New York State Standards for Language Arts: Grade 3

Currently Perma-Bound only has suggested titles for grades K-8 in the Science and Social Studies areas. We are working on expanding this.

NY.1. Reading: Students will read, write, listen, and speak for information and understanding.

1.1. Locate and use library media resources to acquire information, with assistance

1.2. Read unfamiliar texts to collect data, facts, and ideas

1.3. Read and understand written directions

1.4. Locate information in a text that is needed to solve a problem

1.5. Identify main ideas and supporting details in informational texts

1.6. Recognize and use organizational features, such as table of contents, indexes, page numbers, and chapter headings/subheadings, to locate information, with assistance

1.7. Use text features, such as captions, charts, tables, graphs, maps, notes, and other visuals, to understand informational texts, with assistance

1.8. Relate data and facts from informational texts to prior information and experience

1.9. Compare and contrast information on one topic from two different sources

1.10. Identify a conclusion that summarizes the main idea

1.11. Identify and interpret facts taken from maps, graphs, charts, and other visuals

1.12. Use graphic organizers to record significant details from informational texts

NY.2. Reading: Students will read, write, listen, and speak for literary response and expression.

2.1. Select literature on the basis of personal needs and interests from a variety of genres and by different authors

2.2. Engage in purposeful oral reading in small and large groups

2.3. Read print-based and electronic literary texts silently on a daily basis for enjoyment

2.4. Recognize the differences among the genres of stories, poems, and plays

2.5. Relate the setting, plot, and characters in literature to own lives, with assistance

2.6. Explain the difference between fact and fiction

2.7. Use previous reading and life experiences to understand and compare literature

2.8. Make predictions, draw conclusions, and make inferences about events and characters

2.9. Identify cultural influences in texts and performances, with assistance

2.10. Maintain a personal reading list to reflect reading accomplishments

2.11. Use specific evidence from stories to describe characters, their actions, and their motivations; relate sequences of events

2.12. Use knowledge of story structure, story elements, and key vocabulary to interpret stories

2.13. Use graphic organizers to record significant details about characters and events in stories

2.14. Summarize main ideas and supporting details from imaginative texts, both orally and in writing

NY.3. Reading: Students will read, write, listen, and speak for critical analysis and evaluation.

3.1. Evaluate the content by identifying the author's purpose

3.2. Evaluate the content by identifying important and unimportant details

3.3. Evaluate the content by identifying whether events, actions, characters, and/or settings are realistic

3.4. Evaluate the content by identifying statements of fact and opinion

3.5. Compare and contrast characters, plot, and setting in literary works, with assistance

3.6. Analyze information on the basis of new or prior knowledge and/or personal experience

3.7. Recognize how language and illustrations are used to persuade in printed and filmed advertisements, with assistance

3.8. Judge accuracy of content to gather facts, with assistance from teachers and parents/caregivers

3.9. Use opinions of teachers and classmates to evaluate personal interpretation of ideas and information

NY.4. Reading: Students will read, write, listen, and speak for social interaction.

4.1. Share reading experiences to build relationships with peers or adults; for example, read together silently or aloud

4.2. Respect the age, gender, social position, and cultural traditions of the writer

4.3. Recognize the types of language (e.g., informal vocabulary and jargon) that is appropriate to social communication

3.10. Use ideas from two sources of information to generalize about causes, effects, or other relationships

3.11. Maintain a portfolio that includes written analysis and evaluation as a method of reviewing work with teachers and parents/caregivers

4.4. Use the tone, vocabulary, and sentence structure of informal conversation

4.5. Maintain a portfolio that includes writing for social interaction as a method of reviewing work with teachers and parents/caregivers

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