Ohio State Standards for Language Arts: Grade 7

Currently Perma-Bound only has suggested titles for grades K-8 in the Science and Social Studies areas. We are working on expanding this.

OH.1. Phonemic Awareness, Word Recognition and Fluency: Students in the primary grades learn to recognize and decode printed words, developing the skills that are the foundations for independent reading. They discover the alphabetic principle (sound-symbol match) and learn to use it in figuring out new words. They build a stock of sight words that helps them to read quickly and accurately with comprehension. By the end of the third grade, they demonstrate fluent oral reading, varying their intonation and timing as appropriate for the text.

1.A. This standard is a K-3 standard. Therefore, there are no benchmarks beyond third grade.

OH.2. Acquisition of Vocabulary: Students acquire vocabulary through exposure to language-rich situations, such as reading books and other texts and conversing with adults and peers. They use context clues, as well as direct explanations provided by others, to gain new words. They learn to apply word analysis skills to build and extend their own vocabulary. As students progress through the grades, they become more proficient in applying their knowledge of words (origins, parts, relationships, meanings) to acquire specialized vocabulary that aids comprehension.

2.A. Use context clues and text structures to determine the meaning of new vocabulary.

2.B. Infer word meaning through identification and analysis of analogies and other word relationships.

2.C. Apply knowledge of connotation and denotation to learn the meanings of words.

2.D. Use knowledge of symbols, acronyms, word origins and derivations to determine the meanings of unknown words.

2.E. Use knowledge of roots and affixes to determine the meanings of complex words.

2.F. Use multiple resources to enhance comprehension of vocabulary.

2.1. Grade Level Indicator: Contextual Understanding: Define the meaning of unknown words through context clues and the author's use of comparison, contrast, definition, restatement and example.

2.2. Grade Level Indicator: Conceptual Understanding: Apply knowledge of connotation and denotation to determine the meaning of words.

2.3. Grade Level Indicator: Conceptual Understanding: Infer word meanings through the identification of analogies and other word relationships, including synonyms and antonyms.

2.4. Grade Level Indicator: Conceptual Understanding: Interpret metaphors and similes to understand new uses of words and phrases in text.

2.5. Grade Level Indicator: Conceptual Understanding: Recognize and use words from other languages that have been adopted into the English language.

2.6. Grade Level Indicator: Structural Understanding: Use knowledge of Greek, Latin and Anglo-Saxon roots and affixes to understand vocabulary.

2.7. Grade Level Indicator: Structural Understanding: Use knowledge of symbols and acronyms to identify whole words.

2.8. Grade Level Indicator: Tools and Resources: Determine the meanings and pronunciations of unknown words by using dictionaries, thesauruses, glossaries, technology and textual features, such as definitional footnotes or sidebars.

OH.3. Concepts of Print, Comprehension Strategies and Self-Monitoring Strategies: Students develop and learn to apply strategies that help them to comprehend and interpret informational and literary texts. Reading and learning to read are problem solving processes that require strategies for the reader to make sense of written language and remain engaged with texts. Beginners develop basic concepts about print (e.g., that print holds meaning) and how books work (e.g., text organization). As strategic readers, students learn to analyze and evaluate texts to demonstrate their understanding of text. Additionally, students learn to self-monitor their own comprehension by asking and answering questions about the text, self-correcting errors and assessing their own understanding. They apply these strategies effectively to assigned and self-selected texts read in and out of the classroom.

3.A. Determine a purpose for reading and use a range of reading comprehension strategies to better understand text.

3.B. Apply effective reading comprehension strategies, including summarizing and making predictions, and comparisons using information in text, between text and across subject areas.

3.C. Make meaning through asking and responding to a variety of questions related to text.

3.D. Apply self-monitoring strategies to clarify confusion about text and to monitor comprehension.

3.1. Grade Level Indicator: Comprehension Strategies: Establish and adjust purposes for reading, including to find out, to understand, to interpret, to enjoy and to solve problems.

3.2. Grade Level Indicator: Comprehension Strategies: Predict or hypothesize as appropriate from information in the text, substantiating with specific references to textual examples that may be in widely separated sections of text.

3.3. Grade Level Indicator: Comprehension Strategies: Make critical comparisons across text, noting author's style as well as literal and implied content of text.

3.4. Grade Level Indicator: Comprehension Strategies: Summarize the information in texts, using key ideas, supporting details and referencing gaps or contradictions.

3.5. Grade Level Indicator: Comprehension Strategies: Select, create and use graphic organizers to interpret textual information.

3.6. Grade Level Indicator: Comprehension Strategies: Answer literal, inferential, evaluative and synthesizing questions to demonstrate comprehension of grade-appropriate print texts and electronic and visual media.

3.7. Grade Level Indicator: Self-Monitoring Strategies: Monitor own comprehension by adjusting speed to fit the purpose, or by skimming, scanning, reading on, looking back, note taking or summarizing what has been read so far in text.

3.8. Grade Level Indicator: Self-Monitoring Strategies: Use criteria to choose independent reading materials (e.g., personal interest, knowledge of authors and genres or recommendations from others).

3.9. Grade Level Indicator: Independent Reading: Independently read books for various purposes (e.g., for enjoyment, for literary experience, to gain information or to perform a task).

OH.4. Informational, Technical and Persuasive Text: Students gain information from reading for purposes of learning about a subject, doing a job, making decisions and accomplishing a task. Students need to apply the reading process to various types of informational texts, including essays, magazines, newspapers, textbooks, instruction manuals, consumer and workplace documents, reference materials, multimedia and electronic resources. They learn to attend to text features, such as titles, subtitles and visual aids, to make predictions and build text knowledge. They learn to read diagrams, charts, graphs, maps and displays in text as sources of additional information. Students use their knowledge of text structure to organize content information, analyze it and draw inferences from it. Strategic readers learn to recognize arguments, bias, stereotyping and propaganda in informational text sources.

4.A. Use text features and graphics to organize, analyze and draw inferences from content and to gain additional information.

4.B. Recognize the difference between cause and effect and fact and opinion to analyze text.

4.C. Explain how main ideas connect to each other in a variety of sources.

4.D. Identify arguments and persuasive techniques used in informational text.

4.E. Explain the treatment, scope and organization of ideas from different texts to draw conclusions about a topic.

4.F. Determine the extent to which a summary accurately reflects the main idea, critical details and underlying meaning of original text.

4.1. Grade Level Indicator: Use text features, such as chapter titles, headings and subheadings; parts of books, including index, appendix, table of contents and online tools (search engines) to locate information.

4.2. Grade Level Indicator: Analyze examples of cause and effect and fact and opinion.

4.3. Grade Level Indicator: Compare and contrast different sources of information, including books, magazines, newspapers and online resources, to draw conclusions about a topic.

4.4. Grade Level Indicator: Compare original text to a summary to determine the extent to which the summary adequately reflects the main ideas, critical details and underlying meaning of the original text.

4.5. Grade Level Indicator: Analyze information found in maps, charts, tables, graphs, diagrams, cutaways and overlays.

4.6. Grade Level Indicator: Assess the adequacy, accuracy and appropriateness of an author's details, identifying persuasive techniques and examples of bias and stereotyping.

4.7. Grade Level Indicator: Identify an author's purpose for writing and explain an author's argument, perspective or viewpoint in text.

4.8. Grade Level Indicator: Compare the treatment, scope and organization of ideas from different texts on the same topic.

OH.5. Literary Text: Students enhance their understanding of the human story by reading literary texts that represent a variety of authors, cultures and eras. They learn to apply the reading process to the various genres of literature, including fables, folk tales, short stories, novels, poetry and drama. They demonstrate their comprehension by describing and discussing the elements of literature (e.g., setting, character and plot), analyzing the author's use of language (e.g., word choice and figurative language), comparing and contrasting texts, inferring theme and meaning and responding to text in critical and creative ways. Strategic readers learn to explain, analyze and critique literary text to achieve deep understanding.

5.A. Describe and analyze the elements of character development.

5.B. Analyze the importance of setting.

5.C. Identify the elements of plot and establish a connection between an element and a future event.

5.D. Differentiate between the points of view in narrative text.

5.E. Demonstrate comprehension by inferring themes, patterns and symbols.

5.F. Identify similarities and differences of various literary forms and genres.

5.G. Explain how figurative language expresses ideas and conveys mood.

5.1. Grade Level Indicator: Explain interactions and conflicts (e.g., character vs. self, nature or society) between main and minor characters in literary text and how the interactions affect the plot.

5.2. Grade Level Indicator: Analyze the features of the setting and their importance in a text.

5.3. Grade Level Indicator: Identify the main and minor events of the plot, and explain how each incident gives rise to the next.

5.4. Grade Level Indicator: Identify and compare subjective and objective points of view and how they affect the overall body of a work.

5.5. Grade Level Indicator: Identify recurring themes, patterns and symbols found in literature from different eras and cultures.

5.6. Grade Level Indicator: Explain the defining characteristics of literary forms and genres, including poetry, drama, myths, biographies, autobiographies, science fiction, fiction and non-fiction.

5.7. Grade Level Indicator: Interpret how mood or meaning is conveyed through word choice, figurative language and syntax.

OH.6. Writing Process: Students' writing develops when they regularly engage in the major phases of the writing process. The writing process includes the phases of prewriting, drafting, revising and editing and publishing. They learn to plan their writing for different purposes and audiences. They learn to apply their writing skills in increasingly sophisticated ways to create and produce compositions that reflect effective word and grammatical choices. Students develop revision strategies to improve the content, organization and language of their writing. Students also develop editing skills to improve writing conventions.

6.A. Generate writing topics and establish a purpose appropriate for the audience.

6.B. Determine audience and purpose for self-selected and assigned writing tasks.

6.C. Clarify ideas for writing assignments by using graphics or other organizers.

6.D. Use revision strategies to improve the overall organization, the clarity and consistency of ideas within and among paragraphs and the logic and effectiveness of word choices.

6.E. Select more effective vocabulary when editing by using a variety of resources and reference materials.

6.F. Edit to improve fluency, grammar and usage.

6.G. Apply tools to judge the quality of writing.

6.H. Prepare writing for publication that is legible, follows an appropriate format and uses techniques such as electronic resources and graphics.

6.1. Grade Level Indicator: Prewriting: Generate writing ideas through discussions with others and from printed material, and keep a list of writing ideas.

6.2. Grade Level Indicator: Prewriting: Conduct background reading, interviews or surveys when appropriate.

6.3. Grade Level Indicator: Prewriting: Establish a thesis statement for informational writing or a plan for narrative writing.

6.4. Grade Level Indicator: Prewriting: Determine a purpose and audience.

6.5. Grade Level Indicator: Prewriting: Use organizational strategies (e.g., rough outlines, diagrams, maps, webs and Venn diagrams) to plan writing.

6.6. Grade Level Indicator: Drafting, Revising and Editing: Organize writing with an effective and engaging introduction, body and a conclusion that summarizes, extends or elaborates on points or ideas in the writing.

6.7. Grade Level Indicator: Drafting, Revising and Editing: Vary simple, compound and complex sentence structures.

6.8. Grade Level Indicator: Drafting, Revising and Editing: Group related ideas into paragraphs, including topic sentences following paragraph form, and maintain a consistent focus across paragraphs.

6.9. Grade Level Indicator: Drafting, Revising and Editing: Use precise language, action verbs, sensory details, colorful modifiers and style as appropriate to audience and purpose.

6.10. Grade Level Indicator: Drafting, Revising and Editing: Use available technology to compose text.

6.11. Grade Level Indicator: Drafting, Revising and Editing: Reread and analyze clarity of writing.

6.12. Grade Level Indicator: Drafting, Revising and Editing: Add and delete information and details to better elaborate on a stated central idea and to more effectively accomplish purpose.

6.13. Grade Level Indicator: Drafting, Revising and Editing: Rearrange words, sentences and paragraphs, and add transitional words and phrases to clarify meaning.

6.14. Grade Level Indicator: Drafting, Revising and Editing: Use resources and reference materials (e.g., dictionaries and thesauruses) to select more effective vocabulary.

6.15. Grade Level Indicator: Drafting, Revising and Editing: Proofread writing, edit to improve conventions (e.g., grammar, spelling, punctuation and capitalization) and identify and correct fragments and run-ons.

6.16. Grade Level Indicator: Drafting, Revising and Editing: Apply tools (e.g., rubric, checklist and feedback) to judge the quality of writing.

6.17. Grade Level Indicator: Publishing: Prepare for publication (e.g., for display or for sharing with others) writing that follows a format appropriate to the purpose, using such techniques as electronic resources, principles of design (e.g., margins, tabs, spacing and columns) and graphics (e.g., drawings, charts and graphs) to enhance the final product.

OH.7. Writing Applications: Students need to understand that various types of writing require different language, formatting and special vocabulary. Writing serves many purposes across the curriculum and takes various forms. Beginning writers learn about the various purposes of writing; they attempt and use a small range of familiar forms (e.g., letters). Developing writers are able to select text forms to suit purpose and audience. They can explain why some text forms are more suited to a purpose than others and begin to use content-specific vocabulary to achieve their communication goals. Proficient writers control effectively the language and structural features of a large repertoire of text forms. They deliberately choose vocabulary to enhance text and structure their writing according to audience and purpose.

7.A. Use narrative strategies (e.g., dialogue and action) to develop characters, plot and setting and to maintain a consistent point of view.

7.B. Write responses to literature that extend beyond the summary and support judgments through references to the text.

7.C. Produce letters (e.g., business, letters to the editor, job applications) that address audience needs, stated purpose and context in a clear and efficient manner.

7.D. Produce informational essays or reports that convey a clear and accurate perspective and support the main ideas with facts, details, examples and explanations.

7.E. Use persuasive strategies, including establishing a clear position in support of a proposition or a proposal with organized and relevant evidence.

7.1. Grade Level Indicator: Write narratives that maintain a clear focus and point of view and use sensory details and dialogue to develop plot, character and a specific setting.

7.2. Grade Level Indicator: Write responses to novels, stories, poems and plays that provide an interpretation, a critique or a reflection and support judgments with specific references to the text.

7.3. Grade Level Indicator: Write business letters that are formatted to convey ideas, state problems, make requests or give compliments.

7.4. Grade Level Indicator: Write informational essays or reports, including research, that present a literal understanding of the topic, include specific facts, details and examples from multiple sources, and create an organizing structure appropriate to the purpose, audience and context.

7.5. Grade Level Indicator: Write persuasive essays that establish a clear position and include relevant information to support ideas.

7.6. Grade Level Indicator: Produce informal writings (e.g., journals, notes and poems) for various purposes.

OH.8. Writing Conventions: Students learn to master writing conventions through exposure to good models and opportunities for practice. Writing conventions include spelling, punctuation, grammar and other conventions associated with forms of written text. They learn the purpose of punctuation: to clarify sentence meaning and help readers know how writing might sound aloud. They develop and extend their understanding of the spelling system, using a range of strategies for spelling words correctly and using newly learned vocabulary in their writing. They grow more skillful at using the grammatical structures of English to effectively communicate ideas in writing and to express themselves.

8.A. Use correct spelling conventions.

8.B. Use conventions of punctuation and capitalization in written work.

8.C. Use grammatical structures to effectively communicate ideas in writing.

8.1. Grade Level Indicator: Spelling: Spell high-frequency words correctly.

8.2. Grade Level Indicator: Punctuation and Capitalization: Use commas, end marks, apostrophes and quotation marks correctly.

8.3. Grade Level Indicator: Punctuation and Capitalization: Use semicolons, colons, hyphens, dashes and brackets correctly.

8.4. Grade Level Indicator: Punctuation and Capitalization: Use correct capitalization.

8.5. Grade Level Indicator: Grammar and Usage: Use all eight parts of speech (e.g., noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, conjunction, preposition, interjection).

8.6. Grade Level Indicator: Grammar and Usage: Use dependent and independent clauses.

8.7. Grade Level Indicator: Grammar and Usage: Use subject-verb agreement with collective nouns, indefinite pronouns, compound subjects and prepositional phrases.

8.8. Grade Level Indicator: Grammar and Usage: Conjugate regular and irregular verbs in all tenses correctly.

OH.9. Research: Students define and investigate self-selected or assigned issues, topics and problems. They locate, select and make use of relevant information from a variety of media, reference and technological sources. Students use an appropriate form to communicate their findings.

9.A. Formulate open-ended research questions suitable for inquiry and investigation and develop a plan for gathering information.

9.B. Locate and summarize important information from multiple sources.

9.C. Organize information in a systematic way.

9.D. Acknowledge quoted and paraphrased information and document sources used.

9.E. Communicate findings orally, visually and in writing or through multimedia.

9.1. Grade Level Indicator: Generate a topic, assigned or personal interest, and open-ended questions for research and develop a plan for gathering information.

9.2. Grade Level Indicator: Identify appropriate sources and gather relevant information from multiple sources (e.g., school library catalogs, online databases, electronic resources and Internet-based resources).

9.3. Grade Level Indicator: Identify and explain the importance of validity in sources, including publication date, coverage, language, points of view, and describe primary and secondary sources.

9.4. Grade Level Indicator: Select an appropriate structure for organizing information in a systematic way (e.g., notes, outlines, charts, tables and graphic organizers).

9.5. Grade Level Indicator: Analyze and organize important information, and select appropriate sources to support central ideas, concepts and themes.

9.6. Grade Level Indicator: Integrate quotations and citations into written text to maintain a flow of ideas.

9.7. Grade Level Indicator: Use an appropriate form of documentation, with teacher assistance, to acknowledge sources (e.g., bibliography, works cited).

9.8. Grade Level Indicator: Use a variety of communication techniques, including oral, visual, written or multimedia reports, to present information that supports a clear position with organized and relevant evidence about the topic or research question.

OH.10. Communications: Oral and Visual: Students learn to communicate effectively through exposure to good models and opportunities for practice. By speaking, listening and providing and interpreting visual images, they learn to apply their communication skills in increasingly sophisticated ways. Students learn to deliver presentations that effectively convey information and persuade or entertain audiences. Proficient speakers control language and deliberately choose vocabulary to clarify points and adjust presentations according to audience and purpose.

10.A. Use effective listening strategies, summarize major ideas and draw logical inferences from presentations and visual media.

10.B. Explain a speaker's point of view and use of persuasive techniques in presentations and visual media.

10.C. Vary language choice and use effective presentation techniques, including voice modulation and enunciation.

10.D. Select an organizational structure appropriate to the topic, audience, setting and purpose.

10.E. Present ideas in a logical sequence and use effective introductions and conclusions that guide and inform a listener's understanding of key ideas.

10.F. Give presentations using a variety of delivery methods, visual materials and technology.

10.1. Grade Level Indicator: Listening and Viewing: Demonstrate active listening strategies (e.g., asking focused questions, responding to cues, making visual contact).

10.2. Grade Level Indicator: Listening and Viewing: Draw logical inferences from presentations and visual media.

10.3. Grade Level Indicator: Listening and Viewing: Interpret the speaker's purpose in presentations and visual media (e.g., to inform, to entertain, to persuade).

10.4. Grade Level Indicator: Listening and Viewing: Identify and explain the persuasive techniques (e.g., bandwagon, testimonial, glittering generalities, emotional word repetition and bait and switch) used in presentations and media messages.

10.5. Grade Level Indicator: Speaking Skills and Strategies: Demonstrate an understanding of the rules of the English language and select language appropriate to purpose and audience.

10.6. Grade Level Indicator: Speaking Skills and Strategies: Adjust volume, phrasing, enunciation, voice modulation and inflection to stress important ideas and impact audience response.

10.7. Grade Level Indicator: Speaking Skills and Strategies: Vary language choices as appropriate to the context of the speech.

10.8. Grade Level Indicator: Speaking Applications: Deliver informational presentations (e.g., expository, research) that: demonstrate an understanding of the topic and present events or ideas in a logical sequence; support the controlling idea or thesis with well-chosen and relevant facts, details, examples, quotations, statistics, stories and anecdotes; include an effective introduction and conclusion and use a consistent organizational structure (e.g., cause-effect, compare-contrast, problem-solution); use appropriate visual materials (e.g., diagrams, charts, illustrations) and available technology; and draw from multiple sources and identify sources used.

10.9. Grade Level Indicator: Speaking Applications: Deliver formal and informal descriptive presentations that convey relevant information and descriptive details.

10.10. Grade Level Indicator: Speaking Applications: Deliver persuasive presentations that: establish a clear position; include relevant evidence to support a position and to address counter-arguments.

10.11. Grade Level Indicator: Speaking Applications: Consistently use common organizational structures as appropriate (e.g., cause-effect, compare-contrast).

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