Virginia State Standards for Mathematics: Kindergarten

K.1. The student, given two sets, each containing 10 or fewer concrete objects, will identify and describe one set as having more, fewer, or the same number of members as the other set, using the concept of one-to-one correspondence.

K.2. The student, given a set containing 15 or fewer concrete objects, will

K.2.a) tell how many are in the set by counting the number of objects orally.

K.2.b) write the numeral to tell how many are in the set.

K.2.c) select the corresponding numeral from a given set of numerals.

K.3. The student, given an ordered set of ten objects and/or pictures, will indicate the ordinal position of each object, first through tenth, and the ordered position of each object.

K.4. The student will

K.5. The student will identify the parts of a set and/or region that represent fractions for halves and fourths.

K.6. The student will model adding and subtracting whole numbers, using up to 10 concrete objects.

K.7. The student will recognize a penny, nickel, dime, and quarter and will determine the value of a collection of pennies and/or nickels whose total value is 10 cents or less.

K.8. The student will identify the instruments used to measure length (ruler), weight (scale), time (clock: digital and analog; calendar: day, month, and season), and temperature (thermometer).

K.9. The student will tell time to the hour, using analog and digital clocks.

K.10. The student will compare two objects or events, using direct comparisons or nonstandard units of measure, according to one or more of the following attributes: length (shorter, longer), height (taller, shorter), weight (heavier, lighter), temperature (hotter, colder). Examples of nonstandard units include foot length, hand span, new pencil, paper clip, and block.

K.11. The student will

K.12. The student will describe the location of one object relative to another (above, below, next to) and identify representations of plane geometric figures (circle, triangle, square, and rectangle) regardless of their positions and orientations in space.

K.13. The student will gather data by counting and tallying.

K.14. The student will display gathered data in object graphs, picture graphs, and tables, and will answer questions related to the data.

K.15. The student will sort and classify objects according to attributes.

K.16. The student will identify, describe, and extend repeating patterns.

K.17. The student will sort and classify objects according to similar attributes (size, shape, and color).

K.18. The student will identify, describe, and extend a repeating relationship (pattern) found in common objects, sounds, and movements.

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