Virginia State Standards for Social Studies: Grade 10

VA.WG.1.a. World Geography: The student will use maps, globes, photographs, and pictures in order to obtain geographical information and apply the concepts of location, scale, and orientation.

WG.1.a.1. Essential Understandings: Students are expected to know that using a variety of sources supports the process of geographic inquiry.

WG.1.a.2. Essential Understandings: Students are expected to know that latitude and longitude define absolute location.

WG.1.a.3. Essential Understandings: Students are expected to know that relative location describes the spatial relationships between and among places.

WG.1.a.4. Essential Understandings: Students are expected to know that areas can be represented using a variety of scales.

WG.1.a.5. Essential Understandings: Students are expected to know that the amount of detail shown on a map is dependent on the scale used.

WG.1.a.6. Essential Understandings: Students are expected to know that compass rose (directional indicator) identifies map orientation.

WG.1.a.7. Essential Skills: Students should be able to use compass rose to identify and use cardinal directions.

WG.1.a.8. Essential Skills: Students should be able to locate places using latitude/longitude on maps and globes.

WG.1.a.9. Essential Skills: Students should be able to gather, classify, and interpret information.

WG.1.a.10. Essential Skills: Students should be able to compare maps of different scales.

VA.WG.1.b. World Geography: The student will use maps, globes, photographs, and pictures in order to develop and refine his or her mental maps of world regions.

WG.1.b.1. Essential Understandings: Students are expected to know that mental maps are based on objective knowledge and subjective perceptions.

WG.1.b.2. Essential Understandings: Students are expected to know that people develop and refine their mental maps through both personal experience and learning.

WG.1.b.3. Essential Understandings: Students are expected to know that mental maps serve as indicators of how well people know the spatial characteristics of certain places.

WG.1.b.4. Essential Skills: Students should be able to locate places on maps and globes.

WG.1.b.5. Essential Skills: Students should be able to interpret maps and globes.

WG.1.b.6. Essential Skills: Students should be able to draw maps from memory.

WG.1.b.7. Essential Skills: Students should be able to evaluate information.

VA.WG.1.c. World Geography: The student will use maps, globes, photographs, and pictures in order to create and compare political, physical, and thematic maps.

WG.1.c.1. Essential Understandings: Students are expected to know that a map is a visual representation of geographic information.

WG.1.c.2. Essential Skills: Students should be able to select the appropriate geographic resource to draw conclusions.

WG.1.c.3. Essential Skills: Students should be able to compare and contrast information found on different types of maps.

WG.1.c.4. Essential Skills: Students should be able to compare maps and make inferences.

WG.1.c.5. Essential Skills: Students should be able to draw conclusions and make inferences about data.

WG.1.c.6. Essential Skills: Students should be able to identify and interpret regional patterns on maps.

VA.WG.1.d. World Geography: The student will use maps, globes, photographs, and pictures in order to analyze and explain how different cultures develop different perspectives on the world and its problems.

WG.1.d.1. Essential Understandings: Students are expected to know that maps reflect changes over time.

WG.1.d.2. Essential Skills: Students should be able to compare maps and make inferences.

WG.1.d.3. Essential Skills: Students should be able to interpret the idea, concepts, or events expressed by a cartoon, picture, or other graphic media.

WG.1.d.4. Essential Skills: Students should be able to compare and contrast information found on different types of maps.

VA.WG.1.e. World Geography: The student will use maps, globes, photographs, and pictures in order to recognize different map projections and explain the concept of distortion.

WG.1.e.1. Essential Understandings: Students are expected to know that all maps are distorted representations of the Earth's surface.

WG.1.e.2. Essential Understandings: Students are expected to know that different map projections are developed for specific purposes.

WG.1.e.3. Essential Skills: Students should be able to identify and explain distortions in map projections.

WG.1.e.4. Essential Skills: Students should be able to identify regional patterns on maps and globes.

WG.1.e.5. Essential Skills: Students should be able to interpret regional patterns on maps and globes.

VA.WG.2.a. World Geography: The student will analyze how selected physical and ecological processes shape the Earth's surface by identifying regional climatic patterns and weather phenomena and their effects on people and places.

WG.2.a.1. Essential Understandings: Students are expected to know that climate is defined by certain characteristics.

WG.2.a.2. Essential Understandings: Students are expected to know that climate patterns result from the interplay of common elements.

WG.2.a.3. Essential Understandings: Students are expected to know that climate regions have distinctive vegetation.

WG.2.a.4. Essential Understandings: Students are expected to know that certain weather phenomena are unique to specific regions.

WG.2.a.5. Essential Understandings: Students are expected to know that climate and weather phenomena affect how people live in different regions.

WG.2.a.6. Essential Skills: Students should be able to compare maps and make inferences.

WG.2.a.7. Essential Skills: Students should be able to interpret the idea, concepts, or events expressed by pictures, or other graphic media.

WG.2.a.8. Essential Skills: Students should be able to apply latitude to identify climate zones.

WG.2.a.9. Essential Skills: Students should be able to interpret charts, diagrams, and climographs.

WG.2.a.10. Essential Skills: Students should be able to select the appropriate geographic resource to draw conclusions.

VA.WG.2.b. World Geography: The student will analyze how selected physical and ecological processes shape the Earth's surface by describing how humans influence the environment and are influenced by it.

WG.2.b.1. Essential Understandings: Students are expected to know that physical and ecological processes shape the Earth's surface.

WG.2.b.2. Essential Understandings: Students are expected to know that humans both influence and are influenced by their environment.

WG.2.b.3. Essential Skills: Students should be able to gather, classify, and interpret information.

WG.2.b.4. Essential Skills: Students should be able to draw conclusions and make generalizations about data.

WG.2.b.5. Essential Skills: Students should be able to explain cause and effect relationships.

WG.2.b.6. Essential Skills: Students should be able to identify and interpret regional patterns on maps.

VA.WG.2.c. World Geography: The student will analyze how selected physical and ecological processes shape the Earth's surface by explaining how technology affects one's ability to modify the environment and adapt to it

WG.2.c.1. Essential Understandings: Students are expected to know that technology has expanded people's capability to modify and adapt to their physical environment.

WG.2.c.2. Essential Skills: Students should be able to draw conclusions and make inferences about data.

WG.2.c.3. Essential Skills: Students should be able to gather, classify, and interpret information.

WG.2.c.4. Essential Skills: Students should be able to explain cause and effect relationships.

WG.2.c.5. Essential Skills: Students should be able to identify and interpret regional patterns on maps.

VA.WG.3.a. World Geography: The student will apply the concept of a region by explaining how characteristics of regions have led to regional labels.

WG.3.a.1. Essential Understandings: Students are expected to know that regions are areas of Earth's surface which share unifying characteristics.

WG.3.a.2. Essential Understandings: Students are expected to know that regions may be defined by physical or cultural characteristics.

WG.3.a.3. Essential Understandings: Students are expected to know that regional labels may reflect changes in people's perceptions.

WG.3.a.4. Essential Skills: Students should be able to locate areas (regions) on maps and globes.

WG.3.a.5. Essential Skills: Students should be able to interpret regional patterns on maps and globes.

WG.3.a.6. Essential Skills: Students should be able to draw conclusions and make generalizations about data.

WG.3.a.7. Essential Skills: Students should be able to explain cause and effect relationships.

VA.WG.3.b. World Geography: The student will apply the concept of a region by explaining how regional landscapes reflect cultural characteristics of their inhabitants.

WG.3.b.1. Essential Understandings: Students are expected to know that regional landscapes reflect cultural characteristics of their inhabitants.

WG.3.b.2. Essential Skills: Students should be able to gather, classify, and interpret information.

WG.3.b.3. Essential Skills: Students should be able to draw conclusions and make generalizations about data.

WG.3.b.4. Essential Skills: Students should be able to analyze photographs and pictures and make inferences.

VA.WG.3.c. World Geography: The student will apply the concept of a region by analyzing how cultural characteristics, including the world's major languages and religions, link or divide regions.

WG.3.c.1. Essential Understandings: Students are expected to know that cultural differences can link or divide regions.

WG.3.c.2. Essential Skills: Students should be able to identify and interpret regional patterns on maps.

WG.3.c.3. Essential Skills: Students should be able to draw conclusions and make generalizations about information.

WG.3.c.4. Essential Skills: Students should be able to explain cause and effect relationships.

WG.3.c.5. Essential Skills: Students should be able to compare and contrast differing sets of ideas, beliefs, and behaviors.

VA.WG.4. World Geography: The student will locate and analyze physical, economic, and cultural characteristics of world regions: Latin America and the Caribbean, Europe, United States and Canada, North Africa and Southwest Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa, Russia and Central Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia, East Asia, Australia and the Pacific Islands, and Antarctica.

WG.4.1. Essential Understandings: Students are expected to know that the development of a region is influenced by many factors, including physical, economic and cultural characteristics.

WG.4.2. Essential Understandings: Students are expected to know that the interaction of humans with their environment affects the development of a region.

WG.4.3. Essential Understandings: Students are expected to know that different criteria may be used to determine a country's relative importance.

WG.4.4. Essential Understandings: Students are expected to know that elements of the physical environment, such as major bodies of water and mountains, influence the economic and cultural characteristics of regions.

WG.4.5. Essential Skills: Students should be able to explain charts comparing two or more concepts.

WG.4.6. Essential Skills: Students should be able to identify primary ideas expressed in graphic data.

WG.4.7. Essential Skills: Students should be able to gather, classify, and interpret information.

WG.4.8. Essential Skills: Students should be able to draw conclusions and make generalizations about data.

WG.4.9. Essential Skills: Students should be able to explain cause and effect relationships.

WG.4.10. Essential Skills: Students should be able to identify and locate regions, continents, oceans, and major features on maps and globes.

VA.WG.5. World Geography: The student will compare and contrast the distribution, growth rates, and characteristics of human population in terms of settlement patterns and the location of natural and capital resources.

WG.5.1. Essential Understandings: Students are expected to know that population distribution is described according to location and density.

WG.5.2. Essential Understandings: Students are expected to know that characteristics of human populations differ over time and from region to region.

WG.5.3. Essential Understandings: Students are expected to know that population growth rates are influenced by human, environmental, economic, and political factors.

WG.5.4. Essential Skills: Students should be able to compare maps and make inferences.

WG.5.5. Essential Skills: Students should be able to identify and interpret regional patterns on maps.

WG.5.6. Essential Skills: Students should be able to draw conclusions and make generalizations about data.

WG.5.7. Essential Skills: Students should be able to explain cause and effect relationships.

WG.5.8. Essential Skills: Students should be able to interpret charts and graphs.

WG.5.9. Essential Skills: Students should be able to interpret population pyramids.

WG.5.10. Essential Skills: Students should be able to analyze data to determine patterns.

VA.WG.6. World Geography: The student will analyze past and present trends in human migration and cultural interaction as they are influenced by social, economic, political, and environmental factors.

WG.6.1. Essential Understandings: Students are expected to know that migrations occur because of social, political, and environmental factors.

WG.6.2. Essential Understandings: Students are expected to know that migrations have influenced cultural landscapes.

WG.6.3. Essential Understandings: Students are expected to know that modern transportation and communication are encouraging higher levels of cultural interaction worldwide.

WG.6.4. Essential Skills: Students should be able to identify and interpret regional patterns on maps.

WG.6.5. Essential Skills: Students should be able to identify primary ideas expressed in graphic data.

WG.6.6. Essential Skills: Students should be able to draw conclusions and make generalizations about data.

WG.6.7. Essential Skills: Students should be able to explain cause and effect relationships.

VA.WG.7.a. World Geography: The student will identify natural, human, and capital resources and explain their significance by showing patterns of economic activity and land use.

WG.7.a.1. Essential Understandings: Students are expected to know that natural substances become resources if and when they become useful to humans.

WG.7.a.2. Essential Understandings: Students are expected to know that the value of resources has changed over time.

WG.7.a.3. Essential Understandings: Students are expected to know that natural, human, and capital resources influence human activity in regions.

WG.7.a.4. Essential Understandings: Students are expected to know that economic activity can be classified as primary, secondary, or tertiary.

WG.7.a.5. Essential Understandings: Students are expected to know that resources are not distributed equally.

WG.7.a.6. Essential Understandings: Students are expected to know that the location of resources influences economic activity and patterns of land use.

WG.7.a.7. Essential Skills: Students should be able to compare maps and globes and make inferences.

WG.7.a.8. Essential Skills: Students should be able to interpret regional patterns on maps and globes.

WG.7.a.9. Essential Skills: Students should be able to identify primary ideas expressed in graphic data.

WG.7.a.10. Essential Skills: Students should be able to gather, classify, and interpret information.

WG.7.a.11. Essential Skills: Students should be able to draw conclusions and make generalizations about information.

WG.7.a.12. Essential Skills: Students should be able to gather, classify and interpret information.

WG.7.a.13. Essential Skills: Students should be able to analyze and evaluate information.

WG.7.a.14. Essential Skills: Students should be able to draw conclusions and make generalizations from data.

WG.7.a.15. Essential Skills: Students should be able to explain cause and effect relationships.

WG.7.a.16. Essential Skills: Students should be able to sequence information.

VA.WG.7.b. World Geography: The student will identify natural, human, and capital resources and explain their significance by evaluating perspectives and consequences regarding the use of resources.

WG.7.b.1. Essential Understandings: Students are expected to know that the use of a resource depends on a nation's culture, values, access to technology, and governmental priorities as they change over time.

WG.7.b.2. Essential Skills: Students should be able to gather, classify, and interpret information.

WG.7.b.3. Essential Skills: Students should be able to draw conclusions and make generalizations from data.

VA.WG.8. World Geography: The student will distinguish between developed and developing countries and relate the level of economic development to the standard of living and quality of life.

WG.8.1. Essential Understandings: Students are expected to know that levels of economic development vary from country to country and from place to place within countries.

WG.8.2. Essential Understandings: Students are expected to know that many criteria are used to assess the standard of living and quality of life.

WG.8.3. Essential Understandings: Students are expected to know that resources and technology influence economic development and quality of life.

WG.8.4. Essential Skills: Students should be able to explain charts comparing two or more concepts.

WG.8.5. Essential Skills: Students should be able to identify primary ideas expressed in graphic data.

WG.8.6. Essential Skills: Students should be able to gather, classify, and interpret information.

WG.8.7. Essential Skills: Students should be able to draw conclusions and make generalizations about data.

WG.8.8. Essential Skills: Students should be able to explain cause and effect relationships.

WG.8.9. Essential Skills: Students should be able to interpret population pyramids.

VA.WG.9.a. World Geography: The student will analyze the global patterns and networks of economic interdependence by identifying criteria that influence economic activities.

WG.9.a.1. Essential Understandings: Students are expected to know that resources are not equally distributed.

WG.9.a.2. Essential Understandings: Students are expected to know that economic activities are influenced by availability of resources, cultural values, economic philosophies, and levels of supply and demand for goods and services.

WG.9.a.3. Essential Understandings: Students are expected to know that no country has all the resources it needs to survive and grow.

WG.9.a.4. Essential Skills: Students should be able to compare maps and globes and make inferences.

WG.9.a.5. Essential Skills: Students should be able to identify regional patterns on maps and globes.

WG.9.a.6. Essential Skills: Students should be able to identify primary ideas expressed in graphic data.

WG.9.a.7. Essential Skills: Students should be able to gather, classify, and interpret information.

WG.9.a.8. Essential Skills: Students should be able to explain cause and effect relationships.

WG.9.a.9. Essential Skills: Students should be able to draw conclusions and make generalizations about data.

VA.WG.9.b. World Geography: The student will analyze the global patterns and networks of economic interdependence by explaining comparative advantage and its relationship to international trade.

WG.9.b.1. Essential Understandings: Students are expected to know that resources are not distributed equally.

WG.9.b.2. Essential Understandings: Students are expected to know that no country has all the resources it needs to survive and grow.

WG.9.b.3. Essential Understandings: Students are expected to know that nations participate in those economic activities compatible with their human, natural, and capital resources.

WG.9.b.4. Essential Understandings: Students are expected to know that international trade fosters inter-dependence.

WG.9.b.5. Essential Skills: Students should be able to compare maps and globes and make inferences.

WG.9.b.6. Essential Skills: Students should be able to identify regional patterns on maps and globes.

WG.9.b.7. Essential Skills: Students should be able to identify primary ideas expressed in graphic data.

WG.9.b.8. Essential Skills: Students should be able to gather, classify, and interpret information.

WG.9.b.9. Essential Skills: Students should be able to explain cause and effect relationships.

WG.9.b.10. Essential Skills: Students should be able to draw conclusions and make generalizations about data.

VA.WG.9.c. World Geography: The student will analyze the global patterns and networks of economic interdependence by describing ways that economic and social interactions have changed over time.

WG.9.c.1. Essential Understandings: Students are expected to know that economic, social, and therefore spatial relationships change over time.

WG.9.c.2. Essential Understandings: Students are expected to know that improvements in transportation and communication have promoted globalization.

WG.9.c.3. Essential Skills: Students should be able to compare maps and globes and make inferences.

WG.9.c.4. Essential Skills: Students should be able to identify regional patterns on maps and globes.

WG.9.c.5. Essential Skills: Students should be able to identify primary ideas expressed in graphic data.

WG.9.c.6. Essential Skills: Students should be able to gather, classify, and interpret information.

WG.9.c.7. Essential Skills: Students should be able to explain cause and effect relationships.

WG.9.c.8. Essential Skills: Students should be able to draw conclusions and make generalizations about data.

VA.WG.9.d. World Geography: The student will analyze the global patterns and networks of economic interdependence by describing and evaluating the formation of economic unions.

WG.9.d.1. Essential Understandings: Students are expected to know that as a global society, the world is increasingly interdependent.

WG.9.d.2. Essential Understandings: Students are expected to know that economic interdependence fosters the formation of economic unions.

WG.9.d.3. Essential Skills: Students should be able to compare maps and globes and make inferences.

WG.9.d.4. Essential Skills: Students should be able to identify regional patterns on maps and globes.

WG.9.d.5. Essential Skills: Students should be able to identify primary ideas expressed in graphic data.

WG.9.d.6. Essential Skills: Students should be able to gather, classify, and interpret information.

WG.9.d.7. Essential Skills: Students should be able to explain cause and effect relationships.

WG.9.d.8. Essential Skills: Students should be able to draw conclusions and make generalizations about data.

VA.WG.10.a. World Geography: The student will analyze how the forces of conflict and cooperation affect the division and control of the Earth's surface by explaining and analyzing reasons for the different spatial divisions at the local and regional levels.

WG.10.a.1. Essential Understandings: Students are expected to know that divisions are regions of the Earth's surface over which groups of people establish social, economic, and political control.

WG.10.a.2. Essential Understandings: Students are expected to know that spatial divisions may generate conflict.

WG.10.a.3. Essential Understandings: Students are expected to know that spatial divisions may generate cooperation.

WG.10.a.4. Essential Skills: Students should be able to compare maps and make inferences.

WG.10.a.5. Essential Skills: Students should be able to identify regional patterns.

WG.10.a.6. Essential Skills: Students should be able to gather, classify, and interpret information.

WG.10.a.7. Essential Skills: Students should be able to explain cause and effect relationships.

WG.10.a.8. Essential Skills: Students should be able to draw conclusions and make generalizations about data.

WG.10.a.9. Essential Skills: Students should be able to participate in problem solving.

VA.WG.10.b. World Geography: The student will analyze how the forces of conflict and cooperation affect the division and control of the Earth's surface by explaining and analyzing the different spatial divisions at the national and international levels.

WG.10.b.1. Essential Understandings: Students are expected to know that divisions are regions of the Earth's surface over which groups of people establish social, economic, and political control.

WG.10.b.2. Essential Understandings: Students are expected to know that spatial divisions may generate conflict.

WG.10.b.3. Essential Understandings: Students are expected to know that cooperation may eliminate the need for the division and control of the Earth's surface.

WG.10.b.4. Essential Skills: Students should be able to compare maps and make inferences.

WG.10.b.5. Essential Skills: Students should be able to identify regional patterns.

WG.10.b.6. Essential Skills: Students should be able to gather, classify, and interpret information.

WG.10.b.7. Essential Skills: Students should be able to explain cause and effect relationships.

WG.10.b.8. Essential Skills: Students should be able to draw conclusions and make generalizations about data.

WG.10.b.9. Essential Skills: Students should be able to participate in problem solving.

VA.WG.10.c. World Geography: The student will analyze how the forces of conflict and cooperation affect the division and control of the Earth's surface by analyzing ways cooperation occurs to solve problems and settle disputes.

WG.10.c.1. Essential Understandings: Students are expected to know that divisions are regions of the Earth's surface over which groups of people establish social, economic, and political control.

WG.10.c.2. Essential Understandings: Students are expected to know that spatial divisions may generate conflict.

WG.10.c.3. Essential Understandings: Students are expected to know that cooperation may eliminate the need for the division and control of the Earth's surface.

WG.10.c.4. Essential Skills: Students should be able to compare maps and make inferences.

WG.10.c.5. Essential Skills: Students should be able to identify regional patterns.

WG.10.c.6. Essential Skills: Students should be able to gather, classify, and interpret information.

WG.10.c.7. Essential Skills: Students should be able to explain cause and effect relationships.

WG.10.c.8. Essential Skills: Students should be able to draw conclusions and make generalizations about data.

WG.10.c.9. Essential Skills: Students should be able to participate in problem solving.

VA.WG.11.a. World Geography: The student will analyze the patterns of urban development by applying the concepts of site and situation to major cities in each region.

WG.11.a.1. Essential Understandings: Students are expected to know that site and situation are important geographic concepts when studying the growth of cities.

WG.11.a.2. Essential Understandings: Students are expected to know that patterns of urban development occur according to site and situation.

WG.11.a.3. Essential Skills: Students should be able to gather, classify, and interpret information.

WG.11.a.4. Essential Skills: Students should be able to draw conclusions and make generalizations about information.

WG.11.a.5. Essential Skills: Students should be able to explain cause and effect relationships.

WG.11.a.6. Essential Skills: Students should be able to identify and interpret regional patterns on maps.

WG.11.a.7. Essential Skills: Students should be able to locate area on maps and globes.

WG.11.a.8. Essential Skills: Students should be able to sequence events.

VA.WG.11.b. World Geography: The student will analyze the patterns of urban development by explaining how the functions of towns and cities have changed over time.

WG.11.b.1. Essential Understandings: Students are expected to know that the functions of towns and cities change over time.

WG.11.b.2. Essential Skills: Students should be able to gather, classify, and interpret information.

WG.11.b.3. Essential Skills: Students should be able to draw conclusions and make generalizations about information.

WG.11.b.4. Essential Skills: Students should be able to explain cause and effect relationships.

WG.11.b.5. Essential Skills: Students should be able to identify and interpret regional patterns on maps.

WG.11.b.6. Essential Skills: Students should be able to locate places on maps and globes.

VA.WG.11.c. World Geography: The student will analyze the patterns of urban development by describing the unique influence of urban areas and some challenges they face.

WG.11.c.1. Essential Understandings: Students are expected to know that urban populations exercise a powerful influence in shaping the world's cultural, political, and economic ideas and systems.

WG.11.c.2. Essential Understandings: Students are expected to know that urban development may lead to problems related to human mobility, social structure, and the environment.

WG.11.c.3. Essential Skills: Students should be able to gather, classify, and interpret information.

WG.11.c.4. Essential Skills: Students should be able to draw conclusions and make generalizations about data.

WG.11.c.5. Essential Skills: Students should be able to explain cause and effect relationships.

WG.11.c.6. Essential Skills: Students should be able to identify and interpret regional patterns on maps.

WG.11.c.7. Essential Skills: Students should be able to locate places on maps and globes.

VA.WG.12.a. World Geography: The student will apply geography to interpret the past, understand the present, and plan for the future by using geographic knowledge, skills, and perspectives to analyze problems and make decisions.

WG.12.a.1. Essential Understandings: Students are expected to know that an understanding of the practical applications of geography enables students to be informed, active citizens in their communities.

WG.12.a.2. Essential Skills: Students should be able to organize and interpret information.

WG.12.a.3. Essential Skills: Students should be able to use maps and other geographic resources to obtain information and draw conclusions.

WG.12.a.4. Essential Skills: Students should be able to participate in problem solving and decision making.

VA.WG.12.b. World Geography: The student will apply geography to interpret the past, understand the present, and plan for the future by relating current events to the physical and human characteristics of places and regions.

WG.12.b.1. Essential Understandings: Students are expected to know that current events are shaped by the physical and human characteristics of the places and regions where they occur.

WG.12.b.2. Essential Skills: Students should be able to compare maps and make inferences.

WG.12.b.3. Essential Skills: Students should be able to identify and interpret regional patterns on maps.

WG.12.b.4. Essential Skills: Students should be able to identify primary ideas expressed in graphic data.

WG.12.b.5. Essential Skills: Students should be able to gather, classify, and interpret information.

WG.12.b.6. Essential Skills: Students should be able to draw conclusions and make generalizations about data.

WG.12.b.7. Essential Skills: Students should be able to examine cause and effect relationships.

WG.1 The student will use maps, globes, photographs, and pictures in order to

WG.1e) Recognize different map projections and explain the concept of distortion.

WG.3 The student will apply the concept of a region by

WG.3c) Analyzing how cultural characteristics, including the world's major languages and religions, link or divide regions.

WG.4 The student will locate and analyze physical, economic, and cultural characteristics of world regions: Latin America and the Caribbean, Europe, United States and Canada, North Africa and Southwest Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa, Russia and Central Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia, East Asia, Australia and the Pacific Islands, and Antarctica.

WG.9 The student will analyze the global patterns and networks of economic interdependence by

WG.9d) Describing and evaluating the formation of economic unions.

WG.11 The student will analyze the patterns of urban development by

WG.11a) Applying the concepts of site and situation to major cities in each region;

WG.11b) Explaining how the functions of towns and cities have changed over time;

WG.11c) Describing the unique influence of urban areas and some challenges they face.

WG.12 The student will apply geography to interpret the past, understand the present, and plan for the future by

WG.12b) Relating current events to the physical and human characteristics of places and regions.

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