Oregon State Standards for Language Arts:

Currently Perma-Bound only has suggested titles for grades K-8 in the Science and Social Studies areas. We are working on expanding this.

OR.1. Reading: Analyze words, recognize words, and learn to read grade-level text fluently across the subject areas.

1.1. Concepts of Print: Identify the front cover, back cover, and title page of a book.

1.2. Concepts of Print: Follow words read aloud from left to right and from top to bottom of the page.

1.3. Concepts of Print: Know that print is spoken words written down and has meaning.

1.4. Concepts of Print: Recognize that sentences in print are made up of separate words.

1.5. Concepts of Print: Distinguish letters from words.

1.6. Concepts of Print: Recognize and name all upper and lower case letters.

1.7. Phonemic Awareness: Listen to spoken sentences and recognize individual words in a sentence.

1.8. Phonemic Awareness: Understand that the sequence of letters in a written word represents the sequence of sounds (phonemes) in a spoken word (alphabetic principle).

1.9. Phonemic Awareness: Given a spoken word, produce another word that rhymes with it.

1.10. Phonemic Awareness: Listen to one-syllable words and tell the beginning and ending sounds.

1.11. Phonemic Awareness: Given oral sets like 'pan, pan, pen,' identify the first two as being the same and the third as different.

1.12. Phonemic Awareness: Given oral sets like 'sat, cap, run,' identify the first two as sharing a same sound.

1.13. Phonemic Awareness: Orally blend two to three spoken sounds into recognizable words (e.g., /a/t/=at; /c/a/t/=cat).

1.14. Phonemic Awareness: Orally segment single syllable spoken words into their components (e.g., cat=/c/a/t/).

1.15. Decoding and Word Recognition: Understand that as letters of words change, so do the sounds (alphabetic principle).

1.16. Decoding and Word Recognition: Learn most one-to-one letter sound correspondences.

1.17. Decoding and Word Recognition: Blend sounds to read one-syllable decodable words.

1.18. Decoding and Word Recognition: Recognize some words by sight, including a few very common ones (a, the, I, my, you, is, are).

OR.2. Reading: Listen to, read, and understand a wide variety of informational and narrative text across the subject areas at school and on own, applying comprehension strategies as needed.

2.1. Listen to and Read Informational and Narrative Text: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Listen to and experience a wide variety of children's literature including alphabet books, informational stories, classic and contemporary literature, and nursery rhymes.

2.2. Listen to and Read Informational and Narrative Text: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Demonstrate listening comprehension of more complex text through discussions.

OR.3. Reading: Increase word knowledge through systematic vocabulary development; determine the meaning of new words by applying knowledge of word origins, word relationships, and context clues; verify the meaning of new words; and use those new words accurately across the subject areas.

3.1. Vocabulary: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Understand, learn, and use new vocabulary that is introduced and taught directly through orally-read stories and informational text.

3.2. Vocabulary: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Develop vocabulary by listening to and discussing both familiar and conceptually challenging selections read aloud.

3.3. Vocabulary: Identify and sort common pictures/words into basic categories (e.g., colors, shapes, foods).

3.4. Vocabulary: Describe common objects and events in both general (ball) and specific language (large red ball with stripes).

OR.4. Reading: Find, understand, and use specific information in a variety of texts across the subject areas to perform a task.

4.1. Read to Perform a Task: Locate the title and the name of the author of a book.

4.2. Read to Perform a Task: Recognize and demonstrate familiarity with everyday print such as signs, notices, labels; newspapers; and informational books.

OR.5. Reading: Demonstrate general understanding of grade-level informational text across the subject areas.

5.1. Informational Text: Demonstrate General Understanding: Correctly answer simple questions about a text read aloud.

OR.6. Reading: Develop an interpretation of grade-level informational text across the subject areas.

6.1. Informational Text: Develop an Interpretation: Use pictures or portions of the text to make predictions about the text.

6.2. Informational Text: Develop an Interpretation: Connect the information in text to life experiences.

OR.7. Reading: Examine content and structure of grade-level informational text across the subject areas.

7.1. Informational Text: Examine Content and Structure: There are currently no kindergarten grade-level foundations for Informational Text: Examine Content and Structure.

2.3. Literary Text: Demonstrate General Understanding: Retell, reenact, dramatize, or draw stories or parts of stories.

2.4. Writing: Write most letters and some words when they are dictated.

2.5. Writing: Write some consonant-vowel-consonant words such as man, cat, and run (demonstrating the alphabetic principle).

2.6. Writing: Write (unconventionally) to express own meaning.

2.7. Writing: Produce or dictate writing that approximates natural or story language.

3.5. Conventions: Capitalization: There are currently no kindergarten grade-level foundations for Conventions: Capitalization.

3.6. Conventions: Handwriting: Write uppercase and lowercase letters of the alphabet independently, closely approximating the correct shape and placement of the letters.

5.3. Research Report Writing: There are currently no kindergarten grade-level foundations for Research Report Writing.

OR.1. Reading: Analyze words, recognize words, and learn to read grade-level text fluently across the subject areas.

1.1. Concepts of Print: Identify letters, words, and sentences.

1.2. Concepts of Print: Match oral words to printed words.

1.3. Concepts of Print: Recognize that sentences start with capital letters and end with punctuation such as periods, question marks, and exclamation points.

1.4. Phonemic Awareness: Create and state a series of rhyming words including consonant blends (e.g., flat, slat).

1.5. Phonemic Awareness: Listen and distinguish initial, medial, and final sounds in single-syllable words.

1.6. Phonemic Awareness: Listen and distinguish long and short vowel sounds in stated single-syllable words (bit/bite).

1.7. Phonemic Awareness: Listen and count the number of sounds in a syllable; count the number of syllables in a word.

1.8. Phonemic Awareness: Orally blend two to four spoken phonemes (sounds) into recognizable words (e.g., /c/a/t/=cat; /f/l/a/t/=flat).

1.9. Phonemic Awareness: Orally segment single syllable spoken words into their components (e.g., cat=/c/a/t; splat=/s/p/l/a/t; rich=/r/i/ch).

1.10. Phonemic Awareness: Add, delete, or change target sounds to change words (e.g., change cow to how; pan to an).

1.11. Decoding and Word Recognition: Generate the sounds from all the letters and letter patterns, including consonant blends and long- and short-vowel patterns, and blend those sounds into recognizable words.

1.12. Decoding and Word Recognition: Use letter-sound correspondence knowledge to sound out unknown words.

1.13. Decoding and Word Recognition: Use knowledge of vowel digraphs and r-controlled letter-sound associations to read words (e.g., ea in beat, and ea in ear).

1.14. Decoding and Word Recognition: Read compound words and contractions.

1.15. Decoding and Word Recognition: Read inflectional forms (e.g., -s, -ed, -ing) and root words (e.g., look, looked, looking).

1.16. Decoding and Word Recognition: Read common word patterns (e.g., -ite, -ate in words such as gate, late, kite, and bite).

1.17. Decoding and Word Recognition: Read common irregular sight words accurately and fluently (e.g., the, have, said, come, give, of).

1.18. Decoding and Word Recognition: Read aloud grade-level text with accuracy and comprehension in a manner that sounds like natural speech, using cues of punctuation to assist.

1.19. Decoding and Word Recognition: By the end of the first grade, read aloud unpracticed grade-level text at a target rate of 40-60 wcpm (words correct per minute).

1.20. Decoding and Word Recognition: Read or demonstrate progress toward reading at an independent and instructional reading level appropriate to grade level.

OR.2. Reading: Listen to, read, and understand a wide variety of informational and narrative text across the subject areas at school and on own, applying comprehension strategies as needed.

2.1. Listen to and Read Informational and Narrative Text: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Listen to, read, and understand a wide variety of grade-level informational and narrative (story) text including children's magazines and newspapers, dictionaries, other reference materials, online information, classic and contemporary literature, and poetry.

2.2. Listen to and Read Informational and Narrative Text: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Demonstrate listening comprehension of more complex text through discussions.

2.3. Listen to and Read Informational and Narrative Text: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Monitor own reading and self-correct when an incorrectly identified word does not fit with cues provided by the letters in the word or the context surrounding the word.

2.4. Listen to and Read Informational and Narrative Text: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Notice when difficulties are encountered in understanding text.

OR.3. Reading: Increase word knowledge through systematic vocabulary development; determine the meaning of new words by applying knowledge of word origins, word relationships, and context clues; verify the meaning of new words; and use those new words accurately across the subject areas.

3.1. Vocabulary: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Understand, learn, and use new vocabulary that is introduced and taught directly through orally-read stories and informational text as well as student-read stories and informational text.

3.2. Vocabulary: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Develop vocabulary by listening to and discussing both familiar and conceptually challenging selections read aloud.

3.3. Vocabulary: Classify categories of words (e.g., concrete collections of animals, foods, toys).

3.4. Vocabulary: Use context to understand word and sentence meanings.

OR.4. Reading: Find, understand, and use specific information in a variety of texts across the subject areas to perform a task.

4.1. Read to Perform a Task: Read written directions, signs, captions, warning labels, and informational books.

4.2. Read to Perform a Task: Locate the title, name of author, name of illustrator, and table of contents.

4.3. Read to Perform a Task: Alphabetize a list of words by the first letter.

4.4. Read to Perform a Task: Read and understand simple one-step written instructions.

4.5. Read to Perform a Task: Obtain information from print illustrations.

4.6. Read to Perform a Task: Identify text that uses sequence or other logical order (explain how informational text is different from a story).

OR.5. Reading: Demonstrate general understanding of grade-level informational text across the subject areas.

5.1. Informational Text: Demonstrate General Understanding: Describe new information gained from text in own words.

5.2. Informational Text: Demonstrate General Understanding: Answer simple written comprehension questions based on material read.

OR.6. Reading: Develop an interpretation of grade-level informational text across the subject areas.

6.1. Informational Text: Develop an Interpretation: Make connections and discuss prior knowledge of topics in informational texts.

6.2. Informational Text: Develop an Interpretation: Discuss how, why, and what-if questions in sharing informational texts.

OR.7. Reading: Examine content and structure of grade-level informational text across the subject areas.

7.1. Informational Text: Examine Content and Structure: There are currently no Grade 1 grade-level foundations for Informational Text: Examine Content and Structure.

2.5. Writing: Write in complete sentences and distinguish whether simple sentences are incomplete or fail to make sense.

3.5. Conventions: Grammar: Identify and correctly write simple possessive pronouns (my/mine, his/hers).

3.6. Conventions: Punctuation: Correctly use periods (I like my dog.), exclamation points (Help!), and question marks (Do you like to play ball?) at the end of sentences.

3.7. Conventions: Capitalization: Capitalize the first word of a sentence, names of people, and the pronoun I.

3.8. Conventions: Handwriting: Print legibly and space letters, words, and sentences appropriately.

OR.1. Reading: Analyze words, recognize words, and learn to read grade-level text fluently across the subject areas.

1.1. Decoding and Word Recognition: Read regular multi-syllabic words.

1.2. Decoding and Word Recognition: Use letter-sound correspondence knowledge to sound out unknown words.

1.3. Decoding and Word Recognition: Recognize and use knowledge of spelling patterns (such as cut/cutting, slide/sliding, and the vowel sound 'oy' in boy) when reading.

1.4. Decoding and Word Recognition: Apply knowledge of basic syllabication rules when reading (e.g., vowel-consonant-vowel = su/per, vowel-consonant/consonant-vowel = sup/per).

1.5. Decoding and Word Recognition: Recognize and correctly read and use regular plurals (e.g., -s, -es, -ies) and irregular plurals (e.g., fly/flies, wife/wives).

1.6. Decoding and Word Recognition: Recognize common abbreviations (e.g., Jan., Sun., Mr., St.).

1.7. Decoding and Word Recognition: Read aloud grade-level text fluently and accurately with appropriate intonation and expression using cues of punctuation to assist.

1.8. Decoding and Word Recognition: By the end of the second grade, read aloud unpracticed grade-level text at a target rate of 90-100 wcpm (words correct per minute).

1.9. Decoding and Word Recognition: Read or demonstrate progress toward reading at an independent and instructional reading level appropriate to grade level.

OR.2. Reading: Listen to, read, and understand a wide variety of informational and narrative text across the subject areas at school and on own, applying comprehension strategies as needed.

2.1. Listen to and Read Informational and Narrative Text: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Listen to, read, and understand a wide variety of grade-level informational and narrative (story) text including children's magazines and newspapers, dictionaries, other reference materials, online information, classic and contemporary literature, and poetry.

2.2. Listen to and Read Informational and Narrative Text: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Demonstrate listening comprehension of more complex text through discussions.

2.3. Listen to and Read Informational and Narrative Text: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Draw upon a variety of comprehension strategies as needed--re-reading, self-correcting, summarizing, class and group discussions, generating and responding to essential questions, making predictions, and comparing information from several sources.

2.4. Listen to and Read Informational and Narrative Text: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Reread sentences when meaning is not clear.

2.5. Listen to and Read Informational and Narrative Text: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Read voluntarily for interest and own purposes.

OR.3. Reading: Increase word knowledge through systematic vocabulary development; determine the meaning of new words by applying knowledge of word origins, word relationships, and context clues; verify the meaning of new words; and use those new words accurately across the subject areas.

3.1. Vocabulary: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Understand, learn, and use new vocabulary that is introduced and taught directly through orally-read stories and informational text as well as student-read stories and informational text.

3.2. Vocabulary: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Develop vocabulary by listening to and discussing both familiar and conceptually challenging selections read aloud.

3.3. Vocabulary: Know and explain common antonyms and synonyms.

3.4. Vocabulary: Use knowledge of individual words in unknown compound words to predict their meaning (daydream).

3.5. Vocabulary: Know the meaning of simple prefixes (word parts added at the beginning of words such as un-) and suffixes (word parts added at the end of words such as -ful).

3.6. Vocabulary: Use context to identify simple multiple-meaning words (change, duck).

3.7. Vocabulary: Determine meanings of words by using a dictionary or glossary.

OR.4. Reading: Find, understand, and use specific information in a variety of texts across the subject areas to perform a task.

4.1. Read to Perform a Task: Read written directions, signs, captions, warning labels, and informational books.

4.2. Read to Perform a Task: Use titles, tables of contents, and chapter headings to locate information in text.

4.3. Read to Perform a Task: Interpret information from diagrams, charts, and graphs.

4.4. Read to Perform a Task: Alphabetize a list of words to the second letter.

4.5. Read to Perform a Task: Follow two-step written instructions.

OR.5. Reading: Demonstrate general understanding of grade-level informational text across the subject areas.

5.1. Informational Text: Demonstrate General Understanding: Read informational texts for answers to specific questions or for specific purposes.

5.2. Informational Text: Demonstrate General Understanding: Recall facts and details in the text to clarify and organize ideas.

OR.6. Reading: Develop an interpretation of grade-level informational text across the subject areas.

6.1. Informational Text: Develop an Interpretation: Pose possible answers to how, why, and what-if questions.

6.2. Informational Text: Develop an Interpretation: Connect the information in text to life experiences, text, and world.

OR.7. Reading: Examine content and structure of grade-level informational text across the subject areas.

7.1. Informational Text: Examine Content and Structure: Connect and compare information across selections.

2.6. Writing: Distinguish between complete (When Tom hit the ball, he was proud.) and incomplete sentences (When Tom hit the ball).

2.7. Writing: Use correct word order in written sentences.

3.8. Conventions: Capitalization: Capitalize all proper nouns (names of specific people or things, such as Emma, Oregon, Jeep), words at the beginning of sentences and greetings, months and days of the week, and titles (Dr., Mr., Mrs., Miss) and initials of people.

3.9. Conventions: Handwriting: Form letters correctly and space words and sentences properly so that printing can be read easily by another person.

4.6. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write instructions that illustrate multiple steps.

4.7. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: With organizational help, begin writing brief informative reports.

OR.1. Reading: Analyze words, recognize words, and learn to read grade-level text fluently across the subject areas.

1.1. Decoding and Word Recognition: Read regular words with several syllables.

1.2. Decoding and Word Recognition: Use letter-sound correspondence knowledge and structural analysis to decode words.

1.3. Decoding and Word Recognition: Know and use more complex word patterns when reading (e.g., -ight) to decode unfamiliar words.

1.4. Decoding and Word Recognition: Read aloud grade-level narrative (story) text and expository (information) text fluently and accurately with appropriate pacing, change in voice, and expression.

1.5. Decoding and Word Recognition: Read aloud unpracticed grade-level text at a target rate of 110-120 wcpm (words correct per minute).

1.6. Decoding and Word Recognition: Read or demonstrate progress toward reading at an independent and instructional reading level appropriate to grade level.

OR.2. Reading: Listen to, read, and understand a wide variety of informational and narrative text across the subject areas at school and on own, applying comprehension strategies as needed.

2.1. Listen to and Read Informational and Narrative Text: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Listen to, read, and understand a wide variety of grade-level informational and narrative (story) text including children's magazines and newspapers, dictionaries, other reference materials, online information, classic and contemporary literature, and poetry.

2.2. Listen to and Read Informational and Narrative Text: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Demonstrate listening comprehension of more complex text through discussions.

2.3. Listen to and Read Informational and Narrative Text: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Draw upon a variety of comprehension strategies as needed--re-reading, self-correcting, summarizing, class and group discussions, generating and responding to essential questions, making predictions, and comparing information from several sources.

2.4. Listen to and Read Informational and Narrative Text: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Point to or clearly identify specific words or wordings that are causing comprehension difficulties and use strategies to correct.

2.5. Listen to and Read Informational and Narrative Text: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Read longer selections and books independently.

OR.3. Reading: Increase word knowledge through systematic vocabulary development; determine the meaning of new words by applying knowledge of word origins, word relationships, and context clues; verify the meaning of new words; and use those new words accurately across the subject areas.

3.1. Vocabulary: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Understand, learn, and use new vocabulary that is introduced and taught directly through orally-read stories and informational text as well as student-read stories and informational text.

3.2. Vocabulary: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Develop vocabulary by listening to and discussing both familiar and conceptually challenging selections read aloud.

3.3. Vocabulary: Determine the meanings of words using knowledge of antonyms, synonyms, homophones, and homographs.

3.4. Vocabulary: Use sentence and word context to find the meaning of unknown words.

3.5. Vocabulary: Categorize words by their relationships (e.g., dog/mammal, animal/living things).

3.6. Vocabulary: Infer word meanings from taught roots, prefixes (e.g., un-, re-, pre-, bi-, mis-, dis-), and suffixes (e.g., -er, -est, -ful).

3.7. Vocabulary: Use a dictionary or glossary to learn the meaning and other features of unknown words.

OR.4. Reading: Find, understand, and use specific information in a variety of texts across the subject areas to perform a task.

4.1. Read to Perform a Task: Read written directions, signs, captions, warning labels, and informational books.

4.2. Read to Perform a Task: Use titles, tables of contents, chapter headings, illustrations, captions, glossaries, and indexes to locate information in text.

4.3. Read to Perform a Task: Interpret information from diagrams, charts, and graphs.

4.4. Read to Perform a Task: Follow simple multiple-step written instructions (e.g., how to assemble a product or play a board game).

4.5. Read to Perform a Task: Alphabetize a list of words to the third letter.

4.6. Read to Perform a Task: Use dictionaries, encyclopedias, CD ROMs, and Internet to locate information.

OR.5. Reading: Demonstrate general understanding of grade-level informational text across the subject areas.

5.1. Informational Text: Demonstrate General Understanding: Demonstrate comprehension by identifying answers to questions about the text.

5.2. Informational Text: Demonstrate General Understanding: Determine significant information from the text, including problems and solutions.

5.3. Informational Text: Demonstrate General Understanding: Distinguish the main idea and supporting details in informational text.

5.4. Informational Text: Demonstrate General Understanding: Summarize major points from informational text.

OR.6. Reading: Develop an interpretation of grade-level informational text across the subject areas.

6.1. Informational Text: Develop an Interpretation: Recall major points in the text and make predictions about forthcoming information.

6.2. Informational Text: Develop an Interpretation: Distinguish cause-and-effect and fact and opinion.

6.3. Informational Text: Develop an Interpretation: Ask how, why, and what-if questions in interpreting informational texts.

6.4. Informational Text: Develop an Interpretation: Ask questions and support answers by connecting prior knowledge with literal information found in, and inferred from, the text.

OR.7. Reading: Examine content and structure of grade-level informational text across the subject areas.

7.1. Informational Text: Examine Content and Structure: Use knowledge of the author's purpose to comprehend informational text.

7.2. Informational Text: Examine Content and Structure: Take part in creative response to text, such as dramatizations and oral presentations.

1.7. Planning, Evaluation, and Revision: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Present and discuss own writing with other students, and respond helpfully to other students' compositions.

3.8. Conventions: Grammar: Use subjects and verbs that are in agreement (we are instead of we is).

3.9. Conventions: Grammar: Correctly use past (he talked), present (he talks), and future (he will talk) verb tenses.

3.10. Conventions: Grammar: Correctly use pronouns (it, him, her), adjectives (yellow flower, three brown dogs), compound nouns (football, snowflakes), and articles (a, an, the).

3.11. Conventions: Grammar: Identify and correctly write singular possessive nouns (dog's tail).

3.12. Conventions: Punctuation: Use commas in dates (On June 24, 2003, she'll be nine.), locations (Salem, Oregon) and addresses (421 Coral Way, Miami, FL), and for items in a series (beans, corn, cucumbers, and squash).

3.13. Conventions: Punctuation: Approximate correct use of quotation marks to show that someone is speaking ('You may go home now,' she said).

3.14. Conventions: Capitalization: Capitalize correctly geographical names, holidays, and special events (We always celebrate Memorial Day by gathering at the Rose Garden in Portland, Oregon).

3.15. Conventions: Handwriting: Write legibly in cursive and manuscript, leaving space between letters in a word, words in a sentence, and between words and the edges of the paper.

4.7. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write letters, thank-you notes, and invitations: Include the date, proper salutation, body, closing, and signature.

4.8. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write brief reports: Include observations and information from two or more sources.

4.9. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write brief reports: Use diagrams, charts, or illustrations that are appropriate to the text.

4.10. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write brief responses to literary text: Include what the text is about.

4.11. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write brief responses to literary text: Include personal response to text supported by reasons.

OR.1. Reading: Analyze words, recognize words, and learn to read grade-level text fluently across the subject areas.

1.1. Decoding and Word Recognition: Read aloud grade-level narrative text and informational text fluently and accurately with effective pacing, intonation, and expression; by the end of fourth grade, read aloud unpracticed grade-level text at a rate of 115-140 wcpm (words correct per minute).

1.2. Decoding and Word Recognition: Read or demonstrate progress toward reading at an independent and instructional reading level appropriate to grade level.

OR.2. Reading: Listen to, read, and understand a wide variety of informational and narrative text across the subject areas at school and on own, applying comprehension strategies as needed.

2.1. Listen to and Read Informational and Narrative Text: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Listen to, read, and understand a wide variety of informational and narrative text, including classic and contemporary literature, poetry, magazines, newspapers, reference materials, and online information.

2.2. Listen to and Read Informational and Narrative Text: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Make connections to text, within text, and among texts across the subject areas.

2.3. Listen to and Read Informational and Narrative Text: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Demonstrate listening comprehension of more complex text through class and/or small group interpretive discussions across the subject areas.

2.4. Listen to and Read Informational and Narrative Text: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Match reading to purpose--location of information, full comprehension, and personal enjoyment.

2.5. Listen to and Read Informational and Narrative Text: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Understand and draw upon a variety of comprehension strategies as needed--re-reading, self-correcting, summarizing, class and group discussions, generating and responding to essential questions, making predictions, and comparing information from several sources.

2.6. Listen to and Read Informational and Narrative Text: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Clearly identify specific words or wordings that are causing comprehension difficulties and use strategies to correct.

OR.3. Reading: Increase word knowledge through systematic vocabulary development; determine the meaning of new words by applying knowledge of word origins, word relationships, and context clues; verify the meaning of new words; and use those new words accurately across the subject areas.

3.1. Vocabulary: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Understand, learn, and use new vocabulary that is introduced and taught directly through informational text, literary text, and instruction across the subject areas.

3.2. Vocabulary: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Develop vocabulary by listening to and discussing both familiar and conceptually challenging selections read aloud across the subject areas.

3.3. Vocabulary: Determine meanings of words using contextual and structural clues.

3.4. Vocabulary: Distinguish and interpret words with multiple meanings (i.e., quarter) by using context clues.

3.5. Vocabulary: Apply knowledge of synonyms, antonyms, homographs, and idioms to determine the meaning of words and phrases.

3.6. Vocabulary: Use knowledge of root words to determine the meaning of unknown words within a passage (nation, national, nationality).

3.7. Vocabulary: Use common roots (meter=measure) and word parts (therm=heat) derived from Greek and Latin, and use this knowledge to analyze the meaning of complex words (thermometer).

OR.4. Reading: Find, understand, and use specific information in a variety of texts across the subject areas to perform a task.

4.1. Read to Perform a Task: Read textbooks, biographical sketches, letters, diaries, directions, procedures, catalogs, magazines, and informational books.

4.2. Read to Perform a Task: Locate information in titles, tables of contents, chapter headings, illustrations, captions, glossaries, indexes, graphs, charts, diagrams, and tables to aid understanding of grade-level text.

4.3. Read to Perform a Task: Find information in specialized materials (e.g., atlas, magazine, catalog).

4.4. Read to Perform a Task: Use structural features found in informational text (e.g., headings and sub-headings) to strengthen comprehension.

OR.5. Reading: Demonstrate general understanding of grade-level informational text across the subject areas.

5.1. Informational Text: Demonstrate General Understanding: Identify and/or summarize sequence of events, main ideas, facts, supporting details, and opinions in informational and practical selections.

5.2. Informational Text: Demonstrate General Understanding: Identify key facts and information after reading two passages or articles on the same topic.

OR.6. Reading: Develop an interpretation of grade-level informational text across the subject areas.

6.1. Informational Text: Develop an Interpretation: Make and confirm predictions about text by using prior knowledge and ideas presented in the text itself, including illustrations, titles, topic sentences, and important words.

6.2. Informational Text: Develop an Interpretation: Draw inferences or conclusions about an author's meaning supported by facts and events from the text.

6.3. Informational Text: Develop an Interpretation: Identify the main idea of a passage when it is not explicitly stated.

OR.7. Reading: Examine content and structure of grade-level informational text across the subject areas.

7.1. Informational Text: Examine Content and Structure: Determine the author's purpose, and relate it to details in the text.

7.2. Informational Text: Examine Content and Structure: Distinguish between cause-and-effect and between fact and opinion in expository text.

7.3. Informational Text: Examine Content and Structure: Recognize text that is written primarily to persuade, and distinguish between informational and persuasive text.

7.4. Informational Text: Examine Content and Structure: Identify and analyze text that uses sequential or chronological order.

7.5. Informational Text: Examine Content and Structure: Distinguish text that is biographical and autobiographical.

1.3. Planning, Evaluation, and Revision: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Identify audience and purpose.

1.4. Planning, Evaluation, and Revision: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Choose the form of writing that best suits the intended purpose--personal letter, letter to the editor, review, poem, report, or narrative.

1.5. Planning, Evaluation, and Revision: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Use the writing process--prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing successive versions.

1.6. Planning, Evaluation, and Revision: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Focus on a central idea, excluding loosely related, extraneous, and repetitious information.

1.7. Planning, Evaluation, and Revision: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Use a scoring guide to review, evaluate, and revise writing for meaning and clarity.

1.8. Planning, Evaluation, and Revision: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Revise drafts by combining and moving sentences and paragraphs to improve the focus and progression of ideas.

1.9. Planning, Evaluation, and Revision: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Edit and proofread one's own writing, as well as that of others, using the writing conventions, and, for example, an editing checklist or list of rules with specific examples of corrections of specific errors.

2.7. Writing: Write multi-paragraph compositions that: Conclude with a paragraph that summarizes the points.

2.8. Writing: Write multi-paragraph compositions that: Use correct indention.

2.9. Writing: Use words that describe, explain, or provide additional details and connections.

2.10. Writing: Use simple sentences and compound sentences in writing.

2.11. Writing: Create interesting sentences using a variety of sentence patterns by selecting words that describe, explain, or provide additional detail and connections.

3.8. Conventions: Grammar: Correctly use adverbs (slowly, quickly, fast).

3.9. Conventions: Grammar: Correctly use prepositions (over, under, through, between).

3.10. Conventions: Grammar: Correctly use coordinating conjunctions (and, or, but) in writing.

3.11. Conventions: Punctuation: Correctly use apostrophes to show possession (Troy's shoe, the cat's food).

3.12. Conventions: Punctuation: Correctly use apostrophes in contractions (can't didn't, won't).

3.13. Conventions: Punctuation: Correctly use quotation marks around the exact words of a speaker and titles of articles, poems, songs, short stories, and chapters in books.

3.14. Conventions: Punctuation: Use underlining, quotation marks, or italics to identify titles of documents.

3.15. Conventions: Punctuation: Correctly write plural possessive nouns (girls' hats).

3.16. Conventions: Capitalization: Capitalize names of books, magazines, newspapers, works of art, musical compositions, organizations, and the first word in quotations, when appropriate.

3.17. Conventions: Handwriting: Write smoothly and legibly in cursive or manuscript, forming letters and words that can be read by others.

3.18. Conventions: Handwriting: Read cursive.

4.5. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write responses to literature: Demonstrate an understanding of the literary work.

4.6. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write responses to literature: Support interpretations through references to both the text and prior knowledge.

4.7. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write informational reports: Ask and then address a central question about an issue or event.

4.8. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write informational reports: Include facts and details for focus.

4.9. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write informational reports: Develop the topic with simple facts, details, examples, and explanations.

4.10. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write informational reports: Use more than one source of information, including speakers, books, newspapers, other media sources, and online information.

4.11. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Begin writing persuasive compositions to convince the reader to take a certain action or to avoid a certain action.

4.12. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write summaries that contain the main idea of the reading selection.

5.3. Research Report Writing: Locate information in reference texts by using organizational features (e.g., prefaces, appendixes).

5.4. Research Report Writing: Understand the organization of almanacs, newspapers, and periodicals and how to use those print materials.

5.5. Research Report Writing: Use a computer to draft, revise, and publish writing, demonstrating basic keyboarding skills.

OR.1. Reading: Analyze words, recognize words, and learn to read grade-level text fluently across the subject areas.

1.1. Decoding and Word Recognition: Read aloud grade-level narrative text and informational text fluently and accurately with effective pacing, intonation, and expression; by the end of fifth grade, read aloud unpracticed grade-level text at a rate of 125-150 wcpm (words correct per minute).

1.2. Decoding and Word Recognition: Read or demonstrate progress toward reading at an independent and instructional reading level appropriate to grade level.

OR.2. Reading: Listen to, read, and understand a wide variety of informational and narrative text across the subject areas at school and on own, applying comprehension strategies as needed.

2.1. Listen to and Read Informational and Narrative Text: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Listen to, read, and understand a wide variety of informational and narrative text, including classic and contemporary literature, poetry, magazines, newspapers, reference materials, and online information.

2.2. Listen to and Read Informational and Narrative Text: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Make connections to text, within text, and among texts across the subject areas.

2.3. Listen to and Read Informational and Narrative Text: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Demonstrate listening comprehension of more complex text through class and/or small group interpretive discussions across the subject areas.

2.4. Listen to and Read Informational and Narrative Text: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Match reading to purpose--location of information, full comprehension, and personal enjoyment.

2.5. Listen to and Read Informational and Narrative Text: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Understand and draw upon a variety of comprehension strategies as needed--re-reading, self-correcting, summarizing, class and group discussions, generating and responding to essential questions, making predictions, and comparing information from several sources.

2.6. Listen to and Read Informational and Narrative Text: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Clearly identify specific words or wordings that are causing comprehension difficulties and use strategies to correct.

OR.3. Reading: Increase word knowledge through systematic vocabulary development; determine the meaning of new words by applying knowledge of word origins, word relationships, and context clues; verify the meaning of new words; and use those new words accurately across the subject areas.

3.1. Vocabulary: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Understand, learn, and use new vocabulary that is introduced and taught directly through informational text, literary text, and instruction across the subject areas.

3.2. Vocabulary: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Develop vocabulary by listening to and discussing both familiar and conceptually challenging selections read aloud across the subject areas.

3.3. Vocabulary: Determine meanings of words using contextual and structural clues.

3.4. Vocabulary: Understand and explain frequently used synonyms, antonyms, and homographs.

3.5. Vocabulary: Determine the meanings of figurative expressions, such as those in similes and metaphors.

3.6. Vocabulary: Use word origins to determine the meaning of unknown words and phrases.

3.7. Vocabulary: Know less-common roots (graph=writing, logos=the study of) and word parts (auto=self, bio=life) from Greek and Latin, and use this knowledge to analyze the meaning of complex words (autograph, autobiography, biography, biology).

3.8. Vocabulary: Use a thesaurus to determine related words and concepts.

OR.4. Reading: Find, understand, and use specific information in a variety of texts across the subject areas to perform a task.

4.1. Read to Perform a Task: Read textbooks, biographical sketches, letters, diaries, directions, procedures, magazines, news stories, and almanacs.

4.2. Read to Perform a Task: Use the features of informational texts, such as formats, graphics, diagrams, illustrations, charts, maps, and organizational devices to find information and support understanding.

4.3. Read to Perform a Task: Find information in specialized materials (e.g., thesaurus, almanac, newspaper).

4.4. Read to Perform a Task: Follow multiple-step directions (e.g., for completing an experiment or an activity or for using a product).

OR.5. Reading: Demonstrate general understanding of grade-level informational text across the subject areas.

5.1. Informational Text: Demonstrate General Understanding: Identify key facts and information after reading several passages or articles on the same topic.

5.2. Informational Text: Demonstrate General Understanding: Recognize and/or summarize sequence of events and main ideas presented in informational texts, identifying evidence that supports those ideas.

OR.6. Reading: Develop an interpretation of grade-level informational text across the subject areas.

6.1. Informational Text: Develop an Interpretation: Predict future outcomes supported by the text.

6.2. Informational Text: Develop an Interpretation: Draw inferences, conclusions, or generalizations about main ideas in text, and support them with textual evidence and prior knowledge.

6.3. Informational Text: Develop an Interpretation: Determine unstated ideas and concepts, noting and analyzing evidence that supports those unstated ideas, such as images, patterns, or symbols in the text.

OR.7. Reading: Examine content and structure of grade-level informational text across the subject areas.

7.1. Informational Text: Examine Content and Structure: Determine the author's purpose, and relate it to specific details in the text.

7.2. Informational Text: Examine Content and Structure: Draw conclusions about whether portions of the passage are facts or opinions.

7.3. Informational Text: Examine Content and Structure: Recognize and analyze characteristics of persuasive text.

7.4. Informational Text: Examine Content and Structure: Evaluate new information and ideas by testing them against known information and ideas.

7.5. Informational Text: Examine Content and Structure: Identify and analyze text that uses prioritization as an organizational pattern (e.g., newspaper articles).

1.3. Planning, Evaluation, and Revision: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Identify audience and purpose.

1.4. Planning, Evaluation, and Revision: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Choose the form of writing that best suits the intended purpose--personal letter, letter to the editor, review, poem, report, or narrative.

1.5. Planning, Evaluation, and Revision: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Use the writing process--prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing successive versions.

1.6. Planning, Evaluation, and Revision: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Focus on a central idea, excluding loosely related, extraneous, and repetitious information.

1.7. Planning, Evaluation, and Revision: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Use a scoring guide to review, evaluate, and revise writing for meaning and clarity.

1.8. Planning, Evaluation, and Revision: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Revise drafts to improve the meaning and focus of writing by adding, deleting, combining, clarifying, and rearranging words and sentences.

1.9. Planning, Evaluation, and Revision: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Edit and proofread one's own writing, as well as that of others, using the writing conventions, and, for example, an editing checklist or list of rules with specific examples of corrections of specific errors.

2.7. Writing: Write multi-paragraph compositions that: Offer a concluding paragraph that summarizes important ideas and details.

2.8. Writing: Use transitions (however, therefore, on the other hand) and conjunctions (and, or, but) to connect ideas.

2.9. Writing: Use a variety of descriptive words, demonstrating awareness of impact on audience.

2.10. Writing: Use simple and compound sentences and begin using complex sentences.

2.11. Writing: To achieve clarity of meaning and to enhance flow and rhythm, correctly use prepositional phrases, appositives, main clauses, and subordinate clauses.

3.9. Conventions: Grammar: Correctly use modifiers (words or phrases that describe, limit, or qualify another word) and pronouns (he/his, she/her, they/their, it/its).

3.10. Conventions: Punctuation: Correctly use parentheses to explain something that is not considered of primary importance to the sentence.

3.11. Conventions: Punctuation: Correctly use a colon to separate hours and minutes (10:30 a.m., 6:30 p.m.) and to introduce a list (collect the following items for the project: map, pictures, scissors, tape).

3.12. Conventions: Punctuation: Correctly use commas in direct quotations (He said, 'I'd be happy to go.').

3.13. Conventions: Punctuation: Correctly place commas and periods inside quotation marks.

3.14. Conventions: Capitalization: Use correct capitalization.

3.15. Conventions: Handwriting: Write legibly in cursive or manuscript.

3.16. Conventions: Handwriting: Read cursive fluently.

4.5. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write responses to literature: Develop interpretations that exhibit careful reading and understanding.

4.6. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write research reports about ideas, issues, or events: Frame questions that direct the investigation.

4.7. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write research reports about ideas, issues, or events: Establish a main idea or topic.

4.8. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write research reports about ideas, issues, or events: Use a variety of information sources, including firsthand interviews, reference materials, and electronic resources to locate information to support the topic.

4.9. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write research reports about ideas, issues, or events: Cite references appropriately.

4.10. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write persuasive compositions: State a clear position in support of a proposal.

4.11. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write persuasive compositions: Support a position with relevant evidence.

4.12. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write persuasive compositions: Follow a simple organizational pattern.

4.13. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write persuasive compositions: Address reader concerns.

4.14. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write summaries, using formal paragraph structure, that contain the main ideas of the reading selection and the most significant details (e.g., summaries for book reports, chapters of a text, magazine articles).

4.15. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write business letters to request information (e.g., for school reports).

5.3. Research Report Writing: Create simple documents using a computer and employing organizational features, such as passwords, entry and pull-down menus, word searches, the thesaurus, and spell checks.

5.4. Research Report Writing: Use a thesaurus to identify alternative word choices and meanings (e.g., when paraphrasing information).

5.5. Research Report Writing: Quote or paraphrase information sources, citing them appropriately (e.g., Works Cited Entries - MLA).

OR.1. Reading: Analyze words, recognize words, and learn to read grade-level text fluently across the subject areas.

1.1. Decoding and Word Recognition: Read aloud grade-level narrative text and informational text fluently and accurately with effective pacing, intonation, and expression.

1.2. Decoding and Word Recognition: Read or demonstrate progress toward reading at an independent and instructional reading level appropriate to grade level.

OR.2. Reading: Listen to, read, and understand a wide variety of informational and narrative text across the subject areas at school and on own, applying comprehension strategies as needed.

2.1. Listen to and Read Informational and Narrative Text: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Listen to, read, and understand a wide variety of informational and narrative text, including classic and contemporary literature, poetry, magazines, newspapers, reference materials, and online information.

2.2. Listen to and Read Informational and Narrative Text: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Make connections to text, within text, and among texts across the subject areas.

2.3. Listen to and Read Informational and Narrative Text: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Demonstrate listening comprehension of more complex text through class and/or small group interpretive discussions across the subject areas.

2.4. Listen to and Read Informational and Narrative Text: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Match reading to purpose--location of information, full comprehension, and personal enjoyment.

2.5. Listen to and Read Informational and Narrative Text: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Understand and draw upon a variety of comprehension strategies as needed--re-reading, self-correcting, summarizing, class and group discussions, generating and responding to essential questions, making predictions, and comparing information from several sources.

2.6. Listen to and Read Informational and Narrative Text: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Clearly identify specific words or wordings that are causing comprehension difficulties and use strategies to correct.

OR.3. Reading: Increase word knowledge through systematic vocabulary development; determine the meaning of new words by applying knowledge of word origins, word relationships, and context clues; verify the meaning of new words; and use those new words accurately across the subject areas.

3.1. Vocabulary: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Understand, learn, and use new vocabulary that is introduced and taught directly through informational text, literary text, and instruction across the subject areas.

3.2. Vocabulary: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Develop vocabulary by listening to and discussing both familiar and conceptually challenging selections read aloud across the subject areas.

3.3. Vocabulary: Determine the meaning of unknown words or words with unusual meanings in informational and narrative text by using word, sentence, and paragraph clues.

3.4. Vocabulary: Interpret figurative language, including similes, metaphors, and words with multiple meanings.

3.5. Vocabulary: Understand and explain 'shades of meaning' in related words.

3.6. Vocabulary: Determine pronunciations, meanings, alternate word choices, and parts of speech, using dictionaries and thesauruses.

OR.4. Reading: Find, understand, and use specific information in a variety of texts across the subject areas to perform a task.

4.1. Read to Perform a Task: Read textbooks, biographical sketches, letters, diaries, directions, procedures, magazines, essays, primary source historical documents, editorials, news stories, periodicals, bus routes, and catalogs.

4.2. Read to Perform a Task: Locate information in titles, tables of contents, chapter headings, illustrations, captions, glossaries, indexes, graphs, charts, diagrams, and tables to aid understanding of grade-level text.

4.3. Read to Perform a Task: Identify the structural features of newspapers, magazines, and online information, and use the features to obtain information.

4.4. Read to Perform a Task: Follow multiple-step instructions for preparing applications (e.g., for a public library card, bank savings account, sports club, league membership).

OR.5. Reading: Demonstrate general understanding of grade-level informational text across the subject areas.

5.1. Informational Text: Demonstrate General Understanding: Clarify understanding of informational texts by creating simple outlines, graphic organizers, diagrams, logical notes, or summaries.

5.2. Informational Text: Demonstrate General Understanding: Identify and/or summarize sequence of events, main ideas, facts, supporting details, and opinions in informational and practical selections.

OR.6. Reading: Develop an interpretation of grade-level informational text across the subject areas.

6.1. Informational Text: Develop an Interpretation: Predict future outcomes supported by the text.

6.2. Informational Text: Develop an Interpretation: Make reasonable, logical statements, conclusions, and inferences about a text, supporting them with accurate examples from the text.

6.3. Informational Text: Develop an Interpretation: Infer the main idea when it is not explicitly stated, and support with evidence from the text.

OR.7. Reading: Examine content and structure of grade-level informational text across the subject areas.

7.1. Informational Text: Examine Content and Structure: Draw conclusions about the author's overall purpose as well as the author's placement and inclusion of specific information in the text.

7.2. Informational Text: Examine Content and Structure: Distinguish among facts, supported inferences, and opinions in text.

7.3. Informational Text: Examine Content and Structure: Draw conclusions about reasons for actions or beliefs based on an analysis of information in the text.

7.4. Informational Text: Examine Content and Structure: Identify and analyze text that uses the compare-and-contrast and cause-and-effect organizational patterns.

7.5. Informational Text: Examine Content and Structure: Compare and contrast information on the same topic after reading two passages or articles.

7.6. Informational Text: Examine Content and Structure: Connect and clarify main ideas by identifying their relationships to multiple sources, known information and ideas, and related topics.

1.3. Planning, Evaluation, and Revision: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Identify audience and purpose.

1.4. Planning, Evaluation, and Revision: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Choose the form of writing that best suits the intended purpose--personal letter, letter to the editor, review, poem, report, or narrative.

1.5. Planning, Evaluation, and Revision: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Use the writing process--prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing successive versions.

1.6. Planning, Evaluation, and Revision: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Focus on a central idea, excluding loosely related, extraneous, and repetitious information.

1.7. Planning, Evaluation, and Revision: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Use a scoring guide to review, evaluate, and revise writing for meaning and clarity.

1.8. Planning, Evaluation, and Revision: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Revise drafts to improve the organization and consistency of ideas within and between paragraphs.

1.9. Planning, Evaluation, and Revision: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Edit and proofread one's own writing, as well as that of others, using the writing conventions, and, for example, an editing checklist or list of rules with specific examples of corrections of specific errors.

2.7. Writing: Write multi-paragraph compositions that: Conclude with a detailed summary linked to the purpose of the composition.

2.8. Writing: Create an organizational structure that is clearly sequenced and uses effective transitions between sentences and paragraphs to unify important ideas.

2.9. Writing: Use a variety of descriptive words to paint a visual image in the mind of the reader.

2.10. Writing: Make paragraph breaks when using dialogue.

2.11. Writing: Use simple, compound, and complex sentences.

2.12. Writing: To achieve clarity of meaning and to enhance flow and rhythm, use effective coordination and subordination of ideas--including both main ideas and supporting ideas in single sentences.

3.7. Conventions: Punctuation: Correctly use colons after the salutation (greeting) in business letters (Dear Sir:).

3.8. Conventions: Punctuation: Correctly use semicolons to connect main clauses (Katy went to school; her brother stayed home.).

3.9. Conventions: Punctuation: Correctly use commas before the conjunction in compound sentences (We worked all day, but we didn't complete the project.).

3.10. Conventions: Punctuation: Correctly use semicolons and commas for transitions (The deadline is past; however, we can do it next year.).

3.11. Conventions: Capitalization: Use correct capitalization.

3.12. Conventions: Handwriting: Write legibly.

4.5. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write responses to literature: Organize the interpretations around several clear ideas.

4.6. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write responses to literature: Develop and justify the interpretations through the use of examples and evidence from the text.

4.7. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write research reports: Pose relevant questions that are focused enough to be thoroughly answered in the report.

4.8. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write research reports: Identify credible sources.

4.9. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write research reports: Support the main idea or ideas with facts, details, examples, and explanations from multiple authoritative sources, such as speakers, newspapers and magazines, reference books, and online information searches.

4.10. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write research reports: Include references used.

4.11. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write persuasive compositions: State a clear position on a proposition or proposal.

4.12. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write persuasive compositions: Support the position with organized and relevant evidence.

4.13. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write persuasive compositions: Anticipate and address reader concerns and counter-arguments.

4.14. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write summaries, using formal paragraph structure, that contain the main ideas and most significant details using the student's own words, except for quotations.

5.3. Research Report Writing: Use a variety of resource materials to gather information for research topics (e.g., books, magazines, newspapers, dictionaries, schedules, journals, phone directories, web resources).

5.4. Research Report Writing: Compose documents with appropriate formatting by using word-processing skills and principles of design (e.g., margins, tabs spacing, columns, page orientation).

5.5. Research Report Writing: Quote or paraphrase ideas from resource materials, citing them appropriately (e.g., Works Cited Entries - MLA).

OR.1. Reading: Analyze words, recognize words, and learn to read grade-level text fluently across the subject areas.

1.1. Decoding and Word Recognition: Read or demonstrate progress toward reading at an independent and instructional reading level appropriate to grade level.

OR.2. Reading: Listen to, read, and understand a wide variety of informational and narrative text across the subject areas at school and on own, applying comprehension strategies as needed.

2.1. Listen to and Read Informational and Narrative Text: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Listen to, read, and understand a wide variety of informational and narrative text, including classic and contemporary literature, poetry, magazines, newspapers, reference materials, and online information.

2.2. Listen to and Read Informational and Narrative Text: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Make connections to text, within text, and among texts across the subject areas.

2.3. Listen to and Read Informational and Narrative Text: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Demonstrate listening comprehension of more complex text through class and/or small group interpretive discussions across the subject areas.

2.4. Listen to and Read Informational and Narrative Text: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Match reading to purpose--location of information, full comprehension, and personal enjoyment.

2.5. Listen to and Read Informational and Narrative Text: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Understand and draw upon a variety of comprehension strategies as needed--re-reading, self-correcting, summarizing, class and group discussions, generating and responding to essential questions, making predictions, and comparing information from several sources.

2.6. Listen to and Read Informational and Narrative Text: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Clearly identify specific words or wordings that are causing comprehension difficulties and use strategies to correct.

OR.3. Reading: Increase word knowledge through systematic vocabulary development; determine the meaning of new words by applying knowledge of word origins, word relationships, and context clues; verify the meaning of new words; and use those new words accurately across the subject areas.

3.1. Vocabulary: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Understand, learn, and use new vocabulary that is introduced and taught directly through informational text, literary text, and instruction across the subject areas.

3.2. Vocabulary: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Develop vocabulary by listening to and discussing both familiar and conceptually challenging selections read aloud across the subject areas.

3.3. Vocabulary: Determine meanings of words using contextual and structural clues.

3.4. Vocabulary: Demonstrate understanding of idioms and comparisons, such as analogies, metaphors, and similes, in prose (informational and literary text) and poetry.

3.5. Vocabulary: Clarify word meanings through the use of definition, inference, example, restatement, or contrast.

3.6. Vocabulary: Use knowledge of Greek, Latin, and Anglo-Saxon roots and word parts to understand subject-area vocabulary.

OR.4. Reading: Find, understand, and use specific information in a variety of texts across the subject areas to perform a task.

4.1. Read to Perform a Task: Read textbooks; biographical sketches; letters; diaries; directions; procedures; magazines; essays; primary source historical documents; editorials; news stories; periodicals; bus routes; catalogs; technical directions; consumer, workplace, and public documents.

4.2. Read to Perform a Task: Locate information in titles, tables of contents, chapter headings, illustrations, captions, glossaries, indexes, graphs, charts, diagrams, and tables to aid understanding of grade-level text.

4.3. Read to Perform a Task: Locate information by using consumer product information.

4.4. Read to Perform a Task: Understand and explain the use of a simple mechanical device by following technical directions.

OR.5. Reading: Demonstrate general understanding of grade-level informational text across the subject areas.

5.1. Informational Text: Demonstrate General Understanding: Clarify understanding of informational texts by creating outlines, graphic organizers, diagrams, logical notes, or summaries.

5.2. Informational Text: Demonstrate General Understanding: Identify and/or summarize sequence of events, main ideas, facts, supporting details, and opinions in informational and practical selections.

OR.6. Reading: Develop an interpretation of grade-level informational text across the subject areas.

6.1. Informational Text: Develop an Interpretation: Predict future outcomes supported by the text.

6.2. Informational Text: Develop an Interpretation: Make valid inferences about an author's unstated meaning and valid conclusions about an author's stated meaning, based on facts, events, and images.

6.3. Informational Text: Develop an Interpretation: Identify and trace the development of an author's argument, point of view, or perspective in a specific text through a graphic organizer or a summary.

6.4. Informational Text: Develop an Interpretation: Infer the main idea when it is not explicitly stated, and support with evidence from the text.

OR.7. Reading: Examine content and structure of grade-level informational text across the subject areas.

7.1. Informational Text: Examine Content and Structure: Determine the author's purpose and how the author's perspective influences the text.

7.2. Informational Text: Examine Content and Structure: Differentiate between conclusions that are based on fact and those that are based on opinions.

7.3. Informational Text: Examine Content and Structure: Analyze text to determine the type and purpose of the organizational structure being used by the author (e.g., description, sequential/chronological, categorization, prioritization, comparison/contrast, or cause-and-effect).

7.4. Informational Text: Examine Content and Structure: Compare and contrast information on the same topic after reading several passages or articles.

7.5. Informational Text: Examine Content and Structure: Understand and analyze the differences in structure and purpose between various categories of informational text, including textbooks, newspapers, instructional manuals, essays, editorials, biographies, and autobiographies.

1.2. Listen to and Read Literary Text: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Demonstrate listening comprehension of more complex literary text through class and/or small group interpretive discussions.

1.3. Planning, Evaluation, and Revision: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Identify audience and purpose.

1.4. Planning, Evaluation, and Revision: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Choose the form of writing that best suits the intended purpose--personal letter, letter to the editor, review, poem, report, or narrative.

1.5. Planning, Evaluation, and Revision: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Use the writing process--prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing successive versions.

1.6. Planning, Evaluation, and Revision: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Focus on a central idea, excluding loosely related, extraneous, and repetitious information.

1.7. Planning, Evaluation, and Revision: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Use a scoring guide to review, evaluate, and revise writing for meaning and clarity.

1.8. Planning, Evaluation, and Revision: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Revise drafts to improve organization and word choice after checking the logic of the ideas and the precision of the vocabulary.

1.9. Planning, Evaluation, and Revision: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Edit and proofread one's own writing, as well as that of others, using the writing conventions, and, for example, an editing checklist or list of rules with specific examples of corrections of specific errors.

2.7. Writing: Use varied word choices to make writing interesting and more precise.

2.8. Writing: To achieve clarity of meaning, properly place modifiers (words or phrases that describe, limit, or qualify another word).

2.9. Writing: To convey a livelier effect, use the active voice rather than the passive voice.

2.10. Writing: Vary sentence beginnings by using infinitives (to understand, to learn) and participles (dreaming, chosen, grown).

3.7. Conventions: Punctuation: Place a question mark or exclamation point inside quotation marks when it punctuates the quotation, and outside when it punctuates the main sentence.

3.8. Conventions: Capitalization: Use correct capitalization.

3.9. Conventions: Handwriting: Write legibly.

4.5. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write responses to literature: Develop interpretations exhibiting careful reading, understanding, and insight.

4.6. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write responses to literature: Organize interpretations around several clear ideas, premises, or images from the literary work.

4.7. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write responses to literature: Justify interpretations through use of sustained examples and textual evidence.

4.8. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write research reports: Pose relevant questions about the topic.

4.9. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write research reports: Distinguish credible sources.

4.10. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write research reports: Convey clear and accurate perspectives on the subject.

4.11. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write research reports: Include evidence compiled through the formal research process, including use of the Reader's Guide to Periodical Literature, a computer catalog, magazines, newspapers, dictionaries, and other reference books.

4.12. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write research reports: Document sources.

4.13. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write persuasive compositions: State a clear position or perspective in support of a proposition or proposal.

4.14. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write persuasive compositions: Describe the points in support of the proposition, employing well-articulated evidence.

4.15. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write persuasive compositions: Anticipate and address reader concerns and counter-arguments.

4.16. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write summaries for a variety of informational text: Include the main ideas and most significant details.

4.17. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write summaries for a variety of informational text: Use the student's own words, except for quotations.

4.18. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write summaries for a variety of informational text: Reflect underlying meaning, not just the superficial details.

5.3. Research Report Writing: Check the validity and accuracy of information obtained from research, including differentiating fact from opinion, and identifying strong versus weak arguments, recognizing that personal values influence the conclusions an author draws.

5.4. Research Report Writing: Create documents by using word-processing skills and publishing programs; develop simple databases and spreadsheets to manage information and prepare reports.

5.5. Research Report Writing: Give credit for both quoted and paraphrased information by using a consistent format for parenthetical citations (e.g., Works Cited Entries - MLA, Reference Entries - APA).

OR.1. Reading: Analyze words, recognize words, and learn to read grade-level text fluently across the subject areas.

1.1. Decoding and Word Recognition: Read or demonstrate progress toward reading at an independent and instructional reading level appropriate to grade level.

OR.2. Reading: Listen to, read, and understand a wide variety of informational and narrative text across the subject areas at school and on own, applying comprehension strategies as needed.

2.1. Listen to and Read Informational and Narrative Text: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Listen to, read, and understand a wide variety of informational and narrative text, including classic and contemporary literature, poetry, magazines, newspapers, reference materials, and online information.

2.2. Listen to and Read Informational and Narrative Text: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Make connections to text, within text, and among texts across the subject areas.

2.3. Listen to and Read Informational and Narrative Text: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Demonstrate listening comprehension of more complex text through class and/or small group interpretive discussions across the subject areas.

2.4. Listen to and Read Informational and Narrative Text: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Match reading to purpose--location of information, full comprehension, and personal enjoyment.

2.5. Listen to and Read Informational and Narrative Text: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Understand and draw upon a variety of comprehension strategies as needed--re-reading, self-correcting, summarizing, class and group discussions, generating and responding to essential questions, making predictions, and comparing information from several sources.

2.6. Listen to and Read Informational and Narrative Text: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Clearly identify specific words or wordings that are causing comprehension difficulties and use strategies to correct.

OR.3. Reading: Increase word knowledge through systematic vocabulary development; determine the meaning of new words by applying knowledge of word origins, word relationships, and context clues; verify the meaning of new words; and use those new words accurately across the subject areas.

3.1. Vocabulary: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Understand, learn, and use new vocabulary that is introduced and taught directly through informational text, literary text, and instruction across the subject areas.

3.2. Vocabulary: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Develop vocabulary by listening to and discussing both familiar and conceptually challenging selections read aloud across the subject areas.

3.3. Vocabulary: Determine meanings of words using contextual and structural clues.

3.4. Vocabulary: Analyze idioms and comparisons, such as analogies, metaphors, and similes, to infer the literal and figurative meanings of phrases.

3.5. Vocabulary: Verify the meaning of a word in its context, even when its meaning is not directly stated, through the use of definition, restatement, example, comparison, or contrast.

3.6. Vocabulary: Determine pronunciations, meanings, alternate word choices, parts of speech, or etymologies of words, using dictionaries and thesauruses.

OR.4. Reading: Find, understand, and use specific information in a variety of texts across the subject areas to perform a task.

4.1. Read to Perform a Task: Read textbooks; biographical sketches; letters; diaries; directions; procedures; magazines; essays; primary source historical documents; editorials; news stories; periodicals; bus routes; catalogs; technical directions; consumer, workplace, and public documents.

4.2. Read to Perform a Task: Synthesize information found in various parts of charts, tables, diagrams, glossaries, or related grade-level text to reach supported conclusions.

4.3. Read to Perform a Task: Understand and explain the use of a complex mechanical device by following technical directions.

OR.5. Reading: Demonstrate general understanding of grade-level informational text across the subject areas.

5.1. Informational Text: Demonstrate General Understanding: Clarify understanding of informational texts by creating detailed outlines, graphic organizers, diagrams, logical notes, or summaries.

5.2. Informational Text: Demonstrate General Understanding: Identify and/or summarize sequence of events, main ideas, facts, supporting details, and opinions in informational and practical selections.

OR.6. Reading: Develop an interpretation of grade-level informational text across the subject areas.

6.1. Informational Text: Develop an Interpretation: Predict probable future outcomes supported by the text, including foreshadowing clues.

6.2. Informational Text: Develop an Interpretation: Determine an author's implicit and explicit assumptions and beliefs about a subject based on evidence in the selection.

6.3. Informational Text: Develop an Interpretation: Infer the main idea when it is not explicitly stated, and support with evidence from the text.

OR.7. Reading: Examine content and structure of grade-level informational text across the subject areas.

7.1. Informational Text: Examine Content and Structure: Determine the author's purpose and perspective and relate them to specific details in the text.

7.2. Informational Text: Examine Content and Structure: Note and analyze instances of unsupported inferences, deceptive reasoning, persuasion, and propaganda in text.

7.3. Informational Text: Examine Content and Structure: Compare and contrast information on the same topic after reading several passages or articles.

7.4. Informational Text: Examine Content and Structure: Identify and analyze text that uses proposition (statement of argument) and support patterns (e.g., editorials).

7.5. Informational Text: Examine Content and Structure: Find similarities and differences between texts in the treatment, amount and depth of coverage, or organization of ideas on a particular subject.

7.6. Informational Text: Examine Content and Structure: Synthesize and use information from a variety of consumer and public documents to explain a situation or decision and to solve a problem.

1.2. Listen to and Read Literary Text: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Demonstrate listening comprehension of more complex literary text through class and/or small group interpretive discussions.

4.4. Literary Text: Examine Content and Structure: Analyze the importance of the setting (place, time, customs) to the mood, tone, and meaning of the text.

4.5. Literary Text: Examine Content and Structure: Analyze how dialogue is used to develop characters and mood in a selection.

4.6. Literary Text: Examine Content and Structure: Evaluate the structural elements of the plot, such as subplots, parallel episodes, and climax, including the way in which conflicts are (or are not) addressed and resolved.

4.7. Literary Text: Examine Content and Structure: Identify and analyze recurring themes (e.g., good versus evil) across traditional and contemporary works.

1.3. Planning, Evaluation, and Revision: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Identify audience and purpose.

1.4. Planning, Evaluation, and Revision: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Choose the form of writing that best suits the intended purpose--personal letter, letter to the editor, review, poem, report, or narrative.

1.5. Planning, Evaluation, and Revision: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Use the writing process--prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing successive versions.

1.6. Planning, Evaluation, and Revision: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Focus on a central idea, excluding loosely related, extraneous, and repetitious information.

1.7. Planning, Evaluation, and Revision: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Use a scoring guide to review, evaluate, and revise writing for meaning and clarity.

1.8. Planning, Evaluation, and Revision: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Revise drafts for word choice, appropriate organization, consistent point of view--and transitions between paragraphs, passages, and ideas.

1.9. Planning, Evaluation, and Revision: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Edit and proofread one's own writing, as well as that of others, using the writing conventions, and, for example, an editing checklist or list of rules with specific examples of corrections of specific errors.

2.7. Writing: To indicate clearly the relationship between ideas, use subordination, coordination, appositives, and other devices.

3.7. Conventions: Handwriting: Write legibly.

4.8. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write research reports: Specify a thesis.

4.9. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write research reports: Use a variety of primary and secondary sources, and distinguish the nature and value of each.

4.10. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write research reports: Include important ideas, concepts, and direct quotations from significant information sources, and paraphrase and summarize different perspectives on the topic, as appropriate.

4.11. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write research reports: Organize and display information on charts, tables, maps, and graphs.

4.12. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write research reports: Document sources.

4.13. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write persuasive compositions: Include a well-defined thesis that makes a clear and knowledgeable judgment or appeal.

4.14. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write persuasive compositions: Present detailed evidence, examples, and reasoning to support arguments, differentiating between facts and opinions.

4.15. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write persuasive compositions: Provide details, reasons, and examples, arranging them effectively by anticipating and answering reader concerns and counter-arguments.

4.16. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write documents related to career development, including simple business letters, job applications and resumes that: Present information purposefully and succinctly, meeting the needs of the intended audience.

4.17. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write documents related to career development, including simple business letters, job applications and resumes that: Follow the conventional format for the type of document (e.g., letter of inquiry, memorandum).

4.18. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write technical documents: Identify the sequence of activities needed to design a system, operate a tool, or explain the bylaws of an organization's constitution or guidelines.

4.19. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write technical documents: Include all the factors and variables that need to be considered.

4.20. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write technical documents: Use formatting techniques, including headings, and changing the fonts to aid comprehension.

5.3. Research Report Writing: Plan and conduct multiple-step information searches by using computer networks.

5.4. Research Report Writing: Analyze the validity and reliability of primary and secondary sources, and use the information appropriately.

5.5. Research Report Writing: Achieve an effective balance between documented researched information and original ideas.

5.6. Research Report Writing: Use appropriate methods of citation for quoted as well as paraphrased material (e.g., Works Cited Entries - MLA, Reference Entries - APA).

OR.1. Reading: Analyze words, recognize words, and learn to read grade-level text fluently across the subject areas.

1.1. Decoding and Word Recognition: Read at an independent and instructional reading level appropriate to grade level.

OR.2. Reading: Listen to, read, and understand a wide variety of informational and narrative text across the subject areas at school and on own, applying comprehension strategies as needed.

2.1. Listen to and Read Informational and Narrative Text: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Listen to, read, and understand a wide variety of informational and narrative text, including classic and contemporary literature, poetry, magazines, newspapers, reference materials, and online information.

2.2. Listen to and Read Informational and Narrative Text: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Make connections to text, within text, and among texts across the subject areas.

2.3. Listen to and Read Informational and Narrative Text: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Demonstrate listening comprehension of more complex text through class and/or small group interpretive discussions across the subject areas.

2.4. Listen to and Read Informational and Narrative Text: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Match reading to purpose--location of information, full comprehension, and personal enjoyment.

2.5. Listen to and Read Informational and Narrative Text: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Understand and draw upon a variety of comprehension strategies as needed--re-reading, self-correcting, summarizing, class and group discussions, generating and responding to essential questions, making predictions, and comparing information from several sources.

2.6. Listen to and Read Informational and Narrative Text: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Clearly identify specific words or wordings that are causing comprehension difficulties and use strategies to correct.

OR.3. Reading: Increase word knowledge through systematic vocabulary development; determine the meaning of new words by applying knowledge of word origins, word relationships, and context clues; verify the meaning of new words; and use those new words accurately across the subject areas.

3.1. Vocabulary: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Understand, learn, and use new vocabulary that is introduced and taught directly through informational text, literary text, and instruction across the subject areas.

3.2. Vocabulary: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Develop vocabulary by listening to and discussing both familiar and conceptually challenging selections read aloud across the subject areas.

3.3. Vocabulary: Determine meanings of words using contextual and structural clues.

3.4. Vocabulary: Identify and use the literal and figurative meanings of words and phrases.

3.5. Vocabulary: Distinguish between the denotative and connotative meanings of words, and interpret the connotative power of words.

3.6. Vocabulary: Use general dictionaries, specialized dictionaries, glossaries, thesauruses, or related references to increase vocabulary.

3.7. Vocabulary: Understand technical vocabulary in subject area reading.

OR.4. Reading: Find, understand, and use specific information in a variety of texts across the subject areas to perform a task.

4.1. Read to Perform a Task: Read textbooks; biographical sketches; letters; diaries; directions; procedures; magazines; essays; primary source historical documents; editorials; news stories; periodicals; bus routes; catalogs; technical directions; consumer, workplace, and public documents.

4.2. Read to Perform a Task: Synthesize information found in various parts of charts, tables, diagrams, glossaries, or related grade-level text to reach supported conclusions.

4.3. Read to Perform a Task: Analyze the structure and format of job and consumer-related materials, including the graphics and headers, and explain how the features support the intended purposes.

4.4. Read to Perform a Task: Demonstrate sophisticated use of technology by following directions in technical manuals (e.g., those found with graphing calculators and specialized software programs and in access guides to World Wide Web sites on the Internet).

OR.5. Reading: Demonstrate general understanding of grade-level informational text across the subject areas.

5.1. Informational Text: Demonstrate General Understanding: Clarify understanding of informational texts by creating sophisticated outlines, graphic organizers, diagrams, logical notes, or summaries.

5.2. Informational Text: Demonstrate General Understanding: Identify and/or summarize sequence of events, main ideas, facts, supporting details, and opinions in informational and practical selections.

OR.6. Reading: Develop an interpretation of grade-level informational text across the subject areas.

6.1. Informational Text: Develop an Interpretation: Predict probable future outcomes supported by the text, including foreshadowing clues.

6.2. Informational Text: Develop an Interpretation: Infer an author's unstated meaning and draw conclusions about an author's stated meaning based on facts, events, images, patterns or symbols found in text.

6.3. Informational Text: Develop an Interpretation: Make reasoned assertions about an author's arguments by using elements of the text to defend and clarify interpretations.

6.4. Informational Text: Develop an Interpretation: Analyze implicit relationships, such as cause-and-effect, sequence-time relationships, comparisons, classifications, and generalizations.

6.5. Informational Text: Develop an Interpretation: Infer the main idea when it is not explicitly stated, and support with evidence from the text.

OR.7. Reading: Examine content and structure of grade-level informational text across the subject areas.

7.1. Informational Text: Examine Content and Structure: Draw conclusions about the author's purpose based on evidence in the text.

7.2. Informational Text: Examine Content and Structure: Differentiate among reasoning based on fact versus reasoning based on opinions, emotional appeals, or other persuasive techniques.

7.3. Informational Text: Examine Content and Structure: Evaluate if and how the author uses authoritative sources to establish credibility for arguments, proposed actions, or policies.

7.4. Informational Text: Examine Content and Structure: Compare and contrast information on the same topic after reading several passages or articles.

7.5. Informational Text: Examine Content and Structure: Evaluate the logic, unity, and consistency of text.

7.6. Informational Text: Examine Content and Structure: Evaluate an author's argument or defense of a claim by evaluating the relationship between generalizations and evidence, the comprehensiveness of evidence, and the way in which the author's intent or bias affects the structure and tone of the text (e.g., in professional journals, sports journals, editorials, political speeches, primary source material).

7.7. Informational Text: Examine Content and Structure: Evaluate the logic of documents (e.g., directions for assembly of an item, applications), examining the sequence of information and procedures in anticipation of possible reader misunderstandings.

7.8. Informational Text: Examine Content and Structure: Generate relevant questions about readings on issues that can be researched.

7.9. Informational Text: Examine Content and Structure: Synthesize the content from several sources or works by a single author dealing with a single issue; paraphrase the ideas and connect them to other sources and related topics to demonstrate comprehension.

7.10. Informational Text: Examine Content and Structure: Extend ideas presented in primary or secondary sources through original analysis, evaluation, and elaboration.

1.2. Listen to and Read Literary Text: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Demonstrate listening comprehension of more complex literary text through class and/or small group interpretive discussions.

4.5. Literary Text: Examine Content and Structure: Evaluate the impact of word choice and figurative language on tone, mood, and theme.

4.6. Literary Text: Examine Content and Structure: Identify and describe the function of dialogue, soliloquies, asides, character foils, and stage directions in dramatic literature.

4.7. Literary Text: Examine Content and Structure: Analyze the impact the choice of literary form has on the author's message or purpose.

4.8. Literary Text: Examine Content and Structure: Analyze the way in which a work of literature is related to the themes and issues of its historical period.

4.9. Literary Text: Examine Content and Structure: Compare works that express a universal theme, and provide evidence to support the ideas expressed in each work.

4.10. Literary Text: Examine Content and Structure: Compare and contrast the presentation of a similar theme or topic across genres to explain how the selection of genre shapes the theme or topic.

4.11. Literary Text: Examine Content and Structure: Analyze a work of literature, showing how it reflects the heritage, traditions, attitudes, and beliefs of its author.

1.3. Planning, Evaluation, and Revision: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Identify audience and purpose.

1.4. Planning, Evaluation, and Revision: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Choose the form of writing that best suits the intended purpose--personal letter, letter to the editor, review, poem, report, or narrative.

1.5. Planning, Evaluation, and Revision: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Use the writing process--prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing successive versions.

1.6. Planning, Evaluation, and Revision: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Focus on a central idea, excluding loosely related, extraneous, and repetitious information.

1.7. Planning, Evaluation, and Revision: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Use a scoring guide to review, evaluate, and revise writing for meaning and clarity.

1.8. Planning, Evaluation, and Revision: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Revise drafts to improve the logic and coherence of the organization and controlling idea, the precision of word choice, and the tone--by taking into consideration the audience, purpose, and formality of the context.

1.9. Planning, Evaluation, and Revision: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Edit and proofread one's own writing, as well as that of others, using the writing conventions, and, for example, an editing checklist or list of rules with specific examples of corrections of specific errors.

4.12. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write analytical essays and research reports: Make distinctions between the relative value and significance of specific data, facts, and ideas.

4.13. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write analytical essays and research reports: Include visual aids by employing appropriate technology to organize and record information on charts, maps, and graphs.

4.14. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write analytical essays and research reports: Anticipate and address readers' potential misunderstandings, biases, and expectations.

4.15. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write analytical essays and research reports: Use technical terms and notations accurately.

4.16. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write analytical essays and research reports: Document sources.

4.17. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write persuasive compositions: Structure ideas and arguments in a sustained and logical fashion.

4.18. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write persuasive compositions: Use specific rhetorical (communication) devices to support assertions, such as appealing to logic through reasoning; appealing to emotion or ethical beliefs; or relating a personal anecdote, case study, or analogy.

4.19. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write persuasive compositions: Clarify and defend positions with precise and relevant evidence, including facts, expert opinions, quotations, and expressions of commonly accepted beliefs and logical reasoning.

4.20. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write persuasive compositions: Address readers' concerns, counter-claims, biases, and expectations.

4.21. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write business letters: Provide clear and purposeful information and address the intended audience appropriately.

4.22. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write business letters: Use appropriate vocabulary, tone, and style to take into account the nature of the relationship with, and the knowledge and interests of, the intended audience.

4.23. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write business letters: Emphasize central ideas or images.

4.24. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write business letters: Follow a conventional style with page formats, fonts, and spacing that contributes to the document's readability and impact.

4.25. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write technical documents, such as a manual on rules of behavior for conflict resolution, procedures for conducting a meeting, or minutes of a meeting: Report information and convey ideas logically and correctly.

4.26. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write technical documents, such as a manual on rules of behavior for conflict resolution, procedures for conducting a meeting, or minutes of a meeting: Offer detailed and accurate specifications.

4.27. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write technical documents, such as a manual on rules of behavior for conflict resolution, procedures for conducting a meeting, or minutes of a meeting: Include scenarios, definitions, and examples to aid comprehension.

4.28. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write technical documents, such as a manual on rules of behavior for conflict resolution, procedures for conducting a meeting, or minutes of a meeting: Anticipate readers' problems, mistakes, and misunderstandings.

5.3. Research Report Writing: Develop the main ideas within the body of the composition through supporting evidence, such as scenarios, commonly held beliefs, hypotheses, and definitions.

5.4. Research Report Writing: Synthesize information from multiple sources and identify complexities and discrepancies in the information and the different perspectives found in each medium, including almanacs, microfiche, news sources, in-depth field studies, speeches, journals, and technical documents.

5.5. Research Report Writing: Integrate quotations and citations into a written text while maintaining the flow of ideas.

5.6. Research Report Writing: Use appropriate conventions for documentation in text, notes, and works cited, following the formats in specific style manuals (e.g., Works Cited Entries - MLA, Reference Entries - APA).

5.7. Research Report Writing: Design and publish documents by using publishing software and graphics programs.

5.8. Research Report Writing: Reflect manuscript requirements, including title page presentation, pagination, spacing and margins, and integration of source and support material, such as citing sources within the text, using direct quotations, and paraphrasing.

OR.1. Reading: Analyze words, recognize words, and learn to read grade-level text fluently across the subject areas.

1.1. Decoding and Word Recognition: Read at an independent and instructional reading level appropriate to grade level.

OR.2. Reading: Listen to, read, and understand a wide variety of informational and narrative text across the subject areas at school and on own, applying comprehension strategies as needed.

2.1. Listen to and Read Informational and Narrative Text: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Listen to, read, and understand a wide variety of informational and narrative text, including classic and contemporary literature, poetry, magazines, newspapers, reference materials, and online information.

2.2. Listen to and Read Informational and Narrative Text: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Make connections to text, within text, and among texts across the subject areas.

2.3. Listen to and Read Informational and Narrative Text: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Demonstrate listening comprehension of more complex text through class and/or small group interpretive discussions across the subject areas.

2.4. Listen to and Read Informational and Narrative Text: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Match reading to purpose--location of information, full comprehension, and personal enjoyment.

2.5. Listen to and Read Informational and Narrative Text: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Understand and draw upon a variety of comprehension strategies as needed--re-reading, self-correcting, summarizing, class and group discussions, generating and responding to essential questions, making predictions, and comparing information from several sources.

2.6. Listen to and Read Informational and Narrative Text: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Clearly identify specific words or wordings that are causing comprehension difficulties and use strategies to correct.

OR.3. Reading: Increase word knowledge through systematic vocabulary development; determine the meaning of new words by applying knowledge of word origins, word relationships, and context clues; verify the meaning of new words; and use those new words accurately across the subject areas.

3.1. Vocabulary: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Understand, learn, and use new vocabulary that is introduced and taught directly through informational text, literary text, and instruction across the subject areas.

3.2. Vocabulary: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Develop vocabulary by listening to and discussing both familiar and conceptually challenging selections read aloud across the subject areas.

3.3. Vocabulary: Determine meanings of words using contextual and structural clues.

3.4. Vocabulary: Identify and use the literal and figurative meanings of words and phrases.

3.5. Vocabulary: Distinguish between the denotative and connotative meanings of words, and interpret the connotative power of words.

3.6. Vocabulary: Use general dictionaries, specialized dictionaries, glossaries, thesauruses, or related references to increase vocabulary.

3.7. Vocabulary: Understand technical vocabulary in subject area reading.

OR.4. Reading: Find, understand, and use specific information in a variety of texts across the subject areas to perform a task.

4.1. Read to Perform a Task: Read textbooks; biographical sketches; letters; diaries; directions; procedures; magazines; essays; primary source historical documents; editorials; news stories; periodicals; bus routes; catalogs; technical directions; consumer, workplace, and public documents.

4.2. Read to Perform a Task: Synthesize information found in various parts of charts, tables, diagrams, glossaries, or related grade-level text to reach supported conclusions.

4.3. Read to Perform a Task: Analyze the structure and format of job and consumer-related materials, including the graphics and headers, and explain how the features support the intended purposes.

4.4. Read to Perform a Task: Demonstrate sophisticated use of technology by following directions in technical manuals (e.g., those found with graphing calculators and specialized software programs and in access guides to World Wide Web sites on the Internet).

OR.5. Reading: Demonstrate general understanding of grade-level informational text across the subject areas.

5.1. Informational Text: Demonstrate General Understanding: Clarify understanding of informational texts by creating sophisticated outlines, graphic organizers, diagrams, logical notes, or summaries.

5.2. Informational Text: Demonstrate General Understanding: Identify and/or summarize sequence of events, main ideas, facts, supporting details, and opinions in informational and practical selections.

OR.6. Reading: Develop an interpretation of grade-level informational text across the subject areas.

6.1. Informational Text: Develop an Interpretation: Predict probable future outcomes supported by the text, including foreshadowing clues.

6.2. Informational Text: Develop an Interpretation: Infer an author's unstated meaning and draw conclusions about an author's stated meaning based on facts, events, images, patterns or symbols found in text.

6.3. Informational Text: Develop an Interpretation: Make reasoned assertions about an author's arguments by using elements of the text to defend and clarify interpretations.

6.4. Informational Text: Develop an Interpretation: Analyze implicit relationships, such as cause-and-effect, sequence-time relationships, comparisons, classifications, and generalizations.

6.5. Informational Text: Develop an Interpretation: Infer the main idea when it is not explicitly stated, and support with evidence from the text.

OR.7. Reading: Examine content and structure of grade-level informational text across the subject areas.

7.1. Informational Text: Examine Content and Structure: Draw conclusions about the author's purpose based on evidence in the text.

7.2. Informational Text: Examine Content and Structure: Differentiate among reasoning based on fact versus reasoning based on opinions, emotional appeals, or other persuasive techniques.

7.3. Informational Text: Examine Content and Structure: Evaluate if and how the author uses authoritative sources to establish credibility for arguments, proposed actions, or policies.

7.4. Informational Text: Examine Content and Structure: Compare and contrast information on the same topic after reading several passages or articles.

7.5. Informational Text: Examine Content and Structure: Evaluate the logic, unity, and consistency of text.

7.6. Informational Text: Examine Content and Structure: Evaluate an author's argument or defense of a claim by evaluating the relationship between generalizations and evidence, the comprehensiveness of evidence, and the way in which the author's intent or bias affects the structure and tone of the text (e.g., in professional journals, sports journals, editorials, political speeches, primary source material).

7.7. Informational Text: Examine Content and Structure: Evaluate the logic of documents (e.g., directions for assembly of an item, applications), examining the sequence of information and procedures in anticipation of possible reader misunderstandings.

7.8. Informational Text: Examine Content and Structure: Generate relevant questions about readings on issues that can be researched.

7.9. Informational Text: Examine Content and Structure: Synthesize the content from several sources or works by a single author dealing with a single issue; paraphrase the ideas and connect them to other sources and related topics to demonstrate comprehension.

7.10. Informational Text: Examine Content and Structure: Extend ideas presented in primary or secondary sources through original analysis, evaluation, and elaboration.

1.2. Listen to and Read Literary Text: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Demonstrate listening comprehension of more complex literary text through class and/or small group interpretive discussions.

4.5. Literary Text: Examine Content and Structure: Evaluate the impact of word choice and figurative language on tone, mood, and theme.

4.6. Literary Text: Examine Content and Structure: Identify and describe the function of dialogue, soliloquies, asides, character foils, and stage directions in dramatic literature.

4.7. Literary Text: Examine Content and Structure: Analyze the impact the choice of literary form has on the author's message or purpose.

4.8. Literary Text: Examine Content and Structure: Analyze the way in which a work of literature is related to the themes and issues of its historical period.

4.9. Literary Text: Examine Content and Structure: Compare works that express a universal theme, and provide evidence to support the ideas expressed in each work.

4.10. Literary Text: Examine Content and Structure: Compare and contrast the presentation of a similar theme or topic across genres to explain how the selection of genre shapes the theme or topic.

4.11. Literary Text: Examine Content and Structure: Analyze a work of literature, showing how it reflects the heritage, traditions, attitudes, and beliefs of its author.

1.3. Planning, Evaluation, and Revision: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Identify audience and purpose.

1.4. Planning, Evaluation, and Revision: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Choose the form of writing that best suits the intended purpose--personal letter, letter to the editor, review, poem, report, or narrative.

1.5. Planning, Evaluation, and Revision: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Use the writing process--prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing successive versions.

1.6. Planning, Evaluation, and Revision: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Focus on a central idea, excluding loosely related, extraneous, and repetitious information.

1.7. Planning, Evaluation, and Revision: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Use a scoring guide to review, evaluate, and revise writing for meaning and clarity.

1.8. Planning, Evaluation, and Revision: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Revise drafts to improve the logic and coherence of the organization and controlling idea, the precision of word choice, and the tone--by taking into consideration the audience, purpose, and formality of the context.

1.9. Planning, Evaluation, and Revision: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Edit and proofread one's own writing, as well as that of others, using the writing conventions, and, for example, an editing checklist or list of rules with specific examples of corrections of specific errors.

4.12. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write analytical essays and research reports: Make distinctions between the relative value and significance of specific data, facts, and ideas.

4.13. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write analytical essays and research reports: Include visual aids by employing appropriate technology to organize and record information on charts, maps, and graphs.

4.14. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write analytical essays and research reports: Anticipate and address readers' potential misunderstandings, biases, and expectations.

4.15. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write analytical essays and research reports: Use technical terms and notations accurately.

4.16. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write analytical essays and research reports: Document sources.

4.17. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write persuasive compositions: Structure ideas and arguments in a sustained and logical fashion.

4.18. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write persuasive compositions: Use specific rhetorical (communication) devices to support assertions, such as appealing to logic through reasoning; appealing to emotion or ethical beliefs; or relating a personal anecdote, case study, or analogy.

4.19. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write persuasive compositions: Clarify and defend positions with precise and relevant evidence, including facts, expert opinions, quotations, and expressions of commonly accepted beliefs and logical reasoning.

4.20. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write persuasive compositions: Address readers' concerns, counter-claims, biases, and expectations.

4.21. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write business letters: Provide clear and purposeful information and address the intended audience appropriately.

4.22. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write business letters: Use appropriate vocabulary, tone, and style to take into account the nature of the relationship with, and the knowledge and interests of, the intended audience.

4.23. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write business letters: Emphasize central ideas or images.

4.24. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write business letters: Follow a conventional style with page formats, fonts, and spacing that contributes to the document's readability and impact.

4.25. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write technical documents, such as a manual on rules of behavior for conflict resolution, procedures for conducting a meeting, or minutes of a meeting: Report information and convey ideas logically and correctly.

4.26. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write technical documents, such as a manual on rules of behavior for conflict resolution, procedures for conducting a meeting, or minutes of a meeting: Offer detailed and accurate specifications.

4.27. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write technical documents, such as a manual on rules of behavior for conflict resolution, procedures for conducting a meeting, or minutes of a meeting: Include scenarios, definitions, and examples to aid comprehension.

4.28. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write technical documents, such as a manual on rules of behavior for conflict resolution, procedures for conducting a meeting, or minutes of a meeting: Anticipate readers' problems, mistakes, and misunderstandings.

5.3. Research Report Writing: Develop the main ideas within the body of the composition through supporting evidence, such as scenarios, commonly held beliefs, hypotheses, and definitions.

5.4. Research Report Writing: Synthesize information from multiple sources and identify complexities and discrepancies in the information and the different perspectives found in each medium, including almanacs, microfiche, news sources, in-depth field studies, speeches, journals, and technical documents.

5.5. Research Report Writing: Integrate quotations and citations into a written text while maintaining the flow of ideas.

5.6. Research Report Writing: Use appropriate conventions for documentation in text, notes, and works cited, following the formats in specific style manuals (e.g., Works Cited Entries - MLA, Reference Entries - APA).

5.7. Research Report Writing: Design and publish documents by using publishing software and graphics programs.

5.8. Research Report Writing: Reflect manuscript requirements, including title page presentation, pagination, spacing and margins, and integration of source and support material, such as citing sources within the text, using direct quotations, and paraphrasing.

OR.1. Reading: Analyze words, recognize words, and learn to read grade-level text fluently across the subject areas.

1.1. Decoding and Word Recognition: Read at an independent and instructional reading level appropriate to grade level.

OR.2. Reading: Listen to, read, and understand a wide variety of informational and narrative text across the subject areas at school and on own, applying comprehension strategies as needed.

2.1. Listen to and Read Informational and Narrative Text: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Listen to, read, and understand a wide variety of informational and narrative text, including classic and contemporary literature, poetry, magazines, newspapers, reference materials, and online information.

2.2. Listen to and Read Informational and Narrative Text: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Make connections to text, within text, and among texts across the subject areas.

2.3. Listen to and Read Informational and Narrative Text: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Demonstrate listening comprehension of more complex text through class and/or small group interpretive discussions across the subject areas.

2.4. Listen to and Read Informational and Narrative Text: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Match reading to purpose--location of information, full comprehension, and personal enjoyment.

2.5. Listen to and Read Informational and Narrative Text: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Understand and draw upon a variety of comprehension strategies as needed--re-reading, self-correcting, summarizing, class and group discussions, generating and responding to essential questions, making predictions, and comparing information from several sources.

2.6. Listen to and Read Informational and Narrative Text: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Clearly identify specific words or wordings that are causing comprehension difficulties and use strategies to correct.

OR.3. Reading: Increase word knowledge through systematic vocabulary development; determine the meaning of new words by applying knowledge of word origins, word relationships, and context clues; verify the meaning of new words; and use those new words accurately across the subject areas.

3.1. Vocabulary: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Understand, learn, and use new vocabulary that is introduced and taught directly through informational text, literary text, and instruction across the subject areas.

3.2. Vocabulary: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Develop vocabulary by listening to and discussing both familiar and conceptually challenging selections read aloud across the subject areas.

3.3. Vocabulary: Determine meanings of words using contextual and structural clues.

3.4. Vocabulary: Identify and use the literal and figurative meanings of words and phrases.

3.5. Vocabulary: Distinguish between the denotative and connotative meanings of words, and interpret the connotative power of words.

3.6. Vocabulary: Use general dictionaries, specialized dictionaries, glossaries, thesauruses, or related references to increase vocabulary.

3.7. Vocabulary: Understand technical vocabulary in subject area reading.

OR.4. Reading: Find, understand, and use specific information in a variety of texts across the subject areas to perform a task.

4.1. Read to Perform a Task: Read textbooks; biographical sketches; letters; diaries; directions; procedures; magazines; essays; primary source historical documents; editorials; news stories; periodicals; bus routes; catalogs; technical directions; consumer, workplace, and public documents.

4.2. Read to Perform a Task: Synthesize information found in various parts of charts, tables, diagrams, glossaries, or related grade-level text to reach supported conclusions.

4.3. Read to Perform a Task: Analyze the structure and format of job and consumer-related materials, including the graphics and headers, and explain how the features support the intended purposes.

4.4. Read to Perform a Task: Demonstrate sophisticated use of technology by following directions in technical manuals (e.g., those found with graphing calculators and specialized software programs and in access guides to World Wide Web sites on the Internet).

OR.5. Reading: Demonstrate general understanding of grade-level informational text across the subject areas.

5.1. Informational Text: Demonstrate General Understanding: Clarify understanding of informational texts by creating sophisticated outlines, graphic organizers, diagrams, logical notes, or summaries.

5.2. Informational Text: Demonstrate General Understanding: Identify and/or summarize sequence of events, main ideas, facts, supporting details, and opinions in informational and practical selections.

OR.6. Reading: Develop an interpretation of grade-level informational text across the subject areas.

6.1. Informational Text: Develop an Interpretation: Predict probable future outcomes supported by the text, including foreshadowing clues.

6.2. Informational Text: Develop an Interpretation: Infer an author's unstated meaning and draw conclusions about an author's stated meaning based on facts, events, images, patterns or symbols found in text.

6.3. Informational Text: Develop an Interpretation: Make reasoned assertions about an author's arguments by using elements of the text to defend and clarify interpretations.

6.4. Informational Text: Develop an Interpretation: Analyze implicit relationships, such as cause-and-effect, sequence-time relationships, comparisons, classifications, and generalizations.

6.5. Informational Text: Develop an Interpretation: Infer the main idea when it is not explicitly stated, and support with evidence from the text.

OR.7. Reading: Examine content and structure of grade-level informational text across the subject areas.

7.1. Informational Text: Examine Content and Structure: Draw conclusions about the author's purpose based on evidence in the text.

7.2. Informational Text: Examine Content and Structure: Differentiate among reasoning based on fact versus reasoning based on opinions, emotional appeals, or other persuasive techniques.

7.3. Informational Text: Examine Content and Structure: Evaluate if and how the author uses authoritative sources to establish credibility for arguments, proposed actions, or policies.

7.4. Informational Text: Examine Content and Structure: Compare and contrast information on the same topic after reading several passages or articles.

7.5. Informational Text: Examine Content and Structure: Evaluate the logic, unity, and consistency of text.

7.6. Informational Text: Examine Content and Structure: Evaluate an author's argument or defense of a claim by evaluating the relationship between generalizations and evidence, the comprehensiveness of evidence, and the way in which the author's intent or bias affects the structure and tone of the text (e.g., in professional journals, sports journals, editorials, political speeches, primary source material).

7.7. Informational Text: Examine Content and Structure: Evaluate the logic of documents (e.g., directions for assembly of an item, applications), examining the sequence of information and procedures in anticipation of possible reader misunderstandings.

7.8. Informational Text: Examine Content and Structure: Generate relevant questions about readings on issues that can be researched.

7.9. Informational Text: Examine Content and Structure: Synthesize the content from several sources or works by a single author dealing with a single issue; paraphrase the ideas and connect them to other sources and related topics to demonstrate comprehension.

7.10. Informational Text: Examine Content and Structure: Extend ideas presented in primary or secondary sources through original analysis, evaluation, and elaboration.

1.2. Listen to and Read Literary Text: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Demonstrate listening comprehension of more complex literary text through class and/or small group interpretive discussions.

4.5. Literary Text: Examine Content and Structure: Evaluate the impact of word choice and figurative language on tone, mood, and theme.

4.6. Literary Text: Examine Content and Structure: Identify and describe the function of dialogue, soliloquies, asides, character foils, and stage directions in dramatic literature.

4.7. Literary Text: Examine Content and Structure: Analyze the impact the choice of literary form has on the author's message or purpose.

4.8. Literary Text: Examine Content and Structure: Analyze the way in which a work of literature is related to the themes and issues of its historical period.

4.9. Literary Text: Examine Content and Structure: Compare works that express a universal theme, and provide evidence to support the ideas expressed in each work.

4.10. Literary Text: Examine Content and Structure: Compare and contrast the presentation of a similar theme or topic across genres to explain how the selection of genre shapes the theme or topic.

4.11. Literary Text: Examine Content and Structure: Analyze a work of literature, showing how it reflects the heritage, traditions, attitudes, and beliefs of its author.

1.3. Planning, Evaluation, and Revision: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Identify audience and purpose.

1.4. Planning, Evaluation, and Revision: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Choose the form of writing that best suits the intended purpose--personal letter, letter to the editor, review, poem, report, or narrative.

1.5. Planning, Evaluation, and Revision: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Use the writing process--prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing successive versions.

1.6. Planning, Evaluation, and Revision: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Focus on a central idea, excluding loosely related, extraneous, and repetitious information.

1.7. Planning, Evaluation, and Revision: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Use a scoring guide to review, evaluate, and revise writing for meaning and clarity.

1.8. Planning, Evaluation, and Revision: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Revise drafts to improve the logic and coherence of the organization and controlling idea, the precision of word choice, and the tone--by taking into consideration the audience, purpose, and formality of the context.

1.9. Planning, Evaluation, and Revision: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Edit and proofread one's own writing, as well as that of others, using the writing conventions, and, for example, an editing checklist or list of rules with specific examples of corrections of specific errors.

4.12. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write analytical essays and research reports: Make distinctions between the relative value and significance of specific data, facts, and ideas.

4.13. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write analytical essays and research reports: Include visual aids by employing appropriate technology to organize and record information on charts, maps, and graphs.

4.14. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write analytical essays and research reports: Anticipate and address readers' potential misunderstandings, biases, and expectations.

4.15. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write analytical essays and research reports: Use technical terms and notations accurately.

4.16. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write analytical essays and research reports: Document sources.

4.17. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write persuasive compositions: Structure ideas and arguments in a sustained and logical fashion.

4.18. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write persuasive compositions: Use specific rhetorical (communication) devices to support assertions, such as appealing to logic through reasoning; appealing to emotion or ethical beliefs; or relating a personal anecdote, case study, or analogy.

4.19. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write persuasive compositions: Clarify and defend positions with precise and relevant evidence, including facts, expert opinions, quotations, and expressions of commonly accepted beliefs and logical reasoning.

4.20. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write persuasive compositions: Address readers' concerns, counter-claims, biases, and expectations.

4.21. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write business letters: Provide clear and purposeful information and address the intended audience appropriately.

4.22. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write business letters: Use appropriate vocabulary, tone, and style to take into account the nature of the relationship with, and the knowledge and interests of, the intended audience.

4.23. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write business letters: Emphasize central ideas or images.

4.24. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write business letters: Follow a conventional style with page formats, fonts, and spacing that contributes to the document's readability and impact.

4.25. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write technical documents, such as a manual on rules of behavior for conflict resolution, procedures for conducting a meeting, or minutes of a meeting: Report information and convey ideas logically and correctly.

4.26. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write technical documents, such as a manual on rules of behavior for conflict resolution, procedures for conducting a meeting, or minutes of a meeting: Offer detailed and accurate specifications.

4.27. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write technical documents, such as a manual on rules of behavior for conflict resolution, procedures for conducting a meeting, or minutes of a meeting: Include scenarios, definitions, and examples to aid comprehension.

4.28. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write technical documents, such as a manual on rules of behavior for conflict resolution, procedures for conducting a meeting, or minutes of a meeting: Anticipate readers' problems, mistakes, and misunderstandings.

5.3. Research Report Writing: Develop the main ideas within the body of the composition through supporting evidence, such as scenarios, commonly held beliefs, hypotheses, and definitions.

5.4. Research Report Writing: Synthesize information from multiple sources and identify complexities and discrepancies in the information and the different perspectives found in each medium, including almanacs, microfiche, news sources, in-depth field studies, speeches, journals, and technical documents.

5.5. Research Report Writing: Integrate quotations and citations into a written text while maintaining the flow of ideas.

5.6. Research Report Writing: Use appropriate conventions for documentation in text, notes, and works cited, following the formats in specific style manuals (e.g., Works Cited Entries - MLA, Reference Entries - APA).

5.7. Research Report Writing: Design and publish documents by using publishing software and graphics programs.

5.8. Research Report Writing: Reflect manuscript requirements, including title page presentation, pagination, spacing and margins, and integration of source and support material, such as citing sources within the text, using direct quotations, and paraphrasing.

OR.1. Reading: Analyze words, recognize words, and learn to read grade-level text fluently across the subject areas.

1.1. Decoding and Word Recognition: Read at an independent and instructional reading level appropriate to grade level.

OR.2. Reading: Listen to, read, and understand a wide variety of informational and narrative text across the subject areas at school and on own, applying comprehension strategies as needed.

2.1. Listen to and Read Informational and Narrative Text: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Listen to, read, and understand a wide variety of informational and narrative text, including classic and contemporary literature, poetry, magazines, newspapers, reference materials, and online information.

2.2. Listen to and Read Informational and Narrative Text: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Make connections to text, within text, and among texts across the subject areas.

2.3. Listen to and Read Informational and Narrative Text: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Demonstrate listening comprehension of more complex text through class and/or small group interpretive discussions across the subject areas.

2.4. Listen to and Read Informational and Narrative Text: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Match reading to purpose--location of information, full comprehension, and personal enjoyment.

2.5. Listen to and Read Informational and Narrative Text: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Understand and draw upon a variety of comprehension strategies as needed--re-reading, self-correcting, summarizing, class and group discussions, generating and responding to essential questions, making predictions, and comparing information from several sources.

2.6. Listen to and Read Informational and Narrative Text: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Clearly identify specific words or wordings that are causing comprehension difficulties and use strategies to correct.

OR.3. Reading: Increase word knowledge through systematic vocabulary development; determine the meaning of new words by applying knowledge of word origins, word relationships, and context clues; verify the meaning of new words; and use those new words accurately across the subject areas.

3.1. Vocabulary: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Understand, learn, and use new vocabulary that is introduced and taught directly through informational text, literary text, and instruction across the subject areas.

3.2. Vocabulary: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Develop vocabulary by listening to and discussing both familiar and conceptually challenging selections read aloud across the subject areas.

3.3. Vocabulary: Determine meanings of words using contextual and structural clues.

3.4. Vocabulary: Identify and use the literal and figurative meanings of words and phrases.

3.5. Vocabulary: Distinguish between the denotative and connotative meanings of words, and interpret the connotative power of words.

3.6. Vocabulary: Use general dictionaries, specialized dictionaries, glossaries, thesauruses, or related references to increase vocabulary.

3.7. Vocabulary: Understand technical vocabulary in subject area reading.

OR.4. Reading: Find, understand, and use specific information in a variety of texts across the subject areas to perform a task.

4.1. Read to Perform a Task: Read textbooks; biographical sketches; letters; diaries; directions; procedures; magazines; essays; primary source historical documents; editorials; news stories; periodicals; bus routes; catalogs; technical directions; consumer, workplace, and public documents.

4.2. Read to Perform a Task: Synthesize information found in various parts of charts, tables, diagrams, glossaries, or related grade-level text to reach supported conclusions.

4.3. Read to Perform a Task: Analyze the structure and format of job and consumer-related materials, including the graphics and headers, and explain how the features support the intended purposes.

4.4. Read to Perform a Task: Demonstrate sophisticated use of technology by following directions in technical manuals (e.g., those found with graphing calculators and specialized software programs and in access guides to World Wide Web sites on the Internet).

OR.5. Reading: Demonstrate general understanding of grade-level informational text across the subject areas.

5.1. Informational Text: Demonstrate General Understanding: Clarify understanding of informational texts by creating sophisticated outlines, graphic organizers, diagrams, logical notes, or summaries.

5.2. Informational Text: Demonstrate General Understanding: Identify and/or summarize sequence of events, main ideas, facts, supporting details, and opinions in informational and practical selections.

OR.6. Reading: Develop an interpretation of grade-level informational text across the subject areas.

6.1. Informational Text: Develop an Interpretation: Predict probable future outcomes supported by the text, including foreshadowing clues.

6.2. Informational Text: Develop an Interpretation: Infer an author's unstated meaning and draw conclusions about an author's stated meaning based on facts, events, images, patterns or symbols found in text.

6.3. Informational Text: Develop an Interpretation: Make reasoned assertions about an author's arguments by using elements of the text to defend and clarify interpretations.

6.4. Informational Text: Develop an Interpretation: Analyze implicit relationships, such as cause-and-effect, sequence-time relationships, comparisons, classifications, and generalizations.

6.5. Informational Text: Develop an Interpretation: Infer the main idea when it is not explicitly stated, and support with evidence from the text.

OR.7. Reading: Examine content and structure of grade-level informational text across the subject areas.

7.1. Informational Text: Examine Content and Structure: Draw conclusions about the author's purpose based on evidence in the text.

7.2. Informational Text: Examine Content and Structure: Differentiate among reasoning based on fact versus reasoning based on opinions, emotional appeals, or other persuasive techniques.

7.3. Informational Text: Examine Content and Structure: Evaluate if and how the author uses authoritative sources to establish credibility for arguments, proposed actions, or policies.

7.4. Informational Text: Examine Content and Structure: Compare and contrast information on the same topic after reading several passages or articles.

7.5. Informational Text: Examine Content and Structure: Evaluate the logic, unity, and consistency of text.

7.6. Informational Text: Examine Content and Structure: Evaluate an author's argument or defense of a claim by evaluating the relationship between generalizations and evidence, the comprehensiveness of evidence, and the way in which the author's intent or bias affects the structure and tone of the text (e.g., in professional journals, sports journals, editorials, political speeches, primary source material).

7.7. Informational Text: Examine Content and Structure: Evaluate the logic of documents (e.g., directions for assembly of an item, applications), examining the sequence of information and procedures in anticipation of possible reader misunderstandings.

7.8. Informational Text: Examine Content and Structure: Generate relevant questions about readings on issues that can be researched.

7.9. Informational Text: Examine Content and Structure: Synthesize the content from several sources or works by a single author dealing with a single issue; paraphrase the ideas and connect them to other sources and related topics to demonstrate comprehension.

7.10. Informational Text: Examine Content and Structure: Extend ideas presented in primary or secondary sources through original analysis, evaluation, and elaboration.

1.2. Listen to and Read Literary Text: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Demonstrate listening comprehension of more complex literary text through class and/or small group interpretive discussions.

4.5. Literary Text: Examine Content and Structure: Evaluate the impact of word choice and figurative language on tone, mood, and theme.

4.6. Literary Text: Examine Content and Structure: Identify and describe the function of dialogue, soliloquies, asides, character foils, and stage directions in dramatic literature.

4.7. Literary Text: Examine Content and Structure: Analyze the impact the choice of literary form has on the author's message or purpose.

4.8. Literary Text: Examine Content and Structure: Analyze the way in which a work of literature is related to the themes and issues of its historical period.

4.9. Literary Text: Examine Content and Structure: Compare works that express a universal theme, and provide evidence to support the ideas expressed in each work.

4.10. Literary Text: Examine Content and Structure: Compare and contrast the presentation of a similar theme or topic across genres to explain how the selection of genre shapes the theme or topic.

4.11. Literary Text: Examine Content and Structure: Analyze a work of literature, showing how it reflects the heritage, traditions, attitudes, and beliefs of its author.

1.3. Planning, Evaluation, and Revision: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Identify audience and purpose.

1.4. Planning, Evaluation, and Revision: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Choose the form of writing that best suits the intended purpose--personal letter, letter to the editor, review, poem, report, or narrative.

1.5. Planning, Evaluation, and Revision: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Use the writing process--prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing successive versions.

1.6. Planning, Evaluation, and Revision: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Focus on a central idea, excluding loosely related, extraneous, and repetitious information.

1.7. Planning, Evaluation, and Revision: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Use a scoring guide to review, evaluate, and revise writing for meaning and clarity.

1.8. Planning, Evaluation, and Revision: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Revise drafts to improve the logic and coherence of the organization and controlling idea, the precision of word choice, and the tone--by taking into consideration the audience, purpose, and formality of the context.

1.9. Planning, Evaluation, and Revision: Skill To Support the Standard: (For the purpose of noting key skills that support classroom instruction of the standards) Edit and proofread one's own writing, as well as that of others, using the writing conventions, and, for example, an editing checklist or list of rules with specific examples of corrections of specific errors.

4.12. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write analytical essays and research reports: Make distinctions between the relative value and significance of specific data, facts, and ideas.

4.13. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write analytical essays and research reports: Include visual aids by employing appropriate technology to organize and record information on charts, maps, and graphs.

4.14. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write analytical essays and research reports: Anticipate and address readers' potential misunderstandings, biases, and expectations.

4.15. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write analytical essays and research reports: Use technical terms and notations accurately.

4.16. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write analytical essays and research reports: Document sources.

4.17. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write persuasive compositions: Structure ideas and arguments in a sustained and logical fashion.

4.18. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write persuasive compositions: Use specific rhetorical (communication) devices to support assertions, such as appealing to logic through reasoning; appealing to emotion or ethical beliefs; or relating a personal anecdote, case study, or analogy.

4.19. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write persuasive compositions: Clarify and defend positions with precise and relevant evidence, including facts, expert opinions, quotations, and expressions of commonly accepted beliefs and logical reasoning.

4.20. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write persuasive compositions: Address readers' concerns, counter-claims, biases, and expectations.

4.21. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write business letters: Provide clear and purposeful information and address the intended audience appropriately.

4.22. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write business letters: Use appropriate vocabulary, tone, and style to take into account the nature of the relationship with, and the knowledge and interests of, the intended audience.

4.23. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write business letters: Emphasize central ideas or images.

4.24. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write business letters: Follow a conventional style with page formats, fonts, and spacing that contributes to the document's readability and impact.

4.25. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write technical documents, such as a manual on rules of behavior for conflict resolution, procedures for conducting a meeting, or minutes of a meeting: Report information and convey ideas logically and correctly.

4.26. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write technical documents, such as a manual on rules of behavior for conflict resolution, procedures for conducting a meeting, or minutes of a meeting: Offer detailed and accurate specifications.

4.27. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write technical documents, such as a manual on rules of behavior for conflict resolution, procedures for conducting a meeting, or minutes of a meeting: Include scenarios, definitions, and examples to aid comprehension.

4.28. Writing Applications: Narrative Writing: Write technical documents, such as a manual on rules of behavior for conflict resolution, procedures for conducting a meeting, or minutes of a meeting: Anticipate readers' problems, mistakes, and misunderstandings.

5.3. Research Report Writing: Develop the main ideas within the body of the composition through supporting evidence, such as scenarios, commonly held beliefs, hypotheses, and definitions.

5.4. Research Report Writing: Synthesize information from multiple sources and identify complexities and discrepancies in the information and the different perspectives found in each medium, including almanacs, microfiche, news sources, in-depth field studies, speeches, journals, and technical documents.

5.5. Research Report Writing: Integrate quotations and citations into a written text while maintaining the flow of ideas.

5.6. Research Report Writing: Use appropriate conventions for documentation in text, notes, and works cited, following the formats in specific style manuals (e.g., Works Cited Entries - MLA, Reference Entries - APA).

5.7. Research Report Writing: Design and publish documents by using publishing software and graphics programs.

5.8. Research Report Writing: Reflect manuscript requirements, including title page presentation, pagination, spacing and margins, and integration of source and support material, such as citing sources within the text, using direct quotations, and paraphrasing.

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