Tennessee State Standards for Social Studies: Kindergarten

Currently Perma-Bound only has suggested titles for grades K-8 in the Science and Social Studies areas. We are working on expanding this.

To view all matching titles click here.

TN.K.1. Culture: Culture encompasses similarities and differences among people, including their beliefs, knowledge, changes, values, and traditions. Students will explore these elements of society to develop an appreciation and respect for the variety of human cultures.

K.1.01. Understand the diversity of human cultures.

K.1.01.a. Identify personal attributes, such as physical characteristics, that are common to all people such as physical characteristics. 3
Suggested Titles for Tennessee Social Studies State Standard K.1.01.a.

K.1.01.b. Identify differences among people. 5
Suggested Titles for Tennessee Social Studies State Standard K.1.01.b.

K.1.01.c. Recognize how individuals learn to do skills and customs from their culture. 13
Suggested Titles for Tennessee Social Studies State Standard K.1.01.c.

K.1.01.d. Recognize all cultures have family units where decisions are made. 30
Suggested Titles for Tennessee Social Studies State Standard K.1.01.d.

K.1.02. Discuss cultures and human patterns of places and regions of the world. Understand that some differences among people are a result of their culture.

K.1.02.a. Identify similarities and differences in food, clothes, homes, games, and families in different cultures. 5
Suggested Titles for Tennessee Social Studies State Standard K.1.02.a.

K.1.02.b. Explain how means of transportation may be diversified in different cultures in response to the environment. 2
Suggested Titles for Tennessee Social Studies State Standard K.1.02.b.

K.1.02.c. Compare family customs and traditions among cultures. 5
Suggested Titles for Tennessee Social Studies State Standard K.1.02.c.

K.1.02.d. Describe customs of the local community. 14
Suggested Titles for Tennessee Social Studies State Standard K.1.02.d.

K.1.03. Recognize the contributions that individuals and people of various ethnic, racial, religious, and socioeconomic groups have made to the development of civilizations.

K.1.03.a. Recognize contributions of different cultures around the world. 6
Suggested Titles for Tennessee Social Studies State Standard K.1.03.a.

K.1.03.b. Explain the value of family traditions and customs. 10
Suggested Titles for Tennessee Social Studies State Standard K.1.03.b.

TN.K.2. Economics: Globalization of the economy, the explosion of population growth, technological changes and international competition compel students to understand, both personally and globally, the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Students will examine and analyze economic concepts such as basic needs versus wants, using versus/saving money, and policy making versus decision making.

K.2.01. Describe potential costs and benefits of personal economic choices in a market economy.

K.2.01.a. Identify basic human needs. 5
Suggested Titles for Tennessee Social Studies State Standard K.2.01.a.

K.2.01.b. Explain how basic human needs of food, clothing, shelter, and transportation are met. 4
Suggested Titles for Tennessee Social Studies State Standard K.2.01.b.

K.2.01.c. Understand that people create shelter according to both culture and environment.

K.2.02. Give examples of the interaction of businesses and governments in a market economy.

K.2.02.a. Recognize how jobs are similar and different from one community to another. 10
Suggested Titles for Tennessee Social Studies State Standard K.2.02.a.

K.2.02.b. Identify jobs in the home, and school. 8
Suggested Titles for Tennessee Social Studies State Standard K.2.02.b.

K.2.03. Understand fundamental economic concepts.

K.2.03.a. Explain why people have jobs.

K.2.03.b. Distinguish between needs and wants. 1
Suggested Titles for Tennessee Social Studies State Standard K.2.03.b.

K.2.03.c. Recognize that all jobs are significant and realize that some jobs are interdependent. 10
Suggested Titles for Tennessee Social Studies State Standard K.2.03.c.

TN.K.3. Geography: Geography enables the students to see, understand and appreciate the web of relationships between people, places, and environments. Students will use the knowledge, skills, and understanding of concepts within the six essential elements of geography: world in spatial terms, places and regions, physical systems, human systems, environment and society, and the uses of geography.

K.3.01. Understand how to use maps, globes, and other geographic representations, tools, and technologies to acquire, process and report information from a spatial perspective.

K.3.01.a. Explain what a globe and map represent. 7
Suggested Titles for Tennessee Social Studies State Standard K.3.01.a.

K.3.01.b. Use personal directions such as up, down, left, right, near and far to describe relative direction. 3
Suggested Titles for Tennessee Social Studies State Standard K.3.01.b.

K.3.01.c. Locate places in community such as the student's home and the classroom on the campus. 7
Suggested Titles for Tennessee Social Studies State Standard K.3.01.c.

K.3.02. Recognize the interaction between human and physical systems around the world.

K.3.02.a. Identify the human characteristics of places such as types of houses and ways of earning a living. 13
Suggested Titles for Tennessee Social Studies State Standard K.3.02.a.

K.3.02.b. Describe how weather impacts every daily life. 41
Suggested Titles for Tennessee Social Studies State Standard K.3.02.b.

K.3.02.c. Describe seasons. 34
Suggested Titles for Tennessee Social Studies State Standard K.3.02.c.

K.3.03. Demonstrate how to identify and locate major physical and political features on globes and maps.

K.3.03.a. Identify the concept of physical features as in mountains, plains, hills, oceans, and islands. 9
Suggested Titles for Tennessee Social Studies State Standard K.3.03.a.

K.3.03.b. Describe how landforms and bodies of water influence where and how people live. 9
Suggested Titles for Tennessee Social Studies State Standard K.3.03.b.

K.3.03.c. Describe personal connections to place, especially place as associated with immediate surroundings. 7
Suggested Titles for Tennessee Social Studies State Standard K.3.03.c.

TN.K.4. Governance and Civics: Governance establishes structures of power and authority in order to provide order and stability. Civic efficacy requires understanding rights and responsibilities, ethical behavior, and the role of citizens within their community, nation, and world.

K.4.01. Discuss the structure and purposes of governance.

K.4.01.a. Recognize that a person is a citizen of the country in which he/she is born. 8
Suggested Titles for Tennessee Social Studies State Standard K.4.01.a.

K.4.01.b. Understand that rules are created to protect an environment. 6
Suggested Titles for Tennessee Social Studies State Standard K.4.01.b.

K.4.01.c. Know that family structures can change. 30
Suggested Titles for Tennessee Social Studies State Standard K.4.01.c.

K.4.01.d. Identify authority figures in the home, school, and community. 2
Suggested Titles for Tennessee Social Studies State Standard K.4.01.d.

K.4.01.e. Explain how authority figures make and enforce rules. 2
Suggested Titles for Tennessee Social Studies State Standard K.4.01.e.

K.4.01.f. Explain the use of voting as a method for group decision-making. 2
Suggested Titles for Tennessee Social Studies State Standard K.4.01.f.

K.4.02. Describe the Constitution of the United States and the Tennessee State Constitution in principle and practice.

K.4.02.a. Recognize the need for rules for daily living and fair treatment of others. 7
Suggested Titles for Tennessee Social Studies State Standard K.4.02.a.

K.4.02.b. Identify purposes for having rules. 7
Suggested Titles for Tennessee Social Studies State Standard K.4.02.b.

K.4.02.c. Be aware that laws and rules are followed and created by the people, school, community, and country. 8
Suggested Titles for Tennessee Social Studies State Standard K.4.02.c.

K.4.03. Understand the rights, responsibilities, and privileges of citizens living in a democratic republic.

K.4.03.a. Know rules of safety including signs and signals. 1
Suggested Titles for Tennessee Social Studies State Standard K.4.03.a.

K.4.03.b. Define cooperation. 6
Suggested Titles for Tennessee Social Studies State Standard K.4.03.b.

K.4.04. Recognize the qualities of a contributing citizen in our participatory democracy.

K.4.04.a. Identify the flags of the United States and Tennessee. 2
Suggested Titles for Tennessee Social Studies State Standard K.4.04.a.

K.4.04.b. Recite the Pledge of Allegiance. 7
Suggested Titles for Tennessee Social Studies State Standard K.4.04.b.

K.4.04.c. Explain the reasons for national patriotic holidays such as President's Day, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, and Independence Day. 21
Suggested Titles for Tennessee Social Studies State Standard K.4.04.c.

TN.K.5. History: History involves people, events, and issues. Students will evaluate evidence to develop comparative and casual analyses, and to interpret primary sources. They will construct sound historical arguments and perspectives on which informed decisions in contemporary life can be based.

K.5.01. Identify major events, people, and patterns Tennessee, United States, and world history.

K.5.01.a. Define history as the story of our past. 4
Suggested Titles for Tennessee Social Studies State Standard K.5.01.a.

K.5.01.b. Recall events in the past and present in order to recognize that individuals have a personal history. 4
Suggested Titles for Tennessee Social Studies State Standard K.5.01.b.

K.5.01.c. Illustrate a family history to demonstrate that every family has a heritage. 13
Suggested Titles for Tennessee Social Studies State Standard K.5.01.c.

K.5.02. Understand the place of historical events in the context of past, present, and future.

K.5.02.a. Recognize that change occurs over time. 4
Suggested Titles for Tennessee Social Studies State Standard K.5.02.a.

K.5.02.b. Observe how sites in neighborhoods and communities change over time. 10
Suggested Titles for Tennessee Social Studies State Standard K.5.02.b.

K.5.03. Explain how to use historical information acquired from a variety of sources.

K.5.03.a. Recognize that each family has a family tree. 30
Suggested Titles for Tennessee Social Studies State Standard K.5.03.a.

K.5.03.b. Recall family stories and celebrations to develop a personal history. 5
Suggested Titles for Tennessee Social Studies State Standard K.5.03.b.

TN.K.6. Individuals, Groups, and Interactions: Personal development and identity are shaped by factors including culture, groups, and institutions. Central to this development are exploration, identification, and analysis of how individuals, and groups work independently and cooperatively.

K.6.01. Recognize the impact of individual and group decisions on citizens and communities.

K.6.01.a. Describe how individuals meet their needs and wants through different means. 1
Suggested Titles for Tennessee Social Studies State Standard K.6.01.a.

K.6.01.b. Know that individuals choose jobs that impact their lives, families and communities. 10
Suggested Titles for Tennessee Social Studies State Standard K.6.01.b.

K.6.01.c. Explain that people learn in the context of families, peers, schools, and communities. 30
Suggested Titles for Tennessee Social Studies State Standard K.6.01.c.

K.6.01.d. Give examples of how learning and physical development affect behavior. 5
Suggested Titles for Tennessee Social Studies State Standard K.6.01.d.

K.6.01.e. Explain the consequences of an individual's decisions and actions. 5
Suggested Titles for Tennessee Social Studies State Standard K.6.01.e.

K.6.02. Understand how groups can impact change at the local, state, national, and world levels.

K.6.02.a. Recognize individuals have a space or develop an understanding of space and spatial relationships. 8
Suggested Titles for Tennessee Social Studies State Standard K.6.02.a.

K.6.02.b. Understand that cooperation is necessary when working within large and small groups to complete tasks. 6
Suggested Titles for Tennessee Social Studies State Standard K.6.02.b.

K.6.02.c. Work independently and cooperatively to accomplish goals. 6
Suggested Titles for Tennessee Social Studies State Standard K.6.02.c.

K.6.02.d. Describe how groups are made up of people who work, play, or learn together and share common interests. 31
Suggested Titles for Tennessee Social Studies State Standard K.6.02.d.

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