Tennessee State Standards for Language Arts: Grade 3

Currently Perma-Bound only has suggested titles for grades K-8 in the Science and Social Studies areas. We are working on expanding this.

TN.CS.1. Language: Standard American English conventions and vocabulary are essential to effective communication and to success in college classrooms and workplaces.

GQ.1. How does language usage reflect mastery of Standard American English and its conventions?

GLE 0301.1. Grade Level Expectations

GLE 0301.1.1. Demonstrate knowledge of Standard English usage, mechanics, and spelling.

GLE 0301.1.2. Demonstrate knowledge of strategies and resources to determine the definition, pronunciation, and usage of words and phrases.

GLE 0301.1.3. Demonstrate knowledge of Standard English sentence structure.

0301.1. Checks for Understanding (Formative/Summative Assessment)

0301.1.1. Know and use appropriately the meaning, forms, and functions of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs.

0301.1.2. Recognize and avoid errors in Standard English usage (e.g., to/too/two; their/ there/ they're).

0301.1.3. Know and apply correctly the rules for capitalization.

0301.1.4. Understand and use correctly standard marks of punctuation, including commas in direct address, in dates and addresses, and items in a series.

0301.1.5. Apply correct orthographic conventions, including spelling, contractions and possessives, and letter formation.

0301.1.6. Write legibly in manuscript and in cursive.

0301.1.7. Recognize sentence types - statements, questions, commands, and exclamations - and apply appropriate end marks when writing and vocal intonation when speaking.

0301.1.8. Identify the subject and predicate of a sentence (simple and compound).

0301.1.9. Recognize complete sentences and sentence fragments and edit appropriately.

0301.1.10. Combine simple sentences into compound sentences using compound subjects and/or predicates.

0301.1.11. Use a variety of previously learned strategies (e.g., roots and affixes, context, reference resources) to determine the meanings of unfamiliar words.

SPI 0301.1. State Performance Indicators

SPI 0301.1.1. Identify correctly used capital letters.

SPI 0301.1.2. Select the simple subject and predicate of a sentence.

SPI 0301.1.3. Select the compound sentence that correctly combines two simple sentences.

SPI 0301.1.4. Identify the correct use of nouns (i.e., as subjects, singular and plural), verbs (i.e. present, past, and future tense), and adjectives (i.e., comparative and superlative) within context.

SPI 0301.1.5. Identify the correct use of commas with dates, addresses, items in a series, and the greeting and closing of a friendly letter.

SPI 0301.1.6. Identify declarative, interrogative, and exclamatory sentences by recognizing appropriate end marks.

SPI 0301.1.7. Choose correctly (or incorrectly) spelled words in context and correctly (or incorrectly) formed contractions and plurals.

SPI 0301.1.8. Recognize usage errors occurring within context (i.e., double negatives, troublesome words: to/too/two; their/there/they're).

TN.CS.2. Communication: Effective communication through clear and persuasive expression and attentive listening is necessary for success in school, the workplace, and the larger community.

GQ.2. What communication skills are essential to achieve success in school, the workplace, and in leisurely pursuits?

GLE 0301.2. Grade Level Expectations

GLE 0301.2.1. Continue to develop basic listening skills necessary for communication.

GLE 0301.2.2. Continue to develop basic speaking skills necessary for communication.

0301.2. Checks for Understanding (Formative/Summative Assessment)

0301.2.1. Listening: Consistently use established rules for polite conversation and attentive listening (e.g., take turns, raise hands, ask questions, don not interrupt, face speaker).

0301.2.2. Listening: Demonstrate the ability to follow oral directions up to three steps.

0301.2.3. Listening: Respond to questions from teachers and other group members and pose follow-up questions for clarity.

0301.2.4. Listening: Listen and respond to a variety of media (e.g., books, audio tapes, videos).

0301.2.5. Speaking: Consistently use rules for conversation and verbal participation.

0301.2.6. Speaking: Give oral directions up to three steps.

0301.2.7. Speaking: Participate in group discussions.

0301.2.8. Speaking: Show evidence of expanding oral language through vocabulary growth.

0301.2.9. Speaking: Participate in creative and expressive responses to text (e.g., choral reading, discussion, dramatizations, oral presentations, personal experiences).

TN.CS.3. Writing: The ability to write clearly and coherently for a variety of purposes to a variety of audiences is vital to individual success.

GQ.3. How will students demonstrate their ability to write effectively for a variety of purposes and audiences?

GLE 0301.3. Grade Level Expectations

GLE 0301.3.1. Write for a variety of purposes and to a variety of audiences.

GLE 0301.3.2. Know and apply the steps of the writing process: prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, evaluating, and publishing.

GLE 0301.3.3. Write in a variety of modes and genres, including narration, literary response, personal experience, and subject matter content.

0301.3. Checks for Understanding (Formative/Summative Assessment)

0301.3.1. Write on a specific topic to a specified audience (e.g., self, peers, adults).

0301.3.2. Write for a variety of purposes: to entertain, persuade, inform, demonstrate knowledge, answer questions, tell a story, respond to literature.

0301.3.3. Use all steps in the writing process: brainstorm and organize ideas, create a first draft, revise and proofread draft, share completed work.

0301.3.4. Write in complete sentences developed into a logical, coherent paragraph with a topic sentence, supporting details, and a concluding sentence.

0301.3.5. Use correct page format (e.g., paragraphs, margins, indentations, and titles).

0301.3.6. Use a rubric to evaluate own and others' writing through small group discussion and shared work.

0301.3.7. Use technology to publish and present.

0301.3.8. Express thoughts, feelings, and experiences through poetry and illustrations.

0301.3.9. Write in journals.

SPI 0301.3. State Performance Indicators

SPI 0301.3.1. Complete a simple graphic organizer to group ideas for writing.

SPI 0301.3.2. Identify the purpose for writing (e.g., to entertain, to inform, to respond to a picture).

SPI 0301.3.3. Choose the most specific word to complete a simple sentence.

SPI 0301.3.4. Rearrange sentences and/or events in a sequential, coherent order.

SPI 0301.3.5. Choose a topic sentence for a paragraph.

SPI 0301.3.6. Select the best title for a text.

SPI 0301.3.7. Identify unnecessary information in a paragraph.

SPI 0301.3.8. Choose a supporting sentence that best fits the context and flow of ideas in a paragraph.

TN.CS.4. Research: Effective researchers have the ability to frame, analyze, and solve problems, while building on and evaluating the credibility of existing research.

GQ.4. How can students develop the ability to find and incorporate reliable, valid research materials into their original work and give appropriate credit to sources?

GLE 0301.4. Grade Level Expectations

GLE 0301.4.1. Identify and narrow a grade-appropriate research topic.

GLE 0301.4.2. Determine three or more resources using more than one medium.

GLE 0301.4.3. Present research results in a simple written report.

0301.4. Checks for Understanding (Formative/Summative Assessment)

0301.4.1. Define and narrow a topic for research.

0301.4.2. Identify resources from more than one medium to support the research topic.

0301.4.3. Gather relevant information from a variety of sources available for information.

0301.4.4. Use reference materials (e.g., dictionary, thesaurus, atlas, and encyclopedia).

0301.4.5. Visit the library/media center as a source of information for research.

0301.4.7. Organize information gathered using a simple graphic organizer.

0301.4.8. Write a simple research report demonstrating the research results.

SPI 0301.4. State Performance Indicators

SPI 0301.4.1. Identify the most reliable sources of information to support a research topic.

SPI 0301.4.2. Complete a simple graphic organizer (e.g., chart, web) organizing information from text or technological sources.

SPI 0301.4.3. Compose a one-page report delivering the research results.

TN.CS.5. Logic: Logic develops the skills of reasoning soundly, thinking critically, arguing persuasively, and inferring appropriately.

GQ.5. How can students develop and demonstrate the ability to apply logic in a sound and systematic way?

GLE 0301.5. Grade Level Expectations

GLE 0301.5.1. Develop logic skills to enhance thoughtful reasoning and to facilitate learning.

GLE 0301.5.2. Make inferences and draw conclusions.

GLE 0301.5.3. Apply learned logic skills to selections read, as well as to classroom situations.

0301.5. Checks for Understanding (Formative/Summative Assessment)

0301.5.1. Distinguish fact from opinion.

0301.5.2. Distinguish cause from effect.

0301.5.3. Compare and contrast two characters, ideas, or stories.

0301.5.4. Draw inferences and adjust predictions during reading.

0301.5.5. Draw conclusions based on evidence acquired during reading.

SPI 0301.5. State Performance Indicators

SPI 0301.5.1. Draw appropriate inferences from text.

SPI 0301.5.2. Distinguish between fact and opinion within text.

SPI 0301.5.3. Identify stated cause-effect relationships in text.

SPI 0301.5.4. Determine sequence of events in a narrative.

SPI 0301.5.5. Determine the problem in a story and recognize its solution.

TN.CS.6. Informational Text: Most texts are informational in nature and require a comprehensive set of skills different from those needed for recreational reading.

GQ.6. What specific strategies and skills are required in order to understand and interpret various informational texts?

GLE 0301.6. Grade Level Expectations

GLE 0301.6.1. Apply appropriate reading strategies to comprehend informational text (e.g., prereading strategies, comprehension strategies).

GLE 0301.6.2. Recognize the different features of informational text (e.g., separate text boxes, diagrams, captions, charts, graphs).

0301.6. Checks for Understanding (Formative/Summative Assessment)

0301.6.1. Distinguish fiction from nonfiction.

0301.6.2. Identify the main idea and supporting details in informational text.

0301.6.3. Preview text to establish a purpose for reading, to activate prior knowledge, to facilitate the reading process, and to evaluate illustrations and graphics.

SPI 0301.6. State Performance Indicators

SPI 0301.6.1. Identify the stated main idea in a reading selection.

SPI 0301.6.2. Indicate which of a given set of illustrations or graphics best supports a particular text.

SPI 0301.6.3. Select information from a given set of text features (e.g., glossary, table of contents).

TN.CS.7. Media: An ability to understand and analyze media technology will be a vital, ongoing life skill.

GQ.7. What strategies will help students become thoughtful users of information coming from a wide variety of media?

GLE 0301.7. Grade Level Expectations

GLE 0301.7.1. Recognize that media can provide sources of information and entertainment.

GLE 0301.7.2. Use media to publish and present information.

0301.7. Checks for Understanding (Formative/Summative Assessment)

0301.7.1. Use media to access information (e.g., online catalog, nonfiction books, encyclopedias, CD-ROM references, Internet).

0301.7.2. Use media to enhance reports and oral presentations.

0301.7.3. Understand the main idea or message in a visual image (e.g., pictures, cartoons, weather reports on television, newspapers, photographs).

0301.7.4. Visit libraries/media centers and regularly check out materials.

SPI 0301.7. State Performance Indicators

SPI 0301.7.1. Determine the main idea in a visual image.

SPI 0301.7.2. Select the most appropriate medium or media for accessing information, writing a report, or making a presentation.

TN.CS.8. Literature: Educated members of adult society gain knowledge of themselves and others through the study of literature, thus becoming critical readers and lifelong members of literacy communities.

GQ.8. What skills and strategies are necessary for students to understand literary text and to make appropriate connections among themselves, the text, and the human community?

GLE 0301.8. Grade Level Expectations

GLE 0301.8.1. Maintain previously learned reading strategies and skills, such as concepts of print, phonemic awareness, fluency, and vocabulary.

GLE 0301.8.2. Develop and use strategies for reading before, during, and after reading.

GLE 0301.8.3. Read in a variety of genres and content areas.

GLE 0301.8.4. Learn basic characteristics of literary genres.

0301.8. Checks for Understanding (Formative/Summative Assessment)

0301.8.1. Recognize varying forms of text (e.g., poems, plays, stories).

0301.8.2. Identify and produce rhyming words and original poems.

0301.8.3. Use decoding strategies, such as sounding out words, comparing similar words, breaking words into smaller words, looking for word parts (e.g., root words, prefixes, and suffixes), and recognizing context clues.

0301.8.4. Read with increasing fluency and confidence from a variety of texts (e.g., paired readings, shared reading, choral reading, teacher-led reading, reading from tapes/CDs).

0301.8.5. Build vocabulary by listening to literature and participating in discussions.

0301.8.6. Use context clues to determine the meaning of multi-meaning words.

0301.8.7. Identify a purpose for reading (e.g., for information, for enjoyment, for understanding a writer's position).

0301.8.8. Demonstrate strategies for determining meaning while reading and checking for understanding after reading.

0301.8.9. Read and review various literary (e.g., short stories, fairy tales, nonfiction texts, biographies, folktales, myths, poetry) and media (e.g., photographs, the arts, films, video) genres.

0301.8.10. Define and identify setting and characters, including main and minor characters.

0301.8.11. Compare and contrast different versions/representations of similar stories, legends, lessons, or events reflecting different cultures.

0301.8.12. Explore the use of language in literary texts (e.g., rhythm, beat, imagery, simile, and metaphor).

0301.8.13. Explore the concept of first person point of view.

0301.8.14. Visit libraries/media centers; select and check out materials.

0301.8.15. Read longer narrative and expository text independently, including chapter books.

0301.8.16. Relate literary experiences (e.g., book discussions, literacy circles, writing, oral presentations, artistic representations).

SPI 0301.8. State Performance Indicators

SPI 0301.8.1. Identify and/or select rhyming words.

SPI 0301.8.2. Distinguish individual sounds, including consonant blends, within words.

SPI 0301.8.3. Identify setting, characters, and plot, including the sequence of events, in a reading selection.

SPI 0301.8.4. Recognize root words and their various inflections (e.g., walks, walking, walked).

SPI 0301.8.5. Determine word meanings using prefixes and suffixes and/or context clues.

SPI 0301.8.6. Select appropriate synonyms and antonyms within context.

SPI 0301.8.7. Identify forms of text as poems, plays, or stories.

SPI 0301.8.8. Recognize basic plot features of fairy tales, folk tales, fables, and myths.

SPI 0301.8.9. Recognize grade appropriate vocabulary, including multiple-meaning words, within context.

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