New Jersey State Standards for Science: Grade 3

Currently Perma-Bound only has suggested titles for grades K-8 in the Science and Social Studies areas. We are working on expanding this.

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NJ.5.1. Scientific Processes: All students will develop problem-solving, decision-making and inquiry skills, reflected by formulating usable questions and hypotheses, planning experiments, conducting systematic observations, interpreting and analyzing data, drawing conclusions, and communicating results.

5.1.4.A.1. Habits of Mind: Raise questions about the world around them and be willing to seek answers through making careful observations and experimentation. 53
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Science State Standard 5.1.4.A.1.

5.1.4.A.2. Habits of Mind: Keep records that describe observations, carefully distinguish actual observations from ideas and speculations, and are understandable weeks and months later. 45
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Science State Standard 5.1.4.A.2.

5.1.4.A.3. Habits of Mind: Recognize that when a science investigation is replicated, very similar results are expected. 43
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Science State Standard 5.1.4.A.3.

5.1.4.A.4. Habits of Mind: Know that when solving a problem it is important to plan and get ideas and help from other people. 41
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Science State Standard 5.1.4.A.4.

5.1.4.B.1. Inquiry and Problem Solving: Develop strategies and skills for information - gathering and problem-solving, using appropriate tools and technologies. 46
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Science State Standard 5.1.4.B.1.

5.1.4.B.2. Inquiry and Problem Solving: Identify the evidence used in an explanation. 44
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Science State Standard 5.1.4.B.2.

5.1.4.C.1. Safety: Recognize that conducting science activities requires an awareness of potential hazards and the need for safe practices. 44
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Science State Standard 5.1.4.C.1.

5.1.4.C.2. Safety: Understand and practice safety procedures for conducting science investigations. 44
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Science State Standard 5.1.4.C.2.

NJ.5.2. Science and Society: All students will develop an understanding of how people of various cultures have contributed to the advancement of science and technology, and how major discoveries and events have advanced science and technology.

5.2.4.A.1. Cultural Contributions: Describe how people in different cultures have made and continue to make contributions to science and technology. 61
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Science State Standard 5.2.4.A.1.

5.2.4.B.1. Historical Perspectives: Hear, read, write, and talk about scientists and inventors in historical context. 61
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Science State Standard 5.2.4.B.1.

NJ.5.3. Mathematical Applications: All students will integrate mathematics as a tool for problem-solving in science, and as a means of expressing and/or modeling scientific theories.

5.3.4.A.1. Numerical Operations: Determine the reasonableness of estimates, measurements, and computations of quantities when doing science. 11
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Science State Standard 5.3.4.A.1.

5.3.4.A.2. Numerical Operations: Recognize and comprehend the orders of magnitude associated with large and small physical quantities. 16
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Science State Standard 5.3.4.A.2.

5.3.4.A.3. Numerical Operations: Express quantities using appropriate number formats, such as: integers, fractions. 7
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Science State Standard 5.3.4.A.3.

5.3.4.B.1. Geometry and Measurement: Select appropriate measuring instruments based on the degree of precision required. 14
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Science State Standard 5.3.4.B.1.

5.3.4.B.2. Geometry and Measurement: Use a variety of measuring instruments and record measured quantities using the appropriate units. 14
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Science State Standard 5.3.4.B.2.

5.3.4.C.1. Patterns and Algebra: Identify patterns when observing the natural and constructed world. 94
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Science State Standard 5.3.4.C.1.

5.3.4.D.1. Data Analysis and Probability: Use tables and graphs to represent and interpret data. 28
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Science State Standard 5.3.4.D.1.

NJ.5.4. Nature and Process of Technology: All students will understand the interrelationships between science and technology and develop a conceptual understanding of the nature and process of technology.

5.4.4.A.1. Science and Technology: Distinguish between things that occur in nature and those that have been designed to solve human problems. 2
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Science State Standard 5.4.4.A.1.

5.4.4.B.1. Nature of Technology: Demonstrate how measuring instruments are used to gather information in order to design things that work properly. 5
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Science State Standard 5.4.4.B.1.

5.4.4.C.1. Technological Design: Describe a product or device in terms of the problem it solves or the need it meets. 104
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Science State Standard 5.4.4.C.1.

5.4.4.C.2. Technological Design: Choose materials most suitable to make simple mechanical constructions. 19
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Science State Standard 5.4.4.C.2.

5.4.4.C.3. Technological Design: Use the design process to identify a problem, look for ideas, and develop and share solutions with others. 6
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Science State Standard 5.4.4.C.3.

NJ.5.5. Characteristics of Life: All students will gain an understanding of the structure, characteristics, and basic needs of organisms and will investigate the diversity of life.

5.5.4.A.1. Matter, Energy and Organization in Living Systems: Identify the roles that organisms may serve in a food chain. 16
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Science State Standard 5.5.4.A.1.

5.5.4.A.2. Matter, Energy and Organization in Living Systems: Differentiate between the needs of plants and those of animals. 88
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Science State Standard 5.5.4.A.2.

5.5.4.A.3. Matter, Energy and Organization in Living Systems: Recognize that plants and animals are composed of different parts performing different functions and working together for the well being of the organism. 28
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Science State Standard 5.5.4.A.3.

5.5.4.A.4. Matter, Energy and Organization in Living Systems: Describe the basic functions of the major systems of the human body including, but not limited to: digestive system; circulatory system; respiratory system; nervous system; skeletal system; muscular system; reproductive system. 199
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Science State Standard 5.5.4.A.4.

5.5.4.B.1. Diversity and Biological Evolution: Develop a simple classification scheme for grouping organisms. 21
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Science State Standard 5.5.4.B.1.

5.5.4.B.2. Diversity and Biological Evolution: Recognize that individuals vary within every species, including humans. 11
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Science State Standard 5.5.4.B.2.

5.5.4.C.1. Reproduction and Heredity: Identify different stages in the lives of various organisms. 233
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Science State Standard 5.5.4.C.1.

NJ.5.6. Chemistry: All students will gain an understanding of the structure and behavior of matter.

5.6.4.A.1. Structure and Properties of Matter: Sort materials based on physical characteristics that can be seen by using magnification. 5
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Science State Standard 5.6.4.A.1.

5.6.4.A.2. Structure and Properties of Matter: Observe that water can be a liquid or a solid and can change from one form to the other and the mass remains the same. 1
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Science State Standard 5.6.4.A.2.

5.6.4.A.3. Structure and Properties of Matter: Recognize that water, as an example of matter, can exist as a solid, liquid or gas and can be transformed from one state to another by heating or cooling. 1
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Science State Standard 5.6.4.A.3.

5.6.4.A.4. Structure and Properties of Matter: Show that not all materials respond the same way to what is done to them. 48
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Science State Standard 5.6.4.A.4.

5.6.4.B.1. Chemical Reactions: Combine two or more materials and show that the new material may have properties that are different from the original material. 6
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Science State Standard 5.6.4.B.1.

NJ.5.7. Physics: All students will gain an understanding of natural laws as they apply to motion, forces, and energy transformations.

5.7.4.A.1. Motion and Forces: Recognize that changes in the speed or direction of a moving object are caused by force and that the greater the force, the greater the change in motion will be. 17
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Science State Standard 5.7.4.A.1.

5.7.4.A.2. Motion and Forces: Recognize that some forces can act at a distance: gravity, magnetism, static electricity. 19
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Science State Standard 5.7.4.A.2.

5.7.4.B.1. Energy Transformations: Identify sources of heat and demonstrate that heat can be transferred from one object to another. 84
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Science State Standard 5.7.4.B.1.

5.7.4.B.2. Energy Transformations: Identify sources of light and demonstrate that light can be reflected from some surfaces and pass through others. 234
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Science State Standard 5.7.4.B.2.

5.7.4.B.3. Energy Transformations: Use devices that show electricity producing heat, light, sound, and magnetic effects. 8
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Science State Standard 5.7.4.B.3.

5.7.4.B.4. Energy Transformations: Show that differences in sound (loud or soft, high or low) can be produced by varying the way objects vibrate 125
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Science State Standard 5.7.4.B.4.

NJ.5.8. Earth Science: All students will gain an understanding of the structure, dynamics, and geophysical systems of the earth.

5.8.4.A.1. Earth's Properties and Materials: Observe that most rocks and soils are made of several substances or minerals. 22
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Science State Standard 5.8.4.A.1.

5.8.4.A.2. Earth's Properties and Materials: Observe that the properties of soil vary from place to place and will affect the soil's ability to support life. 3
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Science State Standard 5.8.4.A.2.

5.8.4.A.3. Earth's Properties and Materials: Recognize that fossils provide evidence about the plants and animals that lived long ago and the nature of the environment at that time. 189
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Science State Standard 5.8.4.A.3.

5.8.4.B.1. Atmosphere and Water: Recognize that air is a substance that surrounds us, takes up space, and moves around us as wind. 5
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Science State Standard 5.8.4.B.1.

5.8.4.B.2. Atmosphere and Water: Recognize that most of Earth's surface is covered by water and be able to identify the characteristics of those sources of water: oceans; rivers; lakes; underground sources; glaciers. 20
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Science State Standard 5.8.4.B.2.

5.8.4.B.3. Atmosphere and Water: Observe weather changes and patterns by measurable quantities such as temperature, wind direction and speed, and amounts of precipitation. 19
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Science State Standard 5.8.4.B.3.

5.8.4.B.4. Atmosphere and Water: Observe that when liquid water disappears, it turns into a gas (vapor) in the air and can reappear as a liquid when cooled, or as a solid if cooled below its freezing point. 15
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Science State Standard 5.8.4.B.4.

5.8.4.B.5. Atmosphere and Water: Observe that rain, snow, and other forms of precipitation come from clouds, but that not all clouds produce precipitation. 16
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Science State Standard 5.8.4.B.5.

5.8.4.B.6. Atmosphere and Water: Recognize that clouds and fog are made of tiny droplets of water and possibly tiny particles of ice. 30
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Science State Standard 5.8.4.B.6.

5.8.4.C.1. Processes that Shape the Earth: Recognize that some changes of the Earth's surface are due to slow processes such as erosion and weathering, and some changes are due to rapid changes such as landslides, volcanic eruptions, and earthquakes. 180
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Science State Standard 5.8.4.C.1.

5.8.4.C.2. Processes that Shape the Earth: Recognize that moving water, wind, and ice continually shape the Earth's surface by eroding rock and soil in some areas and depositing them in other areas. 93
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Science State Standard 5.8.4.C.2.

5.8.4.D.1. How We Study the Earth: Use maps to locate and identify physical features on the Earth. 5
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Science State Standard 5.8.4.D.1.

NJ.5.9. Astronomy and Space Science: All students will gain an understanding of the origin, evolution, and structure of the universe.

5.9.4.A.1. Earth, Moon, Sun System: Observe patterns that result from the Earth's position relative to the sun and rotation of the Earth on its axis. 12
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Science State Standard 5.9.4.A.1.

5.9.4.A.2. Earth, Moon, Sun System: Recognize and describe the phases of the moon. 225
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Science State Standard 5.9.4.A.2.

5.9.4.B.1. Solar System: Describe Earth as one of several planets that orbit the sun and the moon as a satellite of the Earth. 1088
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Science State Standard 5.9.4.B.1.

5.9.4.C.1. Stars: Observe that stars are not all the same in brightness, size, and color. 5
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Science State Standard 5.9.4.C.1.

5.9.4.D.1. Galaxies and Universe: Recognized that images of celestial objects can be magnified and seen in greater detail when observed using binoculars and light telescopes. 15
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Science State Standard 5.9.4.D.1.

5.9.4.D.2. Galaxies and Universe: Observe and record short-term and long-term changes in the night sky. 11
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Science State Standard 5.9.4.D.2.

NJ.5.10. Environmental Studies: All students will develop an understanding of the environment as a system of interdependent components affected by human activity and natural phenomena.

5.10.4.A.1. Natural Systems and Interactions: Differentiate between natural resources that are renewable and those that are not. 6
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Science State Standard 5.10.4.A.1.

5.10.4.B.1. Human Interactions and Impact: Explain how meeting human requirements affects the environment. 32
Suggested Titles for New Jersey Science State Standard 5.10.4.B.1.

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