Tennessee State Standards for Science: Grade 3

Currently Perma-Bound only has suggested titles for grades K-8 in the Science and Social Studies areas. We are working on expanding this.

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TN.1.0. Life Science: Cell Structure and Function: The student will investigate the structure and function of plant and animal cells.

3.1.1. Recognize that living things are made up of smaller parts. 69
Suggested Titles for Tennessee Science State Standard 3.1.1.

3.1.2. Recognize that smaller parts of living things contribute to the operation and well being of entire organisms. 69
Suggested Titles for Tennessee Science State Standard 3.1.2.

TN.2.0. Life Science: Interactions Between Living Things and Their Environment: The student will investigate how living things interact with one another and with non-living elements of their environment.

3.2.1. Recognize the distinction between living and non-living things. 120
Suggested Titles for Tennessee Science State Standard 3.2.1.

3.2.2. Realize that organisms use their senses to interact with their environment. 54
Suggested Titles for Tennessee Science State Standard 3.2.2.

3.2.3. Examine interrelationships among plants, animals, and their environment. 97
Suggested Titles for Tennessee Science State Standard 3.2.3.

3.2.4. Recognize that the environment and the organisms that live in it can be affected by pollution. 93
Suggested Titles for Tennessee Science State Standard 3.2.4.

TN.3.0. Life Science: Food Production and Energy for Life: The student will study the basic parts of plants, investigate how plants produce food, and discover that plants and animals use food to sustain life.

3.3.1. Recognize the basic requirements of all living things. 129
Suggested Titles for Tennessee Science State Standard 3.3.1.

3.3.2. Recognize the basic parts of plants. 51
Suggested Titles for Tennessee Science State Standard 3.3.2.

TN.4.0. Life Science: Heredity and Reproduction: The student will understand the basic principles of inheritance.

3.4.1. Recognize that living things reproduce. 120
Suggested Titles for Tennessee Science State Standard 3.4.1.

3.4.2. Recognize that offspring tend to resemble their parents. 39
Suggested Titles for Tennessee Science State Standard 3.4.2.

3.4.3. Recognize that the appearance of plants and animals changes as they mature. 167
Suggested Titles for Tennessee Science State Standard 3.4.3.

TN.5.0. Life Science: Diversity and Adaptation Among Living Things: The student will understand that living things have characteristics that enable them to survive in their environment.

3.5.1. Recognize the differences among plants and animals of the same kind. 508
Suggested Titles for Tennessee Science State Standard 3.5.1.

3.5.2. Recognize that living things have features that help them to survive in different environments. 83
Suggested Titles for Tennessee Science State Standard 3.5.2.

TN.6.0. Life Science: Biological Change: The student will understand that living things have changed over time.

3.6.1. Recognize that some plants and animals that once lived are no longer found on earth. 18
Suggested Titles for Tennessee Science State Standard 3.6.1.

TN.7.0. Earth and Space Science: Earth and Its Place in the Universe: The student will investigate the structure of the universe.

3.7.1. Recognize that different objects appear in the day and nighttime sky. 46
Suggested Titles for Tennessee Science State Standard 3.7.1.

3.7.2. Recognize that there are predictable patterns that occur in the universe. 241
Suggested Titles for Tennessee Science State Standard 3.7.2.

TN.8.0. Earth and Space Science: Atmospheric Cycles: The student will investigate the relationships among atmospheric conditions, weather, and climate.

3.8.1. Recognize daily and seasonal weather changes. 129
Suggested Titles for Tennessee Science State Standard 3.8.1.

3.8.2. Realize that weather is associated with temperature, precipitation, and wind conditions and can be measured using tools and instruments. 112
Suggested Titles for Tennessee Science State Standard 3.8.2.

TN.9.0. Earth and Space Science: Earth Features: The student will understand that the earth has many geological features that are constantly changing.

3.9.1. Identify the earth's major geological features. 58
Suggested Titles for Tennessee Science State Standard 3.9.1.

TN.10.0. Earth and Space Science: Earth Resources: The student will investigate the properties, uses, and conservation of earth's resources.

3.10.1. Recognize that there are a variety of earth materials that have basic observable and measurable properties. 92
Suggested Titles for Tennessee Science State Standard 3.10.1.

3.10.2. Realize that earth materials can be recycled or conserved. 60
Suggested Titles for Tennessee Science State Standard 3.10.2.

TN.11.0. Physical Science: Forces and Motion: The student will investigate the effects of force on the movement of objects.

3.11.1. Realize the basic concept that forces can move objects (push/pull). 22
Suggested Titles for Tennessee Science State Standard 3.11.1.

3.11.2. Observe and predict how the weight of an object and its position affect balance. 117
Suggested Titles for Tennessee Science State Standard 3.11.2.

TN.12.0. Physical Science: Structure and Properties of Matter: The student will investigate the characteristic properties of matter.

3.12.1. Recognize that objects have observable properties that can change over time and under different conditions. 72
Suggested Titles for Tennessee Science State Standard 3.12.1.

TN.13.0. Physical Science: Interactions of Matter: The student will investigate the interactions of matter.

3.13.1. Investigate the kinds of changes that occur when different types of matter interact. 67
Suggested Titles for Tennessee Science State Standard 3.13.1.

TN.14.0. Physical Science: Energy: The student will investigate energy and its uses.

3.14.1. Realize that the sun is the main source of earth's heat and light energy. 88
Suggested Titles for Tennessee Science State Standard 3.14.1.

3.14.2. Recognize that sound is produced when objects vibrate. 130
Suggested Titles for Tennessee Science State Standard 3.14.2.

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