and using basic elements and principles of design (e.g., texture, pattern, primary and secondary colors).

A1-2:12.2. Naming and using different media, genre, and techniques (e.g., collage, printmaking, portrait, landscape, realism, horizon line).

A1-2:12.3. Comparing a variety of purposes for making art (e.g., to tell a story, communicate emotion, beautify functional objects).

VT.A1-2.RC. Reflection and Critique

A1-2:13. Students describe art using discipline specific vocabulary, for example:

A1-2:13.1. Dance: show the beat with the body, high/medium/low, happy/sad

A1-2:13.2. Music: loud/soft, fast/slow, high/low, long/short

A1-2:13.3. Theater: cartoon, fantasy, play, acting, actor, the story

A1-2:13.4. Visual Arts: primary colors, secondary colors, vertical, horizontal line, texture, pattern, collage, portrait

A1-2:14. No A1-2:14 at this level

A1-2:15. Students critique and revise art by:

A1-2:15.1. Making affirming statements (e.g., I noticed..., I saw... I heard...).

A1-2:15.2. Asking questions about your own work (e.g., I'm wondering how to make my trees look like they have bark.).

A1-2:15.3. Asking questions of the artist (e.g., I like that blue. How did you make it?).

VT.A1-2.MC. Making Connections

A1-2:16. Students make connections between/among the arts and disciplines outside the arts by:

A1-2:16.1. Identifying similarities and differences in genres (e.g., sculpture and painting; instrument and voice).

A1-2:16.2. Communicating ideas, concepts, feelings from other disciplines (e.g., show understanding of music with illustration or movement or sound.)

A1-2:17. Students show understanding of how the arts impact life by:

A1-2:17.1. Describing what an artist does.

A1-2:18. Students show understanding of how the arts shape and reflect various cultures and times by:

A1-2:18.1. Identifying how the arts have a relationship to family and/or community events and celebrations.

VT.A1-2.AW. Approach to Work

A1-2:19. Students approach artistic problem solving with an open mind and creative thinking by:

A1-2:19.1. Responding to teacher suggested solutions (e.g., Keep a steady beat; Try mixing yellow and blue.).

A1-2:20. Students develop effective, personal work habits by:

A1-2:20.1. Demonstrating willingness to take part in the activity.

A1-2:20.2. Using materials and work space safely.

A1-2:20.3. Making good use of class time.

A1-2:21. Students demonstrate appropriate interactions by:

A1-2:21.1. Participating in individual and/or group work willingly and appropriately.

A1-2:21.2. Responding constructively as members of an audience/group.

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